Page 1: A Field Trip to Our Partners

A Field Trip to Our Partners

We care about our Partners – a lot.

We desire for our Partners to know how valuable they are to us. After all, we couldn’t do this without them.

This means we spend time on the phone. Not only talking to our Partners who service their customers, but building relationships with the Providers. Sometimes, this means we even attend the webinars our Providers host to ensure we stay up to date; sometimes it means reading their case studies; sometimes it means going out to lunch with their Channel Managers or Account Mangers.

See, Telecom Brokers wants to leverage relationships. Truly, we are not anything without them.

Sometimes, as a Partner Support Manager, we go on an adventure, a Field Trip, to visit our Partners. We love getting to see our Partners at work, running their own businesses as much as we love having them visit our offices for our trainings, stopping in to pick up their checks, or just popping in to say hi.

Our Partners matter.

The way they function matters.

We are not here to “manager” our Partners or treat them like employees. No, we are here for our Partners. We are here to equip and support our Partners. It is in our titles, “Partner Support Manager”. We want to support our Partners however and whenever we can.

It may sound simple, but that’s because it is.


Support can mean dropping off chocolate in a mug at their office to say hello and let them know we were thinking of them; support can mean going to a brand new Partners office and walking them through our website while getting to know their entire team.

Support is not one size fits all and it shouldn’t ever try to be.

Maybe it means giving a listening ear as our Partners celebrate an opportunity, or vent their frustrations with an opportunity. Relationships with our Partners are the key, because we know there are any number of other places they could go to, but they are choosing to work with us. Their partnership is valuable and not taken for granted. We cannot do it without them.

Our Partners are real people and so are we. Shouldn’t our support be personal and unique as well?