Page 1: 4 Culture and civilisations

Vocabulary: festivals and celebrations 1 Match the words with their definitions.

candle costume giftgreetings card lantern

1 a piece of wax with a wick through the middle that you can burn to give light –

2 something that you give to somebody –

3 a type of light that can be carried, with a frame, glass sides and a light or candle inside –

4 clothes that actors or children wear in order to look like someone or something else –

5 a colourful piece of paper on which you write wishes for somebody –

2 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą tak, aby otrzymać logicznyi gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę:A, B lub C.There are many (1) throughout the year, but those coming at the beginning or the end of the year are probably the most (2) for different cultures and (3) . Hannukah is (4)  by Jews in December and lasts for 8 nights. The Chinese welcome the New Year (5)  time between January 21st and February 20th. On December 26th African Americans have a holiday that (6) African heritage and is called Kwanzaa. Christians celebrate Epiphany, which comes at the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

1 A free days B holidays C customs

2 A important B joyful C cheerful

3 A religions B nations C countries

4 A prayed B celebrated C sang

5 A some B same C spring

6 A commemorates B thinks C reminds

Środki językowe

3 Fill in the missing letters.

1 In Chinese t _ _ d _ _ _ _ n gold is the colour that brings w _ _ _ _ h.

2 A menorah is so important in J _ _ _ _ h culture that nowadays it even s _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ s the state of Israel.

3 Kwanzaa is c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d by African American families and reminds people of seven basic v _ _ _ _ s.

4 It also c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s their African h _ _ _ _ _ _ e.

Listening: three reports about festivals 4 CD1/11 Listen to three reports about festivals.

Match the listening texts 1–3 to the pictures A–C.



5 CD1/11 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty.Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę: A, B lub C.

Tekst 1.

1 Which of the following is true?

A The festival is celebrated in the whole of Central and South America.

B The festival is not a joyful event. C Pan de los muertos is not the most

recognisable image of the festival.

Tekst 2.

2 The festival …

A is the most important celebration in New Orleans.

B has its roots in France. C marks the beginning of Lent.

Tekst 3.

3 Which of the following is not true?

A The festival has been banned for safety reasons. B The festival is popular with overseas visitors. C The festival is more than two hundred years old.

Wielokrotny wybór




Culture and civilisations44 A

Page 2: 4 Culture and civilisations





Grammar: modals for speculating:the present 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs might, must

or can’t.

1 He said that Cathy is over there, but she be. She’s still at work.

2 Bring your umbrella. It rain. You never know.

3 Your daughter got the best exam results in her year. You be very proud.

4 You haven’t eaten since yesterday. You be starving!

5 It be true about Julie and Ron getting married. They always hated each other at school.

6 I heard someone at the door. it be your friends arriving?

2 Complete these sentences with must or have to in the correct form.

1 You leave your bags at the museum entrance. You are not allowed to take them into the exhibition.

2 The sign says we cross the road here. There’s a special crossing down the road.

3 You come if you don’t want to.

4 To see this film, children under the age of 12 be with an adult. We will not

let anyone under this age enter.

5 When we were kids, we let older people go first. Nowadays, no one seems to care.

6 When I was 14 years old, I stay on at school. I could leave and start working.

7 During the exam, you talk.

8 In my country, the 25th December is a public holiday so we go to school.

Grammar: order of adjectives 3 Read these sentences from different adverts.

In each description of the object, put the adjective in brackets in the correct position.

For sale: beautiful English cabinet. (old)

Free to good home: small white kitten. (loving)

I have a blue and silver bicycle in good condition. (medium-sized)

Ornate porcelain vase for sale. (Russian)

Grammar: modals for speculating: the past 4 Look at each picture and the words below. Write

a full sentence using a modal verb of speculation that refers to the past.

1 The cat / break / the bottle.

2 Dinosaurs / survive / the ice age.

3 They / not / make / this in the Stone Age. It’s made of plastic!

5 Uzupełnij każde z podanych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych części zdań.1 It is possible that these archaic coins were made

of gold.

These archaic coins .

2 Would you mind lighting a candle?

Could ?

3 You made a mistake by not reporting the illegal trade in art.

You should .

4 I am sure they found this jewel-encrusted dagger during the excavation.

They must .

5 It was never obligatory for small children to observe Lent.

Small children did not .

Środki językowe


Culture and civilisations4 A, B, C

Page 3: 4 Culture and civilisations

Vocabulary: archaeology 1 What is the speaker describing in sentences 1–6?

Write the words from the box after the sentences.

architecture religion festivalsliterature body language values

1 All the people in the street are celebrating and watching the parade.

2 When they promise to do something, they do it.

3 England’s most famous writer must be Shakespeare.

4 Buddhism is the main one in this country.

5 In this country you bow when you meet someone for the first time.

6 You can always tell it’s Italy from the shape of the towers.

2 Circle the best answer.

1 Archaeology / Anthropology is the systematic study of past human /animal life and culture by the examination of surviving graves / buildings and other objects.

2 Many vases / axes in Greek times were made of clay / plastic.

3 You can find incredible / horrible pieces by digging / burying in the ground at an archaeological site.

4 Some vases have many detailed / false pictures on the sides / frames.

5 The owner / buyer of the sword / vase must have been a soldier and probably fought in many battles / fights.

6 The tomb / graves they found contained a lot of jewellery / pottery so it must have belonged toa wealthy / poor Roman.

3 Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od wyrazów podanych w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.1 ‘God Save the Queen’ is the title of the British

(NATION) anthem.

2 In the summer there are lots of outdoor (CULTURE) events in our

capital city.

3 Who is the (ART) who did this painting?

4 The three (CRIME) were caught as they were running from the bank.

5 (SMUGGLE) is still a massive problem around the world.

Środki językowe

Reading: the first emperor’s terracotta army

4 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Wpisz w luki 1–5 litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–F) tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki. A Some of them also have clay horses and wooden


B However, an ancient Chinese text describes the tomb.

C He linked the states with canals and roads to unify them and to improve trade routes.

D It was one of the most important ancient civilisations.

E It was a life-size soldier made from terracotta clay.

F By 221 BC, he had conquered six more.


The First Emperor’sTerracotta Army

When workers were digging a well outside the city of Xi’an, China, in 1974, they made one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in the world. (1) The workers told the Chinese authorities and archaeologists came to the site where they found thousands more soldiers.

The soldiers are in underground corridors. They are similar to each other, but each one has a slightly different appearance and character. (2) This terracotta army was constructed to travel with the First Emperor of China into the afterlife, according to the archaeologists.

At the age of 13, in 246 BC , Ying Zheng became emperorof the states of what we now know as China. (3) With these states he created the empire of Qin. During his rule, Ying Zheng standardised coins, weights and measures.(4) He also authorised the building of the Great Wall of China.

Relatively early, he began planning his tomb and the terracotta army which he needed for the afterlife. Archaeologists have studied four areas around the tomb, but they haven’t started digging where Ying Zheng is probably buried. (5) It says the tomb has models of palaces made from precious stones and metals such as bronze.


Module 4 4 B

Page 4: 4 Culture and civilisations

Vocabulary: an ancient civilisation 1 Go through the text on page 58 in the Student’s

Book again and find words and expressions that mean the following.

1 a building where people worship their god(s) –

2 to make plants get bigger by watering them –

3 able to produce good crops –

4 the science dealing with keeping animals and growing crops for food –

5 permanently wet when talking about the land –

6 the best time in a period of existence –

7 the layer of the earth in which plants grow –

2 Fill in the gaps with the expressions from the box.

at the peak avoid collapse grew huts pyramids raised fields

series of droughts ancient

1 The Maya created one of the most advanced civilisations and around 800 AD they were

of their history.

2 They used an advanced numbering system, and to flooding they crops on


3 The were built for the kings, whereas poor people lived in .

4 The of that great civilisation could have been caused by a that caused famine and a shortage of water.

3 Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1–4), przekształcając jedenz wyrazów z ramki w taki sposób, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatycznai ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Uwaga: dwa wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

religion represent constitute number use benefit

The Mayan people had an unusual and advanced (1) system. At the time, most of the world had no concept of the number zero. The Maya, however, (2) a flat, round shape as a symbol to represent it. They also thought that certain numbers were very important, e.g. the number 20 indicated the total number of fingers and toes and the number 52 stood for the number of years in a Mayan century. The Mayan people also viewed the passage of time differently from many other cultures. They didn’t use a chart with rows of numbers (3) days and months but several different calendars at the same time, mainly for (4) purposes.

Środki językowe

Grammar: modals of obligationand ability in the past

4 Spośród podanych opcji (A–C) wybierz tę,która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukęw zdaniu. Zakreśl literę: A, B lub C.1 Fortunately, we (nie musieliśmy zostać)

after classes to rehearse the performance.

A needn’t stay B didn’t need to stay C needn’t have stayed

2 Pete (zdołał pokonać) the whole distance in less than two hours.

A could cover B could have covered C was able to cover

3 They (niepotrzebnie się spieszyli) so much as the train was delayed.

A needn’t have hurried B didn’t need to hurry C didn’t have to hurry

4 Meg (nie potrafiła pomóc) her brother with his homework as she wasn’t all that goodat physics.

A couldn’ t help B can’t have helped C couldn’t have helped

Środki językowe

5 Complete the sentences with appropriate modal verbs. Sometimes the sentence is in the negative.

1 When Mark was a professional swimmer, he get up at 5 am every morning.

2 Believe it or not, but I play chess when I was 5.

3 It’s really good we study for the test last evening. We had some free time at last.

4 We told them the truth. It made them really sad but it’s too late now …

5 I was really impressed when I saw Sarah swim 2 hours non-stop.

6 Greg believe his eyes when he unwrapped his birthday present and found a plane ticket to Singapore.


Culture and civilisations4 C

Page 5: 4 Culture and civilisations

Writing: an article 1 The parts of this article, called ‘My favourite day’ are

in the wrong order. Put them in the right order by numbering them from 1 to 4.

3 How similar is her Christmas Eve to yours? What information would you add or leave out?

4 Napisz artykuł (200–250 słów) na stronę internetową Twojej szkoły na temat Twojego ulubionego dnia w roku. Wyjaśnij, co sprawia, że jest on wyjątkowy, oraz opisz, jak go zwykle spędzasz.

Artykuł publicystyczny

2 A Polish student is writing about her favourite day of the year. She has prepared this plan. Use the information in the plan to complete her article.


Location / People– with all the family– at my house with relatives

Preparations– lay the table – put hay under the tablecloth– lay a plate for an unexpected guest– food: pierogi, borsch or wild mushroom soup, herrings and carp

Feelings / Emotions– exciting to see everyone– Christmas Day seems a bit

boring in comparison!

In the evening– wait for everyone to arrive– look for first star so we can start a meal composed

of 12 dishes

If you ask people about their favourite day of the year,


We always celebrate with


First of all,


You also need to


We spend all day getting things ready for


Finally, when everyone has arrived,


I love Christmas Eve because


In comparison



Module 4 4 D

My favourite dayA

Before the actual day, there are lots of preparations to do. First of all, you need to invite all the people you would like to attend. Believe it or not, but many people travel hundreds of miles from other states to see their nearest and dearest! The other really important part of the holiday is the meal and turkey is a must on every American table! Can you believe that about 45 million are eaten in America on this day?


If you ask people ‘what’s your favourite day’?, you’ll probably get several different answers. Christmas, the first day of spring, the last day of school, and many others. Have YOU ever thought what is your special day of the year? What makes it so unique?


It’s always exciting to see the whole family as they arrive. After an enormous meal the atmosphere is usually very relaxed, with older members of the family just chatting and the kids playing. What makes this day so unique is that it is a genuine family celebration so no one expects presents or gifts. And … after Thanksgiving Day the whole country starts preparing for Christmas.


My favourite day is Thanksgiving Day, on the fourth Thursday in November. This holiday has its roots in history as every year we want to remember some of the first people to arrive in North America four hundred years ago. Their first year was very difficult so at the end of 12 months they gave thanks to God. Nowadays families still get together and give thanks for all the blessings they have received. It’s also a chance to see relatives or old friends you haven’t seen for a while.

Page 6: 4 Culture and civilisations

Grammar 1 What would you say in the following situations?

Make sure you use modal verbs.

1 You are sure Sarah is pregnant.

2 You think it is possible your friend has read all the books by Charles Dickens.

3 You are sure Mark didn’t quit his job.

4 You know Tara was forced to sell her jewellery.

5 You think it’s possible that your friends bought tickets for your favourite band’s concert.

6 You know the person you are talking to is your new neighbour.

7 You want to know if Sally was able to read and write when she was four.

8 You want to tell your sister it was silly of her to getso stressed before the exam as she did really well.

2 Put the following adjectives in the correct order.

1 Susan brought a blue / round / Spanish plate.

2 The most incredible present I got for my birthday was a French / canvas / nice bag.

3 Have you seen Tom’s new girlfriend?She is a pretty / young / slim lady.

4 My brother brought me a cotton / yellow T-shirt when he was on his holiday in Hawaii.

5 We have to throw away the red / old carpet from the hall.

6 A huge / wonderful sculpture made the biggest impression on me.

7 I am dreaming of a(n) silk / Italian scarf.

8 Sally has a Polish / handsome boyfriend. He is very polite to all her friends.

9 I was so terrified! Suddenly I saw a(n) grey / enormous shape on the wall!

10 My daughter wants to take a brown / young dog from the shelter.

Vocabulary 3 Circle the correct answer.

1 If you do not want to queue / stand for a ticket you may buy one online.

2 If you want to see contemporary / old masters works of art you should visit / watch the Tate Modern in London.

3 Modern art can be awful / astonishing but on the other / another hand it sometimes makes you think.

4 If you want to go straight / walk into the exhibition, you have to buy tickets in advance / in the ticket office.

Functions 4 Read the description. Complete it with words

beginning with the letter ‘s’.

The picture (1) s someone working hard. He looks very serious and he’s doing (2) s with metal, I think. He (3) s to be joining the pieces of metal together. On the left is an object. Perhaps he is an archaeologist and he’s found it. Maybe it’s a (4) s of a hat for a soldier. It might be from (5) s kind of ancient civilisation.

5 Look at this picture and complete the description with your own words.

This picture shows some teenage girls .

They all seem to be .

The girl in the middle looks .

Perhaps she’s .

talk about festivals around the world and cultural heritage.

describe an event.

write an article.

use modal verbs for speculating.

use modal verbs of obligation and for ability in the past.

use correct adjective order.

Now I can …



Page 7: 4 Culture and civilisations

Słuchanie ze zrozumieniem

Ćwiczenia typu dobieranie – o czym należy pamiętać?

Zadania na dobieranie obejmują zadania na słuchanie i czytanie i polegają na dobieraniu nagłówków do poszczególnych osób lub akapitów, tytułów do całych fragmentów tekstu oraz brakujących zdań do luk w tekście.

W przypadku dobierania nagłówków pamiętaj, że:

• odnoszą się one do głównej myśli danego fragmentu tekstu, a nie do np. jednego zdania;

• warto w nagłówkach zakreślić słowa kluczowe, a następnie w tekście poszukać fragmentów zawierających podobne informacje, wyrażone innymi słowami;

• nawet jeśli w nagłówkach pojawią się synonimy lub wyrazy podobne do użytych w tekście, zawsze najistotniejsza jest główna myśl;

• czytając fragmenty tekstu, warto skoncentrować się na wyszukiwaniu różnic miedzy nimi, a nie podobieństw.

W przypadku uzupełniania tekstu brakującymi fragmentami pamiętaj, że:

• należy zacząć od przeczytania całego tekstu i zrozumienia jego myśli ogólnej;

• przy wpisywaniu w luki odpowiednich fragmentów należy zwrócić uwagę na poszczególne elementy leksykalne i gramatyczne – zaimki, czasy itp.;

• powstały tekst ma być poprawny pod względem gramatycznym i logicznym. Po uzupełnieniu wszystkich luk przeczytaj cały tekst ponownie.


1 CD2/04 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech osób na temat szkół przetrwania. Do każdej osoby (1–4) dopasuj właściwy nagłówek (A–E).Uwaga: jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowoi nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

A Identify and neutralise risksB Escape a rough landingC Endure freezing temperaturesD Learn about team work by surviving in extreme

conditionsE How to find your way in the wilderness

1 2 3 4

2 CD2/05 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat niezwykłych tradycji. Do każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj pytanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno pytanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

Which festival …A involves speed?B is not held every year? C is not what it might at first seem?D has an uncertain origin?E has the shortest tradition?

1 2 3 4

Czytanie ze zrozumieniem 3 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst, a następnie każdemu

fragmentowi (1–4) przyporządkuj nagłówek (A–F), wpisując w kratki odpowiednie litery. Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego fragmentu.

A Origins of the languageB The variety of Native American culturesC The language of the newcomersD An ancient discovery in the rubbleE The building falls to piecesF Unlike any other


In 2008 a battered piece of paper was pulled from the ruins of an ancient Spanish colonial church. It turned out to be a 400-year-old letter that had been penned by an unknown Spanish author and lost for four centuries. Notes on the back of it have revealed a previously unknown language that was once spoken by the indigenous peoplesof northern Peru. But scientists have only recently revealed the importance of these words.


The early 17th-century author had translated the Spanish numbers – uno, dos, tres – and Arabic numerals into a mysterious language never seen by modern scholars. ‘Even though the letter doesn’t tell us much, it does tell us about a language that is very different from anything we’ve ever known – and it suggests that there may be a lot more languages out there,’ said project leader Jeffrey Quilter, an archaeologist at Harvard’s Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology.


The new-found native language may have borrowed from Quechua, a language still spoken by the indigenous peoples of Peru. However, it was clearly a unique tongue, and possibly either Quingnam or Pescadora – ‘the language of the fishers.’ The writings also include translated numbers, which tell us that the lost language’s numerical system was a ten-based or decimal system – like English. This was not the case with all native American cultures. While the Inca used a ten-based system, many other cultures did not: the Maya, for example, used a base of 20, according to Quilter.


Finding the new language at Magdalena de Cao Viejo helps to reinforce our knowledge of the rich diversity of cultures in the early colonial Americas. We often think of a confrontation between the Spanish and Native Americans, but in almost every place, from Massachusetts to Peru, was more diversity than we may imagine. For example, colonialists from many parts of Europe were referred to as ‘the Spanish’ by the Native Americans, and in the Americas there were people who spoke many different languages and had different customs. The letter helps to show how rich and diverse that world was.


Extra skills practice

Page 8: 4 Culture and civilisations

4 Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C), oraz pytania ich dotyczące (1–4).Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

A Fancy a dish of poisonous fugu fish? How about sheep’s

heads and rotting shark? All of these foods are delicacies on menus around the world. In fact, what’s good or bad is all a matter of taste. Food taboos and delicacies often arise from cultural and religious beliefs; one person’s meat is another’s poison. The humble hamburger, a mainstay of US cuisine, is a forbidden food for Hindus. Pork is also off the menu for many Jews and Muslims. More than 1,400 species of protein-packed insects are part of African, Asian, Australian and Latin American cuisine, but one would be hard-pressed to find these creepy crawlies in a US restaurant (at least in the menu).

B ‘Food is often a taboo or a subject triggering disgust

because it is internalised. Any disgust we have for the food is magnified by the thought that it will become part of us,’ says Carole Counihan, an ethnographer at Millersville University in Pennsylvania. In New York, rats are considered filthy creatures that consume human garbage, carry disease and live in human waste – eating one would be unthinkable. But in the West African nation of Togo, rats live a more wholesome existence in the forests and are sold in the village markets. ‘[West African] rats are more like squirrels. They’re not in an environment that’s filled with human filth,’ says Paul Rozin, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.

C Food symbolises many aspects of everyday culture and

is a vehicle for social relations. In February, the people of Iceland celebrate an old tradition called Thorrablot – the festival of feasts. The feast comprises some unusual delicacies such as sheeps’ heads and rotting shark. Although these dishes strike most outsiders as disgusting, for Icelanders the feasts are a great way to preserve their Viking heritage. ‘The purpose of continuing to eat these foods makes the rituals real and distinguishes the festival culture from everyday life – it reinforces history,’ says Nan Rothschild, an archaeologist at Barnard College in New York. It also provides a bonding experience for Icelanders. ‘By eating these foods – which can be hard to eat – you prove your tie to the community,’ Rothschild says.

5 Przeczytaj regulamin konkursu fotograficznego.Dopasuj właściwe pytanie (A–F) do każdej z oznaczonych części tekstu (1–4). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.Uwaga: dwa pytania zostały podane dodatkowoi nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

A What is expected of me?

B What can I get?

C What problems may I face?

D Am I eligible to enter?

E What should I avoid?

F What are the different stages of the competition?



The contest is open to individuals at least 18 years of age who are not professional photographers. The contest is open to all participants regardless of residence or citizenship, except individuals affiliated with the organisers including employees, volunteers and their immediate family members.


The images must be in digital format and they should showcase the beauty of wildlife and highlight the harmony between nature and people. There is a limit of 10 entries per person. Each entry should be accompanied by an entry form completed with the required information and should be submitted online.


The First Place Winner will receive a substantial cheque and his/her photograph will be published in a high-ranking journal. Two runners- up will be invited to participate in a prestigious wildlife photography seminar. Prizes are non-transferable and may not be substituted in any form.


Entries will be evaluated twice. In the first round a panel of experts will shortlist 15 entries from among all eligible entries. In round two the First Prize Winner and two runners-up will be selected based on the following criteria: creativity, photographic quality, colour. The winners will be notified by email. The decisions of the judges are final.

In which paragraph does the author …

1 say that what we eat is not only a matter of personal likes and dislikes?

2 say that what we eat is not only a matter of taste?

3 say that eating is not always pleasurable?

4 say that what we eat depends on our associations with the food?


Extra skills practice

Page 9: 4 Culture and civilisations

Zadania zamknięte 1 Uzupełnij poniższe minidialogi (1–4), wybierając

brakującą wypowiedź jednej z osób. Zakreśl literę: A, B lub C.

1 X: Why do you think he left so early? Y: X: That’s a pity.

A He just had to. B He just must have. C He just couldn’t.

2 X: I’ve bought two kilograms of strawberries. Y: X: What? Did you buy some too?

A You didn’t have to. B You didn’t need to. C You needn’t have.

3 X: Did you see his face? Y: X: And he couldn’t hide his emotions.

A He was really overjoyed to hear the news. B He was really cheerful to hear that. C He was really fascinated to hear that.

4 X: It’s impossible that she did it on her own. Y: X: Yeah, I think you’re right.

A Someone needn’t help her. B Someone might have helped her. C Someone had to help her.

2 Wybierz słowo, które poprawnie uzupełnia lukiw obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę: A, B lub C.

1 Some of the rare objects display in our local museum are absolutely priceless.

average, there are thirty students in each class.

A at B in C on

2 Michelangelo created amazing of art.Due to road , traffic is seriously delayed inour city.

A jobs B works C handicraft

3 Trading illegal art and smuggling is severely punished.I had a hard exam so I had to cram the night.

A at B with C in

1 A positive attitude life helps to solve lotsof problems.His summer cottage is the lake.

A towards B to C on

Zadania otwarte 3 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i uzupełnij każdą z luk

słowem utworzonym od słowa w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst.

George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair, an English (1) (SOCIAL) and political(2) (THINK) who wrote novels , essays and political satires.

He is (3) (GOOD) known for his fierce(4) (CRITICISE) of the squalid living and working conditions of working class people in 1930s Britain, as recorded in Down and Out in Paris and London and The Road to Wigan Pier, and for his political satire against (5) (TOTAL) government, Animal Farm. In his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four the main character Winston Smith lives in a world ofperpetual war in which public (6) (OBSERVE) and mind control results in the individual’s will being subjugated. There is no happy ending. Winston is arrested and tortured for his (7) (REBELLIOUS), and changed back to become an (8) (OBEY) citizen.

4 Uzupełnij każde z podanych zdań tak, aby zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego i wykorzystać słowo podane wytłuszczonym drukiem. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych części zdań.

1 The thief forgot where he had hiddenthe stolen treasures. COULDN’T

The thief where he had hidden the stolen treasures.

2 It was necessary for this nomadic tribeto leave this area. TO

This nomadic leave this area.

3 This evidence shows that a volcanic eruption destroyed the civilization at the peakof its history. HAVE

A volcanic eruption the civilization at the peak of its history.

4 Probably, this handcrafted clothingbelonged to an ancient ruler of Persia. MIGHT

This handcrafted clothing an ancient ruler of Persia.

5 I am sure they celebrated theirwedding anniversary. HAVE They their wedding anniversary.


Extra skills practice Środki językowe

Page 10: 4 Culture and civilisations

Rozprawka „za i przeciw” 1 Przeczytaj tematy rozprawek 1–3 i do każdego

z nich dopasuj po dwa argumenty za i przeciw z listy. Niektóre argumenty mogą pasować do dwóch tematów.

1 Żywność modyfikowana genetycznie – dobrodziejstwo czy przekleństwo?

2 Portale społecznościowe stają się coraz bardziej popularne. Napisz rozprawkę na temat zalet i wad korzystania z nich.

3 Urządzenia elektroniczne, takie jak komputery czy telefony komórkowe, odgrywają coraz większą rolę w życiu współczesnego człowieka. Przedstaw zalety i wady tego zjawiska.

advantages disadvantages

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3


1 bring together people with similar interests and aims

2 resistant to weeds, therefore fewer herbicides will be needed

3 easy access to information

4 opportunity to create a positive self-image

5 staying in touch all the time

6 no problem of famine


A some pictures or information you post may be against school rules or the code of conduct

B some teenagers may cyberbully their peers by sending or posting texts or images intended to hurt or embarrass other people

C poor countries will stay poor, as big corporations worry more about profits, not people

D excessive use of computers may turn into an addiction

E use of antibiotics in plants will lead to new diseases that are resistant to them

F you do not know the true identity of the people you meet online

Artykuł publicystyczny

2 W Twojej szkole odbył się Dzień Europejski, podczas którego każda klasa prezentowała informacje dotyczące jednego państwa. Napisz artykuł (200–250 słów) do szkolnej gazetki, w którym opiszesz najciekawsze prezentacje oraz przedstawisz swoją opinię dotyczącą organizacji dnia.

Artykuł publicystyczny

3 Dobrą praktyką jest zebranie informacji i przygotowanie planu swojej wypowiedzi. Uzupełnij mapę mentalną informacjami, które wykorzystasz w swoim artykule, oraz napisz kilka punktów planu porządkującego wypowiedź.









Extra skills practicePisanie
