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2013 SP1

CVR Integration

Configuration Guide

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Intellectual Property


This document is the property of ScanJour. The data contained

herein, in whole or in part, may not be duplicated, used or

disclosed outside the recipient for any purpose other than to

conduct business and technical evaluation. This restriction does not

limit the recipient’s right to use information contained in the data if

it is obtained from another source without restriction.

Disclaimer This document is intended for informational purposes only. Any

information herein is believed to be reliable. However, ScanJour

assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

ScanJour reserves the right to change the document and the

products described without notice. ScanJour and the authors

disclaim any and all liabilities.

ScanJour is a trademark used under license by ScanJour A/S. All

other logos, trademarks and service marks are the property of the

respective third parties.

Copyright © ScanJour A/S 2013. All rights reserved.

Revision history Rev. Date Comment

1.0 2008-02-07 Initial version.

Chapter 2 section 2.3 changes in


1.2 2009-07-27 Updated for ScanJour Captia 4.2

Updated according to hot fix

specifications: changes in Introduction,

chapter 2, sections 2.3, 2.4.

In section 2.3 paragraphs concerning

alternate uses of MMC, IWAM user and IIS

6.0 issues were added.

Added. Section 1, “Required addressee

type” added.

Removed. Sections 2.2 and 2.3, Fetching

the CVR Server certificate and installation

of CVR Server certificate.

Hereafter former section 2.4 is 2.2.

1.5 2010-03-23 Updated for ScanJour Captia 4.5

Document layout and title changed - the

document was originally named DOC113.

1.6 2012-03-07 Updated for ScanJour Captia 4.5 SP2

2012-05-11 In section 2.3 Configuration of the Connection to

CVR Online updated path of the string in

step 3 to

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Revision history Rev. Date Comment



1.7 2012-06-19 Updated for ScanJour Captia 4.5 SP3

1.8 2012-11-01 Updated for ScanJour Captia 4.5 SP4

1.9 2012-12-17 Updated for ScanJour WorkZone

Content Server 2013

ScanJour Captia has been replaced with

WorkZone Content Server throughout the


1.10 2013-05-13 Updated for ScanJour WorkZone

Content Server 2013 SP1

Light grey entries mark updates at major releases!

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1. Introduction ................................................................... 6

2. Configuring the CVR Integration ....................................... 8

2.1. Installation of Company OCES Certificate ........................... 8

2.2. Configuration of Access to the Company OCES Certificate .... 9

2.3. Configuration of the Connection to CVR Online ................... 9

3. Verifying the Configuration ............................................ 11

4. Mapping of Information from CVR Online ......................... 12

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Background This guide describes how to configure the CVR integration in

WorkZone Content Server.

Purpose The purpose of this guide is to ensure that the CVR integration in WorkZone Content Server is configured correctly.

Target audience This guide targets project managers and technicians responsible for the configuration of the CVR integration.

Abbreviations This table explains the abbreviations used in this document.

Abbreviations Explanations

ACL Access Control Lists is a list of permissions attached to an object.

CA Certificate Authority. CA or"Trusted Third Party" is an entity (typically a company) that issues digital certificates to other entities (organisations or individuals) to allow them to prove their identity to others.

CVR The Central Business Register (CVR) is the central register containing primary data on all businesses in Denmark, regardless of economic and organizational structure. CVR also covers both public and private


UI User Interface.

MMC Microsoft Management Console.

OCES Offentlige Certifikater til Elektronisk Service (Puplic Certificates for Electronic Services).

WSDL Web Service Description Language.

References Ref. Document title

1 ScanJour WorkZone Content Server Database Installation


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1. Introduction

Prerequisites The CVR integration of WorkZone Content Server uses various basic

data that must be created prior to configuration. To create these

basic data you must select the CVR Integration checkbox when you

install the WorkZone Content Server database, see ref [1]

concerning installation of the database and the CVR integration.

This will have the effect that a button for fetching information from

CVR is included in the Captia Web Client. This installation must be

performed before you can proceed with the configuration.

Required addressee type

The addressee type J (= Juridisk enhed/Legal unit) must exist in the

addressee type register. If it does not, cvr contacts can not be

created in the contact register. Addressee types are created and

maintained in the Adressee type Module in the ScanJour

Configuration Management program.

Agreement with CVR Online

The CVR integration is an on-line integration to the web service CVR-

Online 3.0, which is available from

Access is only given to holders of a prearranged agreement. Mind

you that an agreement to utilize CVR-Online 2.0 isn’t an access

given agreement for the CVR-Online 3.0 web service.

Online 3.0 web service is based on a secure form of communication

facilitated through a digital certificate, OCES – Public Certificates for

Electronic Services. A certificate can be obtained from, e.g. DanID

( Please note that other certificates may apply, for

more information see:


Furthermore, three different levels of agreement exist. The three

levels are distinguished by the amount of information that they


Consequently, in order for you and your organization to configure

the CVR integration, you must be in the possession of the following:

1. A CVR agreement for Online 3.0 web service.

2. User name and password provided by CVR.

3. Knowledge of the access level: 1, 2 or 3.

4. A valid Company OCES certificate (provided that your access

level requires a client certificate).

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Please note that WorkZone Content Server CVR Integration is limited

to handling legal units only.

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2. Configuring the CVR Integration

Introduction Before configuring the CVR Integration, you must install the CVR

Integration according to the procedure described in the prerequisites

above and have the CVR Server Certificate installed and in the

Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

Furthermore you should keep your organization’s level of agreement

with CVR handy in order to supply user name, password and access

level and be in possession of the name of the user the OCES

certificate was issued to and IIS-server’s user name.

2.1. Installation of Company OCES Certificate

SSL Model T Note: This step is not relevant for private companies using the SSL

Model T solution. In that case you do not have certificate.

Company OCES


A prerequisite of this part of the guide is the installation of your CVR

Server certificate (the root certificate of your Certificate Authority


If you have a client certificate in a PKCS#12 (.pfx) file, you can use

the Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) certificate

configuration tool to install the certificate and grant access to

additional accounts, such as the Network Service account. How to

install the OCES Certificate:

Step Action

Install the OCES



1 Download the WinHttpCertCfg.msi tool from Microsoft

Download Center at

and install it on the WorkZone Content server.

2 1. Start MMC from the start /search line or from a console.

2. Select Start/Add/Remove Snap-in and select Certificates.

3. Select the computer account and finish.

4. Expand Certificates, select Personal.

5. Right Click and select All tasks/Import.

6. Find the certificate and enter the password when asked.

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2.2. Configuration of Access to the Company OCES Certificate

SSL Model T Note: This step is not relevant for private companies using the SSL

Model T solution. In that case you do not have certificate.

GrantingAccess to

the OCES Certificate

In this step, you configure the ACL on the certificate in the local machine store

to allow the client application to access it.

If your client is an ASP.NET application and you have not configured a custom

account to run ASP.NET, you must grant access to the Network Service account

(the default account for running Web apps on Windows Server 2003).

If you have configured a custom account to run ASP.NET, you must grant

access to the custom account.

How to grant access:

Step Action

1 1. Run the following command from a command window to

grant access to a specific user account.

WinHttpCertCfg.exe -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s

<"Issued_To_name"> -a <"Account_name">

Replace Issued_To_name with the name to which the OCES certificate

was issued.

Replace Account_name with the name of a local machine or domain


This search string is not case sensitive. The string is used to find the

first enumerated certificate with a subject name that contains this


Note: Windows 2003 “Account_name” = NETWORK


Pre-Windows 2003 “Account_name” = IWAM_<machine-


IIS 6.0 issue The guide assumes that you use IIS 7.0, however if you run IIS

6.0 it is important to be aware that the user of the Company Certificate additionally must have viewing access (privileges) to: C:\Windows\TEMP

2.3. Configuration of the Connection to CVR Online

Configuration of

CVR connection

Prerequisite of the following step is access to Configuration Management Operation module. Your AD profile must contain the

system access code DATADM.

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How to configure the connection to CVR Online:

Step Action

1 Access ScanJour configuration Management.

The ScanJour configuration Management window


Select Operation External Sources

2 The Window ExternalSourcesModule is shown

In the Name column select the entry CVR-J

3 In the column Parameters you will see the following

string in the entry row CVR-J:

level:<0>, UserID:<UserID>, password:<Password>,




Click once in the cell in the to be able to enter the

following changes:

1. Substitute the ‘0’ after level: with the value 1, 2, or 3 according to the level of information covered by the CVR agreement

2. Substitute <UserID> with the username provided by CVR-Online

3. Substitute <Password> with the password provided by CVR

4. Substitute < Issued_To_name > with the name of the one the OCES was issued to. If you do not have a client certificate, remove <Issued_To_name>

Now click in any adjacent cell followed by a click on

DatabaseSave to save the changes.

The connection between WorkZone Content Server and

CVR-Online is now defined.

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3. Verifying the Configuration

Testing the


How to test the configuration of the CVR integration and the

connection to CVR-Online:

Step Action

1 In your browser open the webpage:


2 The Test of ImportManager-source –Microsoft

Internet Explorer Window appears.

In the field Search Legal units from CVR no., enter a

valid CVR no. for a known Legal Unit.

Click Search

If successful a window appears showing the result of the search.

If it was unsuccessful the window will contain an error message.

3 In the field Import CVR no. from intermediate store,

enter a valid CVR number for a known Legal Unit.

Select the fetch from CVR check box in order to update

the CVR number’s information from CVR-Online.

Click Import

If successful a window appears showing the result of the search.

If it was unsuccessful the window will contain an error message.

CVR interface in ScanJour Captia Web Client

Having installed the CVR integration (in connection with the installation of the WorkZone Content Server database), a button is added to the UI of the window Party:

The CVR button is added in the bar at the top of the window.

If you enter a CVR no. in the text box Code and click CVR, data regarding the unit is imported to WorkZone Content Server.

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4. Mapping of Information from CVR Online

Alignment of data

transferred between SJ and CVR

The table below shows the alignment of data transferred from CVR-

Online and WorkZone Content Server. The table is an overview of

the mapping field to field:

Note: The record received from CVR-Online 3.0 either contains a

GeneralAddress or a CPRValidAddress. WorkZone Content

Server uses whichever information is available.

Note: A primary as well as a secondary activity class may be

available in the record. Activity classes are inserted into the

info field. They are inserted with mode=replace, which

means that if the info field already contains activity classes,

these will be deleted and replaced with the new information

Information from CVR-Online Field in WorkZone Content Server

CVR no. Register=Contact

name_type J

name_code=<CVR no.>

LegalUnitNameInfo/LegalUnitName name1=<LegalUnitName>


The following information is used:




Group name=address,







The following information is used:




Group name=address,






Telephone/TelephoneNumber Group name=address,





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Fax/FaxNumber Group name=address,




Email/EmailAddress Group name=address,






MultiValuedGroup name=infor,




