Page 1: 5 Ways to Get to Know the Customer of Tomorrow

They're eagle-eyed about


Customers grow more

price-conscious every year.

With an enormous

degree of data access,

tomorrow's customer will

compare prices on an

unprecedented scale. 

They care about being


Modern consumers, particularly millennial,

value authenticity.

They increasingly prefer to buy

from companies that seem genuine to


They don't want to wait.

The era of "everything on

demand" is looming, and

customers are already

impatient with the prospect of waiting for an

ordered product to arrive.

They're concerned over their privacy.

Online tracking and data

collection have many

consumers wary of

potential intrusions into their personal


They're creatures of


Mess with a customer's

daily routine even slightly

and you run the risk of losing

that customer for good

5 Ways to Get to Know the Customer of Tomorrow