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Page 1: 21 August 2012


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Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012

Dear Parents and Students 

In recogni on of both the talent and the efforts of our musicians and our athletes I offer this reading from the Gospel. 













I commend the students on making the most of their God given talents, and on striving to produce their best. 

Their contribu on at both the QCMF (Queensland Catholic Music Fes val) and the CSGSSA Athle cs this week is greatly appreciated.  The Musicians, in par cular, had wonderful successes and deserve high praise.  Sta s cally, this was Loreto’s best ever QCMF.  More importantly though, so many of the groups played to their poten al, winning high quality praise from the adjudicators.  In all, Loreto received: 13 Gold, 4 Silver and 1 Bronze Award and 4 Individual Excellence Awards.  Well done!  The Athletes too we know gave their best.  As a team although we came 8th overall, we came a credible 5th in the Percentage Trophy which is arguably, the be er measure of rela ve performance and an impressive 3rd in the All‐Age Relay.  I offer my thanks to the music and sports staff, trainers and tutors for their interest, skill and commitment.  Your belief in the girls makes all the difference. 




 “Do not bury your talents, lent to you by God to be expended in service.”  Mary Ward 


Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

“You are the light of the world. 

A city built on a hill cannot be hid. 

No one, a er ligh ng a lamp, 

puts it under the bushel basket, 

but on the lampstand, and it gives light 

to all in the house. 

In the same way, let your light shine 

before others, so that they may see your 

good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” 

Ma hew 5 : 14‐16 

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Page 2 Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012

SCHOOL FUNDING The Australian government is currently reviewing funding for all schools and it is likely that the government will soon propose new 

funding arrangements that will be debated in the Federal Parliament later this year.                                                                                      

These new arrangements could have significant consequences for the funding received by our school. I believe it is vital that you 

are aware of the facts about school funding and are able to ac vely defend the right of our school to the funding it needs to 

con nue to offer a quality educa on, while keeping our fees as low as possible.                                                                                                 

There has already been a lot of misinforma on about school funding in the media. In par cular, claims have been made that 

Catholic and other non‐government schools receive more funding than State schools. These claims are simply wrong.  Students in 

Catholic schools on average receive only about 80% of the government funding provided to students in government schools.                      

I encourage you to view the video Catholic school funding in Australia prepared by the Queensland Catholic Educa on 


Over the coming weeks, I will also provide you with more detailed informa on about funding in our school newsle er. I 

encourage you to take an ac ve interest in this informa on and be ready to par cipate in this funding debate.                                           

More informa on about Catholic school funding can be found at: 


The Queensland Catholic Educa on Commission emphasizes these seven points: 

Catholic educa on remains very concerned with many elements of the Gonski model and calls on the Prime Minister to clarify the situa on. 

It is impera ve that no Catholic school loses a dollar in real terms. 

Catholic schools already operate at a funding level lower than State Schools. 

This review is an opportunity for government to narrow this gap. 

Any decrease  in  funding  from Government  for  any Catholic  school will put pressure on  school  fees  and make Catholic schools less accessible for families. 

Catholic authori es have done modelling and the figures, as published by the Courier Mail this week, are consistent with their es mates. 

QCEC con nue to engage with government in rela on to future funding models. 


Over the past months, we have been working in consulta on with Uniform Design Specialists (Ranier Design Group) to improve the style, cut and fabric of the exis ng blazer.  They have thus produced two op ons for our considera on, both of which will be unveiled at this week’s assembly.   

Neither version is radically different from the current one but both have been designed to be lighter in weight (using a polyester viscose material) and to have a closer fi ng, more tailored shape.  They are fully lined and the new fabric provides warmth 

without bulk.  It also has the added advantage of being machine washable.  The cost of the proposed new blazer will be ‘on par’ with the current blazer. 

In seeking to improve the design and func onality of the blazer, my hope is to see many more students wan ng to wear it.  The blazer provides a formality that is appealing and scholarly adding to a sense of pride in one’s school and one’s learning. 

If either of these proposed designs proves to be favourable to the community then we would seek to introduce it from 2013.  Of course, due to the large expense of this uniform item it would be important to phase it in over a full five‐year period.  Thus, by 2017, all students would be required to have the ‘new’ blazer. 

You are thus invited to par cipate in a quick on‐line survey to provide us with your feedback.  I look forward to your responses.   

h ps:// 

The new blazers will be on display in the library later this week. 

Ranier Design Group has also proposed the introduc on of a new ribbon possibly to become a “senior” ribbon.  The proto‐type has received very favourable feedback from the senior leaders.  This ribbon will also be on display this week. 

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

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To Mrs Cara Fox and her husband, James on the birth last week of Isabella Mary.  We wish them every joy and blessing. 

To Bridget Sankey  (Year 12) on her  selec on  in  the U19 Australian Secondary School Football Team.   What an amazing achievement!  Well done Bridget.  Bridget will thus be travelling to Brazil and Argen na in January! 



To Sabrina Sydney  (Year 9) and her  family.   Sabrina’s Nona  (Great Grandmother) passed away  last week.   May she  rest eternally in God’s loving peace.  Amen. 




Yours sincerely        

Cheryl Hamilton Principal 


Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

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Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012 Page 4


XäxÇàá VtÄxÇwtÜ Wednesday 22 August 

LOTE Movie Afternoon - 3.30pm - 6.00pm 

Thursday 23 August

Interschool Chess Competition 

LOTE Movie Afternoon - 3.30pm - 6.00pm

Saturday 25 August

P & F Year 8 - 10 Dance 7pm Mary Ward Centre

Sunday 26 August

Primary Music Camp

Monday 27 August

Year 10 and 11 Subject Selection Night 7.00pm in Mary Ward Centre

Tuesday 28 August

Year 10 Art Excursion - P2, 3 & 4

Year 10 Boostrix Vaccinations 1.30pm

Student/Staff Excursion to Jersey Boys - QPAC

Wednesday 29 August

Debating Grand Final

Friday 31 August

P & F Fathers’ Day Breakfast 7.00am - Poolside

Lunchtime Musical Recital - Room 706

Concert Band Workshop/Concert w SLC - 4pm - 9pm

St Vincent de Paul Movie Afternoon 3.30pm - 5.30pm

Saturday 1 September

Clarinet Ensemble - Clarinet and Sax Society Competition

Year 9 Mother/Daughter High Tea - Hilton Hotel

Sunday 2 September

Clarinet Ensemble - Clarinet and Sax Society Competition

Tuesday 4 September

Year 12 QCS Test

Wednesday 5 September

Year 12 QCS Test

Year 11 Economics Field Trip 9am - 12noon

Round 1 BSGSA Basketball and Touch

Thursday 6 September

Met East Athletics



Year 12 Formal 2013 

Saturday, 13th July, 2013 

Hilton Hotel 7pm 

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

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Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

VtÜxxÜ axãá  Nursing at the Mater                                                                                                                                                            Mater’s new Diploma of Nursing Program is a tailored education program delivered by contemporary clinical experts within Mater Health Services world class tertiary health care facilities. You’ll earn your diploma while studying and training within hospitals with a reputation of international acclaim for world-leading health care advances. Mater Education offers you the exciting and unique opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge required to become an Enrolled Nurse with Medication Endorsement entirely onsite at Mater. You will graduate with a Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 nursing) and this program would suit both school leavers and mature learners desiring a rewarding career change. Education and clinical training is delivered in a unique onsite training facility and within clinical areas across Mater's seven hospitals. A faculty of contemporary expert clinicians and educators promote student learning through a practical, problem solving approach. To find out more and to register interest in this course post year 12, visit or phone the Diploma of Nursing team on 31636657.

ACU Early Achievers’ Program ACU offers students early acceptance through the Early Achievers’ Program (EAP). To be eligible to apply through the EPA students need to meet the following criteria:

Be currently completing Year 12 studies; have achieved consistent, successful results in Years 11 and 12

Be able to demonstrate involvement in a community organisation/school/church or local sporting group as a volunteer

Include an ACU course as one of your preferences in the QTAC application process and have undertaken or currently undertaking subjects which satisfy prerequisite requirements for your selected course.

Applications are now open and close on 21st October. Visit

University of New England, Armidale UNE is offering early entry to students based on the school’s recommendation of their potential to succeed at University, rather than the students’ final result. For more information of what UNE has to offer students, visit . Applications close on 28 September 2012.

University of Southern Queensland USQ Open Day will be held at the Springfield campus on 26 August. This is a great opportunity for students and their families to visit the campus and find out about programs and careers. For further information, visit

UQ Careers in Engineering and Technology Evening Students and families are invited to attend the Engineering Careers Evening to be held at UQ on Thursday, 30 August 5.30pm – 8.00pm. The event will include presentations on the Bachelor Engineering, Bachelor of Information Technology and the Bachelor of Multimedia Design. Students will also have the opportunity to hear form recent Engineering and ICT graduates about their experiences in the industry so far, talk to lecturers and current students and ask industry representatives about the job opportunities available. For more information, visit

Griffith School of Engineering The Griffith School of Engineering is offering a pathway to engineering by sitting the Aptitude for Engineering Assessment (AEA) exam on Saturday 22 September. The exam will be held at both the Nathan and Gold Coast campuses and is open to current Year 12 students. Successful students will receive an admission offer into the Bachelor of Engineering or the Bachelor of Engineering Technology at either the Nathan or Gold Coast campus. Registrations are now open and close on Friday 7 September. Applicants can register online at Applicants will be informed of their results within six weeks of undertaking the exam. For more information visit Ms Chris Rynne - Business & Careers Coordinator WÜtÅt axãá

The Drama Department is purchasing a number of lengths of soft fabric which can be used by students when creating Drama performances. We would be grateful if a parent could volunteer to over-lock the pieces (really just the ends, not the selvages). This is not a difficult or terribly time-consuming task if you have an overlocker. We would provide thread for you to use. If you can volunteer could you send an email to [email protected] and we will wait eagerly for your response. Kerry Williams - Drama Coordinator

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

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Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012 Page 6

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  _|uÜtÜç axãá

BOOK WEEK - Do encourage your daughter to enjoy it! Tuesday 21st Literary Lunch in 208 for invited avid readers. Guest author Kate Hunter Wednesday 22nd Book trailer marathon in 208 Thursday 23rd Mini Olympics in the Library Team game: Guess that Book in Two Words! Demo dance moves : Aerobics Routine for Book-lovers! Friday 24th 12.30 Parade of book characters. Dress up as a book character and win a prize.

READING OLYMPICS Thank you for verifying your daughter’s Olympic reading performance over the past fortnight. Please check that she has returned her tally sheet with your two signatures of verification. The winners of the Semi Finals were 8RED (Georgia). Runners up: 8GOLD (UK).

THE READING HOUR Saturday 25th August. Share a book with your child for 10 minutes a day, one hour a week. Kathy Hedemann (Teacher-Librarian)

_Éàx jxx~ ECDE                                                                                                                                                  

Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Week began last Friday at Loreto when Patricia Clunes from Nacel gave a presentation about international exchange programs. Today the girls had the opportunity to talk with Dr Geoff Wilkes, Director of Studies at the School of Languages and Comparative Cultural Studies, UQ. Dr Wilkes discussed the Diploma in Languages, Bachelor of International Studies and the Brisbane Languages Alliance between the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology and Griffith University. Anna Simpson (Loreto 2011) will provide the student perspective of tertiary languages study in a presentation on Thursday. Tomorrow we will have a “Learn a LOTE at Lunch time” session with games and on Friday there will be a trivia quiz and dance off to French, German and Japanese music. Everyone is welcome and prizes will be awarded. The program for LOTE Week is outlined on the following page. LOTE Movie Afternoons As part of LOTE Week, we will be hosting French, German and Japanese film afternoons from 3:30pm – 6:00pm as outlined below. If you will be attending these film afternoons, your permission slip should have been returned to your Languages teacher or the main office. Here is a reminder of the three films that will be shown with their respective ratings;

Tuesday 21st August – German Film Afternoon: Keinohrhasen – Rabbit Without Ears (2007) German with English subtitles Runnng Time: 111 minutes Rating: M Gossip-columnist Ludo (Til Schweiger) finds himself sentenced to three-hundred hours of community service after he literally crashes a private celebrity party. The work is at a children's day-centre and while the job's fine, it is his bad luck that the person in charge is a woman whom he used to play endless practical jokes on when they were at school; she hasn't

forgotten and is prepared to use her new-found power to get her own back. Anna (Nora Tschirner) finds however that, like the children, she's warming to him. ( This popular romantic comedy, in the style of Notting Hill, was a huge hit in Germany.

Wednesday 22nd August – French Film Afternoon: L’Arnacoeur – Heartbreaker (2010) French with English subtitles Running time: 101 minutes Rating: M

Heartbreaker is an action-packed romantic comedy pairing two of France's biggest young stars: Romain Duris and actress/singer Vanessa Paradis. A smash hit in France, the film was also featured at the Tribeca Film Festival. Charming, funny and effortlessly cool, Alex (Duris) is a professional heartbreaker who for a fee can turn any husband, fiance or boyfriend into an ex. Alex has one ironclad rule: He only breaks up couples where the woman is unhappy. His latest job will put that rule to the test. The target is Juliette, a beautiful heiress who is set to marry the man of her dreams. However, will he discover to his own cost that when it comes to love, the perfect plan doesn't exist?

Thursday 23rd August – Japanese Film Afternoon: Laputa - Castle in The sky Japanese with English subtitles Running time: 125 minutes Rating: G In a world very similar to our own, young Pazu works at a mine, assisting Mr. Duffy with the heavy machinery. One night he sees something shining slowly descending from the sky. It is a young girl named Sheeta, who is wearing a pendant of rare levitation stone. Both a band of pirates led by their mother Dola, and the military led by Colonel Muska are after the girl, trying to find the secret of Laputa, the legendary flying island and Pazu finds himself thrown into a merry mess of trouble as the two groups struggle for the girl and the island. Louise Tilly - Languages Coordinator

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Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

Program for LOTE Week




`âá|v axãá Congratulations To all our Music students who performed so well at the Catholic Colleges Music Festival over the past four days. Special thanks also go to all the conductors for all their hard work in preparing the ensembles for what has been our best QCMF ever – 1 Bronze Award, 4 Silver Awards, 13 Gold Awards and 4 Individual Excellence Awards. What a huge effort! Final results as follows:

Bronze Award Percussion Ensemble Two Silver Awards Chorale, Jazz Ensemble, String Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble One Gold Awards Concert Band One, Concert Band Two, Combined Symphony Orchestra, Senior Choir, Junior Choir, Guitar Ensemble One, Guitar Ensemble Two, Flute Ensemble One, Flute Ensemble Two, Clarinet Ensemble, Octomigos (Guitars), Exit Stage Left, Sorelle Individual Excellence Natalie Baker, Isabella Kirkman, Lauren Roberts & Sia Cambaclis (all for performance with Sorelle).


21 Aug 


22 Aug 


23 Aug 


24 Aug 

Lunch  me  Lunch  me  Lunch  me  Lunch  me 

Presenta on by 

Dr Geoff Wilkes, 

Director of Studies, 

School of Languages 

& Compara ve            

Cultural Studies, UQ 

Con nuing LOTE 

studies a er Year 12 


Room 402 


Learn a LOTE at 

Lunch me! 


Games for LOTE and 

non‐LOTE learners 

of all Year levels 

Presenta on by 

Anna Simpson 

(ex Loreto student) 

Languages Study at 






Room 402 

France / Germany / 

Japan Trivia Quiz 

& Dance Off 


Lots of prizes!! 




A er school  A er school  A er school   


film a ernoon 



Room 410 


Snacks provided 


film a ernoon 



Room 410 


Snacks provided 



film a ernoon 



Room 410 


Snacks provided 


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Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012 Page 8

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

 Ensemble Rehearsals Students and parents please note that all ensemble rehearsals ARE on this week as normal.

Trivia Night A few weeks ago the Music Support Group Trivia Night was another great success. Heaps of fun was had by all attending and the evening raised just under $3000 for Music Tuition Scholarships for our students. Thanks must go to all the par-ents of the Music Support Group for all their organisation. We would like to also especially thank the long list of local busi-nesses that donated prizes for the night: Apolllo’s Day Spa (Woolloongabba), Books@Stones (Stones Corner), Cineplex (Southbank), Chemist Warehouse (Annerley), Earth ‘N’ Sea Amazing Pizza And Pasta (Coorparoo), Euphora Fashions (West End), Gabba Fruit Market (Woolloongabba), George’s Fresh Chickens (Salisbury), Hair Architect (Fairfield Gar-dens), Iga (Greenslopes), King Of Knives (Garden City), Kylie Ryan (Coorparoo), Michaels’ Jewellery (Springwood), Miss-fit Sportswear P/L (Mackenzie), Pineapple Hotel (Woolloongabba), Pompidou Café (Balmoral), Posh Nails (Greenslopes), Taylor Centre Pharmacy (Woolloongabba), Terry White Pharmacy (Fairfield Gardens), Dan Murphy’s (Greenslopes) Flowerama (Greenslopes Mall), Truc Le Hairdesign (Mt Gravatt).

Concert Band One & String Ensemble Don’t forget that you are performing this Sunday at the Primary Music Camp hosted by Loreto in the Mary Ward Centre. If you are not involved as a tutor on the day, then you should arrive by 2:30 pm for a 3 pm Concert. We will be finished by 4 pm. Concert Band One also has our Combined Workshop with St Laurence’s College next week on Friday 31st August. Don’t forget to return your permission slips with die-tary information by this Thursday!

Lunchtime Music Recital The next recital will be held at lunch on Friday 31st August. Students who would like to perform please nominate by adding your name to the list on the Music Noticeboard this week.

Celtic Storm The end-of-year concert for our Senior Choir and Symphony Orchestra students will be two performances at the “Celtic Storm” event at Villanova College on Thursday 25 and Friday 26 October. If you saw last year’s Broadway show, then you will know that not only will this be a fantastic event but tickets WILL SELL OUT FAST. Don’t miss your daughter’s performing or the fantastic guests, award winning Irish Band the “Barleyshakes”. Tickets go on sale Friday 31st August at 6 am on

ctáà câÑ|ÄáË TááÉv|tà|ÉÇ axãá                                                                                                                                      All members of the Loreto Community are warmly invited to attend the Annual Spring Luncheon. Guest speaker is Channel 7 My Kitchen Rules Winner (Series 1) and Loreto College Captain 1998, Veronica Abraham. Bookings can be made via The lunch is on Sunday 9th September at 12 midday at the Sky Room, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. Tickets are $85 and you must RSVP by Friday 31 August (See attached flyer for details). Get a table of ten together, or we can place you at a year level table. Places are limited so book early! Multi-draw raffle to be held during lunch with proceeds going to the Principal's Discretionary Fund and Mary Ward International Literacy Programs. We look forward to seeing many of you on the day. Martine Whitton - LPPA President

Spring Luncheon Multi-draw Raffle Class of 1982 - 30 Year Reunion We are looking for prizes for our raffle to be held during the annual Spring Luncheon on Sunday 9 September. If you are a Loreto Past Pupil and would like to donate items or services please contact Trish Willing at the school office. All funds raised go to supporting the work of Mary Ward International Australia, and the Principal's Discretionary Fund for families in need. We appreciate and thank you most kindly for your support. LPPA

Class of 1982 - 30 Year Reunion To be held at the Loreto Spring Luncheon on Saturday 9 September at 12 midday. When booking, list Table Captain as ‘30 Year Reunion’ on Trybooking.   The group will be going on for a drink afterwards to celebrate the 30 year reunion. For more information please contact Helen Beylot (O'Neill) E: [email protected]

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c9 Y axãá                                                                                                                                                                                       Years 8 - 10 Dance

Only days to go before the dance! Safari Around the World is the theme for the dance which will be held on Saturday August 25, from 7-10pm. This dance is sure to be a lot of fun for our younger students. Thank you for volunteering and we look forward to seeing you on the night. However, we still urgently require parent helpers to assist with supervision. Unfortunately the dance will have to be cancelled otherwise. Please see the attached RSVP tear off slip if you are able to assist. Email replies directly to [email protected] or phone Kerrie on: 0401 840 089. Thank you. Your assistance is valued by your daughters as it makes the night able to run smoothly. Profits are going to the Sports Support Group and the Music Support Group to assist their costs. Thank you for your help!

Father’s Day Breakfast On Friday 31 August, from 7am onwards, Loreto fathers are invited to a Father’s Day breakfast with their daughters. Come and dine on bacon and egg burgers, fresh fruit, juice, tea or coffee and meet other fa-thers. We simply ask for a gold coin donation please. The breakfast will be held outside the Mary Ward centre, near the pool. This was a very successful event last year and we hope that we will see lots of students bringing their Dads to school for breakfast. For catering purposes please complete and return the attached form to Trish Willing by Tuesday 28 August. Elizabeth Fort - P & F Secretary

AGM The next P and F meeting will be the Annual General Meeting (Sept 4). Nominations for committee positions are open and we ask you to consider nominating people for these. Roles include President, Vice President , Secretary and Treasurer. There are also general committee members, liaison people for Music, Hospitality and Sports groups and our wonderful Parent Representatives for each year level. There is a role to suit you! Please complete the form attached to this newsletter and drop it into the office. We appreciate your consideration for this important task. Thank you.

fv|xÇvx axãá Last week we celebrated National Science Week here at Loreto with many exciting activities. Events included an Interactive science display, sherbet making, explosions and competitions. A highlight of the week was the starwatching evening organised by Ms Gillian Hibbert, one of our Science Teachers. Our telescope was put to good use, allowing all to see Mars, Venus and Saturn with great clarity and detail. It was great to see our girls get involved in all of the activities on offer and I am sure some sparks of curiosity have been lit that will lead to successful future careers in the sciences. Matt Lourigan - Science Coordinator

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Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

fÑÉÜàá WxÑtÜàÅxÇà CSGSSA ATHLETICS On Monday 20 August, our athletics team from Loreto College competed at the annual Catholic Track and Field competition at the QEII Athletic Stadium. Congratulations to Toula Savva and Eloise Jackson for their work as Track and Field Captains for the day, as well as our Spirit Council run by Stephanie Esprester. Several athletes on the day stepped up in place of injured and sick competitors. Overall Loreto was placed 5th in the percentage trophy and 8th in the Beirne Cup. One of the highlights of the day was our All Age Relay team which placed 3rd with exceptional running from Tea Marinov, Sarah Novic, Carla Caputo and Toula Savva. Congratulations to the following girls who won their events: Meg Stevens - Director of Sport 13 years Age Group Sidone Smith – Division 1 Javelin Ashley Parker – Division 1 Discus Sidone Smith – Division 2 Discus 16 Years Age Group Meg Roberts – Division 6 100m dash Maddison Brown – Division 7 100m dash 17 Years Age Group Eloise Jackson – Division 1 Javelin


lxtÜ L `Éà{xÜBWtâz{àxÜ [|z{ gxt tà à{x [|ÄàÉÇ [ÉàxÄ                                                         Year 9 Parents are reminded that the Mother/Daughter High Tea is being held on Saturday 1st September. Please see flyer attached to newsletter. We hope that many of you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you there. Kim Devine and Katrina Capelli - Year 9 Parent Representatives

lxtÜ DC VtÅÑ Medical and consent forms for the Year 10 Camp will be distributed this week. We are looking forward to sharing a range of exciting and memorable experiences with the Year 10 group. Please ensure that forms are returned by Thursday the 30th of August, as further more detailed medical information may be required. Representatives from ‘Total Adventures’ will be speaking with the Year 10 group next week to explain how the camp will operate and to address any questions from the students. Michelle Davidson - Year 10 Coordinator

lxtÜ LDE cX XåvâÜá|ÉÇ àÉ hd On Thursday 2nd August, the Year 12 Physical Education students and Mr Jones set off to the University of Queensland at St Lucia. Focusing on the Human Movement studies, many of the girls were intrigued to gain a ‘hands’ on experience with both simple and sophisticated athlete testing procedures. When arriving at the beautiful atmosphere of the University, the class was greeted by a handsome instructor called Simon who encouraged many of us to participate and observe in the practical exercise of physiology. One of the endurance tests conducted was the VO2max test, which measures the criterion of aerobic capacity in athletes. Bridget Sankey was brave enough to endure the 8-10 minute test with supporting classmates surrounding her. As a result we were able to calculate her body oxygen consumption (VO2 max) which is very useful for this term’s study. We were then given a careers talk and later involved in a prac session on strength testing techniques. It was only later in the afternoon that the Loreto girls explored the university lifestyle and had a taste on what it was like to be a uni student. I am sure all of us that participated would agree that this excursion was productive and an informative experience. A lot of the Loreto girls can’t wait to go back in year 2013! Emily Morosin - Year 12

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Page 11 Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 

UâÄÄxà|Ç B aÉà|vxá Chicken and Vegetable Sausage Rolls (From Open Day) (Preparation Time:20 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients (Makes 40)

Method 1. Preheat oven to 220°C. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper. 2. Mix both minces in a large bowl. 3. Using the food processor, process the breadcrumbs and parsley. Add to mince. 4. Peel garlic, onion and carrot. Wash zucchini and remove ends. Cut all vegetables into large pieces. Keep separate. 5. Process the garlic for a few seconds, add onion and process for a few seconds, add carrot and process for a few seconds, add zucchini and process for a few seconds. 6. Add vegetables to mince and breadcrumbs. Add egg, nutmeg, salt and pepper. 7. Mix sausage mixture thoroughly. Divide into 8 evenly sized portions. 8. Cut each pastry sheet in half to form 8 rectangles. 9. Shape a sausage mince portion into a log and place down the length of each rectangle. 10. Beat remaining egg. Brush one length of the pastry with egg. 11. Roll pastry around mince mixture to form a large sausage roll. 12. Cut each roll into 5 even pieces. 13. Place on trays, seam side down. Brush with egg. 14. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with tomato sauce. Margaret Duncan - Home Economics Coordinator

Brisbane Catholic Education Office Is seeking sponsorship for its inaugural charity art exhibition called “Give Love and Get Art”, to help raise funds and awareness for Caritas Australia. The exhibition is being held in Duhig Hall at Lourdes Hill College, Hawthorne on Sunday 16th September 2012, between 2pm-5pm. For this event to be a successful fundraising venture, we are seeking a major sponsor, as well as donated items from local businesses for raffle purposes. Due to the tight timeframe, I am hoping to secure a major sponsor and donors by Wednesday 22nd August please. For further information, please contact Sandy Donnell at Brisbane Catholic Education on 3033 7000 or email: [email protected]. Thank you.


500g sausage mince

500g chicken mince

1 onion

1 clove garlic

1 medium carrot

1 medium zucchini

2 slices multigrain bread

3 tbs parsley

1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

Salt & freshly ground pepper

2 eggs

4 sheets frozen puff pastry, semi thawed

Tomato sauce, to serve

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Volume 24 - 14 August, 2012 Page 12

Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 


Advanced Life Photo Competition As you may be aware 2012 was the first year Advanced Life have made a digital copy of every child's school portrait available to all parents that purchased a portrait image as a part of their pack for free! It has come to our attention that many parents are unaware of this great service and to promote the take up of this opportunity we are currently running the advancedlife Photography School Download Competition. We would like to further clarify what a great offer this is. How it works:

1. Parents go to our website and download their child's image using the nine digit SIC number on the back of their photobook (A,B,C or D Package) Found on the back of their school photography package

2. For every child's image that is downloaded (1 entry per student) a ticket will be entered into the draw on behalf of your school and the student involved.

3. A single entry will be drawn by on 7th December and the school at which the winning student was photographed will be awarded $10,000 and their parent/s $1000 by advancedlife Photography (for full terms and condition please refer to the easy to use promotional tools below).

It's that simple! We would love for your school to win this competition and put the $10,000 to good use and the more students that participate from your school the greater your chances of winning.

        Tuckshop Vounteers Monday 27 August - Friday 31 August

Monday 27 August: Angela Sankey, Cath Tapsall, Lisa Smart Tuesday 28 August: Maureen Roe, Janelle Pearce, Frances Steiner, Anna Stafford, Monique Cleed Wednesday 29 August: Maria Mewing, Lyndel Fuller, Janelle O’Brien Thursday 30 August: Sonia Hayes, Brenton Taylor, Carol Hempel, Vicki Postle Friday 31 August Naomi/Robert Jansen, Deanna Smith, Lisa Kuhl, Steve Bakker, Sandy Christie

Special of the Day $3.50

Monday 27 August: Hot dogs with cheese Tuesday 28 August: Chicken Noodle Soup and Garlic bread Wednesday 29 August: Jacket Potato with Savoury Mince and Cheese Thursday 30 August: Satay Chicken with Hokkein Noodles Friday 31 August: Lasagne

Library Roster Volunteers Monday 27 August - Friday 31 August

Monday 27 August: Jill Moloney, Liliana O’Bryan, Debbie McWilliam Tuesday 28 August: Suzanne Schick, Naomi Jansen, Kerrie Ross, Jo Mangifesta Wednesday 29 August: Manefa Borodin, Christine Farrah, Diana Chan, Wendy Clarke, Lyndel Fuller, Dana Rooney Thursday 30 August: Loretta Scaini-Clarke, Jill Lane, Jane Higgins, Lavinia Yor Friday 31 August : Robyn Crapnell, Kerry Donoghue, Nadine Mammone, Chris Powell 


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Jus ce          Sincerity          FREEDOM          Verity          Felicity 



TUESDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 2012  ‐ 7.30 pm ‐  Room 605, Loreto College 

Nomina ons are called for the posi ons of: 


  Vice‐President   Vice‐President  

  Treasurer   Secretary 

  Commi ee Member  Music, Sport, Hospitality Support Group 

                                   Year 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Year Level Representa ves 

I,  ___________________________________________________________                          nominate  

to the posi on of ______________________________________________ 

Seconded by _________________________________________________ 

Nomina on accepted __________________________________________           Date __________________ 

        Please return nomina on slips to Trish Willing, College Office by Friday 31 August 2012.                                               


   (We desperately need helpers as below, or the dance will have to be cancelled) 

Name:  ___________________________________________________ 

 Daughter's Name & Class:  ___________________________________ 

 Phone Home:_____________________________________   Mob: ____________________________ 

  Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ 

 I would prefer the following  me slot: 

Security       6.30 ‐ 8.30 p.m.  (4 more fathers required)   

                8.15 ‐ 10.30 p.m.   (6 fathers required) 

 Parent helpers are mostly at entry and exit points as we have security guards inside and outside the hall. 

 Cloakroom          8.30 ‐ 10.00 p.m. (4 helpers required) 

 Tickets                                                  6.30 ‐ 8.30 p.m.   (4 helpers required)        

Set Up Saturday from 11am (takes about 20 mins    (5 fathers required)               

Please email Kerrie on [email protected] or Phone: 0401 840 089

FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST 31 August  ‐ RSVP Tear off Slip                                                         

(Please return to Trish Willing at the College by Tuesday 28 August) 

I will be a ending the Father’s Day breakfast with my daughter/s 

Name:  ___________________________________________________       Number of daughters___________________ 

Signature: ________________________________________________ 

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Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012 Page 14

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

OQCMF - Thursday 16 to Sunday 19 August

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

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CSGSSA Athletics Carnival Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012 Page 16

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Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

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Left & below: Rosies Outreach, Friends on the Street. Below right: Julie Weston from ACCF and Dr Ian Frazer, creator of

HPV vaccine, with NT/ACCF Real Life Challenge participants Samantha Bull, Stephanie Esprester and Laura Nicholls.

Page 17 Volume 25 - 21 August, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Year 8 Geography Field Trip

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Year 9 Mother & Daughter

High Tea

“Saturday 1st September” (*Note date change from Sunday to Saturday due to Father’s day)

Venue: Vintaged, Hilton Brisbane

Time: 2.30pm-4.30pm

Cost: $50.00 per Mother and Daughter couple

Includes: Champagne /glass of juice or iced tea on arrival

Ribbon Sandwiches, scones, petit fours, juice, tea and coffee

Rsvp: Friday 24th August.

Note: Numbers limited to 110 guests so please rsvp ASAP.

Payment: Payment only by Credit card through trybooking .com using the

following link By using this link it will go straight to the buying a ticket page for this event.


Requirements: Please email Katrina on [email protected] for any

specific dietary requirements.

We look forward to you joining us. If you have any queries, our contact details are:

Kim Devine 0402744303 Katrina Capelli 0403356822

Page 19: 21 August 2012

Spring Luncheon

Sunday 9 September 12 midday

Sky Room Brisbane Convention &

Exhibition Centre Grey Street entrance, South Brisbane

Guest Speaker

Veronica Abraham My Kitchen Rules Winner & Loreto College Captain 1998

Tickets $85 - Tables of 10

Sumptuous two course lunch

with drinks included

RSVP Friday 31 August

Advance bookings only, no tickets at the door

Enquiries to Emma Beach

3394 9999 / [email protected]

Multi-draw raffle during Lunch

The Loreto Coorparoo Past Pupils’ Association cordially invites you to

the annual
