Page 1: 5 most common cancers in men

Cancer is one of the life

threatening diseases if not

treated at early stages.

There are many types of

cancers. But the MOST


FOUND IN MEN along with

their symptoms and

treatment are mentioned

here within.

Page 2: 5 most common cancers in men

Prostate Cancer is one

among the topmost cancer

found in men, and a life-

taking one.

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This cancer does not have any symptoms at its

early stage. But some symptoms are seen as the

condition advances like leakage of urine, strain in

passing urine, bloody urine, or pain during urination.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

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Prostate Cancer is normally diagnosed by blood test,

and the treatment depends on your stage of cancer

and your age. Many different treatments are used

depending on the medical factors. Some of

treatments include radiation therapy, surgery or


Prostate Cancer Treatment

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This cancer depends mainly on family history and

age; whereas you can reduce the risk by maintaining

a healthy lifestyle like proper diet, keeping control

over weight, and by avoiding smoke.

Prostate Cancer Reducing Risk

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Lung Cancer is also very

common cancer among all

the cancers found in men,

and is the topmost among

the life-taking ones.

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The symptoms normally associated with lung cancer

are shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, change

in sputum, noisy breathing, coughing out blood, and


Lung Cancer Symptoms

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Lung cancer is diagnosed by examining the sputum

for cancer cells, examining the lungs, and by doing a

CT scan. Treatment solely depends on the location,

type, and the level it has advanced. Treatment

options normally revolve around chemotherapy,

radiation, surgery, or a combination among these.

Lung Cancer Treatment

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The best way to prevent yourself from this fatal

disease is to avoid smoking or secondhand smoking,

as this is the prime reason for lung cancer.

Lung Cancer Reducing Risk

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Colorectal Cancer is also

among the very common

cancer from which men

are affected. Colorectal

cancer is the cancer of the

rectum or the colon.

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Colon Cancer Symptoms

The symptoms for colorectal cancer includes rectal

bleeding, change in bowel habits, belly pain, weight

loss, and weakness.

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Colon Cancer Treatment

Colorectal cancer is most often diagnosed by a

screening test called as colonoscopy. There are also

other screening tests available. Treatment includes

chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination

of these therapies.

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Colon Cancer Reducing Risk

Regular exercise, healthy diet, healthy habits,

maintaining weight, and regular checkup can help

you reduce risk of this cancer.

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Bladder Cancer is yet

another cancer highly

found in men. Bladder

cancer also have a lot of

chance for complete


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Bladder Cancer Symptoms

The common symptom associated with bladder

cancer is the appearance of blood in your urine. You

also may find blood clots in urine. Other symptoms

include burning pain and need to go frequently to


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Bladder Cancer Treatment

You can directly talk to a doctor if you find any

symptoms; he may help you with it. The most

common treatment is the surgery. Other treatments

may include chemotherapy, radiation, and even

administering medicines directly in the bladder.

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Bladder Cancer Reducing Risk

Normally this cancer is found in men at their older

ages, or if they have a family history of same. So it

is very important to go through regular checkups.

Smoking can also increase the risk bladder cancer,

so stop smoking to reduce risk.

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Skin Cancer is the last

among the most found

cancer in men. Melanoma

is a type of skin cancer

very commonly found.

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Skin Cancer Symptoms

The initial symptom of melanoma may be the

change of shape, size, or the color of a freckle or

mole. You also need to be attentive if you have any

sores on skin that do not heal or leads into a new

lump or mole.

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Skin Cancer Treatment

Surgery is always considered the first choice in this

cancer; whereas depending on your case

chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy

can also be used.

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Skin Cancer Reducing Risk

Avoiding exposure to ultraviolet rays or long

exposure to sun can help you reduce the risk. You

can also use sunscreen with proper SPF to safeguard

your skin from harmful sunrays.

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