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Birth Date: November 20, 1993 Saturday

Birth Time:9:42

Birth Place: Kurukshetra

Reference Id: 454709

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Yearly prediction for the age of 1 year :

Sun (8) -- Good

Moon (9) -- Bad

Mars (8) -- Good

Mercury (4) -- Good

Jupiter (4) -- Bad

Venus (4) -- Good

Saturn (10) -- Good

Rahu (8) -- Good

Ketu (2) -- Bad

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

You will have elderly and luxurious behaviour.

You will have prevalence in your thoughts and

behaviour. Your farsightedness, quick-wittedness,

future analyzing power and planned behaviour in

case of crucial circumstances will be visible. You

will have keen desire to influence others. You will

gain ancestral property. You will be in love with

your soul. You will gain fame and respect in


Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 1 year.

You will become superstitious due to confusion in

your thoughts. The feeling of separation from

loved ones will increase. You will destroy your

wealth being over expensive. You will be

disrespected by your brothers. You will not get

the deserved portion of the ancestral property.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

You will not tolerate injustice and will be bold and

courageous. If you are into politics then you will

gain very good results. Officers will support you

at your workplace. You will be able to accomplish

your incomplete tasks due to your good

communication. There are special chances of

growth in the fate of your son, without any

hurdles. You will spend on functions, marriages

etc at your friends or family place.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

You will be more social and you will have the

comfort of land and house. You will be serious in

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your nature. You will try your best of fulfil your

commitments. You will be pure at your heart,

socially responsible and your spiritual knowledge

will increase. You will gain success while dealing

in newspapers or newspaper related professions.

You will gain success in government or

commission based professions. You might make

more property and might build a farmhouse or

garden for yourself. There will be regular increase

in financial and professional gains. You will gain

interest in knowledge related to holy books.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

This year brings you happiness, promotion and

gifts of honour. Much of your expense will be on

your own luxuries and family favours.

You might achieve growth in business related to

ladies make-up items, ladies items, perfumes or

piece of art. You will get full comfort of land,

house and vehicle.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

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During this year you will gain fame in your

important efforts. You will gain respectful rewards

at your workplace. You will gain desired support

even from your relatives in your profession and

also in getting rid of bad situations. There are

chances of tours, pilgrimage and abroad visits.

You will gain interest in religious tasks, praying

and charity.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 1 year.

You will gain happiness from family and society.

Yearly prediction for the age of 2 year :

Sun (11) -- Good

Moon (1) -- Good

Mars (11) -- Good

Mercury (10) -- Good

Jupiter (10) -- Bad

Venus (10) -- Good

Saturn (12) -- Bad

Rahu (11) -- Good

Ketu (7) -- Good

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 2 year.

This year you will gain more faith towards your

religion. You will get good guidance from people.

Your health will be fine. You will make friends

with government servants at high ranks. Many

kinds of money resources will come to you by

themselves very easily. You will gain more

interest in music. You will get the happiness of

child birth. These kind of favourable

circumstances bring success in politics.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 2 year.

This year will be filled with emotions and your

patience level will increase more than desired.

You will help others selflessly and true heartedly

in their problems. You will be financially sound.

Your enemies will be weaker and will have to

supportive. You will earn profits from business

related to clothing and paper.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 2 year.

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You will accomplish your tasks in a planned way

this year, and due to this you will not face lack of

money or any other comfort. You will successfully

accomplish some task done with your father or

big brother, which will strengthen your financial

position. This year will be lucky for maternal

family. You will get number of new experiences

related to spirituality.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 2 year.

Due to planet Rahu, you will win over bad

situations and will make true friends. You will go

number of successful business trips. You will gain

from foreign relationships and will also gain fame

and respect.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 2 year.

This year you will gain progress, success and

respect in your field. There will be special

increase in your family happiness and comfort.

You will gain fame, respect and money from your

son. Some good task will be accomplished in your

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house. Your enemies will be destroyed by

themselves. There will be special gains and

improvement in business related to television,

stationary, computer, etc. Financial conditions

will be favourable, and you will be interested in


Yearly prediction for the age of 3 year :

Sun (6) -- Bad

Moon (4) -- Good

Mars (6) -- Bad

Mercury (12) -- Good

Jupiter (12) -- Bad

Venus (12) -- Good

Saturn (1) -- Good

Rahu (6) -- Bad

Ketu (3) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 3 year.

You will have to face loss if you get into any kind

of court case. Relationship with government

officers might get ruined. All your efforts to

improve your financial conditions will fail. There

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will be hurdles in your growth and religious

works. You might face problems or losses from

pilgrimage or foreign tours. You will get tensed

for your father's health. You will have to face

health problems related to blood pressure.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 3 year.

This year is good for earnings, mental relief and

mother. You will have keen interest and belief in

god and saints. You might incur expense for new

vehicle. You will gain profit in business related to

clothing and things related to water. You will have

good relations and will also get support from your

friends and relatives. There are chances to go on

sea tours or to areas near sea.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 3 year.

This year you will be able to keep financial and

family conditions in control, with a lot of hard

work. Your will head and will gain fame in

ancestral professions. Good results are more

dependent on hard work rather than luck. Your

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responsibilities towards your home will increase.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 3 year.

There will be an increase in bad effects. There are

chances of business losses, differences with

father and wastage of money. Other relatives will

take over your money and property in unethical


Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 3 year.

You will be more confused in financial dealings.

There might be hurdles in construction works.

You will be mentally tensed due to disputes in

family. This planetary position brings the affinity

to spend money over other ladies. This might

lead you to financial losses. You might get injured

due to road accident.

Yearly prediction for the age of 4 year :

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Sun (12) -- Good

Moon (8) -- Good

Mars (12) -- Good

Mercury (2) -- Bad

Jupiter (2) -- Bad

Venus (2) -- Good

Saturn (4) -- Good

Rahu (12) -- Good

Ketu (9) -- Bad

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 4 year.

Your good luck will be at its charm. Your enemies

will get weakened and will soon come under

control. Other than your regular profession, you

will get monetary benefit from two other sources.

Your friends and colleagues will be supportive.

There will be growth in your business. You will

have good combination of friends, and will have

happy travelling. You will get opportunities to

meet political leaders. You will have profits from

foreign relatives every now and then. There are

more chances of profits from business related to

hospital or water.

Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 4 year.

This year will be filled with struggle. You will gain

interest in spirituality. You will be interested in

knowing the unknown, and you will also try for

that. This time will be good for the maternal

family. You will go on pilgrimage. You might find

wealth left over by somebody else.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 4 year.

This year will be calm and composed. The efforts

to be away from wasteful incidents will be waste.

You will have revolutionary thoughts in every field

of your life. You will be more courageous and you

will get financial benefits due to your capabilities.

You will gain success in your profession. You will

be inclined towards religious deeds and will get in

touch with some religious organization. You might

also try to build some religious place. You will

have divine powers to bless others, but if you

curse others then those curses will in turn effect


Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 4 year.

If you believe on god rather than believing others,

and ask only from him then you will get

everything you desire. You will earn high profits

from business related to cosmetics, soil and four

footed or four wheelers. You will be known in

society. You will have the feeling of serving your

teacher and holy people. You will be interested in

good food. You might get rich from somebody

else's money due to your social links. You will

have full comfort of land, house and vehicle. If

you are unmarried then there are good chances

of getting married.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 4 year.

You will always get help from your best and kind

friends this year. North direction is good for an

increase in earning and good luck. This year is

good in terms of financial conditions for you . You

will gain interest in spirituality and meditation.

You will spend money on good tasks.

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Yearly prediction for the age of 5 year :

Sun (10) -- Bad

Moon (3) -- Bad

Mars (10) -- Bad

Mercury (7) -- Good

Jupiter (7) -- Bad

Venus (7) -- Good

Saturn (8) -- Bad

Rahu (10) -- Bad

Ketu (5) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 5 year.

This year you will earn profits away from your

paternal place in a partnership business related

to buy and sell (specially for items related to

ladies). Which will bring your growth. You will be

smart minded and due to this your will gain social

fame and financial profits. You will have special

interest in religious tasks. You will be keen to help

your relatives. You will be financially sound. There

will be gains from sea tours.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 5 year.

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You will have the power to face difficulties with

patience. You will get chances of growth due to

the contribution of some lady. You will gain profit

from business partnership and will go on number

of successful business trips. You will not have to

do hard work to earn money. You will great power

and energy in your heart. You will go towards

your progress. There are chances of financial gain

from some expected source. You will gain new

house, clothing and respect. There are chances of

wining judicial cases.

Yearly prediction for the age of 6 year :

Sun (7) -- Good

Moon (12) -- Bad

Mars (7) -- Good

Mercury (6) -- Good

Jupiter (6) -- Bad

Venus (6) -- Good

Saturn (3) -- Good

Rahu (7) -- Good

Ketu (11) -- Bad

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 6 year.

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This year you will have profits from work related

to power, and you will gain respect from high

ranked officers. You will gain faith and support

from your colleagues and high ranked officers.

You will take your profession to greater heights

with the help of your planning and ethical

behaviour. You will gain good position and

respect in society. You will be supporting

freedom. You will not be a miser/cheapskate

when it comes to donating.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 6 year.

This year you will enter higher society and will

have kindness in your heart, but you have to be

aware of politicians. You will gain respect and will

be very busy in your profession. Some bad

incident will occur, which brings you much of

monetary benefit. Business will be in average

condition. There will be happiness from life

partner, son and brothers. There will be profits

from your workplace and your interest in

astrology will increase.

Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 6 year.

Your enemies will become your friends and will be

a source of help. There are possibilities of enough

gains from import-export business or foreign

relationships. You will gain fame in society due to

your intelligence. You will spend leisurely in good

deeds. In all kinds of situations your heart will be

stable and filled with light. Power of soul will

silently increase to such and extent that you

might confront god. You can have good results

from business related to agriculture, books,

stationary and printing press.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 6 year.

You will be worried because of difference in

thoughts with your father and his bad health

conditions. Lack in religious thinking and will be

afraid of enemies. These circumstances will also

bring bad effect to maternal family. Due to

laziness you will not be able to complete the

tasks in hand.There are chances of theft or loss of

gold jewellery.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 6 year.

You will easily win over big difficulties, and you

will gain respect in society. You will get positive

and profitable support from your friends, family,

society and employees. There will be happiness

in your family and you will have good luck in your

business. You will have interest in religion and

will have satisfactory financial condition.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 6 year.

This year will be financially good. Your affinity to

do multiple works will bring success. New

planning’s will be fruitful. There will be an

increase in regular happiness. There will be

growth in profession due to support from work

place. You will win argumentative situations.

Yearly prediction for the age of 7 year :

Sun (3) -- Bad

Moon (6) -- Good

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Mars (3) -- Good

Mercury (8) -- Bad

Jupiter (8) -- Bad

Venus (8) -- Bad

Saturn (9) -- Bad

Rahu (3) -- Good

Ketu (4) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 7 year.

There will be incidents that lead to your growth

and fame. You will gain more than expected in

business. You will win over your enemies. You will

go on number of small trips. Even after knowing

that the person in front of you doesn't have good

intensions for you, you will still be kind to him.

You will be interested in social work and social

welfare. This year your hard work and confidence

will definitely bring you success and fame.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 7 year.

This year you will have good financial conditions

and will live good life. You will gain money,

happiness, respect and profits from ancestral

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profession. You might gain unexpected money

and might also gain from gambling or lottery.

There will be many lucky incidents towards the

end of the year. You will gain permanent


Yearly prediction for the age of 8 year :

Sun (4) -- Bad

Moon (7) -- Good

Mars (4) -- Good

Mercury (11) -- Bad

Jupiter (11) -- Bad

Venus (11) -- Bad

Saturn (6) -- Good

Rahu (4) -- Bad

Ketu (10) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 8 year.

The motivational circumstances will grow this

year. There will be ups and downs related to old

property. You will have more of homely

responsibilities. There will be gain due to

presence of mind and regularity of work. You will

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be known in society. Your influence and position

will increase in your profession. There will be

increase in your fame and wealth.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 8 year.

You will get professional respect, financial growth

and soundness, and promotion. You will gain

interest in sports. Success in bringing into action,

new plans for growing your business. You will get

good and unexpected news from abroad and will

visit some interesting and business places

abroad. You will buy expensive items and use

them in normal life. You will win all controversial

situations and fights. You will be successful in

competitions and championships. You will gain

interest in religious works.

Yearly prediction for the age of 9 year :

Sun (9) -- Good

Moon (2) -- Bad

Mars (9) -- Good

Mercury (5) -- Good

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Jupiter (5) -- Bad

Venus (5) -- Good

Saturn (7) -- Bad

Rahu (9) -- Good

Ketu (1) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

This year will bring mental stability,

determination, simplicity and your decision to

complete your tasks in hand. You will gain

respect and make good relations with

government servants and from people at high

positions. You will be kind. You will gain much

interest in human welfare and spirituality. You will

get related to religious places. Your enemies will

get defeat by the effect of your personality. At

this time your luck is at its full charm.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

You will gain success and fame in new

construction type artistic work. The feeling of love

and support will increase in family and relatives.

There will be improvement in financial source and

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you will go on pilgrimage. There are chances of

profit in business related to eatables, hotels,

sweets etc. You will be financially sound, and will

also be physically well.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

This year brings success in your profession. You

will become more serious at your mind and due

to this your ability to work hard in any field will

increase. You will gain more respect in society

and will make more contacts. You will gain

interest in secret wisdoms. Something said in

spontaneity will bring good profits. You will have

happiness related to child birth.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

You will make high level friends this year, who

will intern support you. You will have positive

approach in your thoughts and imagination. You

will gain respect in society due to your

intelligence. You will gain interest towards

pleasurable life. You will make relations with a

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bank, which would lead to increase in your

wealth. Profession and your interest in

experimental plans. You will make new contacts,

your plans will succeed. There will be an increase

in your beauty and you will also gain mental


Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

It is important this year to keep your home

circumstances in control. You might face

disrespect in your family due to some allegation.

You will be worried for your mother's health.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

You patience level will increase. You will get

unexpected monetary gains. You will earn food

and money. You will gain profits and happiness

from your friends, will win over your enemies and

will go on beneficial trips., will gain fame and will

get the required support from people. Your will be

able to fulfil your dream to buy a vehicle.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 9 year.

This year will be filled with achievements. There

will be an increase in progress, success and

respect in your field. You will go on successful

official/business trips. You will have good

relations with some person at high rank, and he

will bring you a feasible way for new and

important work, which will help you move

towards your aim. You will be happy due to the

arrival of new family member. This year will be

financially sound and filled with happiness.

Yearly prediction for the age of 10 year :

Sun (5) -- Bad

Moon (11) -- Good

Mars (5) -- Good

Mercury (9) -- Good

Jupiter (9) -- Bad

Venus (9) -- Good

Saturn (2) -- Bad

Rahu (5) -- Bad

Ketu (12) -- Good

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 10 year.

This year you will get support from friends at high

ranks and they will be helpful in your growth. You

will get attracted towards entertainment and

other entertainment sources. You will get fame

and respect in society. You will gain profits from

farming land and farming related work. You will

gain interest towards spirituality and your feeling

of sacrifice will increase.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 10 year.

This year you will have to face expenses due to

visitors. You will gain fame and honour in society

and business. Your mental powers will increase

with tremendous speed due to new energy and

freshness in you. You will gain success in

educational competitions. You will gain success in

the medical line (doctor, chemist) and also due to

good communication. You fame will increase and

you will also get happiness from your family. You

will be appreciated and will gain respect in your

work place.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 10 year.

Even though filled with number of good results,

this year represents struggle and problematic

situations. You will be rewarded due to success in

your efforts using your intelligence and hard

work. There are chances to gain more respect in

your work place. Your reasoning ability will be

very strong and there will be an increase in

capability of attracting others towards you with

your talks. Your interest will increase in

spirituality and you will keep on getting chances

for relocation, tours and pilgrimages.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 10 year.

You will get good results due to your good luck.

You will gain much profit in business/profession

due to your father or grandfather.You will be a

part of many religious rituals and will go on

pilgrimages. You will feel lucky to serve your

teachers and guests. You will have a strong

feeling of helping others.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 10 year.

You will not be stable at your heart due to bad

planets. You might have to face financial

problems due to your money blocked in market.

Your mother might have health related problems.

Your habit of drinking alcohol might increase.

Yearly prediction for the age of 11 year :

Sun (2) -- Good

Moon (5) -- Good

Mars (2) -- Good

Mercury (1) -- Good

Jupiter (1) -- Bad

Venus (1) -- Good

Saturn (11) -- Bad

Rahu (2) -- Good

Ketu (6) -- Bad

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 11 year.

This year will be lucky for you. You will gain

profits in government related works. You will get

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success, fame and respect from your mind and

smartness. You will gain happiness from life

partner and will have some function at your

home. You will gain success in commodity trade.

You will gain spiritual satisfaction by worshiping

god and doing charity, whole heartedly.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 11 year.

This year you will get religious tasks, marriages

etc accomplished in your house. You will bring

new business plans into execution. You will spend

on mobile property. You will be financially sound

and will have every kind of happiness.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 11 year.

This year will be successful in terms of finance.

Making new business plans specially related to

import-export, and bringing them into action will

be the spotlight of this year. Your will never

hesitate to do charity or help others. You will be

mentally stable, ambitious, aggressive and


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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 11 year.

You will have good luck. You will have good

income sources. This year there are great

chances of buying good vehicle. People will be

attracted towards you, no matter in which

environment you are. There will be a special

sweetness in your talks and you will be

celebrating good occasions at your home. Friends

and relatives will visit your place and you will

enjoy welcoming them. This year will yield good

results in terms of family life and financial

conditions. You will also get opportunity to start

some new business.

Yearly prediction for the age of 12 year :

Sun (1) -- Bad

Moon (10) -- Bad

Mars (1) -- Good

Mercury (3) -- Bad

Jupiter (3) -- Bad

Venus (3) -- Bad

Saturn (5) -- Good

Rahu (1) -- Bad

Ketu (8) -- Bad

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 12 year.

This year will be filled with enthusiasm and

energy. You will accomplish every task on a

bigger level. You will gain respect in society. You

will gain profits in business related to iron, wood,

machinery or property. You will win arguments

and will get promoted. You will get happiness

from relatives and might also get a vehicle. This

is the time of rule for your sister which means

that she will get many good results.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 12 year.

You will have laziness in your attitude and will

also lack confidence. Your friends, brothers and

relatives might bring you losses. You might face

theft or other accidents, and due to the non

supportive nature of government officers or

police you might have losses or be tensed. Your

mind will be weak in situations filled with

disrespect. You might face losses in gambling or


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Yearly prediction for the age of 13 year :

Sun (4) -- Good

Moon (5) -- Good

Mars (4) -- Good

Mercury (9) -- Bad

Jupiter (9) -- Bad

Venus (9) -- Bad

Saturn (10) -- Bad

Rahu (4) -- Good

Ketu (6) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

This year will be financially sound for you. You will

achieve success and money in new

professional/business plans. Relatives will keep

on visiting your place. Your will get family

happiness. Specially, you will get happiness from

your mother. You will gain profits from tours

related to your job.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

This year will be lucky for you. You will gain

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profits in government related works. You will get

success, fame and respect from your mind and

smartness. You will gain happiness from life

partner and will have some function at your

home. You will gain success in commodity trade.

You will gain spiritual satisfaction by worshiping

god and doing charity, whole heartedly.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

The motivational circumstances will grow this

year. There will be ups and downs related to old

property. You will have more of homely

responsibilities. There will be gain due to

presence of mind and regularity of work. You will

be known in society. Your influence and position

will increase in your profession. There will be

increase in your fame and wealth.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

You might get into crucial circumstances due to

some illogical, unwanted and controlling fear.

Your efforts to go abroad will fail. You might have

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to face disrespect due to lottery, gambling, race

course, smuggling or such other bad ways of

making money. You might have to face business

failure. You might get bad news from your sister's

or your father's sister's family side.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

You might get apart from good people or close

people. You might face fights in business

partnerships and lack of interest in religion. You

might get involved in non virtuous relationship

with a girl of age greater than yours. Due to these

circumstances you might lead to financial

problems, laziness etc.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

You will have bad relationship with your brothers.

Your acquired education will not be helpful in

earning money. In spite of working hard you will

not be able to succeed in keeping your financial

conditions fine. You might get into the habit of


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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 13 year.

There will be argumentative situations in

business or partnership, and your enemies will be

more powerful. Your enemies will cause you

losses time to time and due to this you will have

tensed atmosphere. You will face problems from

ruling party.

Yearly prediction for the age of 14 year :

Sun (9) -- Good

Moon (1) -- Good

Mars (9) -- Good

Mercury (10) -- Bad

Jupiter (10) -- Bad

Venus (10) -- Good

Saturn (3) -- Bad

Rahu (9) -- Good

Ketu (7) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 14 year.

This year will bring mental stability,

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determination, simplicity and your decision to

complete your tasks in hand. You will gain

respect and make good relations with

government servants and from people at high

positions. You will be kind. You will gain much

interest in human welfare and spirituality. You will

get related to religious places. Your enemies will

get defeat by the effect of your personality. At

this time your luck is at its full charm.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 14 year.

This year will be filled with emotions and your

patience level will increase more than desired.

You will help others selflessly and true heartedly

in their problems. You will be financially sound.

Your enemies will be weaker and will have to

supportive. You will earn profits from business

related to clothing and paper.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 14 year.

You will gain success and fame in new

construction type artistic work. The feeling of love

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and support will increase in family and relatives.

There will be improvement in financial source and

you will go on pilgrimage. There are chances of

profit in business related to eatables, hotels,

sweets etc. You will be financially sound, and will

also be physically well.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 14 year.

Your mental tensions will increase and there

might be some hurdles in regular work. Simple

work will also turn out to be hard and you will

face hurdles in construction works. There will be

tensed and spending situation in your work place.

There are chances of tensions, disrespect,

financial problems, unreasonable travelling and

marriage. There might be problems in your son's

profession or studies. You will be more inclined

towards the tasty food.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 14 year.

You will spend your abilities in unfruitful tasks.

Your brothers might suffer, You might get

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disrespected from your relatives. You might face

sudden money loss. There will be shortage of

cash in hand. There might be unnecessary or

unfruitful tours. You might face some tension

related to land and house.

Yearly prediction for the age of 15 year :

Sun (3) -- Bad

Moon (4) -- Good

Mars (3) -- Good

Mercury (12) -- Good

Jupiter (12) -- Bad

Venus (12) -- Good

Saturn (1) -- Good

Rahu (3) -- Good

Ketu (5) -- Bad

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 15 year.

This year is good for earnings, mental relief and

mother. You will have keen interest and belief in

god and saints. You might incur expense for new

vehicle. You will gain profit in business related to

clothing and things related to water. You will have

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good relations and will also get support from your

friends and relatives. There are chances to go on

sea tours or to areas near sea.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 15 year.

There will be incidents that lead to your growth

and fame. You will gain more than expected in

business. You will win over your enemies. You will

go on number of small trips. Even after knowing

that the person in front of you doesn't have good

intensions for you, you will still be kind to him.

You will be interested in social work and social

welfare. This year your hard work and confidence

will definitely bring you success and fame.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 15 year.

This year you will be able to keep financial and

family conditions in control, with a lot of hard

work. Your will head and will gain fame in

ancestral professions. Good results are more

dependent on hard work rather than luck. Your

responsibilities towards your home will increase.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 15 year.

This year you will gain from your profession and

government works. Your beauty will increase,

your planning will succeed, you will have good

health and will be mentally calm. Your luck and

work will be favourable.. This year is filled with

pleasures. You will gain interest in astrology and

education related professions.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 15 year.

This year will bring an increase in your fame.

People will take you seriously and you will be able

to influence people in a positive way due to your

good reasoning ability. You will gain good respect

in your profession due to your hard work and

intelligence. If you are in a job then your seniors

will appreciate your abilities. Not only you will

improve your family's financial position, but you

will also bring fame or other profits to your

family. You will gain interest in spirituality.

Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 15 year.

This year you will have good financial conditions

and will live good life. You will gain money,

happiness, respect and profits from ancestral

profession. You might gain unexpected money

and might also gain from gambling or lottery.

There will be many lucky incidents towards the

end of the year. You will gain permanent


Yearly prediction for the age of 16 year :

Sun (10) -- Good

Moon (9) -- Bad

Mars (10) -- Good

Mercury (11) -- Good

Jupiter (11) -- Bad

Venus (11) -- Good

Saturn (4) -- Good

Rahu (10) -- Good

Ketu (8) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

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This year will bring profitable changes. You will

get benefits from your work headed fate. You will

gain fame by completing the big tasks in hand

with your dedicated effort. Your effort in multiple

fields will bring you success. You might buy a new

vehicle. You will gain profits from business

related to clothing and decoration. You will make

successful relationships with politicians. Your

seniors will hold a good opinion about you.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

This year will bring lots of success in government

job, politics and profession. This year will also

bring good luck in terms of mental intelligence.

You will have keen interest in helping others.

Some profitable plan will be executed and will

bring desired gains. You will gain fame in society.

Family members will progress. In terms of

financial conditions, this year will bring growth.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

This year your self confidence will increase, and

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due to this you will not accept defeat instead of

unfavourable circumstances. You will gain respect

at your work place due to your intelligence and

hard work. You will succeed in examinations and

competitions. There will be increase in your

comforts. Every controversial situation will be in

your control. You will keep on growing and will be

meeting some old friend or relative. You will gain

money, respect, success and identity from your


Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

This year symbolizes financial prosperity for you.

You will be able to earn good money due to

physical work, intellect and cleverness. You will

go on number of profitable business tours. Good

tasks will be accomplished at your home. You will

be socially strong and your relative will give you

full support and love. You will gain profits in

business related to precious stones, land, house,

hotel-restaurants or marbles. Some woman will

play an important role in your progress this year.

Your will build interest in astrology.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

You might make new plans towards the end of

this year, and might gain much money and

desired success from foreign. You will be

motivated by good results from fixed and

movable assets. Your father will gain respect. You

will gain profits from business related to medicine

or its manufacturing.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 16 year.

This year will bring respect and fame in society.

You will gain success in politics. You will take part

in social works. You will have number of new

plans in your mind, and you will gain required

success from them. You will be more inclined

towards religion and will also go on pilgrimage.

This year planet Rahu will help you to get

position, fame, promotion, monetary gains and

success in elections.

Yearly prediction for the age of 17 year :

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Sun (12) -- Good

Moon (3) -- Bad

Mars (12) -- Good

Mercury (2) -- Bad

Jupiter (2) -- Bad

Venus (2) -- Bad

Saturn (9) -- Good

Rahu (12) -- Good

Ketu (10) -- Good

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

Your good luck will be at its charm. Your enemies

will get weakened and will soon come under

control. Other than your regular profession, you

will get monetary benefit from two other sources.

Your friends and colleagues will be supportive.

There will be growth in your business. You will

have good combination of friends, and will have

happy travelling. You will get opportunities to

meet political leaders. You will have profits from

foreign relatives every now and then. There are

more chances of profits from business related to

hospital or water.

Following results will have major impact in your

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life at the age of 17 year.

This year will be calm and composed. The efforts

to be away from wasteful incidents will be waste.

You will have revolutionary thoughts in every field

of your life. You will be more courageous and you

will get financial benefits due to your capabilities.

You will gain success in your profession. You will

be inclined towards religious deeds and will get in

touch with some religious organization. You might

also try to build some religious place. You will

have divine powers to bless others, but if you

curse others then those curses will in turn effect


Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

This year may not be good for your father's

health. You will have the habit to get in fight or

arguments over small things. You will be

confused at your heart. Your habit of changing

your words continuously will increase. You might

suffer from constipation or diseases related to

stomach. This situation also reflects problems in

sister's or her family's life.

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Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

You believe in constantly decline.Your

remembering power might get weakened. You

will not get the deserved piece of ancestral

property, after division. You will have less fame.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

There might be bad effect on financial and family

conditions. Your wealth might decrease instead of

increasing. There will be bad effect on the health

or financial conditions of father or father-in-law.

Do not do business related to jewellery.

Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

This year you will have growth in business, will

form new business plans and will also grow

financially. Your faith will increase in religion. You

can expect more respect at your workplace. You

will gain fixed assets. Your close friends will

support you. Due to your increased interest in

politics, this year your listening and

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communicating skills will improve and you will

have feeling of patriotism and social welfare. You

will gain profits in business related to gold and


Following results will have major impact in your

life at the age of 17 year.

You will always get help from your best and kind

friends this year. North direction is good for an

increase in earning and good luck. This year is

good in terms of financial conditions for you . You

will gain interest in spirituality and meditation.

You will spend money on good tasks.

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