  • 8/13/2019 5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers



    5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing

    PowersByAgneeth Mazumdar, Jamie FlexmanMarch 25, 2013 1,708,654 views

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    Sure, you could improve yourself the normal way, with hard work and years of slow, incremental

    progress. Or you could use some of your body's built-in cheat codes and just hack your way to


    These hacks come with various degrees of difficulty, but no risk or potential for injury. And actual

    scientists say that all of them work.

    #5. Remember Long Lists With a "Memory Palace"

    Thinkstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

    The human brain sucks at remembering lists. Think about it: When you go to the grocery store,

    how many items can you manage before you have to write them down? Three? Five? For most of
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    us, if there's any more than that, we're going to get back home and find out we forgot the milk

    (which by the way was the whole fucking reason we went to the store in the first place).

    That's weird, because there are other things in life we have no problem with. For instance, we

    don't have much trouble remembering the locations of a hundred different spots around town,

    even if we don't know the addresses (do you even know the street address of your favorite coffee

    shop?), or the locations of a thousand items around the house. Sure, you couldn't write them alldown, but if a friend asks you where they can find a flashlight, you're probably going to have an

    answer. If only there was a way to exploit this strength to overcome the other weakness ...

    Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty ImagesThere's only so much room on the human body to write it all down. Unless you constantly eat, we guess.

    The Hack:

    You're able to find your way around because a whole lot of your mental horsepower is devoted to

    spatial memory -- learning the layout of your environment. And there is totally a way you can tap

    into it as a hack to remember long lists. So-called memory championshave been doing it forever.

    They call it creating a memory palace.

    Here's how it works: You pick a familiar place that you know well and can imagine without much

    problem -- the inside of your house, the layout of your neighborhood, whatever. You then imagine

    yourself walking along a specific route in that place and associate an item on your list with eachlocation.
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    Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images"Shit, that reminds me, I'm out of chloroform."

    So let's say you're trying to remember a long grocery list, and you choose to use your

    neighborhood to mentally visualize it. You could imagine the first item on your list -- condoms --

    scattered willy-nilly along your driveway. The next thing on your list might be beer -- you could

    picture your neighbor passed out drunk on his lawn, pants down, if you want. Next up is frozen

    pizza, so you picture pizza pies replacing all the windows at your drunk neighbor's house. Let yourimagination do the hard work for you -- the more ridiculous/striking the image, the easier it'll be

    to remember.

    It all sounds like a ridiculous extra step, but you soon realize how incredibly easy it suddenly makes

    it to recite a list. You're simply forcing the spatial memory part of your brain to help out. And you

    can start doing it at any time -- the memory palace (or method of loci) memorization technique

    isn't something that requires years of practice. In one 1968 study,college students were asked to

    memorize a list of 40 items by associating each item with a specific location around campus. Not

    only were the students able to memorize an average of 38 of the 40 items, but the next day they

    were able to name 34 of the original list (and that was in 1968 -- imagine how much more theywould have remembered if the kids hadn't been on so much pot).

    Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images"Two. I can remember two things."

    In another study, German senior citizens were also asked to memorize a list of 40 words by

    associating each word with Berlin landmarks. Before using the method, they could only recall an

    average of three words. After associating the German word for "father" with the Berlin zoo, for

    example, participants could remember an average of 23 words from the list. Oh, and you don't

    have to have one location for each list item, either. In yet another study, subjects just took their

    imaginary walk twiceand were still able to remember 34 of the 40 items. Seriously, go try this.

    #4. Retain Information by Spacing Out the Reminders
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    Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

    The hell of trying to learn anything is that time randomly wipes important information you've

    committed to memory -- you can't remember the Pythagorean theorem, but you remember the

    base stats of 649 Pokemon. This is why so many of us wind up cramming at the last minute for

    exams -- it's not just procrastination, it's fear that if we study a month ahead of time, we'll forget

    part of it by exam day. So our only answer is to cram everything into our short-term memory,knowing that we'll lose it right after the test. A hundred grand in tuition well spent!

    No, what we need is a way to retain information for the long haul, without doing a lot of work. In

    other words, we need a scientific method to arrive at the exact minimum amount of time and

    energy we need to successfully retain important information.

    Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images"Much better: 15 seconds to remember that I need to change the batteries in my stopwatch."

    The Hack:

    There is a measurable process by which your brain drops information, a "forgetting curve." If you

    want information to stick, there's a specific hack you can do to work around it. It takes a bit more

    practice than the memory palace thing above, but if your job or degree depends on it, it's worth it.

    Basically, it's a matter of figuring out the rate at which your brain forgets things and adapting to it.

    They call itspaced repetition,and here's an animated gif showing off the simplest form:
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    So, the first time you study, yes, you drill yourself with all of the flash cards. The ones you get right

    you promote to the Every Week pile. Ones you get wrong go in the Every Day pile. The next day

    you try it again, but now you've got a smaller pile. The next day, it will be smaller still. A week

    later, you'll try the Every Week pile again, and the ones you get right you stuff into the Once a

    Month pile. You're just filtering this shit right on down the line, giving yourself less and less to do.

    A month later, you go through the Once a Month pile to make sure you remember it. The stuffyou've forgotten goes into the weekly rotation again. See what you're doing? You're figuring out

    the exact rate at which this stuff falls out of your brain. Breezing through that monthly box? Great,

    make it every two months. The spans of time are flexible (conversely, if you have an exam or

    presentation in two weeks, you can shorten the whole process -- make your three piles Daily,

    Every Other Day, Every Three Days).

    If that still sounds too complicated, a Polish psychologist named Piotr Wozniak created computer

    software that does it for you:

    Supermemo via Wired.comCharts are scientists' way of smugly yelling "suck it" at you.

    That's just an example graph; yours will be different. But yes, it works. Wozniak actually conducted

    an experiment on himself by memorizing thousands of nonsensical syllables ... and found that he

    could repeat the list three yearslater. So when you're walking around the city and you see filthy

    people mumbling nonsense syllables to themselves all day, this is probably what they're doing. Ask

    them about it!

    #3. Write It Out (Even if You Don't Read It Later)
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    Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

    Quick! When was the last time you held a pen and wrote something? It was probably while signing

    a receipt, wasn't it? A note you left on the parked car you dinged at the mall? Child support

    checks? In this age of smartphones, constant texting, and spending half our waking hours online,

    most of us have lost the gentle art of holding a pencil and scratching out ransom notes the old-

    fashioned way. Which is too bad, because if you want information to stick in your brain, you needto write that shit out by hand.

    Jupiterimages/BananaStock/Getty Images"Punching babies is wrong. Punching babies is wrong. Punching babies is wrong."

    The Hack:

    The act of handwriting actually engages neural activity that you don't get by hammering on a

    keyboard. During an experiment at Indiana University, preschool kids who were learning the

    alphabet were separated into two groups. The first group was shown letters and told what they

    were, while the second group had the additional task of practicing writing the letters. When thekids were put into a "spaceship" (an MRI machine), the brains from the writing group lit up like

    somebody had crammed a road flare into their ears. Their neural activity not only was more

    enhanced, it was more "adult-like," which we presume means they later asked researchers to

    check their cholesterol levels while they were there.
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    John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images"I'm sorry, but you only have two weeks to live. Hahaha! Just a little joke we like to tell the kids."

    In other words, it seems to be the same principle as the memory palace thing above -- forcing

    another part of your brain into the action to help out with memorization. We invented keyboards

    because typing is way easier and faster than writing, but making it faster means we're losing

    handwriting's unique ability to imprint information in our brain. So those flash cards we had you

    make above? Get a pen and write that shit out instead of printing it off your computer. Watchyour score improve.

    A 2008 study proved that this works especially well when you're doing something that involves

    learning unfamiliar characters, like some computer languages, or sheet music, or Japanese. Again,

    making your fingers draw out the shape engages a completely different part of your brain than if

    you're just staring at it on a screen and saying, "Remember this, goddamnit!"

    Polka Dot/Polka Dot/Getty Images"And don't you even think about getting up until you know astrophysics."

    But of course your brain is good for more than memorizing stuff. For instance, this next hack is for

    those of you with rage problems ...

    Read more:

  • 8/13/2019 5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers



    5 Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing


    ByAgneeth Mazumdar, Jamie FlexmanMarch 25, 2013 1,708,654 views

    Add to Favorites


    #2. Control Anger by Using Your Less-Dominant Hand



    Everyone knows at least one guy who hulks out over the stupidest things -- a messed up coffee

    order, a red light, global warming. Usually these people are just harmless joke fodder until they

    road rage on an elderly person over a politically charged bumper sticker. If you don't know one of

    these people, consider that it might be you.

    Of course, there are all these tricks that your mom taught you that are supposed to calm you

    down ("Stop and count to 10!"), which of course don't work because in the moment you're

    enraged, you can't think logically anyway. What you need is to beef up your anger defenses before

    it gets to that point.
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    Hemera Technologies/"Somebody stop me before I rob a sperm bank and make this town disgusting."

    The Hack:

    This one comes from the University of New South Wales, who found the perfect anger-

    management trick, and it wasn't cool jazz music or playful kittens wearing sunglasses. People who

    had anger issues were asked to spend two weeks using their non-dominant hand for anything that

    wouldn't endanger anyone: opening and slamming doors, writing hate mail, pouring coffee, and

    other dirty activities that are now crossing your mind. After two weeks, the subjects could control

    their temper tantrums better, even when other participants deliberately insulted them to get a


    Why would this possibly work? Well, looking at angry people under brain scans shows that

    outbursts are less about too much anger and more about depleted self-control. That's both good

    news and bad news. The bad news is that self-control is a finite thing, and you can run out of it.

    The good news is that it's a physical mechanism of how your brain works, and you can strengthen

    it (or hack it into working better).

    Digital Vision/Digital Vision/Getty Images"Fudge you, mother lover!"

    Now, you'd assume that the only way to do that would be some kind of meditation or long classes

    in anger management. Or maybe to pay somebody to make an annoying noise in your ear for

    hours at a time and slowly decreasing the frequency with which you punch them in the head. But
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    The Hack:

    Your brain manages everything, including your immune system. And we already know that seeing

    certain images can trigger physical responses in the body -- some pictures make us salivate, while

    others do downtown business on our private parts (boners). Well, when you see sick people, your

    body beefs up its defenses.

    Scientists from theUniversity of British Columbiashowed students a 10-minute slideshow of sick

    people to measure their immune system's responses. So for 10 solid minutes, test subjects looked

    at images of people with rashes, bad coughs, and those weird booster shot scars you see on the

    middle-aged. What they discovered was that after the sick reel, the participants' white blood cells

    went into overdrive and began to produce interleukin-6 (IL-6), the same kind of protein a body

    would produce to fight off infection or combat burns.

    Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images"It says you're a piece of shit. Hmm. I don't need technology to show me that."

    And if you're wondering if the triggered immune system was just a general response to stress, the

    answer is not really. While the participants certainly weren't held at gunpoint, there was a group

    who got the opportunity to look at pictures of people pointing guns at them, which netted a

    negligible6 percent increase in IL-6.Looking at sickies, on the other hand, resulted in a 23 percent


    From an evolutionary standpoint, this sort of makes sense -- if you see your cave brothers and

    sisters spilling their guts all over the place or falling victim to the prehistoric flu, your body has to

    work a little harder to avoid catching the same illness and dropping dead. So your doctor is kind of

    screwing you by filling the waiting room with pictures of calming landscapes and clowns. If he or

    she wanted to beef up your defenses, the walls would be full of oozing sores.

    Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images"In lieu of antibiotics, I'd like you to stare at my measles scars for a full minute."
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    Speaking of hacking your brain, check outthis videofrom this article's sponsor, Virgin Mobile.

    Jamie wants you to come and check outhis blog,and if your brain isn't too burned out, pop over tohis Facebook page.

    For more ways to make yourself superhuman, check out 5 Ways to Trick Your Body Into Being

    More Awesomeand5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Become Instantly Smarter.

    If you're pressed for time and just looking for a quick fix, then check out 3 Viral News Stories

    That Aren't As Bad As the News Claimed.

    And stop byLinkSTORMto learn how to give yourself a set of Wolverine claws.

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