Page 1: 9 Ways to Get Your Week off to a Productive Start

9 Ways to Get Your Week off to a Productive Start

Page 2: 9 Ways to Get Your Week off to a Productive Start

Wake up early.

Most successful people are early risers and use their mornings to get some serious work and creative thinking done.

Try waking up one hour earlier just once or twice a week for starters.

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Prioritize your tasks.

1. Establish what’s most important to accomplish this week.

2. Organize the tasks and actions that you need to complete.

3. Take on 1 - 3 action items a day.

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Keep your project schedule updated.

Staying on top of your schedule saves time by letting you do your work rather than always playing catch up.

If you’re using collaboration software, then keeping your plan updated is important for your team members, too.

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Know where you’re needed

Make an effort to connect with team members to see what people need from you this week.

Unexpected surprises are the speed bumps in your work productivity.

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Track your time.

Productive people maximize their time because they know how they use their allotted daily hours.

Use time tracking software or log activities in a notebook to see how you use your time.

Know what your most productive time of day is, and then hammer it!

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Take breaks.

The brain is good for 60 - 90 minutes at a time then it starts to flag.

Take advantage of this fact and step away from what you’re doing. When you return you’ll feel refreshed and have a fresh view of your work.

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Limit your meetings.

Try an experiment this week. Find one meeting that you can skip. Then, take that time and schedule in work that you need to get done to move your project and business forward.

How great does that feel?

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Turn off your phone and email--

--at least for a while.

The tug of email and phone notifications is a huge distraction. Try turning off what you can, and get into a fruitful flow state.

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Pace yourself.

Go out too hard on Monday and you’ll be toast by Thursday. Instead, start the week by assessing the big picture and then finding a good stride.

Your career is a long-distance event. Give yourself a pace that’s sustainable over time. You’ll be happier and more productive in the long run.
