Download pptx - 7 habits presentation

  • The Seven Habits Of highly effective people Hany Magdy
  • The Character Ethic : primary traits Absolute principles that exist in all human beings. Principles have universal application. Techniques are only valid for specific situations . Examples of such principles are fairness, honesty, integrity, human dignity, equality, and justice.
  • Personality Ethic: secondary traits Personality Ethic are secondary. Secondary traits may help one to play the game to succeed in specific circumstances Ex. Skills, techniques, maintaining a positive attitude, etc Long term success requires both.
  • The Maturity Continuum we cooperate to achieve something that Interdependence cannot be achieved independently. Independence we make our decisions and take care of ourselves Dependence relying upon others to take care of us
  • Paradigm Shift You could say: (half-full) OR (half-empty). Both are right its only the perception. The way we see the problem is the problem. Problems, at times, could be opportunities If you want small change, work on your behavior; if you want quantum-leap changes, work on your paradigms
  • Excellence Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit
  • Knowledge (what to, why to) Skills (how to) Desire (want to)
  • Interdependence Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Synergize PUBLIC VICTORY Think Win/Win Independence Put First Things First PRIVATE VICTORY Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Dependence
  • Dependence
  • Theories of determinism Three theories of determinism affecting our response to a certain stimulus 1. Genetic determinism (DNA) 2. Psychic determinism (childhood experience) 3. Environmental determinism (boss, spouse, economic situation, notational policies)
  • Proactive Model Stimulus Self -Awareness Imagination Freedom to Choose Response Independent Will Conscience
  • Circle of influence Proactive Focus Circle of Concern Reactive Focus Circle of Influence Where do you focus your time and energy? Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. Reactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern.
  • HOW PROACTIVE AM I? . . . the degree to which I take initiative to improve my current circumstances or create new ones.
  • Principle of Personal Vision Dependence
  • The Final image To begin with the end in mind is to begin with the image of the end of your life as the frame of reference by which everything else is measured. We may be busy, we may be efficient, but we will only be effective if we begin with the end in mind.
  • Mission Statement A powerful document that expresses your personal sense of purpose and meaning in life. It acts as a governing constitution by which you evaluate decisions and choose behaviors.
  • Whats your life center ? Our deepest center Work Family Husband Friend Enemy Self Pleasure Possessions Money
  • Security The four life-supporting factors CENTER Sense of worth, self esteem & personal strength Guidance GUIDANCE Source of direction in life WISDOM Perspective on life Power Wisdom SECURITY POWER Decision making ability
  • Be principle centered... Why? Creating a solid changeless core, from which flow the four life-support factors. Correct principles do not change. And principles are applied to all If they realize or not. A principle-centered puts his values and principles higher than emotions. Have balance between different alternate centers.
  • 3 Principle of Personal Management Independence Dependence
  • Two Factors to Define Any Activity Urgency - An activity is urgent if you or others feel that it requires immediate attention. Importance - An activity is importance if you personally find it valuable, and if it contributes to your mission values, and high-priority goals.
  • Time Management Matrix Urgent Important 2 4 Exam tomorrow Friend gets injured Late for work/class Project due today Planning, goal setting Paper due in a week Exercise Relationships/relaxation Non-Important 1 3 Not Urgent Unimportant phone calls Interruptions Other peoples small problems Much mail Too much TV Endless phone calls Excessive computer games Say no to Q4 Delegate Q3
  • Urgent & important (Crises management) Activities Results Crises Stress Pressing problems Burnout Deadline-driven projects
  • Not urgent but Important (Attach to mission) Activities Results Prevention of problems Vision Relationships building Balance Recognizing new opportunities Discipline Planning recreation Control Few crises
  • Urgent but Not Important (Distraction) Activities Results Interruptions, some calls Some mail, some reports Some meetings Popular activities Short-term focus Crisis management Feel victimized, out of control Broken relationships
  • Not Urgent & Not Important (Time wasters) Activities Trivia Some mail Some phone calls Time wasters Pleasant activities Results Dependent on others Total irresponsibility Fired from jobs
  • Become a self manager in (Q2) 1. Identify roles: (Individual/Parent/Manager/Teacher/.) 2. Selecting goals: related to Q2 activities and to your mission statement. 3. Schedule: selecting time to perform the actions needed to achieve goals. 4. Daily adapting: everyday review to your schedule
  • Public Victory Paradigms of interdependence
  • The emotional bank account The amount of trust built up in a relationship The feeling of safeness that makes communication easy, instant and effective Problems create the opportunity to build a deep relationship
  • Six major deposits 1.Understanding person: uncover the deep need, treat him according to it. 2.Attending the little things: dont underestimate little kindness or courtesies. 3.Keeping commitments: keep your promises or explain situation and ask to be released.
  • Six major deposits 4. Clarify expectations: Conflicts arise form ambiguous expectations about roles and goals . 5. Show your personal integrity: show loyalty to the absent people to build trust with the present people. 6. Apologize sincerely when you make a withdrawal: gentle manner is only expected from strong people.
  • 4 Principle of Mutual benefit Interdependence Independence Dependence
  • Two different perceptions Scarcity Abundance Therere limited opportunities. Limited Theres enough success for me and (amount) of success. I must take success for every one who desire success. for myself regardless the others. If I succeeded the others should fail. If They succeeded I would fail too. Life is a zero game. I can succeed as the others can too. Life is cooperative.
  • Six paradigms of human interactions
  • 1. Win/Win Seeks for mutual benefit Sees life as cooperative, not competitive Theres plenty for everybody Believes in the third alternative Listens more, stays in communication longer, and communicates with more courage.
  • 2. Win/Lose People with this mindset are concerned with themselves first and last. They want to win, others to lose. They succeeds at the expense of the others. They are driven by comparison, competition, position, and power. Have low trust of the other people. Is the authoritarian approach.
  • 3. Lose/Win They choose to lose and let others win. Show high consideration for others, but lack the courage to express their opinions. Strength from public acceptance. Theyre quick to please or appease. Buries a lot of feelings.
  • 4. Lose/Lose People who have a lose-lose paradigm are low on courage and consideration. They envy and criticize others. They put themselves and others down. Is the mindset of a highly dependent person. Is a long-term result of a win-lose, lose-win, or win.
  • 5. Win They are personally set on winning. Although they dont necessarily want others to lose. They think independently in interdependent situations, without sensitivity or awareness of others. Is self-centered. Thinks me first. Has a Scarcity Mentality.
  • 6. WinWin or No deal Win-Win or No Deal is the highest form of win-win. People who adopt this paradigm seek first for win-win. If they cannot find an acceptable solution, they agree to disagree agreeably. Allows each party to say no. They have high consideration for others plus high courage to express their opinions.
  • 5 Interdependence Principle of Mutual Understanding Independence Dependence
  • Four common levels for listening 1. Ignoring: Making no effort to listen 2. Practice pretending: Making believe or giving the appearance you are listening . 3. Practice selective listening: Hearing only the parts of the conversation that interest you. 4. Attentive listening: Paying attention and focusing on what the speaker says, and comparing that to your own experiences.
  • Principles of Empathic Communication Fifth level: Empathic listening (most effective level): Requires high levels of consideration Deep understanding of the problem first Requires more than practicing listening techniques Its listening with intent to understand (changing our perceptions).
  • Then seek to be understood Requires high level of courage Equally critical in reaching win/win solutions.
  • 6 Interdependence Principle of Creative cooperation Independence Dependence
  • Synergy Deeply understanding each other becomes the stepping stones to synergy Synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts One plus one equals three or more. (1+1 3) Identifying a third synergistic alternative/solution that will be better for everyone concerned.
  • Value the differences Synergy encourages people to respect differences between them, and see them as opportunities for learning. The differing opinions of others and their viewpoints, perspectives, talents and gifts are valuable when seeking solutions. These differences enable you to discover and produce things together that you would much less likely discover and produce individually
  • Levels of valuing the differences Celebrate Value Accept Tolerate
  • What blocks synergy? Anger. Defensiveness. Jealousy. Ego. Anxiety. Fixation. Fear.
  • 7 Interdependence Principle of Renewal Independence Dependence
  • Process of renewal Renewal is a daily process to refresh our nature. Renewal is helping us to keep on track. Renewal needs time to be assigned (in Q2). Renewal is considered as an investment in ourselves.
  • The four dimensions of renewal PHYSICAL Exercise, Nutrition, Stress Management SOCIAL Service, Empathy, Synergy, Intrinsic Security MENTAL Reading, Visualizing, Planning, Writing SPIRITUAL Value Clarification & Commitment, Study & Meditation
  • Physical renewal Care about your body by having good nutrition. Have enough relaxation and sleep. Exercise regularly.
  • Spiritual renewal Spiritual dimension is the core of your principles. And connects you with all absolute facts in life. You should keep your prays, read Quran. Read inspiring books. Observe the universe. Look to creatures. Leave all distractors.
  • Mental renewal Stop wasting time in TV movies. Watch documentaries, learning shows. Choose what you watch. Read books . Literature, history, science, self development, .etc. Write dairies. Take notes. Write your thoughts.
  • Social (emotional) renewal Doesnt need special time. Make this through your daily communication with people. Apply the public victory habits. Deal Winwin. Understand your partner first. Accept his difference and cooperate with him.
  • The Upward Spiral of Growth Success is a long journey, not a destination A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. And can only be taken one step at a time.
  • Conclusion
  • Paradigm shifts change your life Habit Change from To Be proactive Im a product of environment Im a product of my choices and actions Begin with the end in mind Society is the source of values Values is chosen and provide base for decisions But first things first Being slave to the urgent matters comes from environment I prioritize my works according to its importance and my mission statement Think winwin I must take success before others I can succeed with others Seek first to understand Strike and run. And compromise in case of conflict Empathic communication to understand others for solving problems Synergize Difference is threat. Independence is the highest value. 1+1=2 Diverse is advantage. Interdependence is the highest value 1+1 is bigger than 2 Sharpen the saw Typical work burn on the same track Continuous self improvement and renewal
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