  • Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 88, pp. 174-178, January 1991Biochemistry

    A -1 ribosomal frameshift in a double-stranded RNA virus ofyeast forms a gag-pol fusion protein

    (RNA polymerase/lacZ fusion/L-A virus)

    JONATHAN D. DINMAN, TATEO ICHO*, AND REED B. WICKNERSection on the Genetics of Simple Eukaryotes, Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892

    Communicated by Herbert Tabor, September 20, 1990 (received for review August 3, 1990)

    ABSTRACT The L-A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) vi-rus of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two open reading frames(ORFs). ORF1 encodes the 80-kDa major coat protein (gag).ORF2, which is expressed only as a 180-kDa fusion protein withORF1, encodes a single-stranded RNA-binding domain and hasthe consensus sequence for RNA-dependent RNA polymerasesof (+)-strand and double-stranded RNA viruses (pol). We showthat the 180-kDa protein is formed by -1 ribosomal frame-shifting by a mechanism indistinguishable from that of retro-viruses. Analysis of the "slippery site" suggests that a lowprobability of unpairing of the aminoacyl-tRNA from the0-frame codon at the ribosomal A site reduces the efficiency offrameshifting more than the reluctance of a given tRNA to haveits wobble base mispaired. Frameshifting of L-A requires apseudoknot structure just downstream of the shift site. Theefficiency of the L-A frameshift site is 1.8%, similar to theobserved molar ratio in viral particles of the 180-kDa fusionprotein to the major coat protein.

    The pol genes of retroviruses are expressed as gag-pol orgag-pro-pol fusion polyproteins (1) formed either by in-frameread-through of termination codons (2, 3) or by ribosomalframeshifting (4-6). Both mechanisms allow for productionof multiple proteins from a single, unmodified mRNA.

    In Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), gag and pol genes overlap,with pol being in the -1 frame with respect to gag (7). In 5%of translations, a -1 frameshifting event allows ribosomes tomiss the gag termination codon and continue to translate thepol gene, producing a gag-pol fusion protein (8, 9). A -1ribosomal frameshifting has also been described in corona-viruses [(+) single-stranded (ss) RNA genomes] (10, 11),phage T7 (12), and in the dnaX gene of Escherichia coli(13-15). A +1 ribosomal frameshift is seen in the yeastretrotransposon Tyl (16-18) and in the E. coli release factor2 (19-21).The signals responsible for -1 ribosomal frameshifting

    include a "slippery site" heptamer, X XXY YYZ (gag readingframe indicated; X = A, U, or G; Y = A or U; Z = A, U, orC), followed by a stem-loop structure that can be involved inan RNA pseudoknot (4, 9, 13, 20, 22, 23). A pseudoknot isbase pairing ofthe loop with a sequence 3' ofa stem-loop (24,25). The "simultaneous slippage" model of Jacks et al. (4)proposes that the tRNAs bound at the ribosomal P site toXXY and at theA site to YYZ simultaneously slip back 1 baseon the mRNA to pair with XXX and YYY, respectively.Because their nonwobble bases remain properly paired, thiscan happen at a finite rate (Fig. 1). The stem-loop structurehas been demonstrated to be essential for efficient frame-shifting in RSV (4), infectious bronchitis virus (23), and theE. coli dnaX gene (13) and is predicted to occur following theslippery site heptamers of a number of other retroviruses (4,

    9, 23). RNA secondary structure downstream of the slipperysite may slow or stall ribosomes such that they remain in theslippery site longer, thus promoting frameshifting (4).The L-A genome (Fig. 1A) has two open reading frames

    (ORFs). ORF1 encodes the 80-kDa major coat protein (anal-ogous to retroviral gag). ORF2 has a sequence pattern typicalof the RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of (+) ssRNAviruses and double-stranded (ds) RNA viruses (analogous topol) and a ssRNA binding activity thought to be involved inthe packaging process (26-30). Fusion of ORF1 and ORF2produces the 180-kDa gag-pol-like protein. ORF1 and ORF2overlap by 130 base pairs (bp) and ORF2 is in the -1 framewith respect to ORF1. It has been proposed that a -1ribosomal frameshifting event at the site in the overlap regiondiagrammed in Fig. 1B results in production of the 180-kDaviral protein (26).We present strong evidence that -1 ribosomal frameshift-

    ing fuses ORF1 and ORF2 and analyze the RNA sequencesresponsible. Frameshifting of L-A requires the predictedheptamer and a pseudoknot structure that involves the pre-dicted stem-loop structure. We suggest that weak mRNA-tRNA interactions at the ribosomal A site are required forframeshifting.

    MATERIALS AND METHODSStrains. Yeast strain 2907 (MATa his3-d200 1eu2- trpl-d901

    ura3-52 ade2-10 K-) was used for transformation (31).Strains were grown on YPAD broth or complete synthetic trpmedium (H-trp) (32).Enzymes and Plasmid Constructions. Plasmid construction

    (33), use of the Muta-Gene in vitro mutagenesis kit (Bio-Rad)(34), and sequencing of dsDNA plasmids with modified T7DNA polymerase (35) (Sequenase V.2.0; United States Bio-chemical) were by standard procedures.The parent expression plasmid, p375, is derived from

    YEpIPT (36) and was obtained from Genentech. p375 containsthe following: an ori and the P3-lactamase gene from pBR322,the yeast TRPI gene, the ori of the 2-,u yeast plasmid, and apolylinker 3' of the yeast PGKI promoter. p375 was modifiedto include a translational start site 3' of the PGKI promoterand 5' of the polylinker to create pTI21. pTI21 was digestedwith Sst I and S1 nuclease and the BamHI lacZ fragment frompMC1790 (37) treated with T4 DNA polymerase was insertedto produce pTI23. pTIL121 contains the EcoRI/Pst I fragmentof L-A (bases 1763-2122) including the region of overlap ofORF1 and ORF2 inserted into the Bluescript SK+ vector(Stratagene) cut with the same enzymes. pTI23 was cleaved atthe BamHI and Kpn I sites in the polylinker and three sets ofoligonucleotide linkers were inserted to generate pTI24 (lacZ

    Abbreviations: RSV, Rous sarcoma virus; ss, single stranded; ds,double stranded; ORF, open reading frame; ,3-gal, B3-galactosidase.*Present address: Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo,Japan.


    The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.




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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991) 175

    A Two L-A ORFs Encode Chimeric RNA Polymerase -RNA Binding Protein with Major Coat Protein Domain



    ORF1 = gag

    2072 EncapsidationSignal 4546IRE ^\

    _ 4579_ | ~~~3,

    site forreplication

    ORF2 = poi-1 ribosomal

    framreshifting site80 kDa

    2::;: ........::.. 2: ........... .:.........

    major coat protein RNA180 kDa binding

    coat proteindomain


    B %IN


    ...GGGUUUAGG...ILORF1 (gag) ,II IL I...-..pJ


    PGK overlapp

    _ reglon2pLacZ Origin TRP1


    of 5, 11, and 17 codons of the 5' portion of the L-A-derivedcDNA sequence (Figs. 2 and 3). The pF'8-3D series lacked 32and 38 codons of L-A cDNA sequence from the 3' end andincluded a termination codon in the 0 frame downstream ofthe shift site. pF'8-5D17/3D32XS was constructed frompF'8-5D17 to produce a 32-codon deletion of L-A cDNAsequence information from the 3' region. Changes made inthe slippery site of pF'8 are shown in Fig. 4. In the text, thetriplets are shown with the ORF1 frame indicated by a space.pJD18 had the complement of the 5' pseudoknot region

    (GCCAGC -* CGGUCG), and pJD19 had the complement ofthe 3' pseudoknot-forming region (GCUGGC -> CGACCG)(Figs. 2 and 3). pJDRPsi used pJD19 and the mutagenicoligonucleotide used to create pJD18 to construct the doublemutant.

    In pJD20, the U residue 3' of the loop (base 1991) was a C.In pJD21, the U residue in the bulge of the stem (base 1996of L-A) was a G. pJD17 incorporated both changes (see Figs.IC and 2).

    fi-Galactoside (fl-gal) Activity. Assays of permeabilizedyeast cells were as described (39). Cells were grown in H-trpmedium to midlogarithmic phase, and assays were normal-ized to the OD6w of the culture and to the assay time. Threeindividual isolates of each mutant were assayed in triplicate.Control experiments with pF8 and pTI25 showed that theirrelative and absolute ,8-gal activity did not vary with phase ofthe growth cycle (data not shown).


    AUG 1

    f1 orl

    FIG. 1. (A) Gene organization of the L-A (+)-strand (from ref.26). ORF1 encodes the major coat protein. ORF2 overlaps withORF1 by 130 nucleotides and is expressed as a fusion protein, the180-kDa minor coat protein. The ORF2 domain has ssRNA-bindingactivity and an amino acid sequence diagnostic of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. The encapsidation signal (27) is pres-ent on the (+)-strand 400 bases away from the 3' end. Overlappingwith the encapsidation signal is the internal replication enhancer(IRE) that is necessary for full template activity of (+)-strands. (B)The essential elements of the L-A region determining -1 ribosomalframeshifting. The slippery site is the heptamer G GGU UUA (bases1958-1964). The ORF1 (gag) frame is shown by the I.I symbols onthe upper row and the ORF2 (pol) frame is similarly shown in thelower row. The two tRNAs bound on the ribosomes to the GGUUUA on the mRNA slip back 1 base each to bind to GGG UUU. Thestem-loop pseudoknot structure just 3' to the slippery site (bases1969-2004) is also shown. A pseudoknot is a stem-loop structurewhose loop (bases with spikes) can base pair to a sequence 3' to thebase of the stem (bases with spikes). (C) Structure of the frameshiftdetection vector pF'8. Transcripts from the PGKI promoter aretranslated from the synthetic AUG. Translation proceeds into theORF1 frame of L-A. Only shifted ribosomes proceed into LacZ. Thedetailed sequence of pF'8 from the PGK promoter to the beginningof LacZ is shown in Fig. 2.

    in the -1 frame with respect to ORFi), pTI25 (0 readingframe), and pTI26 (+1 reading frame). pTI24, pTI25, andpTI26 were digested with BamHI and Sma I and a 218-bpSau3a/Sma I fragment from pTIL121, containing the entireregion of overlap of ORF1 and ORF2, were cloned intopTI24-26 to produce pF7, pF8, and pF9, respectively (seeFigs. 1C and 2). In pF7, pF8, and pF9, lacZ is in the +1, -1,and 0 frame, respectively, relative to the AUG codon. pF8 wascleaved with Sal I and a 200-bp Sal I fragment from pDM1 (38)containing the fl origin of replication was inserted to createpF'8 for in vitro mutagenesis. This did not affect the efficiencyof frameshifting (Fig. 3).

    Modification of pF'8. pF'8 was modified by using syntheticoligonucleotides and all mutations were confirmed by se-quence analysis. The pF'8-5D mutants had in-frame deletions


    Assay for Frameshifting. Into the promoter vector p375 weinserted the phage fl origin, a translational start site, and,downstream ofthe multiple cloning site, the lacZ gene in eachof the three possible reading frames (pTI24, -25, and -26). Inwild-type yeast cells, only pTI25, with ,-gal in the 0 framewith respect to the AUG, resulted in significant production ofp-gal (Fig. 3). Fragments inserted between the AUG and lacZwere tested for fusion of the 0 frame and the lacZ frame bymeasurement of p-gal activity. Our evidence that this fusionof reading frames is due to ribosomal frameshifting dependson detailed analysis of the region responsible for fusion ofthereading frames and comparison of this with other systems.

    Determination of the Region of L-A Responsible for FusingORF1 and ORF2. A 218-bp region from L-A (bases 1905-2122) including the 130-bp region of overlap of ORF1 andORF2 was inserted into pTI24, pTI25, and pTI26 to makepF7, pF8, and pF9 (Figs. 1C and 2). pF8, with p-gal in the -1frame with respect to the AUG, showed 1.8% of the activityofpTI25 (0 frame, no insert control) (Fig. 3). Because the L-Asequences inserted have stop codons in the other frames, pF7(+1 frame) and pF9 (0 frame) have no significant activity.The minimum region of L-A necessary for frameshifting

    was delimited by making deletions of pF'8. Deletion of 5(pF'8-5D5), 11 (pF'8-5D11), or 17 (pF'8-5D17) codons of L-Asequence 5' to the slippery site did not diminish frameshiftingefficiency. The deletion in pF'8-5D17 removed all 5' L-Asequence to within 2 bases of the slippery site (Figs. 2 and 3).Elimination of 32 codons of L-A sequence from the 3' end ofthe insert had no effect on frameshifting, but deletion of 38codons, removing the 3' pseudoknot region, reduced 8-galactivity 20-fold (Figs. 2 and 3). A double-deletion mutant,pF'8-5D17/3D32XS, eliminating 17 and 32 codons from the 5'and 3' ends, respectively, showed only a minor effect onactivity (Fig. 3). Thus, the region from the slippery site to the3' pseudoknot is sufficient for frameshifting.

    Structural Requirements for Frameshifting. The sequencerequirements of the slippery site heptamer were examined(Fig. 4). Changes in the first triplet (comprising a codon in the-1 frame, but parts of 2 codons in the 0 frame) that disruptthe identity of the three bases (G GG -> A GG or G GG --


    m 0 - m 0 m m m

    Biochemistry: Dinman et al.




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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991)

    PGK Dromoter---> aaggaagtaa ttatctactt tttacaacaa atcta gaattc atacaaa'Start of transcript in this direction -->

    < deletedin515 >l deletedin5D1I >l deletedin5D17 >lI--L-A sequence--> -1


    slippery 5'stem 5'Pseudoknot 3'stem 3'Pseudoknotsite +1 +1 region +1 < deleted in 3Da region


    . -1 ---

    < ---- < _______-

    G L G V V G L T M P A V M P T G E P T A G A A 0 frameG F R S G R S Y D A S C N A Y R R T Y S W R C -1 frame


    +1H E E L I E Q A

    P R R V D R T G

    +1 +1 0 .0D N V L V E * 0 frame ends

    G Q C F S R V N V I E P S H G -1 frame

    ACCCCGCCCTACAAGGTACATACTGCAG cccggg ggt acc gat ccc gtc gtt ttaP R P T R Y I L Q SmaI D P V .....1acZ in the

    in thepF7 & pF9 have in the1 less & 1 more G here,respectively

    caa cgt+1 frame-1 frame0 frame

    in pF7in pF8in pF9

    FIG. 2. Partial sequence of the frameshift assay vector pF'8. L-A sequences start at base 1905 and end at base 2122 of the L-A sequence.The end points of the deletions used to determine the extent of the L-A sequences necessary to promote frameshifting are also indicated. TheL-A sequence is in uppercase letters and the vector sequences are in lowercase letters.

    G AA) each substantially reduces frameshifting, as predictedby the simultaneous slippage model. Making both of thesechanges at once to produce A AA leaves frameshifting abilityintact. These residues are thus important for frameshifting,and their being identical is important. Substitution of anyidentical 3 nucleotides in the first triplet (G GG -* A AA, GGG -* C CC, or G GG-+ U UU) resulted in efficientframeshifting. Interestingly, substitution of pyrimidines forpurines in this position gave significantly more frameshiftingthan wild type (2.6 times for C CC and 6.7 times for U UU)(Fig. 4). Also, although background levels of frameshiftingwere seen in pJD11 (G GG -* A GG), pJD12 (G GG -G G AA)gave 35% ofwild-type activity (Fig. 4). This may be explainedby U-G codon/anticodon base pairing in the first position ofthe codon in the shifted frame.The sequence requirements of the second triplet (U UU)

    were more stringent. Only triplets of A and U yieldedsubstantial levels of 8-gal activity, and identity of the threebases was required (Fig. 4). To examine why pJD16 (C CC)did not frameshift efficiently, the 7th base was also changedto C (A -* C; pJD26). In this construct, the shifted tRNA inthe ribosomal A site would not have its wobble base mis-paired. A 2-fold increase of 8-gal activity was observed over

    pJD16, but this was still only 20o of pF'8 activity. MutantpJD27, with A AAC in place of U UUA, retained wild-typeactivity, indicating that the C in the 7th position was probablynot responsible for the decrease in frameshifting activity.Likewise, GGG in this position did not frameshift (pJD28). Toavoid potential stacking problems due to long stretches of Gresidues, the wild-type heptamer (G GGU UUA) waschanged to U UUG GGC in pJD28.Making the seventh position of the slippery site U (pJD29)

    or C (pJD27) gave frameshifting with equal or greater effi-ciency than wild type (A), but aG in this position, as in pJD30(G GGU UUG) or pJD36 (G GGA AAG), gave only 18% or8%, respectively, of pF'8 activity.The results obtained with pF'8-3D32 and pF'8-3D38 sug-

    gested the requirement for sequence information present inthe former but lacking in the latter mutant. A stretch of 6nucleotides in this area (GCUGGC = 3'Psi) can form apseudoknot with 6 nucleotides in the loop of the stem-loopstructure (GCCAGC = 5'Psi) (Fig. 2). pJD18 contained thecomplement of 5'Psi (GCCAGC -+ CGGUCG) and pJD19carried the complement of 3' Psi (GCUGGC -) CGACCG),each thus disrupting the potential for pseudoknot formation.Each showed a 20-fold decrease in 8-gal activity. pJDRPsi


    < .----------L-A sequences---------->1ATG--------- GGGTTTA---5'Psi---3'Psi------LacZ

    --ORF1 > LAdL FLI".i -O ORF2 > of

    lID rel4-- - ---5---- G---6---- GG---

    pF7pF8 (wt)-pF9pF'8 (wt)

    pF'8-5D5 ---5D11 ---5D17 ---



    3D38 -------3D32 -------5D17/3D32XS


    RAKE^ LacZto AUG-10

    ACTIVITY%of %bf

    0 frame pF'8< 0.01 < 0.5100 5500

    +1 < 0.03 < 2 FIG. 3. Delimitation of regionnecessary for frameshifting. The

    +1 0.01 0 5 wild-type strain 2907 was trans--1 1.8 100 formed with the plasmids shown

    -1 1.91 1005 and midlogarithmic phase cellswere assayed for 8-gal activity.The main features of the L-A se-

    -1 1.6 90 quence and the reading frame be--1 3.0 170 fore and after the shift are indi--1 2.4 130 cated. Psi, psuedoknot region; %

    -10. 1 of 0 frame, actual efficiency of-1 3.2 170 frameshifting; % of pF'8, compar-ison to the wild-type level of

    -1 1.3 72 frameshifting.

    176 Biochemistry: Dinman et al.






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  • Biochemistry: Dinman et al.


    --ORF1 > " U| @2 _0RF2-

    PLASMIDS (from pF'8)pF'8 (wt)----------------------------------pJD11-------------AGG----------------------pJD12-------------GAA----------------------pJD13-------------AAA----------------------pJD31-------------CCC-----------------------pJD32-------------TTT-----------------------pJD22----------------ATT-------------------pJD23----------------TAA-------------------pJD24----------------AAA--------------------pJD14----------------CTT--------------------pJD15----------------TCC-------------------pJD16----------------CCC-------------------pJD26----------------CCCC------------------pJD27----------------AAAC------------------pJD28-------------TTTGGGC------------------pJD29-------------------T-------------------pJD30-------------------G-------------------pJD36----------------AAAG------------------


    contained the mutations at both sites restoring both thepotential for pseudoknot formation and the a-gal activity.Thus, the ability to form a pseudoknot structure was neces-sary for efficient frameshifting.The pseudoknot structure (Figs. 1B and 2) could be ex-

    tended by 4 bases (UGUA = 5' and UACA = 3') byunwinding the upper portion of the stem-loop. This may beslightly favored because a G-U base pair (1 H bond) at the topofthe stem would be replaced by an A-U base pair (2 H bonds)in the extended pseudoknot. In pJD20 a C replaced the nativeU, favoring the stem. 8-Gal assays of this mutant showedonly slightly higher frameshifting activity (170%o of control).The stem also contains a COU bulge (Figs. 1C and 2),

    replaced in pJD21 with a C-G pair. This stabilization of thestem resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in frameshifting effi-ciency. The double mutant (pJD17), incorporating both mu-tations in pJD20 and pJD21, was, unexpectedly, normal (97%of control).

    DISCUSSIONThe L-A ORF1/ORF2 overlap region contains sufficientinformation to promote fusion of ORFi and ORF2 in vivo ata rate consistent with the observed ratio of fusion protein tomajor coat protein. A 72-nucleotide stretch within this regionis necessary and sufficient for this process. It contains thestructures predicted by the simultaneous slippage model ofJacks and Varmus (8) to be necessary for -1 ribosomalframeshifting including the slippery site G GGU UUA and theability to form an mRNA pseudoknot structure downstreamof the slippery sequence. We show that both features arenecessary in the case of L-A for fusion of ORFi and ORF2.We conclude that the L-A dsRNA virus uses -1 ribosomalframeshifting to make a 180-kDa fusion protein whose N-ter-minal (gag) domain is a major coat protein monomer andwhose C-terminal domain is a ssRNA-binding region with theconsensus sequence typical of RNA-dependent RNA poly-merases.

    Several aspects of our results, and those of others workingon retroviruses, are not explained by the Jacks and Varmusmodel. In the first triplet, any 3 identical bases were sufficientto yield efficient frameshifting. We show that, in addition tothe known occurrence of G GG, A AA, and U UU in thisposition, C CC is also consistent with efficient frameshifting.Furthermore, as long as base pairing was possible in the

    %c0 fr,

    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991)

    ACTIVITY)f %of:ame pF'891 100,03 1,4 21,2 1207 2610 66711 619009051741451113316


    10 FIG. 4. Effect on frameshifting270 of alterations in the slippery site

    5 and the pseudoknot. For alter-3 ations of the slippery site, all bases9 of pF'8 that are not shown were

    20 left unchanged. pJD18 has, in the150 loop of the stem-loop, the change

    6 (GCCAGC -* CGGUCG), dis-228 rupting the pseudoknot, and

    8 pJD19 has the change (GCUGGC-* CGACCG) 3' of the stem with

    3 the same result. pJDRPsi has both5 changes so the pseudoknot can

    100 again form.

    nonwobble bases, some frameshifting was observed. InpJD12 (G AAU UUA), the peptidyl-tRNA reading AAUshifts to read GAA, with pairing of G on the mRNA with Uon the tRNA. Although frameshifting is decreased 4-fold, thisis still an order of magnitude above background. This G-Upairing in a nonwobble position of the codon is also known tooccur in the suppression of amber codons by tRNA fn6 (40,41). The pro-pol overlap of murine mammary tumor viruscontains a G GAU UUA heptamer (see ref. 4) in which G-Upairing is necessary in the second (nonwobble) position tofulfill the requirements of the model.

    In the second triplet, only A AA and U UU gave efficientframeshifting; G GG and C CC did not. This is consistent withthe known occurrence in retroviruses of only these twotriplets. That this was not due to the reluctance of the tRNAreading CCA to read CCC (i.e., to have its wobble basemispaired) is suggested by our finding that making theseventh base C to give C CCC did not substantially improveframeshifting. Jacks et al. (4) also showed that G GGG gavelittle or no frameshifting. These results suggest that the higherenergy required to unpair the tRNA properly paired to CCXor GGX makes frameshifting in these cases inefficient, andnot due to a reluctance to repair in the shifted (-1) frame.Thus, the requirements at the ribosomal A site are apparentlymuch more stringent than those operating at the P site. Withinthe slippery site, one limiting factor in -1 ribosomal frame-shifting is the probability that a properly paired aminoacyl-tRNA will unpair from its 0-frame codon.The 7th base was constrained to A, U, or C. Having a G

    residue in this position (G GGU UUG or G GGA AAG)prevented frameshifting for reasons that are not yet clear.Substituting G in this position of the RSV heptamer (A AAUUUG) did not affect frameshifting (4).tRNAs and Frameshifting. Bjork et al. (42) have shown that

    1-methylguanosine in position 37 (next to the anticodon) oftRNAPr° prevents frameshifting, in this case the suppressionin Salmonella ofa frameshift mutation. Hatfield and Oroszlan(6) suggest that hypomodification of bases in the anticodonloop of the tRNAs in and around the shift site gives greaterflexibility of movement (including slipping) of the tRNA inthe mRNA/ribosome context. Indeed, infection with severalretroviruses may be accompanied by hypomodification ofjust those tRNAs that would be at the A site of frameshiftingribosomes (43).




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  • Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88 (1991)

    Examination of the available sequences (44) of P-site or ofA-site anticodons that, in our experiments, do and do notpromote frameshifting does not reveal any significant differ-ences in the degree of modifications seen in the anticodonloops of the two classes of tRNAs. For example, we find thatthe tRNALYS decoding AAA is capable of efficient frame-shifting (pJD24; Fig. 4), showing that A-site "shifty" tRNAsare not limited to the naturally occurring tRNAASll decodingAAC, the tRNAPhe decoding UUU, and the tRNALCU readingUUA.

    Belcourt and Farabaugh (45) propose that the + 1 frame-shifting in Tyl occurs when the 0-frame A-site AGG codon isnot filled because tRNAAG is scarce. The P-site 0 and +1frame leucine codons CUU and UUA can be recognized bythe same, abundant, tRNAIeU whose anticodon is UAG. Thetranslational pause allows this tRNALCU at the P site to slipforward 1 base from CUU to UUA. As applied to L-A the firstcodon in the 0 frame after the slippery site is GGA, a rarelyused glycine codon (46). This could produce a translationpause that could promote -1 ribosomal frameshifting. How-ever, such a shift would be into the equally rare arginine AGGcodon in wild-type L-A and into the rare arginine CGG codonin pJD27 (GGGAAAC). Such a mechanism is also unlikelybecause it requires the ribosomes to sense the three codonsat once. If the ribosomes were waiting for the tRNA recog-nizing GGA to arrive at the A site, the tRNA that hadrecognized GGU would have already been released, and sothe first triplet (G GG) would not be important.

    Different viruses have different sequences within the con-straints of the slippery site rules perhaps because each virushas its own stoichiometric requirements for structural versusenzymatic proteins. The L-A virion has -120 major coatprotein molecules per viral particle. The 1.8% frequency offrameshifting observed here suggests that there are twofusion proteins per virion. Presumably, L-As with slipperysites with different frequencies of frameshifting would eitherbe inviable due to improper virion assembly or would bepresent in lower copy number in the infected yeast cell.Why Do Viruses Use Frameshifting and Translational Sup-

    pression to Make gag-ol Fusion Proteins? Ribosomal frame-shifting is utilized by retroviruses to make a gag-pol fusionprotein in a fixed ratio to the gag protein. One reason formaking a gag-pol fusion protein is probably that the gagdomain provides a means to anchor the reverse transcriptaseto the particle. It has also been suggested (29) that the poldomain may be involved in recognition, binding, and pack-aging of the genomic RNA itself, as appears to be the case inthe yeast L-A dsRNA virus. Retroviruses use ribosomalframeshifting and, in some cases, translational read-throughof termination codons to join the 5' gag ORF to the 3' pol (orpro) ORF. It has been suggested (26) that since retroviruses,dsRNA viruses, and (+)-strand RNA viruses all package andreplicate their (+)-strands, the use of splicing or othermodifications of mRNA molecules must be accompanied byexcision of packaging or replication signals to avoid thegeneration of mutant genomes. Indeed, retroviruses regularlysplice to form the env protein (and the tat, rev, and otherminor proteins in human immunodeficiency virus). Thesesplicing events remove the Psi packaging site. (+)-StrandRNA viruses and dsRNA viruses apparently avoid thisproblem by not using splicing. Using ribosomal frameshiftingor nonsense codon read-through to fuse gag and pol ORFslikewise prevents generation of mutants.

    The authors are grateful to Dolph Hatfield and Luz Hermida-Rodriguez for useful discussions.

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