  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


    Windows New Hire Training


  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    Microsoft Condential - For Internal and Partner Use Only

    This training package content is proprietary and condential and is intended only for!sers descri"ed in the training #aterials. This content and infor#ation is provided to

    yo! !nder a $on%&isclos!re Agree#ent and cannot "e distri"!ted. Copying or disclosing

    all or any portion of the content and'or infor#ation incl!ded in this package is strictly

    prohi"ited. (o#e ele#ents of this doc!#ent are s!")ect to change. This doc!#ent is

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    This #od!le provides a disc!ssion of /indows licensing and activation technologies.


    At the end of this #od!le yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &e#onstrate steps to activate /indows.

    &isc!ss key concepts related to /indows licensing and activation.

    &e#onstrate tro!"leshooting for co##on activation s!pport iss!es.

    &escri"e the p!rpose and f!nction of the 7en!ine Advantage progra#. &escri"e the /7A validation process.

    &isc!ss options for tro!"leshooting software validation fail!res.

    &escri"e the 7en!ine Advantage $otications rogra#.

    &escri"e gen!ine and non%gen!ine tray 7en!ine Advantage $otication details.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Mod%le

    This #od!le takes appro8i#ately 9.9 ho!rs to co#plete.

    a"s in this #od!le take an additional 2.29 ho!rs to co#plete.

    The assess#ent for this #od!le takes an additional :0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    esson6 icensing

    This lesson provides a "asic overview of /indows license types and concepts.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

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    ist license types !sed "y /indows.

    &isc!ss license ter#s and their i#pact on cons!#er !sage.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is LessonThis lesson takes appro8i#ately 19 #in!tes to co#plete.

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    License Ter#s

    A key part of the license is the agree#ent "etween Microsoft and the licensee. This is

    called the nd 4ser icense Agree#ent 4AB or the license ter#s. 5o! can read the

    ter#s for yo!r /indows and other Microsoft prod!ct licenses here6


    (o#e key points in the /indows license that can ca!se conf!sion6

    N%#1er of PCs6 +etail and OM /indows licenses typically li#it yo! to

    installation on a single C. (o#e other prod!cts have "een licensed for !se on

    #ore than one C in the past "!t /indows has "een li#ited to one.

    N%#1er of Connections6 The license ter#s li#it the n!#"er of connections

    that can "e #ade to a /indows C. This is for services like le sharing where

    other Cs or devices can connect to /indows to !se services on the O(. The

    e8act n!#"er of connections varies "y O( version and edition. Check the license

    ter#s for yo!r prod!ct to "e s!re of yo!r li#it.

    (cti&ation is 'e2%ired6 As part of the license ter#s c!sto#ers agree to

    activate /indows.

    +eview the license ter#s for a co#plete look at the agree#ent involved in licensing


    3owngrade License

    One special licensing scenario that yo! #ay face is the &owngrade license. This is an

    OM%specic scenario.

    /hen yo! p!rchase a new C with /indows preinstalled yo!r license #ay per#it a

    downgrade to a previo!s version of /indows. This is provided as an option so that

    so#eone who is not yet ready for the new /indows version is a"le to !se an older

    version with a new C.

    5o! are responsi"le for o"taining the previo!s version installation #edia and a valid

    prod!ct key in order to e8ercise this right.

    This ca!ses conf!sion at ti#es as c!sto#ers #ay contact their OM to o"tain the

    previo!s prod!ct or they #ay contact Microsoft for new #edia. $ew #edia sho!ld not

    "e re

    key they sho!ld "e a"le to install.

    ,or #ore infor#ation on downgrade rights see6http6'''oe#'en'licensing's"licensing'pages'downgradeDrights.asp8

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    esson6 Activation

    This lesson provides an overview of /indows licensing activation and a disc!ssion of

    the steps yo! take to activate /indows.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    O!tline steps needed to activate /indows.

    &isc!ss the ele#ents involved in validating a /indows installation for activation.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately ;9 #in!tes to co#plete.

    a"s in this lesson take an additional :0 #in!tes to co#plete.

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  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    (cti&ation O&er&iew

    Microsoft rod!ct Activation is an Anti%piracy technology designed to verify that the

    software has "een legiti#ately licensed. Activation is i#ple#ented in /indows and

    OFce. This lesson foc!ses on the /indows Activation technologies. *n order to

    !nderstand Activation we start with a "rief look at the /indows license.

    Windows Prod%ct (cti&ation

    Activation helps verify that yo!r copy of /indows is gen!ine and that it has not "een

    !sed on #ore co#p!ters than the Microsoft (oftware icense Ter#s allow. *n this way

    activation helps prevent software co!nterfeiting. /ith an activated copy of /indows

    yo!?ll "e a"le to !se every feat!re of /indows.

    5o! have :0 days after installing /indows to activate it online or "y telephone. This is

    called the grace period. *f this :0%day period e8pires "efore yo! activate /indows yo!will not "e a"le to !se every feat!re of /indows. 5o! can regain f!ll !se of yo!r

    co#p!ter "y activating /indows.

    For #ore infor#ationon /indows Activation see the ,AG here6


    C$ (cti&ation *tate


    (yste# properties. This shows whether /indows is 7en!ine which #eans activated

    and veried "y /indows 7en!ine Advantage co#ponentsB.

    3e#o4 Windows (cti&ation

    Open (yste# roperties and check the activation stat!s of yo!r C.

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    (cti&ating Windows

    The choices for how /indows > will "e activated "egin with an option for A!to#atic

    Activation d!ring (et!p. After that the options for Activation are generally accessed

    fro# Co#p!ter roperties.

    Note4The steps for activating /indows =ista are si#ilar to steps shown in this section

    for /indows >.

    (cti&ation O"tion d%ring *et%"

    (et!p incl!des one cong!ration option related to activation. This option is

    JA!to#atically activate /indows when *?# onlineK. *t is displayed at the step of set!p

    where yo! can enter yo!r prod!ct key. This is shown.

    Fig%re 54 (cti&ation in *et%"

    This is shown d!ring the /indows /elco#e steps at the end of set!p. na"ling this

    option the defa!lt is ena"ledB ca!ses /indows to atte#pt activation partway thro!ghthe grace period witho!t the need for !ser action.

    Note4 (ee the A!to#atic Activation section later in this lesson for #ore details on this


    *f yo! have installed /indows > witho!t entering a prod!ct key yo! will only see

    notications of the activation grace period re#aining. Activation will not "e a!to#atic

    as a prod!ct key is needed "efore yo! can activate.

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    (cti&ation *te"s

    5o! can nd yo!r c!rrent activation stat!s at the "otto# of the (yste# control panel.

    Fig%re 64 (cti&ation in *yste# Pro"erties

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    /hen yo! click JActivate /indows nowK the sl!i.e8e progra# is started. This is the !ser

    interface for /indows Activation. *f yo! have entered a prod!ct key d!ring set!p yo!

    will see the choices shown "elow.

    Fig%re 74 Windows (cti&ation

    Choosing JActivate /indows online nowK a"ove proceeds with an atte#pt to activate

    !nless /indows was installed witho!t entering a prod!ct key. *f yo! perfor#ed a keyless

    installation the JType yo!r prod!ct keyK step is ne8t as shown "elow.

    Fig%re 84 Ty"e yo%r "rod%ct .ey

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    *f yo! don?t enter a key or enter an invalid key and then click $e8t yo! will see the


    5o! #!st enter a valid prod!ct key "efore activating online. Check yo!r prod!ct key and type

    it again.

    Once yo! enter a key or if yo! have previo!sly entered a valid key the ne8t step is

    JActivating /indowsK with a progress indicator.

    Fig%re 94 (cti&ating Windows

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    *f s!ccessf!l the activation wiard ends with the JActivation was s!ccessf!l step shown


    Fig%re :4 (cti&ation was s%ccessf%l

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    activate /indows >. 5o! will see #essages to the e@ect

    that activation is re

    (dditional Grace


    /indows Activation checks for hardware changes to the

    syste# that co!ld "e associated with #oving the

    installation to di@erent hardware. *f a threshold of change

    is crossed yo! will "e pro#pted to reactivate /indows.This is done to protect against the !se of a single

    activated installation of /indows on #!ltiple co#p!ters.

    5o! #ay enter this state after #aking a n!#"er of

    changes to !ni

    device s!ch as if the device is identied di@erently after

    a driver !pdate.

    Non-Gen%ine Grace


    This is the state yo! enter after /indows 7en!ine

    Advantage deter#ines that yo!r co#p!ter is not


    Un.nown This can indicate a pro"le# with the licensing


    Unlicensed This appears for license types not c!rrently in !se on

    yo!r #achine which yo! can see !sing Jsl#gr.v"s %dlv


    5o! can view these and other te8t #essages ret!rned "y sl#gr.v"s "y reviewing the

    sl#gr.ini le in P/indowsP(yste#:2Psl#grPNlang!age *&.

    Prod%ct 0ey and PI3

    4nderstanding activation key types and rod!ct *dentier *&B types is i#portant in

    order to deter#ine the appropriate s!pport steps for activation iss!es.

    Prod%ct 0eys

    /hen installing /indows > yo! provide a prod!ct key. This key and the #edia it is !sed

    with deter#ines the kind of activation e8perience yo! will have. The #ain cons!#er

    key types are6

    +etail key6 This is the key that co#es with a f!ll%install retail "o8ed or download

    copy of /indows >. *t can "e !sed for clean installation for !pgrade or for /A4.

    +etail 4pgrade key6 This is a type of retail key that co#es with a red!ced%price

    version of /indows > and is to "e !sed for !pgrade only. /indows > provides for

    the !se of this key type for a clean installation as well if yo! have a /indows

    installation c!rrently on the C.

    +etail /indows Anyti#e 4pgrade key6 This is a type of key that o@ers a red!ced%

    price !pgrade fro# one edition of /indows to a higher edition of the sa#e

    /indows version. This key cannot "e !sed to perfor# a clean install of /indows

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    Prod%ct I3

    Once yo! have installed /indows yo!r installation is assigned a rod!ct *& *&B. This

    created in part fro# yo!r prod!ct key. The *& is a n!#"er identifying yo!r /indows


    The *& for /indows is needed when yo! o"tain s!pport fro# Microsoft it is !sed toidentify yo!r /indows installation so that yo!r s!pport entitle#ent can "e deter#ined.

    Where to fnd your PID?

    5o!r prod!ct *& is provided in the Activation infor#ation in (yste# roperties as shown


    Fig%re =4 Prod%ct I3 in *yste# Pro"erties

    Installation I3

    /indows is activated "ased on an eval!ation of yo!r installation *&. The *nstallation *&

    is specically designed to g!arantee anony#ity and is only !sed "y Microsoft to deter

    piracy. The *nstallation *& is co#prised of two di@erent pieces of infor#ation6

    Prod%ct I36 This is the identier shown a"ove.

    Hardware $as$ &al%e6 This is a n!#"er that the software licensing

    co#ponents !se to deter#ine if yo!r hardware has changed.

    These val!es are co#"ined to prod!ce the *nstallation *& which Microsoft !ses to

    eval!ate yo!r cong!ration to deter#ine if yo!r /indows installation is gen!ine.

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    Has$ /al%e 3etails

    The hardware hash val!e is an eight "yte val!e that is created "y r!nning ten di@erent

    pieces of infor#ation fro# the co#p!ter?s hardware co#ponents thro!gh a one%way

    #athe#atical transfor#ation a hashing f!nction. This #eans that the res!ltant hash

    val!e cannot "e "ackwards calc!lated to deter#ine the original val!es. ,!rther only a

    portion of the res!lting hash val!e is !sed in the hardware hash in order to ens!reco#plete anony#ity.

    8a#ple6 A processor serial n!#"er is LE "its in length. /hen hashed the res!ltant

    one%way hash is 12I "its in length. Microsoft !ses only si8 "its fro# that res!ltant hash

    in activation?s hardware hash. &!e to the nat!re of the hashing algorith# those si8 "its

    cannot "e "ackwards calc!lated to deter#ine anything at all a"o!t the original

    processor serial n!#"er.

    Moreover si8 "its represent E; 2UEB di@erent val!es. There were over 100 #illion Cs

    sold last year worldwide. ,ro# those 100 #illion Cs sold only E; di@erent hardware

    hash val!es co!ld "e created as part of activation.

    Microsoft developed the hardware hash in this way in order to #aintain the !ser?s


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    La14 Windows (cti&ation

    This la" provides hands%on e8perience eval!ating the c!rrent activation stat!s of

    /indows > on yo!r co#p!ter.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is La1

    This la" takes appro8i#ately :0 #in!tes to co#plete.


    To perfor# this la" yo! will need the following6

    A C with /indows > installed

    !ercise4 !a#ining Windows (cti&ation *tat%s1. Check the c!rrent activation stat!s in (yste# roperties.

    2. *f /indows is not yet activated and this was a keyless installation6

    a. 3ow #any days do yo! have re#aining in the grace periodR

    ". /hat is the rst step shown in the /indows Activation wiard when yo! are

    not yet activated in this scenarioR 4se the JActivate /indows nowK link in

    (yste# roperties.

    :. *f /indows is not yet activated "!t yo! entered a valid key d!ring set!p6

    a. 3ow #any days do yo! have re#aining in the grace periodR

    ". /hat is the rst step shown in the /indows Activation wiard when yo! are

    not yet activated in this scenarioR 4se the JActivate /indows nowK link in

    (yste# roperties.

    ;. Check to see if yo!r C has a COA sticker. *f it does have a COA what /indows

    version is licensed to the C "ased on the stickerR

    9. &isc!ss yo!r res!lts with the class.

    esson6 Activation Tro!"leshooting

    There are a variety of root ca!ses associated with activation iss!es on /indows. This

    lesson o!tlines general tro!"leshooting for any activation iss!e as well as

    reco##endations for specic errors that are #ore co##only enco!ntered.

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    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &isc!ss tro!"leshooting reco##endations for /indows activation iss!es.

    &e#onstrate standard tro!"leshooting for activation errors. &isc!ss reso!rces availa"le for activation tro!"leshooting

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately L0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    a"s in this lesson take an additional E0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only 2:

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    Tro%1les$ooting 'eso%rces

    5o!r reso!rces for tro!"leshooting activation iss!es are s!##aried "elow.

    LoggingActivation events are logged to the Application vent og fro# (o!rce J(ec!rity%(K.

    *n /indows =ista the so!rce is J(ec!rity%icensing%(CK.

    (%to#ated Tro%1les$ooting Tools

    The pri#ary a!to#ated tro!"leshooting tools availa"le for Activation iss!es are M(&T

    Tro!"leshooters. (everal iss!e%specic tro!"leshooters provide eFcient resol!tions to

    top iss!es. /hen availa"le these sho!ld "e !sed rstV

    'eso%rces for Man%al Tro%1les$ooting

    *n addition to these a!to#ated tools there are reso!rces availa"le for #an!al

    tro!"leshooting. These incl!de6

    Ta1le 84 Tro%1les$ooting 'eso%rces

    'eso%rce 3escri"tion

    Online &oc!#entation As with #any other areas the -nowledge Qase

    provides articles on a n!#"er of top activation

    iss!es.(pecial to activation each error typically incl!des

    a link to a we" page providing #ore infor#ation. *t

    can "e helpf!l to o"tain the 4+ for this page fro#

    yo!r c!sto#er as it can give yo! "ackgro!nd on

    what has "een tried already along with the e8act

    error code yo! are tro!"leshooting.

    -ey and *& verication tools *t is i#portant in #any cases to verify that the key

    in !se shouldactivate s!ccessf!lly on the

    c!sto#er?s installation. /e can !se key or *&

    verication tools to #ake this deter#ination.

    &iagnostic &ata Collection M(&TTro!"leshooter *f yo! need #ore diagnostic data fro# the C totro!"leshoot deeper consider !sing the M7A&iag

    tool which is provided in an M(&T #anifest. This

    collects a variety of diagnostic infor#ation related

    to activation.

    These tools are disc!ssed in the conte8t of tro!"leshooting in the pages that follow.

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    /erifying Prod%ct and 0ey

    One of the #ain tasks yo! need to perfor# when tro!"leshooting an activation iss!e is

    to #ake s!re the prod!ct and key #atch. This involves checking the so!rce of each.


    *s this the key that was printed on the la"el with the retail #ediaR

    /as the O( reinstalled fro# a di@erent so!rce than

    *f this is a newly p!rchased copy of /indows what was the p!rchase so!rceR

    *f there is do!"t a"o!t either the prod!ct or the key yo! can verify each.

    0ey /erication

    5o! can verify a rod!ct -ey or rod!ct *& !sing the -ey *nfor#ation Tool -*TB. -*T is

    located here6https6'''-*T'asp8'&efa!lt.asp8

    This tool provides infor#ation a"o!t the key or *& incl!ding6

    Ta1le 94 0IT /erication O%t"%t

    O%t"%t 3escri"tion

    /alidity *s it a valid key or *&R *f not verify the key or *& and try typing

    it again.

    Prod%ct /indows > /indows =ista etc.

    dition 3o#e re#i!# rofessional etc.

    C$annel +etail or OM(cti&ation


    This incl!des infor#ation s!ch as6

    (cti&ations6 This is the n!#"er of ti#es this key has "een

    !sed for activating the prod!ct.

    'IT6 +eiss!e *n Tolerance. This is the n!#"er of activations

    yo! can do on a single C in the event that activation is


    'IT Co%nt6 $!#"er of +*T activations that have "een done

    !sing this key in the past.

    'OT6 +eiss!e O!t of Tolerance. This is the n!#"er of

    activations s!pported on a di@erent C.This is a s#all set of the data availa"le for a key or *& in -*T "!t

    it covers a signicant part of the infor#ation yo! #ight need to

    decide if a key sho!ld "e working to activate /indows.

    ,or #ore infor#ation on data ret!rned "y -*T see the ,re

    doc!#ent here6


    .pps8 P-ey *nfor#ation Tool ,AG.#ht

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    0IT Training

    +eview the -*T Training #aterials at the following location6



    Prod%ct *tat%s

    *n addition to the s!pport tool a"ove yo! can !se an in%"o8 /indows tool to check the

    licensing state of the /indows installation. To do this si#ply r!n the following


    sl#gr@&1s -dl&

    This sho!ld show yo! the c!rrent activation state as well as the last 9 characters of the

    prod!ct key a#ong other infor#ation. This data can "e very !sef!l to check whether

    the c!sto#er #ay have !sed the sa#e key on another C or pinpoint the e8act

    activation state on this C.

    The e8a#ple "elow was taken fro# a /indows > C that is past its :0 day grace period.

    $ote the stat!s $oticationB and reason grace ti#er e8piredB.

    Fig%re >4 *LMG'@/+* A3L/

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    *tandard Tro%1les$ooting *te"s

    (tandard tro!"leshooting for activation iss!es consists of the following #ain steps6

    1. Use t$e rror Code6 4se the error code to check for known iss!es or iss!e%

    specic tro!"leshooting.

    a. $ote the error code.

    ". Check for specic sol!tions to the c!sto#er?s error -nowledge Qase

    articles M(&T tro!"leshooters etc.

    2. /erify t$e .ey6 This step is done to deter#ine e8actly what type of key the

    c!sto#er is !sing for activation.

    a. Ask the c!sto#er for their key so!rce. /as this key !sed d!ring set!pR

    ". =alidate key !sing the reco##ended s!pport tool for key validation.

    i. *s the key validR &oes it have re#aining activationsR

    ii. *f not the c!sto#er needs to o"tain a new prod!ct key.

    iii. *f so there #ay "e a pro"le# with the installation proceed with

    the steps "elow.

    :. /erify t$e installed "rod%ct6 Check the version edition and channel for this

    /indows installation. This can "e co#pared with the key validation res!lts.

    a. +!n the following co##and6

    sl#gr@&1s -dl&

    ". 5o! can also o"tain a list of all the activation types s!pported for this

    /indows installation6

    sl#gr@&1s -dl& all

    c. *f the key and prod!ct are co#pati"le there #ay "e a pro"le# with the

    Activation co#ponents in /indows ca!sing a pro"le# with key


    ;. 'e"air (cti&ation co#"onents6 The steps "elow reinstall licensing

    co#ponents and generate a new tokens.dat le. +!n the following co##ands in

    an Ad#inistrator co##and pro#pt6

    net sto" s""s&c

    Cd Bwindir



    'en to.ens@dat to.ens@old

    cd BwindirBsyste#76

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    net start s""s&c

    sl#gr@&1s -rilc

    9. /hen nished with these steps re%try the activation.

    /hen yo! nd that these steps are !na"le to resolve an iss!e there #ay "e a #ore

    serio!s pro"le# in the O(. 5o! co!ld consider perfor#ing #ore aggressivetro!"leshooting s!ch as !sing (,C and possi"ly reinstalling /indows.

    5o! #ay also consider collecting diagnostic data !sing M7A&iag. This tool can "e sent to

    a c!sto#er via an M(&T #anifest. 5o! can also r!n directly if needed fro# this page6



    Note4The steps a"ove are for /indows >. (teps for /indows =ista di@er d!e to

    changes in the folder na#e and service na#e for the licensing co#ponents. (ee the -Q

    article L>I:09 for co##ands that work on /indows =ista.

    3e#o4 *tandard Tro%1les$ooting *te"s

    &e#onstrate the standard tro!"leshooting steps listed a"ove on the instr!ctor C.

    *ncl!de the !se of a key verication tool if applica"le.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only 2I
  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    Classifying rror Codes

    *f the activation of /indows fails it is often possi"le to deter#ine whether the error was

    ret!rned fro# the server end the Microsoft Activation servers on the *nternetB or the

    client side co#ponents in the /indows O( or the entered keyB. 5o! can do this "y

    e8a#ining the error code.

    This is !sef!l as it co!ld tell yo! how to foc!s yo!r tro!"leshooting.

    *er&er rrors

    The following is the range of error codes which are the type reported "ack to /indows

    "y the activation servers6

    ?!C??8+!!!and ?!C??8C!!!

    /hen yo! enco!nter an error in this range yo! sho!ld foc!s tro!"leshooting on key and

    prod!ct verication. *t is less co##on for this range of errors to relate to pro"le#s withthe activation and licensing co#ponents in .

    Connecti&ity Pro1le#s

    *n cases where the client is not a"le to reach the server d!e to so#e connectivity iss!es

    e8pect error codes in the following range6

    ?!=??;6!!and ?!=??;6F!!

    *n addition the event logs will incl!de an event with vent *& I200 that contains

    detailed infor#ation a"o!t the fail!re. 4se these event log entries to target yo!r


    Note4*ncorrect ti#e or date settings on yo!r co#p!ter can also ca!se these types of

    connectivity errors.

    Ot$er Codes

    ,or error codes not in the ranges listed a"ove !se tro!"leshooting specic to the error

    if availa"le or standard tro!"leshooting as o!tlined a"ove.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only 2L

  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    Tro%1les$ooting *"ecic (cti&ation rrors

    The following pages list a few activation errors yo! #ay enco!nter. These are provided

    to help fa#iliarie yo! with the types of iss!es yo! #ay face while s!pporting /indows.

    (cti&ation rror ?!C??8C??7

    This error is displayed as follows6

    The activation server deter#ined that the specic prod!ct key is in !se6 08C00;C00:

    This error is typically related to re%!sing a key that has already "een !sed to activate

    /indows. Check the key to "e s!re yo! are !sing the correct key. *f yo! are it wo!ld "e

    "est to start with /indows Activation s!pport for assistance.

    (cti&ation rror ?!C??8F?9?

    This error is displayed as follows6

    The following fail!re occ!rred while trying to !se the prod!ct key6


    The (oftware icensing (ervice reported that the prod!ct key is invalid

    Tro!"leshooting for this iss!e is provided in the following -nowledge Qase article6

    >9?;9: rror #essage when yo! try to activate a copy of /indows "y !sing the

    /indows Activation wiard6 WThe (oftware icensing (ervice reported that the prod!ct

    key is invalid6 08C00;,090W

    This iss!e #ay also "e resolved !sing the standard tro!"leshooting steps provided

    a"ove as the ca!se for the key error co!ld "e da#aged software licensing les.

    (cti&ation rror ?!C??8F?:5

    This error is displayed as follows6

    The following fail!re occ!rred while trying to !se the prod!ct key6


    The (oftware icensing (ervice deter#ined that this specied prod!ct key can only "e !sed for

    !pgrading not for clean installations.

    This error is enco!ntered when yo! perfor# a clean installation of /indows witho!tentering a prod!ct key and then provide a +etail 4pgrade key d!ring the Activation


    This path is "locked to prevent the !se of the red!ced%cost !pgrade key for clean install


    5o! can work aro!nd this iss!e if the c!sto#er does

    e8a#ple of a

  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    perfor#ed a clean install to resolve a pro"le#. *n this sit!ation yo! co!ld provide

    assistance !sing M(&T to work aro!nd the activation error.

    (n Una%t$oriDed C$ange was #ade to Windows

    This #essage is shown when changes are #ade that place /indows Activation o!t of

    tolerance. This #aps to the JAdditional 7race eriodK state shown earlier in this #od!le.

    Fig%re 5?4 (cti&ation rror4 (n %na%t$oriDed c$ange was #ade to Windows

    The c!sto#er is redirected to this page for #ore infor#ation6



    The 4+ provided to the c!sto#er in the warning #essage contains the error code and

    details on the type of ta#pering event that was detected. This is done so that the page

    can provide specic g!idance to assist with the pro"le#.

    *f yo!r c!sto#er is seeing this "ehavior it is "est to6

    1. O"tain the e8act 4+ for the page linked fro# the #essage.

    2. 3ave the# follow the instr!ctions on the page.

    :. +eco##end following the steps on that site for c!sto#er service assistance

    with /indows 7en!ine Advantage.

    Online (cti&ation of OM Co#"%ter Fails

    *f yo! reinstall /indows and try to activate online !sing the key on the Certicate of

    A!thenticity COAB this activation #ay fail. ro#pts indicate that yo! #!st activate "y

    phone. This is "eca!se the prod!ct key incl!ded on the OM COA la"els associated with( prod!cts cannot "e activated online.

    To resolve this iss!e perfor# the following steps6

    1. +etype the prod!ct key located on the COA sticker.

    2. ,ollow the onscreen steps to activate /indows via the telephone. Online

    activation will not "e availa"le if the co#p!ter is !sing (.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :1
  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)


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    La14 (cti&ation Tro%1les$ooting

    This la" provides hands%on e8perience with key Activation tro!"leshooting tools and


    !"ected Ti#e for t$is La1

    This la" takes appro8i#ately E0 #in!tes to co#plete.


    To perfor# this la" yo! will need the following6

    A C with /indows > installed

    An *nternet connection

    !ercise4 Using (cti&ation Tro%1les$ooting Tool

    1. +!n Jsl#gr.v"s %dlvK and e8a#ine the res!lts to answer the following

    a. *s this an eval!ation copy of /indows >R *f so when does the eval!ation

    period endR

    ". 3as the licensing stat!s "een rear#ed on this installationR

    c. /hat is the /indows license type c!rrently in !se on the syste#R

    d. Take a screenshot of this 4* !sing the (nipping Tool. (ave the i#age to yo!r


    2. +!n Jsl#gr.v"s %dlv allK and e8a#ine the res!lts. This shows all licenses s!pported

    "y this installation of /indows >.

    a. Qased on the o!tp!t co!ld yo! !se an OM key to activate this installation of

    /indows >R

    :. +!n Jsl#gr.v"s %rilcK to reinstall the license les. Then answer the following

    a. &id this change the grace period if yo! were not yet activatedR

    ". /as there any change to the partial prod!ct keyRc. /as there any change to the *nstallation *&R

    ;. ocate steps in the -nowledge Qase to recreate tokens.dat. ,ollow the steps on yo!r


    a. &id this change the grace period if yo! were not yet activatedR

    ". /as there any change to the partial prod!ct keyR

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    c. /as there any change to the *nstallation *&R

    9. *f yo! have access to a -ey'*& verication tool !se it to verify yo!r *&.

    a. /hat is the prod!ct shown for this *&R

    ". &oes yo!r c!rrent key s!pport activation or do yo! need to enter a di@erent

    prod!ct keyR

    c. 3as this key "een !sed to activate previo!slyR

    E. M7A&iag *nfor#ation6

    a. +!n the M7A&iag tool either via M(&T or fro# the we"6



    ". 8a#ine the res!lting infor#ation. 3ow does this co#pare with the detail yo!

    have seen a"oveR

    >. &isc!ss yo!r res!lts with the class.

    esson6 7en!ine Advantage rogra#

    Microsoft 7en!ine Advantage progra#s incl!ding /indows 7en!ine Advantage help

    yo! deter#ine whether or not yo!r copy of /indows is gen!ine. 7en!ine /indows

    software is p!"lished "y Microsoft properly licensed and s!pported "y Microsoft or an

    a!thoried partner giving yo! f!ll capa"ilities access to all the latest !pdates andcondence that yo! are getting the e8perience yo! e8pect. The 7en!ine Microsoft

    (oftware progra# is referred to as J/indows 7en!ine AdvantageK in /indows and

    J/indows Activation TechnologiesK in /indows =ista and /indows >.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &escri"e the p!rpose and f!nction of the 7en!ine Advantage progra#.

    &escri"e the 7en!ine Online -it 77O-B the /indows 7en!ine Advantage -*TB-it and Co#pli#entary kit

    &escri"e the "enets of !sing gen!ine Microsoft software.

    &ene the data that the 7A progra# collects d!ring the validation process and

    how the data is !sed.

    &escri"e the 7en!ine Advantage privacy state#ent.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :;
  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately :0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    a"s in this lesson take an additional 19 #in!tes to co#plete.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :9

  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    Gen%ine (d&antage Progra# O&er&iew

    The 7en!ine Advantage progra# is an anti%piracy progra# created "y Microsoft to help

    c!sto#ers deter#ine whether they are r!nning a correctly licensed copy of Microsoft

    software. The 7en!ine Advantage progra# consists of the following6

    W$y Was Gen%ine (d&antage I#"le#entedE

    The 7en!ine Advantage progra# is part of the ongoing e@ort "y Microsoft to protect its

    c!sto#ers and partners fro# co!nterfeit software and to increase c!sto#er awareness

    of the val!e of gen!ine Microsoft software.

    Thro!gh its 7en!ine (oftware *nitiative 7(*B Microsoft works with govern#ent law

    enforce#ent and ind!stry to i#prove intellect!al property *B protection and pro#ote

    gen!ine software. The Microsoft 7en!ine Advantage progra# addresses "oth ind!stry

    and c!sto#er pro"le#s that occ!r when software is not gen!ine.

    W$at are t$e .ey co#"onents to t$e Gen%ine Microsoft

    *oftware "rogra#E

    =alidation which deter#ines whether yo! are r!nning a properly licensed copy of

    Microsoft software. =alidation will detect and #ay disa"le Wactivation e8ploitsW which is

    software that circ!#vents or "ypasses Microsoft prod!ct activation validation or

    licensing co#ponents. The presence of activation e8ploits indicates that a software or

    hardware vendor #ay have ta#pered with gen!ine Microsoft software to ena"le the sale

    of co!nterfeit software. Activation e8ploits #ay interfere with the nor#al operation of

    yo!r software.

    $otications which display periodic re#inders s!ch as whether there is a pro"le# withyo!r /indows license co#ponents or whether a #ore recent service pack is availa"le

    for yo!r /indows software. At this ti#e the $otications co#ponent is o@ered on

    /indows /indows =ista and /indows > and in select co!ntries on OFce OFce

    200: and OFce 200>.

    The /indows Activation 8ploit &etection 4pdate for /indows =ista and the 4pdate to

    Activation Technologies for /indows > are !sed to detect activation e8ploits. These

    !pdates check yo!r co#p!ter for known activation e8ploits and notify yo! if any

    activation e8ploits are fo!nd.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :E

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    Gen%ine (d&antage Feat%res

    Microsoft wants c!sto#ers to !nderstand that !nlicensed and pirated software

    threatens not only the whole software ind!stry "!t also other ind!stries that create

    prod!cts that are "!ilt on intellect!al property. Most i#portant Microsoft wants

    c!sto#ers to realie the "enets of !sing gen!ine /indows software.

    Get Gen%ine Online 0it ,GGO0 and WG( 0it

    C!sto#ers have the option of "!ying gen!ine /indows thro!gh online or +etail. *f a

    c!sto#er accesses downloads on the Microsoft &ownload Center or on the Microsoft

    /indows 4pdate /e" site they #ay "e pro#pted to co#plete the /indows activation

    technology validation check process. The /indows activation technology perfor#s a

    validation check to verify the copy of /indows is gen!ine. *f the copy of /indows does

    not pass the validation check the c!sto#er receives a #essage that states why it

    failed infor#ation a"o!t other steps to try and how they can o"tain a gen!ine copy of

    /indows6 either 7et 7en!ine -it 77O-B ' /indows 7en!ine Advantage kit /7A kitB.

    The 77O- o@er will "e for the sa#e edition of /indows > that failed validation. The only

    77O- the c!sto#er can "!y will "e for that sa#e edition. The c!sto#er cannot Wstep

    !pW their /indows > edition thro!gh the 77O-.

    (i#ilarly /indows and /indows =ista c!sto#ers who fail validation will not "e

    o@ered a /indows > 77O-

    ,or additional details on how a c!sto#er can o"tain gen!ine /indows (oftware please

    refer to the internal -Q article -Q L;2:LI

    Note6 C!sto#ers who have co!nterfeit /indows software can access only critical

    sec!rity !pdates thro!gh /indows a!to#atic !pdating. This also ass!#es they are

    c!rrently r!nning /indows (2 or higher since (ec!rity 4pdates are no longer

    s!pported for /indows +TM or (1.

    Windows Co#"li#entary 0it

    The co#pli#entary kit is also availa"le to c!sto#ers with

    co!nterfeit #edia and proof of p!rchase.

    C%sto#er +enets

    Qenets of 7en!ine Microsoft (oftware are as follows6

    Access to all Microsoft !pdates

    Condence that their co#p!ters are !p to date

    (oftware protection fro# sec!rity risks that incl!de vir!ses and spyware

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    (!pport to help tro!"leshoot pro"le#s

    (dditional C%sto#er +enets in Windows

    The following progra#s and feat!res have red!ced f!nctionality or are disa"led for non%gen!ine /indows syste#s6

    Ta1le : List of Windows "rogra#s and feat%res wit$ red%ced f%nctionality or disa1led

    Progra#s or


    3escri"tions (""lies to

    /indows 4pdate

    and Optional

    4pdates $ot


    /indows 4pdate keeps yo!r co#p!ter !p%

    to%date and #ore sec!re "y a!to#atically

    providing the latest i#prove#ents to


    Note4+egardless of gen!ine stat!s

    c!sto#ers will still "e a"le to get criticalsec!rity !pdates via A!to#atic 4pdates.


    /indows =ista

    /indows >




    /ith /indows +eadyQoost yo! can !se a

    Yash #e#ory device like a !niversal

    serial "!s 4(QB Yash drive or sec!re

    digital (&B #e#ory card to i#prove yo!r

    co#p!terHs syste# perfor#ance witho!t

    having to add additional #e#ory.

    /indows =ista

    /indows >

    /indows Aero


    /indows Aero is the pre#i!# vis!al

    e8perience of /indows =ista and /indows

    >. *t feat!res a transl!cent glass design

    with s!"tle window ani#ations and newwindow colors.

    /indows =ista

    /indows >

    &efender red!ced


    /indows &efender is a free progra# that

    helps yo! stay prod!ctive "y protecting

    yo!r co#p!ter against pop%!ps slow

    perfor#ance and sec!rity threats ca!sed

    "y spyware and other potentially

    !nwanted software

    /indows =ista


    &ownloads $ot


    Only gen!ine /indows c!sto#ers can

    receive certain prod!ct downloads. These

    can incl!de software s!ch as Microsoft

    /indows &efender B Microsoft

    (ec!rity ssentials


    /indows =ista

    /indows >

    Ti"s for *%""orting C%sto#ers

    I#"ortant4/e never want to acc!se a c!sto#er of piracy.

    isten to yo!r c!sto#er?s concerns as if the c!sto#er is a victi# of piracy.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :I

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    (eek to !nderstand yo!r c!sto#ers? iss!es.

    &eter#ine the 7en!ine Advantage scenario.

    rovide "ackgro!nd or conte8t to e8plain the c!sto#er iss!e and appropriate

    resol!tion options.

    +efer c!sto#ers to online reso!rces or redirect c!sto#ers to help the# o"tain

    gen!ine software when it is s!ita"le.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only :L

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    La14 Gen%ine (d&antage +enets

    +ecall research and list the "enets to c!sto#ers who have gen!ine /indows (oftware.

    To nd yo!r answers and additional details visit http6'''gen!ine'and

    !se the infor#ation in the 7en!ine /indows section.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is La1

    This la" takes appro8i#ately 19 #in!tes to co#plete.


    To perfor# this la" yo! will need the following6

    *nternet access

    !ercise4 List Gen%ine +enets

    *n the space provided list all the "enets that c!sto#ers receive when they have

    gen!ine /indows software.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only ;0
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    Gen%ine (d&antage Pri&acy *tate#ent

    To help validate software the 7en!ine Advantage progra# collects so#e cong!ration

    infor#ation fro# the c!sto#er?s co#p!ter. 7en!ine Advantage does not collect na#e

    address e%#ail address or any other infor#ation that can "e !sed to identify or contact

    the c!sto#er.

    W$at data is collectedE

    The 7en!ine Advantage progra# collects infor#ation s!ch as the following6

    Co#p!ter #ake and #odel

    =ersion infor#ation for the operating syste# and software

    +egion and lang!age settings

    A !ni

    3ard drive vol!#e serial n!#"er hashedB

    /hether the installation was s!ccessf!l if one was perfor#ed

    The res!lt of the validation check incl!ding error codes and infor#ation a"o!t

    any activation e8ploits and any related #alicio!s or !na!thoried software fo!nd

    or disa"led incl!ding6

    o The activation e8ploit?s identier

    o The activation e8ploitHs c!rrent state s!ch as cleaned or

    o Original e

    o The activation e8ploit?s le na#e and hash of the le as well as a hash of

    related software co#ponents that #ay indicate the presence of an

    activation e8ploit

    The na#e and a hash of the contents of the co#p!terHs start%!p instr!ctions le

    co##only called the "oot leB to help !s discover activation e8ploits that#odify this le.

    As standard proced!re yo!r * address is te#porarily logged when yo!r co#p!ter

    connects to a 7A /e" site or server. These logs are ro!tinely deleted.

    *f a syste# is identied as not gen!ine the 7en!ine Advantage progra# #ay send

    additional infor#ation to Microsoft to !nderstand "etter why the syste# failed

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only ;1

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    validation. This infor#ation can incl!de error codes and the na#es and paths of les

    that co#pro#ise the integrity of that syste#.

    (oftware piracy is a worldwide pro"le#. To help spot possi"le syste#atic a"!se of

    prod!ct licenses certain infor#ation a"o!t the software that is "eing validated is

    derived fro# its * address. This infor#ation incl!des the geographical location *(

    *nternet service providerB and do#ain na#e. The s#allest geographical !nit that can"e resolved is a city. This resol!tion is perfor#ed "y !sing data that is provided "y a

    third party. Any collected data that co!ld identify a c!sto#er is not !sed to contact the

    c!sto#er. This data #ay "e retained for the sales life cycle of the prod!ct in

    How is t$is data %sedE

    The infor#ation is !sed to do the following6

    3elp prevent incorrectly licensed !se of the software

    *#prove o!r software and services

    &evelop aggregate statistics

    /e #ay also share aggregate data with other co#panies s!ch as hardware and

    software vendors and vol!#e licensees to help protect their license keys.

    C$anges to t$e Pri&acy *tate#ent

    The privacy state#ent is so#eti#es !pdated. The Wlast !pdatedW date at the top of the

    privacy state#ent is revised when a change occ!rs.

    *f a c!sto#er has any

    Microsoft rivacy

    Microsoft Corporation

    One Microsoft /ay

    esson6 /indows 7en!ine Advantage =alidation

    This lesson descri"es the /indows 7en!ine Advantage /7AB validation process. The

    lesson also shows the c!sto#er validation steps and descri"es the three #ain

    categories of /7A validation errors.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only ;2
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    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &escri"e the /7A validation process.

    &isc!ss options for tro!"leshooting software validation fail!res.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately ;9 #in!tes to co#plete.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only ;:

  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    WG( /alidation O&er&iew

    =alidation is an online process that lets the c!sto#er verify that their copy of /indows is

    gen!ine. =alidation #ight "e re and /indows =ista

    as well as the following /indows editions6 /indows 3o#e dition /indows

    rofessional e8cl!ding /indows rofessional 8E; ditionB /indows (tarter

    dition and /indows Media Center dition.

    Note4The A!to#atic 4pdates feat!re is not a@ected "y the /7A validation check.

    Therefore the c!sto#er can !se the A!to#atic 4pdates feat!re to #ake s!re that they

    receive critical /indows !pdates.

    WG( /alidation Process

    The /indows gen!ine validation check is perfor#ed on the c!sto#er?s co#p!ter "y

    !sing either an Active control *nternet 8plorer Add%onB an .e8e le that can "e

    downloaded fro# the *nternet or a pl!g%in for "rowsers that do not s!pport Active


    The Active control that /7A installs is the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation

    Tool. The following ta"le shows the les that are associated with the /7A =alidation


    Ta1le 54 WG( Windows P Files

    File na#e LocationegitCheckControl.dll C6P/*$&O/(P(yste#:2

    ic/M*.dll /indows



    ic&.dll /indows



    The Active control rst checks the operating syste# and #akes s!re that it is /indows

    . Then the Active control collects the prod!ct key the prod!ct *& *&B and

    hardware infor#ation. The control then encrypts this infor#ation and sends it to the

    Microsoft clearing ho!se server for validation. The server sends "ack the encrypted

    validation license and the control caches the license data on the syste#.

    As soon as the license data is cached the control !ses the locally cached validation

    data. *f the syste# is oZine the control will ret!rn the validation stat!s as gen!ine.

    &!ring the ne8t validation check the Active Control will try to o"tain a license fro# the

    clearing ho!se server.

    Note4The Active validation tool cannot "e disa"led or !ninstalled with the *nternet

    8plorer Add%on #anage#ent feat!re.

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    I#"ortant4 *f the server is !navaila"le the c!sto#er?s syste# will pass validation with

    a te#porary license.

    /alidation &ents

    /indows 7en!ine Advantage validation occ!rs on several /e" sites as descri"ed here.

    3ownload Center We1 site4=alidation checks occ!r "efore downloading

    certain packages. http6'''downloads

    Microsoft)Windows U"date We1 site4=alidation checks occ!r while /indows

    !pdates are downloaded. http6''windows!'

    Gen%ine We1 site4C!sto#ers can validate their software on the 7en!ine /e"

    site and they can download /7A o@ers if their software is gen!ine.


    Microsoft Gen%ine (d&antage 3iagnostic site4 C!sto#ers can !se this siteto perfor# checks and #ake s!re that the syste# is cong!red correctly to r!n

    the validation check for /indows and Microsoft OFce.http6'''7en!ine'diag'+!n&iags.asp8RdisplayangSen

    The diagnostic site helps c!sto#ers #ake s!re that the settings in *nternet 8plorer

    E.01 or later versions are cong!red correctly to view i#ages r!n scripts and let

    Active controls download and r!n.

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    C!sto#ers #ove thro!gh tro!"leshooting processes step "y step. *f cong!ration

    settings are incorrect the c!sto#er receives s!ggestions to resolve the pro"le#. *f the

    pro"le# persists the c!sto#er receives infor#ation a"o!t how to o"tain additional


    Fig%re ;4 WG( 3iagnostic *ite

    There is other J/7A%enforcedK software that perfor#s gen!ine validation d!ring the

    install ro!tine. These incl!de software s!ch as /indows Media layer lang!age

    interface packs *B and /indows &efender.

    W$at 0inds of Windows Licenses (re /alidatedEThe following license types that follow are validated6


    OM (yste# "!ilder'COAB

    OM%(yste# ocked reinstall (B

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    =ol!#e icense -ey =-B

    The following ta"le shows c!rrent /7A validation /indows (-4s for each kind of


    Ta1le 64 WG( /alidation Windows P *0Us

    Windows P


    Pro Ho#













    +etail [ [ [ [OM % (yste#

    Q!ilder[ [ [ [ [


    icensing -ey[ [

    OM % ( [ [ [ [ [

    Note4The /7A legaliation (-4 and the /7A -it that c!sto#ers can order s!pports

    only /indows ro and 3o#e.

    The following ta"le shows the validation re

    Activated $ot activated


    ,*yste# +%ilder

    nter data fro#

    3!#an *nterface

    ro#pt 3*B

    5es $ot applica"le

    OM 'oyalty


    nter data fro#

    3!#an *nterface

    ro#pt 3*B

    5es $ot applica"le

    Windows /L0

    ,/ol%#e License


    =alid prod!ct *& *&B *& is not

    incl!ded on

    "lock list

    *& is incl!ded on

    "lock list

    Note4 OM (-4s #!st "e activated. *f these (-4s are not activated validation will fail.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only ;>

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    WG( /alidation *te"s

    This section descri"es the c!sto#er?s e8perience d!ring the rst visit to the Microsoft

    4pdate site /indows OnlyB and the Microsoft &ownload Center site.

    First /isit to t$e Microsoft U"date *ite

    Note4 /7A=alidation via the /indows 4pdate or Microsoft 4pdate site only applies to

    /indows .

    /hen a c!sto#er visits the /indows 4pdate or Microsoft 4pdate site

    http6''windows! B for the rst ti#e the /7A Active control is

    installed. This occ!rs after the c!sto#er clicks !"ressor C%sto# Installation. The

    Active control is re

    Fig%re 64 First /isit to Microsoft U"date site

    After a c!sto#er reads a"o!t the /7A control the c!sto#er #!st choose to download

    and install the control. $o additional c!sto#er intervention is re

    control can initialie witho!t restarting the co#p!ter.

    After the Active control is installed the c!sto#er sees a list of !pdates that are

    availa"le to install. On later visits to the Microsoft 4pdate site the c!sto#er will not see

    the /7A #andatory !pdate again "eca!se the !pdate was already s!ccessf!lly

    installed. The only e8ceptions to this are as follows6

    After an !pdate to the /7A Active control

    *f the /7A Active control has "een re#oved fro# the c!sto#er?s co#p!ter

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    (o#e downloads at the Microsoft &ownload Center !se /7A for validation prior to

    download. These #ay "e #arked for Opt%in /7A which reco##ends /7A to the

    c!sto#er or Mandatory /7A which re

    its na#e as shown "elow.

    Note4 *f the c!sto#er previo!sly validated /indows "y !sing the /indows 4pdate or

    Microsoft 4pdate site she will not "e pro#pted to validate again when she accesses the

    Microsoft &ownload Center and vice versa.

    WG( /alidation C$ec.s

    /7A !ses the res!lts fro# the 7en!ine Advantage checks to deter#ine whether the

    co#p!ter is r!nning a legiti#ate installation of /indows. These checks are a!to#atic.The c!sto#er does not see the# if the syste# is s!ccessf!lly validated. *n this case the

    c!sto#er is sent directly to the scan res!lts page to contin!e installing !pdates.

    The following ta"le contains #ore detail a"o!t each of these checks.

    Ta1le 84 WG( /alidation C$ec.s

    C$ec. 3escri"tion

    Windows /ersion


    This validation checks if the version (-4B of /indows


    /indows rofessional 8E;.+loc.ed /ol%#e

    License 0ey ,/L0

    %sed to install


    This validation checks for the presence of a "locked

    vol!#e license key that was !sed to install /indows. *f

    /indows was installed "y !sing one of these "locked

    keys #ore infor#ation is provided to the c!sto#er so

    that he can contact the internal corporate *T depart#ent if

    he is an enterprise c!sto#er. *f the c!sto#er is not an

    enterprise c!sto#er he will receive #ore infor#ation so

    that he can search for how to resolve the pro"le#.

    *f /7A deter#ines that a =- was !sed to install /indows

    and the =- is not "locked validation s!cceeds. $oadditional checks are perfor#ed.

    Windows (cti&ation


    *f the syste# was installed "y !sing a key that re

    prod!ct activation and that is not yet activated the

    c!sto#er will see the /7A Activation +e

    infor#s the c!sto#er that she #!st rst activate /indows

    to access /indows 4pdate and to download les fro# the

    /indows &ownload Center. /hen the c!sto#er has

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    activated /indows she can ret!rn to the 4pdate site to


    ,or the Microsoft 4pdate site the c!sto#er can also

    choose to contin!e to review non%/indows !pdates

    and content witho!t activating /indows. This lets thec!sto#er install OFce !pdates and other non%/indows

    !pdates i##ediately.

    *f /7A deter#ines that the /indows version that is "eing

    !sed re

    correctly validation s!cceeds. /7A perfor#s no

    additional checks.

    License fro# arlier

    WG( /alidation

    /hen /7A validates a co#p!ter that is !sing the

    certicate of a!thenticity COAB or the /7A 8ception

    rocess as disc!ssed in the following sections /7A stores

    a /7A license locally on the co#p!ter. /7A !ses thislicense to perfor# validation #ore

    *f /7A nds a valid /7A license on the co#p!ter

    validation s!cceeds. /7A perfor#s no additional checks.

    WG( (lternate /alidation Met$od

    C!sto#ers who fail the validation process "eca!se of technical iss!es s!ch as an

    ina"ility to install the /7A Active control will see the alternate validation #ethod. *n

    addition c!sto#er is !sing a :rdparty "rowser they will also see the alternate validation#ethod.

    The alternate validation #ethod a!to#atically collects so#e syste# infor#ation d!ring

    this process. 3owever it collects no personally identia"le infor#ation and the data

    that /7A collects cannot "e !sed to identify a specic c!sto#er.

    Note4 ,or infor#ation a"o!t the specic data that is collected see the /7A ,AG here6


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    How to Use t$e WG( (lternate /alidation Met$od

    To !se the /7A alternate validation #ethod follow these steps6

    *te" 54&ownload the 7en!ineCheck.e8e le as shown in this topic. This !tility collects

    the syste# infor#ation that was disc!ssed earlier.

    Fig%re 74 (lternate /alidation Gen%ineC$ec.@e!e

    *te" 64To co#plete the validation process enter the validation code into the /e" page


    The nal step is to paste the validation code into the we" page for# to co#plete the

    validation process.

    Fig%re 84 (lternante /alidation Code

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    /alidation Fail%re !"erience for Windows P

    *f a /indows syste# fails validation the c!sto#er is given #ore infor#ation to help

    deter#ine whether the /indows installation is gen!ine'howtotellB.

    Fig%re :4 (lternate Met$od Fail%re

    /alidation Fail%re !"erience for Windows /ista and Windows ;

    *f validation fails the c!sto#er is pro#pted with a #essage that they #ay "e a victi# of

    software co!nterfeiting. The #essage incl!des a link to go online in order to resolve the


    At this point the c!sto#er can choose to contin!e to !se /indows "y clicking on the

    Close "!tton. 3owever the c!sto#er will not "e a"le !se certain feat!re as #entioned

    in the previo!s #od!le.

    I#"ortant4 *f a c!sto#er cannot validate the /indows installation he can still ena"le

    A!to#atic 4pdates to #ake s!re that he receives critical /indows !pdates.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only 9;
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    Fig%re ;4 /icti# of software co%nterfeiting #essage

    *n addition c!sto#ers who have syste#s that are r!nning a non%gen!ine copy of

    /indows =ista or /indows > will e8perience the following6

    They will "e notied that /indows is not gen!ine as shown "elow.

    Fig%re =4 Windows is not gen%ine notication

    *n the lower%right section of their screen they will see a persistent #essage that

    reads JThis copy of /indows is not gen!ine.K This persistent #essage is called a

    wordmarkor tattoo.

    Fig%re >4 T$is co"y of Windows is not gen%ine word#ar.

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    /alidation Tro%1les$ooting

    The /7A Active control installs other Active controls. *f the /7A Active control

    cannot "e installed conr# that other Active controls are working. +e#ove the /7A

    Active control and let it reinstall d!ring the ne8t visit to the /indows 4pdate site the

    Microsoft 4pdate site or the Microsoft &ownload Center.

    /alidation rrors

    rrors that /7A validation ret!rns are in three #ain categories6

    In&alid PI34 These are errors that are related to the *& errors that the /7A

    control ret!rns. This incl!des /indows 4pdate *& checks.

    (cti&ation4 These are errors that are related to /indows rod!ct Activation that

    the /7A control ret!rns.

    Ot$er4 These are any other legiti#ate error codes that the /7A control ret!rns./hen yo! enco!nter a /7A validation error it?s i#portant to capt!re the error code.

    The error code #ay "e !sef!l with the Microsoft -nowledge "ase.

    ,or /indows errors #essages appear as shown in the following g!re. The error

    #essage is pro#inent and the error code error n!#"erB appears less pro#inently.

    Fig%re :4 WG( rror in Windows P

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    Note4The /indows error code now appears in the lower%left corner of the pane

    ,or /indows =ista and /indows > the error appears as shown in the following g!re

    when the c!sto#er clicks on the "alloon notication as previo!sly shown. The error

    #essage also incl!des an error code in the lower%left corner of the window.

    Fig%re ;4 WG( rror in Windows /ista and Windows ;

    esson6 7en!ine Advantage $otications for /indows

    This lesson denes the 7en!ine Advantage $otications progra# for /indows .

    GoalsAt the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &escri"e the 7en!ine Advantage $otications rogra#.

    &escri"e gen!ine and non%gen!ine tray 7en!ine Advantage $otication details.

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only 9>

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    (ntici"ated Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately 19 #in!tes to co#plete.

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    Gen%ine (d&antage Notications Progra#


    The /indows 7en!ine Advantage $otications progra# noties c!sto#ers when their

    copy of Microsoft /indows is not gen!ine. The notication #essages appear only onco#p!ters that fail the /indows 7en!ine Advantage validation process. C!sto#ers

    r!nning a validated gen!ine copy of /indows will not receive notication #essages.

    I#"ortant6 This progra# is for /indows only. ater versions of /indows provide

    "!ilt%in notication capa"ilities.

    Windows Gen%ine (d&antage Notication Installation

    C!sto#ers !sing /indows 4pdate or Microsoft 4pdate on a co#p!ter that is r!nning

    Microsoft /indows will "e o@ered /indows 7en!ine Advantage $otication. /heninstalling /indows 7en!ine Advantage $otications the (oftware 4pdate *nstallation

    /iard r!ns the ne8t ti#e that the c!sto#er logs on to /indows.

    After the wiard starts the /indows 7en!ine Advantage =alidation tool veries that the

    c!sto#er?s copy of /indows is gen!ine. /hen the wiard nishes the res!lts of the

    process appear for the c!sto#er to review.

    *f the copy of /indows is gen!ine the c!sto#er can contin!e to access Microsoft


    *f the copy of /indows does not pass the validation check c!sto#ers receive a

    #essage that descri"es the fail!re

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    (""lication 3eli&ery

    The notications application -Q L09;>;B is an Jopt inK progra# distri"!ted "y

    A!to#atic 4pdate A4B and /indows 4pdate /4B as a critical !pdate with high priority.

    The notications !pdate installs the following les6

    /gaogon.dll % This le perfor#s all of the actions "efore logon occ!rs.

    /gaTray.e8e /gaTray.e8e starts after login "y /gaogon.dll. This e8ec!ta"le


    Fig%re 554 Windows Gen%ine (d&antage Notication A Installation WiDard

    *%""orted Windows O"erating *yste#s

    As for March 200L version 1.L of the /7A $otication progra# will "e delivered only to

    /indows rofessional !sers.

    Logon Interr%"t 3ialog +o!

    *f a copy of /indows fails validation the c!sto#er will have a pre%logon #essage

    also known as the Logon Interr%"tdialog "o8. The dialog "o8 contains te8t that

    apprises c!sto#ers of their non%gen!ine stat!s. There are two distinct versions of this


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    $on%7en!ine Mode6 0%1; &ays

    o J5o! #ay "e a victi# of software co!nterfeiting. Click +esolve $ow to get

    help with this pro"le#.K

    Q!y $ow Mode6 1; &ays

    o JThis copy of /indows is did not pass gen!ine /indows validation and yo!

    have not yet resolved the pro"le#. This copy of /indows is no longer eligi"le

    to receive the f!ll range of !pgrade and prod!ct s!pport availa"le fro#


    Fig%re 564 Logon Interr%"t dialog 1o! in Non-Gen%ine Mode

    Persistent" Notication

    C!sto#ers who are notied that their copy of /indows #ay not "e gen!ine will also

    see a persistent desktop notication is si#ilar to a water#ark. A transl!cent i#age as

    shown "elow appears over the syste# tray and is non%interactive. *n other words the!ser can not click on it or do anything to it.

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    Fig%re 574 Persistent" Notication@

    The persistent desktop notication is "ased on di@erent states as shown in the ta"le


    Ta1le = Persistent" Notication Messaging

    *tate /ariation Persistent" Notication

    Green 7en!ine (p2\ $'A

    Green 7en!ine +TM or (1 $'A'ed $on%gen!ine rst 1;


    'ed $on%gen!ine after 1;

    days6 Jnon%gen!ine

    Q!y $owK



    $OT ACT*=AT& 0% :0




    $OT ACT*=AT& :0\




    &!e to so#e reason

    other than activation

    $o persistent desktop notication shown

    Notication (rea

    *f /indows fails validation yo! will see a /7A starB icon at the syste# notication

    area. The c!sto#er can also click on the /7A icon located in the syste# notication

    area. Qy clicking on the /7A icon the following options are shown "elow

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    Fig%re 584 O"tions in t$e notication area

    The c!sto#er can open the /indows 7en!ine Advantage =alidation ,ail!re /e" page.

    This we" page gives the c!sto#er the specics of the validation fail!re and the steps

    that they can take to #ake the operating syste# gen!ine." +ac.gro%nd C$ange

    *f /indows fails validation the desktop will also "e set to a plain "lack "ackgro!nd. The

    c!sto#er #ay reset the "ackgro!nd to wallpaper or to another "ackgro!nd color "!t

    the desktop will "e reset to a plain "lack color every E0 #in!tes !ntil their copy of

    /indows passes validation. The plain "lack "ackgro!nd is to e#phasie this persistent

    desktop notication.

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    Installation 'es%lts

    At the end of the installation ro!tine the c!sto#er #ay e8perience the following


    /alidation Inco#"lete 3ialog +o!

    The /alidation Inco#"letedialog "o8 appears when /7A validation is !na"le to


    Fig%re 594 /alidation Inco#"lete

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    /alidation Co#"lete ,Gen%ine 3ialog +o!

    The /alidation Co#"letedialog "o8 appears when /7A validation has co#pleted.

    Fig%re 5:4 /alidation Co#"lete ,Gen%ine Lin.

    /alidation Co#"lete ,Not Gen%ine *creen

    The /alidation Co#"letedialog "o8 appears when /7A validation was s!ccessf!lly


    Fig%re 5;4 /alidation Co#"lete ,Not Gen%ine

    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only E9

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    esson6 7en!ine Advantage Tro!"leshooting

    This lesson provides "asic tro!"leshooting steps for helping a c!sto#er who has7en!ine Advantage iss!es descri"es how to !se the re%ar# switch and descri"es how

    to iss!e a c!sto#er a new prod!ct key.

    Note6 $on%gen!ine Microsoft software is also known as counterfeit. 3owever the

    preferred ter# is non-genuine.


    At the end of this lesson yo! sho!ld "e a"le to6

    &e#onstrate standard tro!"leshooting for 7en!ine Advantage iss!es.

    4se the Microsoft 7en!ine Advantage site to conr# that *nternet 8plorer and

    /indows are cong!red to r!n the validation process.

    &isc!ss reso!rces availa"le for 7en!ine Advantage tro!"leshooting.

    &isc!ss reco##endations for a non%gen!ine c!sto#er scenario.

    Convert a c!sto#er?s prod!ct key !sing the rod!ct -ey 4pdate.

    !"ected Ti#e for t$is Lesson

    This lesson takes appro8i#ately L0 #in!tes to co#plete.

    a"s in this lesson take an additional :0 #in!tes to co#plete.

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    The c!sto#er says6 W/arning #essages appear in the lower%right corner of #y

    screen when * !se #y co#p!ter. The #essages tell #e that * #ay "e the victi#

    of non%gen!ine software.W This #eans that the c!sto#erHs installation of /indows

    did not pass validation. This #ay "e ca!sed "y recently installed software

    hardware or hardware drivers on the c!sto#er?s co#p!ter.

    *te" 64 (s. t$e c%sto#er for t$e error or notication #essage

    The wording of the e8act error #essage or dialog "o8 that is displayed helps narrow the

    scope of the iss!e that the c!sto#er is e8periencing. (o#e possi"le error #essages that

    the c!sto#er #ay receive are as follows6

    W5o! #ay "e the victi# of software co!nterfeiting.W

    WThis copy of Microsoft /indows is not gen!ine.W

    &!ring the validation process an error code sho!ld "e displayed in the lower%left corner

    of the validation fail!re /e" site. 3ere are so#e e8a#ples6






    Check for specic sol!tions to the c!sto#er?s error -nowledge Qase articles M(&T

    tro!"leshooters etc.

    *te" 74 3eter#ine w$et$er t$e iss%e is related to "rod%ct acti&ation

    *f /indows is not activated within the grace period :0 daysB the c!sto#er #ay see a

    notication indicating that their copy J/indows is not gen!ineK.

    The following scenarios c!rrently e8ist that #ay ca!se the co#p!ter to pro#pt the

    c!sto#er to reactivate6

    The c!sto#er !ninstalls /indows on one co#p!ter and then installs /indows on

    another co#p!ter.

    The c!sto#er !pgrades the /indows edition.

    The c!sto#er #akes a signicant hardware change s!ch as !pgrading the hard

    disk drive and the #e#ory at the sa#e ti#e or replacing the #other"oard in an

    OM co#p!ter. *f a #a)or hardware change re

    notication is displayed that states that /indows #!st "e reactivated.

    The c!sto#er reinstalls /indows.

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    A vir!s infects and corr!pts the activation stat!s data.

    *f the iss!e is related to prod!ct activation please refer to the Activation

    Tro!"leshooting lesson early in this #od!le for tro!"leshooting techni

    *te" 84 3eter#ine w$et$er t$e c%sto#erJs iss%e is a .nown iss%e

    There are several known iss!es that can ca!se validation or activation errors. *t is very

    i#portant that we conr# or deny c!rrent known iss!es as the ca!se of the c!sto#er?s

    iss!e. -nown iss!es are disc!ssed in the 7en!ine Advantage -nown *ss!es #od!le.

    Check whether the c!sto#er is e8periencing one of these known iss!es "efore yo!


    *te" 94 (s. t$e c%sto#er $ow t$ey o1tained t$e co"y of t$e

    Microsoft softwareThis infor#ation is i#portant in deter#ining non%gen!ine software. There are several

    scenarios that co!ld call into

    installed version of the Microsoft software. *f yo! are not s!re a"o!t the a!thenticity

    "eca!se of where the c!sto#er o"tained the copy of the Microsoft software ed!cate

    and help the c!sto#er in !sing the following How to Tell/e" site nglishB6


    The glo"al How to Tellsites are listed at the following /e" site6



    The OFce How to Tell site is located at the following /e" site6


    The following we" site o!tlines the ite#s that a c!sto#er sho!ld e8pect when

    p!rchasing Microsoft software6


    *te" :4 (s. t$e c%sto#er if $e already ran self-$el" diagnostics

    The following diagnostics /e" site is one of the self%help options availa"le to c!sto#ers6


    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only EL
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    This /e" site helps c!sto#ers diagnose co##on 7A iss!es. ,ig!re 2 displays the ite#s

    that are checked when a c!sto#er r!ns the diagnostics.

    Fig%re 5= Ite#s t$at are c$ec.ed on a co#"%ter w$en a c%sto#er r%ns t$e self-$el"


    The i#age "elow shows a s!ccessf!l diagnostics res!lt.

    Fig%re 5> 3iagnostics res%lts

    *f any check fails d!ring the diagnostics the c!sto#er is provided instr!ctions forresolving the failed check areas. *n so#e error scenarios the diagnostic tries a self%


    Microsoft Condential % ,or *nternal and artner 4se Only >0

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    *te" ;4 Use t$e MG(3iag tool

    *f yo! deter#ine that yo! need #ore infor#ation to resolve a validation iss!e send the

    following 4+ to the c!sto#er together with instr!ctions to download and r!n the

    M7A&iag tool6


    The M7A&iag o!tp!t can "e !sed with the -ey *nfor#ation Tool -*TB to eval!ate the

    a!thenticity of a c!sto#er?s /indows installation.

    Note4 *nfor#ation on the /7A tro!"leshooting tools are disc!ssed in the ne8t lesson.

    *te" =4 (s. t$e c%sto#er if t$ey e&er $ad t$e co#"%ter re"aired

    One co##on scenario with /indows validation occ!rs when a repair shop refor#ats

    the c!sto#er?s co#p!ter "y !sing a non%gen!ine prod!ct key. This !s!ally occ!rs

    witho!t the c!sto#erHs knowledge and ca!ses the syste# to "eco#e non%gen!ine.

    *te" >4 Use t$e last 59 c$aracters of t$e "rod%ct .ey fro# t$eMG(3iag o%t"%tK and searc$ t$e Internet

    The last 19 digits fro# the M7A&iag o!tp!t of a c!sto#er?s co#p!ter provide eno!gh

    infor#ation to do a search on the prod!ct key that is c!rrently installed on a c!sto#er?s

    co#p!ter. Qy searching the *nternet "y !sing those characters yo! can deter#ine

    whether the prod!ct key is co#pro#ised. ,or e8a#ple the prod!ct key #ay "e posted

    on #any /e" sites. 4se this infor#ation to ed!cate the c!sto#er that he #ay have

    "een victi#ied and sho!ld seek assistance fro# the original reseller of the software.

    5o! can also !se the f!ll prod!ct key as provided "y the c!sto#er according to the

    Certicate of A!thenticity COAB to do an *nternet search. The prod!ct key #ay not

    act!ally "e the prod!ct key that is !sed on the c!sto#er?s c!rrent installation. 4se theM7A&iag o!tp!t to conr# or deny that this prod!ct key is the prod!ct key that is !sed

    on the co#p!ter.

    The res!lts of the *nternet search will either provide #any hits on the prod!ct key or no

    hits at all. The res!lts can help yo! ed!cate the c!sto#er that the prod!ct key was

    co#pro#ised in one way or another. 7ive the c!sto#er the 4+ of the search res!lts.

    The search res!lts #ay also display hits fro# Microsoft ,or!#s. This can provide yo!

    #ore infor#ation a"o!t a partic!lar prod!ct key that was already addressed "y

    Microsoft s!pport personnel.

    *te" 5?4 Use t$e 0IT to deter#ine t$e &alidity of t$e c%sto#erJs"rod%ct .ey

    The -ey *nfor#ation Tool is disc!ssed in the 7en!ine Advantage +eso!rces and Tools

    #od!le of the 7en!ine Advantage c!rric!l!#.

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  • 8/9/2019 5. Licensing - MSAD Tech Training (Windows)



    WG( Tro%1les$ooting Tools

    This section e8plores how to !se vario!s /7A tro!"leshooting tools to resolve 7en!ine

    Advantage related iss!es.

    Microsoft Gen%ine (d&antage 3iagnostic We1 *ite

    The M7A&iag site http6'''gen!ine'diagB checks to conr# that *nternet

    8plorer and /indows are cong!red properly to r!n the validation process. The

    M7A&iag site displays a list of cong!ration settings and known errors that a@ect the

    validation process. As each ite# is checked a state#ent of assed or ,ailed displays. *f

    an ite# fails a +esolve $ow link is provided to the c!sto#er. *f the c!sto#er clicks the

    +esolve $ow "!tton the c!sto#er will "e redirected to a help page with instr!ctions on

    how to properly ena"le to option correctly set the syste# ti#e'date and'or download

    and install Active controls.

    Microsoft Gen%ine (d&antage 3iagnostic Tool


    The Microsoft 7en!ine Advantage &iagnostic Tool is an application !sed on a c!sto#er?s

    co#p!ter to detect and report a large a#o!nt of syste# infor#ation settings error

    codes logs and other infor#ation. The p!rpose of the tool is to help c!sto#ers and

    s!pport professionals diagnose validation and activation iss!e.

    How to %se MG(3iag

    *nstr!ct the c!sto#er to follow these steps to download the M7A&iag tool.

    1. $avigate to http6'''fwlink'RlinkidS92012

    2. *n the ,ile &ownload
