




Personalization is simple,

give the traveler more of

what they care about and

less of what they don't.

It's about surfacing value

for visitors and hoteliers


T A K E AW A Y :Put each customer at the center of theirdigital experience and deliver the cross-device, personalization experience thatengages travelers, delivers increasedbookings and creates long-term, loyalrelationships

-Bill Hustad, CEO, Baynote

DynamicHero Image

Optimized Offer

A major hotel brand saw

travelers that engaged

with recommended

offers and content were

50% more likely to

convert with Baynote

T A K E AW A Y :Match the visitor’s current intent withengaging and relevant content, offers,and hero images to reduce bounce andincrease conversion

"Just 8% of travelers

surveyed in October say

they're loyal to the same

hotel brand"-Deloite


Make sure to show relevantdestinations and accommodations foreach traveler by understanding theirpreferences, segments or past purchasehistory

T A K E AW A Y :

Allow visitors to pickup wherethey left off by showcasing relevant,related properties and recommendedalternatives to drive a more personalexperience

T A K E AW A Y :

Recently Viewed



Over 148.3 million travel

bookings are made on

the internet each year...

69% of travelers begin

their search online

Personalization is simple,

give the traveler more of

what they care about and

less of what they don't.

It's about surfacing value

for visitors and hoteliers


Showcase the best content based onwhat your know about the traveler'spreferences. This can includedynamically recommendeddestinations, links, content andoffers displayed in real timethroughout the site experience

Dynamic Content

Dynamic, relevant

content is proven to

increase engagement and

conversions by as much

as 6 times when

compared to static


T A K E AW A Y :

Use Customer Data toPersonalize

Customer data abounds in the travel industry, but very little of this data isused in real-time interactions. The BaynoteONE Customer ExperienceProfile (CXP) is an online customer data hub purpose built to driverelevant, personalized experiences for new customers and brand loyalistsno matter how or when they choose to interact


T A K E AW A Y :

"Innovative use of data will be a key to unlocking

value in next-generation loyalty programs...many

companies lack the talent and technology

to get to this next level"-McKinsey & Company

"41% of leisure hotel

travelers belong to a

hotel loyalty program"