
    January 31, 2021


    “Praying” - Mary Oliver

    It doesn’t have to be

    the blue iris, it could be

    weeds in a vacant lot, or a few

    small stones; just

    pay attention, then patch

    a few words together and don’t try

    to make them elaborate, this isn’t

    a contest but the doorway

    into thanks, and a silence in which

    another voice may speak.


    Set Me as a Seal Upon Your Heart René Clausen

    (b. 1953)

    Recorded by The Sanctuary Choir of First & Franklin Presbyterian Church

    Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death.

    Many waters cannot quench love; neither can the floods drown it.

    Song of Songs 8:6a; 8:7a

  • GREETINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Martha Armenti, liturgist

    One: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    the love of God,

    and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

    All: And also with you.

    CALL TO WORSHIP GOD (from Psalm 11:1-2) Martha Armenti, liturgist Praise the Lord!

    We will give thanks to our God with our whole hearts.

    Praise the Lord!

    Great are the works of our God, known by all who delight in them.

    Praise the Lord!

    Let us worship God.


    Holy God, You speak to us directly and through prophets all around us. Fill all creation with your

    Word, that it might fill us with hope, joy, discomfort, and resolve - until justice rolls down, peace

    permeates the streets, and we are united with you and each other as one. Amen.

    Hymn singing is vital to our community life. Although distanced from one another, we can be united through song.

    Join in singing the hymns with the recorded voices of our Choir and organ.


    New Songs of Celebration Render RENDEZ À DIEU


    God, you show us who and where you are

    and call us to join your work in the world.

    Even as we rejoice in finding you here,

    we know the sting of suffering,

    the breadth of estrangement,

    the fragility of life.

    Have mercy on us, Lord.

    You show us who and where you are

    and call us to join your work in the world.

    Even as we work for justice with our neighbors,

    we feel the divisions caused by sin,

    the destruction wrought by our desire for power,

    our own suspicions of those you call us to follow and love.

    Have mercy on us, God.

    Bear with us, forgive us, and renew us.

    In Christ’s name, we pray.



    sung twice in contemplation

    O Lord, hear my prayer. O Lord, hear my prayer.

    When I call, answer me.

    O Lord, hear my prayer. O Lord, hear my prayer.

    Come and listen to me.


    People of God, hear the good news. God lived, died, and rose again so that the world might have

    life. In Jesus Christ, we are set free and made whole. Alleluia! Amen.

    RESPONSE TO OUR FORGIVENESS Taizé Community sung twice with joy

    The Lord is my song; the Lord is my praise:

    All my hope comes from God.

    The Lord is my song; the Lord is my praise:

    God, the well-spring of life.

    PRAYER OF ILLUMINATION God, open us up to your Word this morning, that we might soak it in, and be sent out to bear it

    into the world. Amen.

  • FIRST SCRIPTURE READING Psalm 111 Martha Armenti, liturgist

    Praise the LORD!

    I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart,

    in the company of the upright, in the congregation.

    Great are the works of the LORD,

    studied by all who delight in them.

    Full of honor and majesty is his work,

    and his righteousness endures forever.

    He has gained renown by his wonderful deeds;

    the LORD is gracious and merciful.

    He provides food for those who fear him;

    he is ever mindful of his covenant.

    He has shown his people the power of his works,

    in giving them the heritage of the nations.

    The works of his hands are faithful and just;

    all his precepts are trustworthy.

    They are established forever and ever,

    to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.

    He sent redemption to his people;

    he has commanded his covenant forever.

    Holy and awesome is his name.

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;

    all those who practice it[a] have a good understanding.

    His praise endures forever.


    Wade in the Water Traditional Spiritual

    arr. Bob Burroughs

    Sung and recorded by the Sanctuary Choir of First & Franklin Presbyterian Church

    Savannah McElhaney, soprano

    Wade in the water.

    Wade in the water, children.

    Wade in the water.

    God’s a-gonna trouble the water!

    See that host all dressed in white.

    It looks like the children of the Israelites!

    Jesus said that you must be redeemed.

    Then follow me down to the Jordan stream.


    They went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They

    were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the

    scribes. Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out, “What

    have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the

    Holy One of God.” But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” And the

    unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. They were all amazed,

    and they kept on asking one another, “What is this? A new teaching—with authority!

    He[a] commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him.” At once his fame began to spread

    throughout the surrounding region of Galilee.

    SERMON The Most Unlikely Guides McKenna Lewellen, preacher


    Be Thou My Vision SLANE

    Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart;

    Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art;

    Thou my best thought, by day or by night;

    Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

    Riches I heed not, nor vain empty praise;

    Thou mine inheritance, now and always;

    Thou and Thou only, first in my heart;

    Great God of heaven, my treasure Thou art.

    Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true Word;

    I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;

    Heart of my own heart, whatever be fall;

    Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

  • PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Please use the chat forum to enter your prayers and we will share those as a part of our communal worship.

    O God, in your mercy.

    Hear our prayers.


    01/23/2021 Alissa Traylor 16 Female Unknown

    01/22/2021 Melvin Johnson 25 Male Unknown

    01/20/2021 Ricky Dixon 40 Male Unknown

    01/20/2021 Tavaughn Anderson 46 Male Unknown

    01/19/2021 Rickey Martin 62 Male Unknown

    01/19/2021 Breonna Rogers 30 Female Unknown

    Each ribbon represents a life lost to homicide in Baltimore City. We name them each week and hang a purple ribbon on

    the outside of Park Ave. to remind us to pray for the perpetrators of these acts of violence, and to remind us of our

    calling to challenge the systemic injustices of our time.


    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day

    our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not

    into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom

    and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


    See invitation to give in the Chat Box on Zoom and Facebook Live.

    If you wish to give via Paypal, you will need to open a new tab on your browser.

    If you need assistance please request help from either of our E-Ushers:

    Allie Pyan [email protected] or Sabrina Schlosser Schumann [email protected]

    If you would like to give your offering by mail, please send to the church office at First & Franklin Presbyterian

    Church, 210 West Madison Street, Baltimore MD 21201. Offerings will be processed weekly.


    All People That on Earth Do Dwell OLD HUNDREDTH

    arr. Ralph Vaughan Williams


    Marianne Shick, soprano

    Sandra Smith, alto

    Don Juedes, tenor

    Nick Dogas, baritone

    1. All people that on earth do dwell,

    Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.

    God serve with fear, God's praise forth tell,

    Come ye before God and rejoice.

    2. Know that the Lord is God indeed;

    Without our aid God did us make;

    We are God's folk, God doth us feed,

    And for God's sheep God doth us take.

    3. O enter then God's gates with praise,

    Approach with joy God's courts unto

    Praise, laud, and bless God's name always

    For it is seemly so to do.

    4 For why? the Lord our God is good;

    God's mercy is forever sure;

    God's truth at all times firmly stood,

    And shall from age to age endure.


    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

    Praise Christ, all creatures here below;

    Praise Holy Spirit evermore;

    Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.


    God of all creation and light of the world, we are grateful for your loving attention to the design of

    our minds and bodies, for we realize we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are comforted by

    your intimate care hemming us in both behind and before, and the knowledge that we move with

    your hand upon us. Help us to recognize your presence in others as we do in ourselves, to hear your

    voice when you call, and to respond enthusiastically. We bring these offerings humbly, ready to

    serve in what it is you would have us do. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


    God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand NATIONAL HYMN


    Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748)


    We invite you to join us in our small breakout groups to visit after the service. Just stay on the

    Zoom call and you will be added to a group. This is a great way to welcome and meet new people,

    reconnect with friends and chat about whatever is on your mind!

    January 26, 2021 $ 3,575.00

    January 20, 2021 $ 2,370.00

    January PayPal $ 2,284.00


    McKenna Lewellen, preacher

    Martha Armenti, liturgist

    Jason Kissel, organist


    Marianne Shick, soprano ~ Sandra Smith, alto

    Don Juedes, tenor ~ Nick Dogas, alto

    ~~~ STAFF

    Jason Kissel, DMA, Minister of Music & Organist

    Taylor Brooks, tech support

    George Meagher, Sexton

    Wanda Morgan, Office Administrator/Wedding Coordinator

    The church office is open 8am-4pm Monday-Friday

    Office: 410-728-5545 Fax: 410-728-0722

    [email protected]


    Because of the recent upsurge in COVID cases, and in order to provide a consistent schedule,

    Session has decided to suspend worship in the sanctuary for the end of February. Virtual worship

    will continue using the Zoom and Facebook platforms. While we regret this step back from in-

    person worship, we believe it is necessary to protect the health of our guest preachers, others

    facilitating worship, and worshippers. Session will review this decision by the end of February.


    McKenna Lewellen serves as the Assistant Director of The Center, and is a candidate for ordination under

    care of the Baltimore Presbytery. Before moving to Baltimore, she preached and taught in congregations in

    Memphis and Boston. She holds degrees from Rhodes College and Boston University of Theology.


    Session continues to meet every two weeks to manage the business of the church. At its last meeting, a

    decision was made to continue with virtual-only worship through the month of February.

    The church’s financial situation is substantially unchanged. A robust stock market and reduced spending

    has left the value of our endowment relatively unchanged over the past few months. However, our

    financial advisors believe the market will weaken, and spending will rise with an interim pastor in place, so

    it is important that congregational giving remain strong. Please give as you are able.

    Session is also finishing up plans for a revised committee structure. Details should be available after the

    next meeting on February 2nd.

    An Interim Pastor search committee has been formed, the position has been advertised, and one interview

    has already been scheduled. The committee hopes to conduct several other interviews and have a

    recommendation ready for Session’s consideration by mid-February. Depending upon the commitments of

    the selected candidate, we hope to have an interim in place by the end of March.


    How many of you learned the Five Finger Prayer guide as a kid? Did you know you can submit Prayer

    Requests to us from our website 24/7? Click this link to go right to the page. These prayers will be added

    to our weekly prayer list. We welcome your submissions. Contact Form/Prayer Requests - First &



    With our current Pastor vacancy, if you need pastoral assistance, please call the church office (410) 728-

    5545 (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm) and we will direct your concern to an Associate Pastor for follow up.


    We will be transitioning back to the use of lay liturgists for Sunday Worship. Liturgists can serve virtually

    via Zoom as long as they have a stable internet connection.

    Open Dates: April 11, 18, 25.

    Please contact the church office if you are willing to serve. Thank you for considering it.

    THEOLOGY ON TAP | NEXT DATE: to be announced

    Join us for a study through Peter Enn's book, "How the Bible Actually Works".

    "Controversial evangelical Bible scholar, popular blogger and podcast host of The Bible for Normal

    People, and author of The Bible Tells Me So and The Sin of Certainty explains that the Bible is not an

    instruction manual or rule book but a powerful learning tool that nurtures our spiritual growth by refusing

    to provide us with easy answers but instead forces us to acquire wisdom."

    If you are interested in joining this study, please email Sarah Lloyd ([email protected]) and let

    her know that you're interested. The book is available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your

    local bookstores. If affording the book will be a hurdle, please let us know so we can arrange to help you.


    As we all recognize real concerns for our friends who will experience hardships through this disruption in

    regular routines, so too, we need to be mindful that your weekly contributions are critical to helping us

    maintain the financial obligations of the church. Payroll, mortgages, electricity and the rest are needs we

    must continue to cover, and your continued support of your pledges will be even more important while we

    are tele-worshiping. In addition to accepting your pledges by mail to the church office, we have recently

    added a PayPal link to the top of our new website which will allow us to process donations with this link:

    GIVE. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

    FOOD PANTRY AT FIRST & FRANKLIN Another 22 bags were handed out last week. We want to make sure people understand that they do not

    have to give large amounts. Buying an extra box of pasta or donating $10 if that is what works for you is

    impactful and welcome.

    If you have the resources to do so, please consider donating non-perishables (see list below) or

    financial contributions. Please also consider joining us on Saturdays from about 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    We continue to staff a food pantry in Reid Chapel every Saturday from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. There is a growing

    flow of neighbors with whom we are building relationships. We have built connections with residents at

    Westminster House for whom we drop off additional bags of food for those who cannot make the walk to

    Reid Chapel.

    In each grocery bag we pack food for breakfast, jelly and peanut butter (a good source of protein) for lunch,

    the makings for a balanced dinner such as beans and rice, pasta and sauce, canned meat, soup, vegetables,

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • and fruit, and a paper goods. We like to add a little fun food, such as popcorn or cookies, for everyone enjoys

    a treat.

    Contributions of shelf stable foods can be brought to Reid Chapel every Saturday between 12 noon and 2:00

    p.m. If shopping is difficult for you, monetary donations earmarked food pantry may be sent to the church

    and we will shop for you.

    We are currently low on: canned milk, spaghetti, canned meats and dry & canned beans

    Here is the list of foods we try to provide:

    Apple sauce, canned fruit and dried fruit

    Rice and beans

    Peanut butter and jelly

    Cereal or oatmeal and canned or powdered milk

    Tuna fish and other canned meats

    Spaghetti or pasta and tomato sauce


    Canned vegetables

    Popcorn and cookies

    Paper towels

    Toilet paper

    How else can you help? We need volunteers to help collect and distribute food every Saturday. Sabrina

    Schumann is coordinating the volunteers. You may reach her by email at [email protected] or phone

    240-481-6929. You can also help by spreading the word to those you know who are facing food insecurity.

    Thank you,

    The Peacemaking Committee


    CANDLELIGHT CHRISTMAS CONCERT -- The Spire Series Committee is pleased to share the

    YouTube link to the 2020 Virtual Candlelight Christmas Concert. This final version includes details that

    were unavailable during our initial broadcast, including subtitles, enhanced imagery and closing credits.

    We hope that having access to the beautiful music and scenery of the Christmas season at First & Franklin

    will brighten your days ahead. Please share this link with friends & family, too.

    MORNING PRAYER | 7:00am

    Please join us online: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

    Zoom Event Click: MORNING PRAYER

    mailto:[email protected]://


    Or did you want to re-visit a particular sermon from our congregational life?

    Please visit: Sermons

    Prayers from January 24, 2021

    Prayers of peace to the entire Mereness/Schroll family on the death of Betty’s Mom, Gini.

    Prayers for Phil Adams who is in the hospital with dengue fever and broken toes he sustained in a fall. He is

    undergoing surgery on 1/28.

    Prayers of love, joy and thanksgiving on the birth of our first grandchild, Isobel Wynne Wallace, on Tuesday, January

    19th in Boston. [Chris & David]

    Prayers of support for my friend, Arlene and her family as she faces a recent terminal cancer diagnosis. And for my

    longtime friend Jackie who recently underwent surgery. May she have a complete recovery. [Scot]

    Lord, as we listen to the Call, may we envision hope and love for all on the path ahead; help us to know how to use

    “tough love” with grace and understanding. [Audrey]

    There is much to be thankful for today: the promise of a vaccine to bring our world back to normalcy; for those who

    helped develop it and for those who are administering it. [Rev. Kate]

    We give thanks for the rescue of the Chinese miners after they were stuck for 2 weeks underground. [Rev. Kate]

    We give thanks for the hope of the first woman and person of color to hold national office in the Vice Presidency

    [Rev. Kate]

    We give thanks for the possibility for the people of the Muslim faith to travel to the United States. [Rev. Kate]

    We pray about the conflict in Ethiopia and in the Sudan, and for those taking part in the uprisings in Russia.

    Prayers for Paula Crews’ brother, for his daughter and her two daughters under the age of 4 who have Covid.

    Prayers for the grandparents of Erika Cabrera, who both have Covid. [Sarah]

    Thanksgiving for the life of Hank Aaron, for his baseball skills and his steadfastness in life a life of grit and grace.


    Prayers for the work of Safe Streets and the recent loss of Dante Barksdale. [Allie]

    Gratitude that my Mom has had her first vaccine and remain hopeful that others may get theirs as quickly as possible.


    Prayers for everyone struggling with loneliness and isolation, especially my cousin Sam. [Charley]

    Grateful for a wonderful sermon by Rev. Kate.

  • Prayers for the Mt. Vernon Community and those working the food pantry where we gave away 22 bags on Saturday

    to those in need. [Randy]

    For all in our church community who are unable to join us each week – may we all reach out to those we do not see

    each week. [Beth]

    Prayers of thanks for our entire staff – Wanda, George, Taylor, Jason, Deborah and all our volunteers who help to

    keep the church moving forward. [Beth]

    Prayers from 1/17/2021

    Grateful for a wonderful sermon by Rev. Lisa. [David]

    Prayers for Betty’s Mom, Gini, who is hospitalized with Covid and is on hospice care.

    Prayers for our nations peace. [John]

    For Kat C. in NC waiting for Covid results. [Sabrina]

    Gratitude that my sister’s medical tests came back less serious that feared. [Mike]

    Prayers of thanks for the lives and witness of Rev. Fred Rogers, who died in 2003 and his wife Joanna who died last

    week at the age of 92. [Jack]

    For Kat who recently learned of her partner’s addiction. [Sabrina]

    For our brothers and sisters in Cuba. [Betty]

    Prayers for my friend Lawrence Waudby who lost his mother to Covid. [Craig]

    Prayers for my son, John, who broke his leg. [Nusrat]

    Prayers for my daughter who is separating from her husband. [Marla]

    Prayers for the Mt. Vernon Community and those working the food pantry where we gave away 25 bags on

    Saturday to those in need. [Randy]

    For all in our church community who are unable to join us each week – may we all reach out to those we do not see

    each week. [Beth]

    Prayers of thanks for our entire staff – Wanda, George, Taylor, Jason, Deborah and all our volunteers who help to

    keep the church moving forward. [Beth]