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Unit 11Unit 11

World Cultural HeritageWorld Cultural Heritage

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I. Lead-in ActivitiesII. Background InformationIII.Text StructureIV.Sentence Study Notes to Words & Phrases; Paraphrase; TranslationV. Exercises

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1. What’s your idea of world cultural heritage?

2. Have you been to any historical sites? Would you please tell us your experiences of visiting such places?

3. Do you have any idea about the cultural heritage in India?

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1.[Line 4, Para.1] The Mughal (also Mogul or Moghul) Empire (1526-1858) 莫卧儿帝国

It was an Indian imperial power that ruled a large portion of the Indian subcontinent. It began in 1526, invaded and ruled most of South Asia by the late 17th and early 18th centuries, and ended in the mid-19th century.

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①Mogul :莫卧儿 , 印度的穆斯林,尤指 16 世纪征服印度而建立的穆斯林帝国的蒙古族人。

②Mughal architecture: It is symmetrical and decorative in style, which is a combination of Islamic, Persian and Indian architecture, and was developed by Mughals in the 16th and 17th centuries in what is now India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

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2. [Line 5, Para.1] Taj Mahal 泰吉 . 玛哈尔陵,即泰姬陵。

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泰姬陵位于阿格拉 (Agra) 市郊的朱穆拿河南岸,建于 1632 年至 1650 年,是莫卧儿王朝第五代皇帝沙杰汗( Shah Jahan )为其宠妃蒙泰姬•玛哈尔(Mumtaz Mahal) 而建。泰姬陵耗时 22 年建成,具有浓郁伊斯兰建筑风格。东西长 580 米,南北宽 305 米。四周为红砂石围墙,中央为白色大理石建造的陵墓,高 74 米,底座边长 56.7 米。 陵墓前有一条狭长的水池,环绕以绿树和鲜花;玉带般的水池两侧是宽阔的通道,池水清澈,碧波荡漾,中有陵墓、树木、鲜花等的倒影,使人心旷神怡。陵墓后面的朱穆那河,婉蜒流过,水流时急时缓,为陵墓增添了几分清幽的光彩。

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3. [Line6, Para.2] UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国科教文组织

It is a specialized agency of the United nations established on 16 November 1945. Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and the human rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter.

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4. [Line7, Para.3, P.206] The Sikh Golden Temple 阿姆利则的锡克教金庙

Officially renamed Harmandir Sahib in March 2005, it is a major pilgrimage destination for Sikhs from all over the world, as well as an increasingly popular tourist attraction. Unlike many historical sacred sites, the Golden Temple of Amristar is still fully alive with religious fervor and sacredness, and visitors are welcomed to join in experience. Although the building itself has great historical and architectural interest, it is the Golden Temple’s great spiritual meaning for Sikh believers (and others) that is most memorable to visitors. In a country that is exceptionally rich with vibrant devotion, the Golden Temple is regarded as “the most tangibly spiritual place in the country.”

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在锡克教的活动中心阿姆利则市,可以看到锡克教的最大寺庙——大金庙(因这座寺庙的顶和门户镏金而得此名)。阿姆利则市是印度西北旁遮普邦的边境城市,同巴基斯坦接壤。大金庙是 15 世纪由锡克教第五代宗师阿尔琼创建,后遭洗劫毁废,几经重建修复。 1830 年重修。 锡克教信奉一神,但不为神画像,也不为神塑身;锡克教不设专职神职人员,凡成年人,不分男女都可以主持礼拜。锡克教的寺庙一般有四个门,分别朝东西南北四个方向,意味着锡克教的大门向来自任何方向的兄弟姐妹敞开。无论白天黑夜,任何时间都可以去大金庙参观,而且从不收费。

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5. [Line2, Para.4] Bodhgaya 菩提伽耶

It is a religious place in Gaya district in the Indian state of Bihar. It is famous for being the place of Gaut

ama Budda’s (释迦牟尼佛,即 Siddhattha Gotama ) attainment of Enlightenment (悟道,

成佛) . The main monastery of Bodhgaya, now is called the Mahabodhi Temple( 大菩提寺 ).

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For Buddhists, Bodh Gaya is the most important of the main four pilgrimage sites( 四大佛教圣地 ) related to the life of Gautama Buddha, the other three being Kushinagar (涅槃之地拘尸那迦) , Lumbini (诞生地蓝毗尼园,位于现在的尼泊尔境内 ), and Sarnath (第一次五比丘讲说佛法的鹿野苑 ). In 2002, Mahabodhi Temple ( 大菩提寺 ), located in Bodh Gaya, became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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大菩提寺相传有 1800多年的历史,据称为阿育王所建,寺庙主体为方台形,上建圆锥形尖顶,高 170英尺。寺前拱门上有狮、鹿、牛、象等动物雕刻。寺中靠西墙的祭台上有释迦牟尼像。寺外院中有很多高僧的舍利塔。大菩提寺中的毕钵罗树虽已不是当年佛祖修成正觉所靠的那棵树,但仍深为教徒所崇拜。

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6. [Line8, Para.4] Nirvana 涅槃 It is a central concept in Indian religions. I

n islamic thought, it is the state of being free from suffering (or dukkha). In Hindu philosophy, it is the union with the Supreme being through Moksha. The world literally means “blowing out” – referring, in the Buddhist context, to the blowing out of the fires of greed, hatred, and delusion.

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7. [Line 5, Para.8, P208] Ajanta Caves 阿旃陀石窟阿旃陀石窟位于印度马哈拉斯特拉邦北部文达雅山的悬崖上,西距奥兰加巴德 106公里。石窟环布在新月形的山腰陡崖上,高低错落,绵延 550多米,以壮丽的建筑、精美的雕刻和壁画,与泰姬陵并称为印度的双壁。阿旃陀石窟是印度古代佛教徒作为佛殿、僧房而开凿的,距今已有 2000多年的历史。“阿旃陀”一词源于梵语“阿谨提那”,意为“无想”。全部石窟 29 座,从建筑形式上基本分为支提与毗诃罗两类。它虽然取材于佛的生平事迹,但却如实地反映了当时印度古代宫廷生活和社会风貌。壁画和雕刻的优秀艺术,不仅对后来印度的美术产生了巨大作用,而且对东方佛教所曾传布的国家和地区也产生了深远影响。

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5. [Last paragraph] Conclusion—Repetition of Thaker’s attitude.

1. [Para.1] Introduction: crisis--calling for action;

2. [Para.2—Para.4] Presentation of the Problems--Current situations;

3. [Para.5—Para.7] Analysis—Reasons;

4. [Para. 8—Para.9] Actions;

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Para.2: Current situation—lacking money to preserve the historical sites;

Para.3: the problems existed in the historical sites of northern, southern, and western India;

Para.4: the worst situation occurred in eastern India.

[Para.2—Para.4] Presentation of the Problems--Current situations:

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Para.5: Introduction of Thakur’s career; Para.6: Political reason—preservation i

s often made complicated by politics;Para.7: Main reasons: lacking qualified

manpower and financial resources; disagreements among government departments and inefficiency.

[Para.5—Para.7] Analysis—reasons:

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[Para. 8—Para.9] Actions

Para.8: though difficult, India government starts to implement new policy;Para.9: hope for future.

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1. the country’s main heritage body, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), is so constrained financially that it limits its care to just 3,653 buildings, and, even for these, worries remain. (Para. 2-line 10)

Notes:①ASI: 印度考古调查队

② Constrain: vt. 驱使;强迫;束缚

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Paraphrase:The country’s main heritage organization, th

e Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), has so limited money that it can manage to provide protection for only 3,653 buildings, and, even for these buildings, there are still problems.

Translation: 国家主要遗产组织,印度考古调查队的资金如此有限以至于他们只能保护 3653 座建筑。然而,对这些建筑的保护上也仍然有问题存在。

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2. Hidden away in this unlikely domestic setting, it’s a splendid archeological curiosity, one of the first tombs to fuse Persian and Mughal style in a way that prefigured the design of the Tah Mahal a century later. (para.1—line3 )

Notes:①fuse: vt. 使融合;使熔化,使熔融

② Persian and Mughal 波斯和莫卧儿Eg. Taj Mahal mausoleum was built by the Mughal in the 17th century. 泰姬陵是由 17 世纪时印度的莫卧儿王朝建造的。

③ prefigure: predict, forecast. vt. 预示;预想

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The brick tomb, which is mixed together with this family living surroundings, is a very great archeological site and one of the first tombs to combine Persian and Mughal styles which contributed to the design of the Taj Mahal a century later.


这个砖墓与家庭生活的环境相混合 , 是一个非常大的考古地点,也是最早将波斯和莫卧儿王朝风格相结合的坟墓之一,并预示了一个世纪之后泰姬陵的设计。

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3. A swath of hotels and shops encroach on the temple complex, and policy say looters have stolen hundreds of artifacts, an allegation that temple manager Kallicharan Yadav dismisses as “baseless”. (para. 4)

Notes: ① a swath of : a large strip or area of.

eg. A swath of hair/sunlight

② encroach vi. 侵占;蚕食;侵蚀 vt. 侵犯

③ allegation: n. 主张,断言;辩解

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Paraphrase:A long strip of hotels and shops occupy th

e temple buildings, and police say robbers have stolen hundreds of artificial articles, an accusation which the temple manage Kallicharan Yadav denies by saying it lacks evidence.



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4. But she also complains that turf wars and bureaucratic inefficiency have hampered coordination of efforts. (Para. 7)

• Notes: ① Hamper: vt. 妨碍;束缚

eg. The army‘s advance was hampered by bad weather. 部队的推进因天气不好而受阻。

② bureaucratic: adj. 官僚的;官僚政治的

• Paraphrase: But she also complains that the government organizations argue back and

forth and dispute over responsibility, which has delayed cooperation between these organization.

• 翻译:•但是她也抱怨说政府官僚的迂回战和低效率已经阻碍了这些组织的联合。

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5. ASI director general Rajeev admits that the poor skills of the manual laborers he employs have led to some insensitive restorations, such as in Hampi, where stone and concrete buttresses now all but obscure several temples.(para.7)

Notes: ① Hampi :

It is a village in northern Karnataka state, India. It is located within the ruinsof Vijayanagara, the former capital of the Vijayanagara Empire. It is an important religious centre, housing the Virupaksha Temple, as well as several other monuments belonging to the old city.

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Paraphrase:ASI director general Rajeev admits that because

of the worker’s poor skills, the restoration work is not well-done, such as in Hampi, where stone and concrete supporting materials almost make several temples hardly visible.

Translation:ASI总经理 Rajeev承认,由于他所聘请的工人技

术水平低下,导致重建工作不尽人意,例如在 Hampi, 石头和混凝土桥墩几乎让人看不清好几个寺庙。

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2. Prefigure: ( Para. 1,line 5) to represent or be a sign of (sth. that will come later); predict, forecast; 预示,预兆 The painting of Paul Cezanne prefigured t

he rise of cubism in the early 20th century. 保罗 ·塞尚的绘画预示了 20 世纪初立体主义的兴起。

加州受到的打击预示了华尔街后来的结局。 California's losses prefigured the later fall

out on Wall Street.

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2.Assault (para.1,line 6),n.v.攻击 , 猛袭 , 突袭 ; (向困难或危险事物发起的)冲击 ; 抨击

make a surprise assault on对 ...进行突然袭击

beat back the enemy assault打退敌人的袭击

He was assaulted by a dog from his back.他受到了背后一只狗的袭击。

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3. Irreparably ( Para. 2) too worse or too seriously to repair or put right 不能修复的 ; 不可弥补的

Her death is an irreparable loss to the firm. 她的去世对公司是不可弥补的损失。 to an irreparable degree 到了不可弥补的程度 irreparable harm; 无法挽回的损害 an irreparable mistake; 无法挽回的错误 ; 尽管地震对中国造成了不可挽回的惨重破坏,但是 5.12 事件充分反映出了我们人类真正的美德和团结。

Although the earthquake has caused irreparably catastrophic damage to China, 5.12 incidents reflected the true virtue and unification of our human beings.

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4.Constrain ( Para. 2 , line 11) hold back, restrict 限制;强迫;约束

what seems certain is that they will constrain the future profitability of the banking sector.


She tried to constrain herself from a cough in class.


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In such exchange there is nothing to constrain the parties from taking advantage of each other.

在这种交易中没有什么约束双方相互利用。 constrain the economic development 制约经济发展

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5.Obscure (para.3,line 1) 不出名的 ; 不重要的;模糊不清的 ;费解的 / v. 使…模糊不清 ; 掩盖 (para.7)

There are many minor and obscure poets in the age of Elizabeth.

伊丽莎白时代有许多不知名的诗人。 an obscure family, 卑微的家庭 The point of his speech is obscure.他发言的要点模糊不清。

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Her poor English obscured her meaning.她的英语差 , 难以表达自己的意思。 My view was obscured by the trees.我的视线被树挡住了。

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6.. fare ( Para 4,line1). to get on/along 进展 ;

遭遇 ; n 票,票价 I think I fared quite well in the interview. 我觉得我这次面试情况不错。 Iceland’s economy continued to fare poorly, shri

nking by 5.7% in the third quarter compared with the preceding three months.

冰岛经济持续表现不佳,与第二季度相比, 第三季度经济下滑了 5.7%

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7. Encroach ( Para. 4 , line 4) 侵占;蚕食;侵蚀/ 侵犯

His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbor‘s land.

他新建的农场房子侵占了邻居的田地。 她没有权利占用我的时间 She has no right to encroach on my time. encroach on [upon] the territory of a neighborin

g country 侵略邻国的领土 encroach on the interests of the people触犯人民


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8.Concede 承认 ,出让 , 容许

refuse to concede defeat 不服输 I am not about to concede the point. 我一点也不认同这个观点 You must concede that I have tried my best 你必须承认我已经尽力了。 We cannot concede any of our territory . 我们决不能放弃1寸国土。

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8. Stumble (upon/on/over) V. ( Para. 5,line 7 ) to catch ①the foot on the ground while moving along and start to fall; ② stumble (at): to stop and /or make mistakes in speaking or reading aloud; do sth. wrong, as a mistake or moral fa③ult;

He stumbled and fell. He stumbled on a stone. She stumbled at/over the long word. She stumbled and stopped reading. Any man may stumble into crime when among c


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9.Chronicle ( Para. 5,line 6)编年史, 记录 ;记录, 把…载入编年史

Before the 15th century most history students just wanted to chronicle events rather than make judgments about them.

Chronicle of Higher Education is a news source for college and university faculty members and administrators.


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10.entangle(para.6,line9) 使某人 (某物 / 自己 )缠绕 ,纠缠于 (某物中 ); 使某人 ( 自己 )陷入 (困难或复杂的环境中 ) Sara had got entangled with some political

group.萨拉与某一政治团体有牵连。 Some military observers fear the US could

get entangled in another war. 一些军事观察家担心美国会卷入另一场战争。

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11.hamper( Para. 7,line 8) 妨碍 , 束缚 , 限制 Prejudice sometimes hampers a person fr

om doing the right thing. 有时候 , 偏见会妨碍人正确行事。 The search was hampered by terrible wea

ther conditions.恶劣的天气妨碍了搜寻工作。

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12 implement (para.8 ) 执行,履行;贯彻,落实;实现,完成,履行 implement policy 执行政策 We must implement the plan. 我们必须实施这个计划。 Before you implement your plans, you must hav

e a profound knowledge of markets there. 在你实施计划之前 .你必须深入了解那里的市场 . The State Council decided to implement it in insti

tutional units by three steps.国务院会议决定事业单位绩效工资分三步实施。

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13. Doable ( Para. 8): capable of existing or taki

ng place or proving true; possible to do

This provides some doable suggestions for the job.

把大的项目分化成可行的小部分。 Break down big projects into smaller doabl

e pieces.

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14. Nascent. ( Para. 9 , line 1) :coming into existence; beginning to be; starting to grow or develop初期的 ;

初生的 , 新生的 For many the big question is whether a lack of c

redit is holding back America’s nascent recovery.

对很多人来说, 最大的问题在于信贷紧缺阻碍了美国刚刚开始的复苏过程。

Its effect on the music industry and the music videos that came to define the then-nascent MTV was huge.


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10 Nascent. ( Para. 9) Its effect on the music industry and the music videos that came to define the then-nascent MTV was huge. .

adj. coming into existence; beginning to be; starting to grow or develop

e.g. For many the big question is whether a lack of credit is holding back America’s nascent recovery. 对很多人来说, 最大的问题在于信贷紧缺阻碍了美国刚刚开始的复苏过程。

·e.g. 它对音乐产业以及当时有待确定的新生事物MTV音乐电视产生了巨大影响。

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1. Reading Comprehension2. Vocabulary3. Cloze4. Translation5. Writing

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Reading Comprehension

a. Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the statement from the text.

(1)B   (2) C   (3)A   (4)C   (5) B

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Reading Comprehension

b. Fill in the blanks with the information that you’ve learned in the text.

(1) Introduce the present situation of historic heritage sites and the future preservation of cultural heritage in India

(2) What used to be a brick tomb fusing Persian and Mughal styles that somehow contributed to the design of the famous Taj Mahal a century later, now is changed into a toilet.

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Reading Comprehension

(3) The most famous heritage such as the Taj Mahal, Hampi, the Sikh Golden temple, the fig tree at Bodhgaya, etc

(4) Financial difficulties, pollution from nearby cities, local people’s unawareness, conflicts between religious groups, lacks of manpower and government’s failure to implementing responsibility and low efficiency, etc.

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Reading Comprehension

(5) The government has realized the urgency and importance of protecting historic heritage and is determined to take measures, pass laws and make policies; conservations, such as Nalini Thakur and her followers, are devoted to making their contributions.

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2. vocabulary

a. Fill in the blanks with correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.

(1)tilting (2) concourse (3) swarm (4) afterthought

(5) evict (6) artifact (7) grandiose (8) orchard

(9) executed (10) mural

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2. vocabulary

b. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.

(1) D (2) A (3) C (4) B (5) D (6) A (7) C (8) B(9) D (10) C

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3. Cloze

Choose an appropriate word or phrase from the following list to fill in each of following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the form where necessary.

(1) tombs (2) approximately (3) that (4) next(5) respectively (6) various (7) connecting (8) to(9) complex(10) construction (11) spectacular (12) took(13) start (14) down (15) transported (16) argue (17) by (18) used (19) labor (20) lend

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4. translation

a. Chinese to English.

b. English to Chinese.

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4. translation

a. Chinese to English---sentence1. Investigators questioned everyone on the plane and carefully

examined the small incendiary device, during which they found no evidence of the explosion of the bomb.

2. Suzhou is famous for its incomparably exquisite gardens, and Hangzhou for its fascinating scenery around the West Lake.

3. When they excavated the mysterious ancient tomb, the archaeologists were distressed to see the historic site of civilization, which was built over 2000 years ago, being eaten away by the underground moisture.

4. When fear overcomes our minds, it begins to seep into our action.

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4. translation

5. Each time a city building is erected, the green grass in that spot and trees that once reached up to the sky are replaced by a swath of tar roof.

6. We have to import vast quantities of raw materials before we can convert them into exports and ship them out again.

7. The state makes great efforts to support the ethnic minority regions in developing education, and has set aside special subsidies and funds for this purpose.

8. When your computer is linked to one of these machines, the virus will encroach on your hard disk and search whether the accounting software is installed.

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4. translationb. Chinese to English—paragraphs

With economic globalization and the accelerating pace of social modernization, china’s intangible cultural heritage has encountered a very serious situation with many emerging problems in its survival, protection and development. The problems are mainly as follows: firstly, the whole society has not yet achieved full comprehension of the importance of intangible cultural heritage protection, the intangible cultural heritage is left without scientific protection, and large-scale development and construction have exacerbated the damage and destruction of intangible cultural heritage can merely exist in unique time and space, and the various cultural and artistic heritage, skills, folk customs which have been passed on by the mouth-and-heart characters, as the carrier of traditional cultures, are perishing; thirdly, a lot of outstanding intangible cultural heritage is faced with the danger of dying out since successors are unavailable when skillful people die and their arts and skills fade away; lastly, a huge amount of physical material hardly has access to proper protection, the loss of which remains very serious.

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4. translation English to Chinese- paragraph

即使是在经历了几十年的失望之后,塔库尔仍然还保留着这种紧迫感和愤怒,这不得不让人感到意外。在带领她最近教的一班学生出行到德里附近的古尔冈南部的郊区时,她让大家参观了清真寺,洗澡堂,莫卧儿王朝最后一位皇帝的果园,还有被居住于此的英国爵士托马斯 ·梅特卡夫改造成了的凉亭和阶梯状花园的一座陵墓。“哦。天哪!哦,天哪!”当看到一处有一处的古迹遭到人为破坏时,她嘴里不停地轻声念叨着。“我们已经失去了这么多。”她哀叹着。但是,像往常一样,塔库尔决心继续战斗。“对文物保护着来说,这是一个重要的时机,”她坚持道。“有这么多工作等着我们去做,而且这种工作非常重要。”但愿他们取得成功!

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4. translation

English to Chinese— sentence

1 . 这个详细目录即《预备名单》,它列出某签约国预计在未来五到十年欲获提名的文化遗产名录,该名单可随时更新。

2 . 世界遗产中心为签约国提供咨询服务,协助其准备尽可能详尽的文件,以确保文件中包括必要的证明和地图等资料。

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3 . 第三顾问机构是文化遗产保护与修复研究国际中心,这是一个政府间组织,为世界遗产委员会就文化遗址保护及培训活动提供专家咨询建议。

4 . 一旦某文化遗产受到推荐并被评估,将由政府间遗产委员会最终做出是否对其提名的决定。该委员会每年召开一次例会,决定哪些文化遗产将位列《世界遗产名录》。

5 . 这些标准的解释列于《世界遗产公约实时操作指南》之中,除公约全文外,该指南还包括其保护世界遗产的主要工作机制。

4. translation

Page 69: Unit 11


Direction: 1 )近年来买车的人越来越多,对环境交通及能源等都造成了一定的压力,很多人开始呼吁不要买车或理性购车。

2 )但也有不少人认为买车是必要的。 3 )你对此的看法是……,为什么?

Page 70: Unit 11

  Should People Own Cars or Not?

  There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic in China whether people should have their own cars. People’s opinions differ sharply on this issue. Some hold the positive view. They say that the car provides the most convenient form of transportation. Besides, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in winter. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night.

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   Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that there are many disadvantages to owning a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. For another, owning a car can also cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. What is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.

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   In spite of all the above mentioned, I still favor owning a car. The reason is that the car gives a person the freedom to schedule his own time. Though we are confronted with a problem of energy crisis, I am sure that the real solution will have to be a new kind of car, one that uses cheap, efficient fuel and does not contaminate the air.

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