
© 2012 GlobusMedia Ltd

Five reasons you need more than an FTP site for sharing and collaboration

Marketing today is driven by

digital communication

Yet our marketing tools can

lag behind such as relying on FTP sites

for content sharing and collaboration

Technology is

rapidly advancing and there is

a more efficient way to share digital files than using file transfer

protocol (FTP) sites …

It’s called

Digital Asset Management

Here are five reasons why you need

Digital Asset Management if you are

a marketer

1. All your content in one place

A digital asset management platform allow you to

centralize all your digital assets

in a single cloud-based location

which is accessible anywhere, anytime.

2. Better search and preview

A digital asset management platform enables

sophisticated searchusing metadata, tags, file names and the text

within a documentand unlike an FTP server

you can preview assets with thumbnails.No guesswork needed

3. Much more manageable

You can

mange users and content.Only those with

permissioncan view sensitive documents or images.

You get

alerts when something is expiring

or when new items are available.

5. Saves time, saves money 

Our clients have reported

savings of up to $500,000and an

85% reductionin asset requests to central marketing teams.

Brand consistencyis strengthened because the correct content is

downloaded and used.

4. Simplicity is key

Systems that are difficult to useare utilized less often.

The more content you add to an FTP site the more difficult it becomes to manage.

It has been proven thata good Digital Asset Management system with a

great user interfacewill get used.

Simple as that!

4. Simplicity is key

So ditch your FTP and dive into Digital Asset Management!

For more information

or to see a demo of Brandworkz Digital Asset Management software

Please visit here –
