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Easy Gardening for Beginners

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Easy Gardening for Beginners

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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3

The Benefits of Gardening .................................................................................... 5

Physical Benefits................................................................................................... 5

Mental Benefits of Gardening ............................................................................... 7

Types of Gardens ................................................................................................. 9

English Country Garden ........................................................................................ 9

Victorian Garden ................................................................................................. 11

Japanese Garden ............................................................................................... 11

French Garden .................................................................................................... 12

Native Garden ..................................................................................................... 12

Tropical Garden .................................................................................................. 13

Particular Flower Garden Themes ...................................................................... 14

The Rose Garden ............................................................................................... 14

The Wildflower Garden ....................................................................................... 15

Color Gardens..................................................................................................... 15

How to Pick the Right Type of Garden for You ................................................... 18

A Few Words about Vegetable Gardens ............................................................. 20

Growing a Flower Garden ................................................................................... 22

Essential Tools that Every Gardener Needs ....................................................... 24

Getting Your Garden Ready for Planting ............................................................ 30

Creating the Ideal Soil for Plants in Your Geographical Region .......................... 31

Picking the Right Fertilizer .................................................................................. 32

Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers ........................................................................ 34

Is Organic Fertilizer Really Better for You and Your Garden? ............................ 35

Comparing Inorganic and Organic Fertilizers ...................................................... 35

Where to Buy the Best Fertilizer ......................................................................... 38

Making Your Own Fertilizer and Mulch ............................................................... 39

Picking the Plants to Put in Your Garden ............................................................ 41

Picking Your Plants by Theme ............................................................................ 42

Growing Zones and Picking Plants by Region .................................................... 44

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Are Native Plants Better Than Non-Native Plants? ............................................. 45

Should You Grow Perennials or Annuals? .......................................................... 47

Annuals Vs. Perennials ....................................................................................... 48

An Overview of Perennials .................................................................................. 48

Common Perennials ........................................................................................... 50

An Overview of Annuals ...................................................................................... 50

Common Annuals ............................................................................................... 51

When to Plant Your Garden ................................................................................ 52

Creating a Gardening Timeline ........................................................................... 53

Where to Buy Plants ........................................................................................... 55

A Few Tips on Buying Plants .............................................................................. 56

Feeding and Watering Your Garden ................................................................... 58

Is Using Plant Food Really necessary? .............................................................. 58

Choosing a Plant Food ....................................................................................... 58

Watering your Garden ......................................................................................... 59

Using Sprinklers .................................................................................................. 60

Conserving Water When You‟re Gardening ........................................................ 61

Do Plant Enhancers Work? ................................................................................. 62

Why Use Plant Enhancers? ................................................................................ 63

Dealing with Garden Pests ................................................................................. 64

How to Fight Common Garden Pests ................................................................. 65

Insects ................................................................................................................ 66

Animals ............................................................................................................... 68

A Few Words About Keeping Pets Out of Your Garden ...................................... 70

Plant Fungus and Diseases ................................................................................ 71

Natural Fungicides and Plant Disease Cures ..................................................... 71

Are Natural Fungicides Effective? ....................................................................... 72

Other Useful Gardening Tips and Tricks ............................................................. 72

General Tips and Tricks for Gardening ............................................................... 74

Tips for Gardening with Kids ............................................................................... 77

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 79

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Do you admire other people‟s gardens but think that you could never have one?

Many people love to look at their neighbor's lovely gardens in the spring and

summer or chat with their neighbors as their neighbors work in their gardens and

they think how nice it would be to have a lovely garden of their own, but think that

they could never create a garden. It‟s not as hard as you might think to create a

beautiful garden full of healthy, thriving plants. It takes some patience, some

know how, and some planning, but you can create a beautiful garden in your


The biggest reason that people think they can‟t create their own beautiful

gardens is because they think that gardening requires a great deal of time and

effort and a considerable amount of knowledge about plants.

It‟s true that creating a wonderful garden does take some effort, but it‟s easy to

find out the information you need to know in order to pick the best plants for your

particular area of the country and for the soil that you have.

There are also lots of tips and tricks that you‟ll find later on in this book that can

help cut down on the time it takes to create and tend to a garden.

You will find that once you lay the foundation for your garden properly it won‟t

take much time or effort to keep it going. And the time and effort you do spend

on the garden you will probably enjoy!

There are lots of people that garden as a hobby because they find it relaxing and

renewing to spend time planting and watching their plants grow.

Once you see how easy it can be to plan, create, and maintain your own

beautiful garden you will have lots of fun creating your own garden.

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Gardening is a great hobby for older people or retired people because there are

lots of gardening groups that plan social activities like garden tours and garden

lunches and also have meetings to discuss different aspects of gardening.

Think gardening has to be a lot of work? It is work, but there are a lot of benefits

to gardening that you may not realize.

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Most people don‟t realize the many benefits that gardening offers to people of all

ages. It doesn‟t matter if you‟re young or old; gardening has many physical and

mental benefits that can help you lead a more active, richer life. Consider some

of these wonderful benefits that gardening offers:


Any type of exercise is good. Most people don‟t get even half of the

recommended amount of exercise for their age group. Gardening is a fun hobby

that can contribute to physical fitness because gardening helps to build physical

fitness in several ways. Regular physical exercise helps people ward off serious

illness like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis,

arthritis, and even some types of cancer. In addition to warding off disease,

exercise helps people by improving essential physical fitness traits like:

Endurance – It can take many hours of squatting, walking, and otherwise

moving in the garden to get your garden ready to be planted, plant, and then to

maintain the garden after it‟s planted. The more physical aspects of gardening

like tilling the soil, planting, and weeding help to build endurance and help

condition the heart. Gardening can be a wonderful way for older people to stay

fit in a gentle way that doesn‟t strain their joints or muscles.

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Flexibility – It can be hard to maintain a good level of flexibility if you work in an

office and sit at a desk all day, or if you don‟t get to move around very much. If

you have a condition that makes it difficult for you to move around, it‟s even more

important that you stay flexible than it is for other people so that you don‟t

become crippled. Gardening involves many different active poses that will help

increase your flexibility and keep you young and healthy.

Strength – Even though you won‟t get buff from gardening performing normal

gardening tasks and using garden implements like tillers and hauling around

bags of soil and mulch, it can help to significantly increase your strength.

Gardening is a lot more fun than lifting weights, and you‟ll be amazed at how

much strength you can gain just from simple gardening tasks.

Gardening has many other physical benefits that can help people feel younger

and stay fit. Gardening is a great activity for older people who need gentle

exercise but also need to stay mobile and active. In addition to the many

physical benefits that gardening has, there are a wide range of mental benefits

that gardening provides.

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Most people are aware of the physical benefits of gardening but they don‟t

always think about the mental benefits of gardening. Gardening can provide

some very significant and much needed mental benefits in addition to physical


Stress Relief - Stress is one of the most common health complaints that people

have. Stress from work, from family, from just daily living can build up and lead

to all sorts of serious health problems. Many people who suffer from chronic

health conditions are advised by doctors and experts to reduce their stress levels

in order to stay healthy and fight off more chronic problems. High stress levels

can also lead to insomnia and other problems that bleed over into daily life,

making it hard to function.

Gardening is a proven stress reliever. There is just something about being

outside, in nature, digging in the dirt and helping plants to grow that is soothing

and relieves stress. Gardening is a great excuse to get out into the fresh air and

sunshine and relax.

Anxiety Relief - People who suffer from chronic anxiety and even some people

who are being treated for severe anxiety find comfort in gardening. The

relaxation of gardening can be a very effective way to combat anxiety. When

you‟re outside gardening, it‟s easy to sit and meditate, or sit and daydream, or

just enjoy being outside in the fresh air, all of which can help you relax and calm


In fact, there is a particular form of therapy that is being developed that uses

gardening as a therapeutic tool to combat depression and anxiety. For people

who don‟t respond well to the drugs that are usually prescribed to combat those

disorders, gardening can be a safe and very effective treatment. Participating in

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gardening clubs or other gardening social activities can also be a good way to

combat social anxiety disorders and other fears associated with being around


Participants in gardening therapy also feel a sense of accomplishment, increased

self-esteem, and a feeling of purpose because they are creating something

special for others to enjoy and use. Researchers still don‟t know all of the

benefits associated with gardening therapy, but the ones that have already been

documented are enough to make gardening a highly worthwhile activity for both

physical and mental health.

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There are many different types of gardens. So many that it might seem daunting

to try and figure out which type of garden you want to plant. Let‟s start with the

most basic two types of gardens: Flower and Vegetable. Those are pretty self-

explanatory right? Of course they are. Then it gets tricky. Here is a brief

overview of some of the most popular types of gardens that you can choose, but

remember that the only real limit to the type of the garden you can create is your

own imagination.

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English Country

gardens are very

popular with people

of European descent

and fans of the

English countryside.

As the name

suggests, English

Country gardens are

made up of plants

and flowers that are

typically found in an

English countryside.

The types and

varieties of plants

and flowers used

vary depending on

which part of the

English countryside

you are trying to

recreate. English

Country gardens

very often

incorporate wildflowers, rustic wood or stone benches, and water in the form of

ponds or small gazing pools.

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Victorian gardens are also very popular,

particularly with older gardeners. Victorian

gardens can incorporate many different types of

plants and flowers but usually also will have stone

statues or cherubs or gargoyles, lots of Victorian

roses, colored and bejeweled gazing balls or fairy

balls, and stone benches or footpaths.


Japanese gardens are becoming more and

more popular although they can be difficult to

recreate if you don‟t have a lot of land for your

garden. Traditionally, Japanese gardens have

a small structure at the heart of the garden,

either a home or a teahouse which looks out

over the rest of the garden. Japanese

gardens incorporate traditional elemental

design that usually feature rocks, water in the

form of a brook or a lake, a lantern somewhere

in the garden, and a bridge or stepping stones.

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French gardens are always formal and are

usually the type of gardens found at large

houses, hotels, theatres, and other attractions.

French gardens are laid out in precise

geometrical and symmetrical patterns that

follow a grid. Many French gardens have

hedge mazes and topiaries, or plants and

hedges cut to resemble animals, people, or

shapes. French formal gardens were very

popular landscape designs used frequently by

the English nobility to dress up their country

homes. It was not at all uncommon to see a precise and very ornate French

garden in the middle of the English countryside.


The idea of a Native garden is a relatively

new concept that is sweeping across the

US and attracting a lot of new people to

gardening. The idea behind a Native

garden is to use only plants and flowers

that are native to the region you live in.

Conservationists say that planting native

gardens will help the soil and provide

refuge for local animals while sustaining

the ecological balance of the area. Fans of the look of native gardens think that it

makes the landscape look more natural.

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Tropical gardens are

popular because

they are often full of

exotic plants with

gorgeous deep

colors and lush

foliage. Tropical

gardens are

stunning but are the

most difficult type of

garden to create

because the delicate

tropical plants only

thrive in very specific conditions. Maintaining a Tropical garden is a bit like

having a salt water fish tank – both are exploding with color, they are exotic and

mysterious, and both require a lot of time, knowledge, and effort to keep alive.

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One really popular style of gardening is to pick one flower or plant that you love

and build a whole garden around that flower. When building a garden around a

particular flower, you can go for variety and choose every color and variety of

that flower imaginable or you can go for uniformity and plant an entire garden of

one species and color of flower. Either type of flower garden can be truly

stunning if it‟s planned and executed well. Some of the more common flower

theme gardens are:


Who hasn‟t seen or smelled a lush Rose

garden full of every imaginable color and

style of rose? Rose gardens are nostalgic,

sweet, and romantic, which is probably

why they are so very popular. Whether it‟s

a garden full of exotic hybrid color roses or

a garden full of just red roses or just white

roses, the results are always stunning.

Roses can be touchy to grow, though, so if

you‟re planning to create your own rose

garden be sure that you do some research and that your area of the country can

sustain delicate roses.

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Wildflower gardens are very easy to

maintain and are very popular with new

gardeners and gardeners who don‟t

have a lot of time to devote to

gardening. Wildflower gardens are

beautiful and since wildflowers typically

grow tall and fast, gardens full of

Wildflowers are often real

showstoppers. Look for Wildflower

seed mixes that are full of Wildflowers

native to your area or pick some exotic Wildflowers from halfway around the

world; they‟re all beautiful!


Color gardens are also very popular. Color gardens are gardens based around

the theme of a single color or a collection of related colors. While to some, the

idea of a garden full of plants that are the same color may seem dull, the result of

a color garden is often quite striking. There are two variations of color gardens

that are widely seen:

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Single Color Garden

As the name implies, Single Color Gardens are built around one particular shade

of one color. So, for example, a White Single Color garden would have only

flowers and plants that were White.

That may seem bland at first

thought, but visualize an entire

garden full of white roses, white

lilies, white lilies of the valley, white

morning glories, moonflowers,

anemones and other white flowers.

The differences in the size, texture,

and flowers of the plants add variety

while the color theme runs through

the entire garden. A carpet of anemones

Single color gardens in popular colors like White, Red, Pink, Purple, and Blue

can be extremely striking and exotic looking.

Related Color Garden

Related color gardens are groupings of plants and flowers that have

complimentary colors or are often seen together. For example, a Fall Color

garden would only have plants and flowers that have colors traditionally seen in

the fall.

A spring color garden would have bright colored flowers and plants that are

traditionally seen in spring or represent spring. A Winter Garden would have

flowers and plants that are associated with winter like white, purple, blue, and

other pale colors.

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Related color gardens can be a lot of fun to plan and create. Often, public

buildings like Botanical Gardens or parks will plan related color gardens based

on seasonal colors to keep people coming back all year long to see the different

plants and colors. If you want to maintain your garden all year round then having

a seasonal related color garden might be a great fit for you.

There are so many different types

of gardens to choose from that it

can be really difficult to know which

one is the best type for you and for

the area that you live in. New

gardeners are often overwhelmed

by the task of picking a garden

theme and planning a garden to fit

within that theme, but it‟s really

important to pick the right type of garden. If you pick a garden that is beyond

your skill you may get frustrated and give up. If you pick a garden full of exotic

plants that are hard to take care of you might not be up to the challenge and all

those exotic plants could do poorly.

Don‟t be intimidated by the many choices that you have when it comes to garden

types. There are ways that you can simplify the process of choosing what garden

is right for you.

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Overwhelmed by many different kinds of gardens that you can choose? Not sure

how to tell which type of garden is the best kind for you? Don‟t get stressed out

over it. Sit down with a notebook and a pen and think about some of these

factors that will help you determine what type of garden is the best fit for you.

How much land do you have to devote to a garden? - Will your garden cover

your entire back yard or front yard, or just a portion of your yard? Do you want a

small, tidy garden or a large sprawling garden? Many people think they want a

huge garden until they realize how much work goes into making a big garden

beautiful. If you are just a beginning gardener you may want to start small and

not invest a lot of time or money into your garden until you‟re sure it‟s something

you want to stick with.

How much gardening experience do you have? – If you are not an

experienced gardener you will have a lot to learn. It may be best to start with a

smaller garden that will allow you to start over if you make mistakes. A smaller

garden will also make it easier for you to practice getting soil PH levels correct to

grow plants and to experiment with different fertilizers, composting, and mulches

to see what works the best in your particular type of soil.

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How much time can you realistically spend caring for your garden? –

There‟s nothing worse than having an untended garden. If you don‟t have

enough time to properly care for and nurture a huge garden then maybe you

should plant a small garden unless you can afford to hire someone to care for the

garden when you can‟t. You could also lose a lot of money if your plants die from

neglect. If you are an experienced gardener who has lots of time to devote to a

garden then you can probably handle having a very large garden where

someone who is new to gardening or has health issues or time issues may not

be able to.

Are you physically able to garden? – Gardening might not seem like it would

be very physically difficult but it can be tough to spend a lot of time doing

repetitive tasks like planting, weeding, watering, and other garden chores. Even

though gardening is gentle physical activity, it is still physical activity and it might

be tough for some people who have joint problems, arthritis, or other

degenerative conditions to garden on a regular basis. You don‟t have be super

fit to garden, but you do need to be able to perform the basic physical tasks

associated with gardening.

If you do have trouble moving around or being in the same position for a long

time then you might want to choose a simple garden that doesn‟t require a lot of

upkeep, like a Wildflower garden, so that you can still have a beautiful garden but

physically taking care of the garden won‟t be so hard for you to do.

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Mostly we‟ve been talking about flower gardens, but vegetable gardens can also

be fun for beginning gardeners. Vegetable gardens can sometimes be more work

than flower gardens but having a vegetable garden will give you all the benefits

of a flower garden with the added benefit of fresh produce.

There is nothing like eating fresh tomatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables

straight from the garden, or picking strawberries, raspberries and blueberries

right off the bush. If you don‟t have a lot of money to spend on food or are on a

fixed income, growing your own produce can be a great way to supplement your

diet with very healthy all natural food.

If you want to have flowers but love the idea of growing vegetables to eat as well,

consider starting a potager. A Potager is a French kitchen garden where

vegetables, flowers, and herbs that are used in cooking are all grown together.

The idea behind the Potager is that the flowers are aesthetically pleasing while

the vegetable are nutritious and delicious food and the herbs complement the


Potagers are increasingly popular in the US because more and more people are

trying to live a Green lifestyle where they do not contribute to the over

consumption of natural resources and are more aware of their diets and where

their food comes from.

One of the advantages of starting a vegetable garden is that you can grow

vegetables just about anywhere. In dense urban areas where there are few

grocery stores that offer high quality produce at reasonable prices, neighbors

band together to start community gardens on small patches of land or even in

soil boxes on rooftops or in alleys to grow their own vegetables.

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Some charity groups like Heifer International work with schools in urban areas to

use vegetable gardens to teach kids about nutrition, environmental issues, and

living better.

The kids are given plots of land or soil boxes that they are responsible for and

their families get to keep the vegetables that they grow. Growing a vegetable

garden together can be a great way to teach kids healthy eating habits and

proper nutrition.

A vegetable garden can be a fun alternative to a flower garden, or start a Potager

and experiment with growing flowers, vegetables, and herbs to see which type of

gardening you like the best!

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So you‟ve looked at all your options and decided to grow a flower garden.

Congratulations! Flower gardens are beautiful ways to explore the world of

gardening and create a beautiful landscape for your home.

So where to begin now that you have decided to start a garden? There is a lot of

information that you will need to sort through as you decide what plants you want

to plant, how to arrange your garden, figure out what type of soil you have, and

so on.

The best place to start is always with the basics. If you haven‟t gardened before

or even if you have but it‟s been awhile since the last time you gardened, a good

place to start is with your gardening supplies.

Do you have all the gardening supplies you need? Having the right tools for the

right jobs is very important when it comes to gardening.

Think that all you need to garden is a trowel and a watering can? Think again!

Gardening requires a lot of different specialized tools. You may need some

particular types of tools only if you have very ornate or difficult garden designs or

delicate plants that require certain tools, but there are some tools that every

gardener needs just to grow the most basic flower gardens.

Have you looked in your garage or gardening shed to see what tools you have

and what tools you might need to buy? If you have old rusty and useless

gardening equipment you should throw out the old tools and replace them with

new ones. Start fresh with your new garden!

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While most people don‟t have a separate storage shed or as much room in the

garage as they‟d like, it‟s useful to carve out at least a little space that can be

used just for gardening tools and equipment.

You don‟t need much to get your gardening area organized. An investment of

$50 or less for some sturdy shelving units and maybe a bench with storage and

some plastic organization bins; the kind that are often used for organizing

closets, can do wonders when it comes to keeping your gardening tools

organized and easy to find.

You will enjoy your time spent gardening a lot more when you don‟t have to

spend it running around looking for supplies or trying to clean off your tools.

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So what gardening tools do you really need and which ones are just nice to

have? That depends on who you ask! But usually these items are gardening

tools that gardeners agree no gardener can be without:

Shovel – Seems like common knowledge, doesn‟t it, that a gardener needs a

shovel? But many people overlook this very common and yet very necessary

gardening tool. There two different varieties of shovels used for gardening, a flat

head shovel and a spade.

A flat head shovel is designed to move soil and has a flat, shallow end on it. A

spade, which is more often associated with gardening, has a concave pan that is

shaped into a point so that it can easily be shoved into the soil and used to break

up clumps of soil. Ideally, you should have both a flat head shovel and a spade in

your gardening tool kit but if you have to choose just one then you should choose

the spade. You will need your shovels a lot when you are gardening so don‟t

skimp on quality to save money. Buy the best quality shovels you can afford.

Garden Hose - Having a good garden hose is essential for gardening. You will

be spending a lot of time watering your plants and keeping them watered

throughout the gardening season. You may think one hose is as good as

another but that‟s not true. Hoses, like other gardening implements, come in lots

of different price ranges and qualities.

Have you ever tried to unkink a cheap garden hose? Or wind a cheap hose back

up into a neat pile? If so, then you know that spending a little more money for a

high quality garden hose is well worth the extra expense. Always look for a

garden hose that has five wall construction and real brass fittings. These hoses

will last longer and be easier to work with. You should also invest in a hose rack

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to wind the hose around. Using a rack is an easy way to keep your hose tangle

free and neatly coiled.

Wheelbarrow – Even if you have a very small garden you will find that you have

a lot of things that need to be moved around in your garden. Bags of mulch and

fertilizer, plants, composting material, wood chips, plant food, pulled weeds and

clippings, and, of course, your gardening tools. Moving all of that stuff around

can be heavy and tedious, so invest in a good quality wheelbarrow to help you

move the heavy stuff around.

You may think that one wheelbarrow is as good as another but that‟s not always

true. When you go to buy a wheelbarrow, give it a test drive just like you would a

car or bike. Wheel it around the store and make sure that it‟s not too heavy for

you to move. Even if seems light in the store, it will be heavy when you have

stuff in it so make sure you can easily move it and that handles are a comfortable

distance apart for your arms before you buy.

Pruning Shears – Pruning shears are something that every gardener must have.

Pruning shears are double edged straight shears where the blades line up with

the handles. Pruning shears are used to trim cuttings, cut flowers, cut dead

leaves from plants, trim hedges, and virtually every other task for which you need

to cut something in the garden.

Pruning shears give a more precise cut than scissors and are designed to cut

through thick foliage and stems without tearing the plant. Because pruning

shears are such an essential piece of gardening equipment, you should always

buy the best pair you can afford. It‟s possible to get a decent pair of pruning

shears for under $10 but you will probably end up replacing them fairly quickly.

However, if you spend a bit more, say $50 or more, then those higher quality

shears should last two or three seasons or even more if you oil them and take

care of them properly.

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Rake – A good rake is another gardening must-have. You will use your rake a

lot when you are preparing the soil for planting and also to help keep the garden

tidy and rake up leaves and clippings and weeds. Cheap rakes are very

inexpensive but you get what you pay for. Rakes with wood or plastic tines will

break easily and need to be replaced fairly often.

Do yourself a favor and invest in a high quality rake with metal tines. You can find

them at any gardening store or local home improvement center. It won‟t cost that

much more to get a nice rake with metal tines but you will definitely notice a


Trowel – A trowel is without a doubt the single most must have piece of

gardening equipment. You will use your trowel to create planting holes to put

your plants into, weeding, moving soil around the garden, putting out mulch and

fertilizer, moving soil from one pot to another, and a million other things.

Trowels, just like any other gardening equipment, come in different sizes and

different price ranges. It‟s always tempting to spend less money, especially on

such a relatively small piece of equipment, but just like with other gardening

tools, it‟s in your best interest to buy the highest quality trowel you can afford.

The best trowels are carbon coated and have wooden handles, so if you can

afford one like that you should get it.

It‟s an even better idea to have more than one high quality trowel because

chances are good that you will lose your trowel or that your trowel will become

damaged through the course of the gardening season. Inevitably, you will think

that the trowel is one place and it won‟t be there and you will spend fruitless

hours searching for it, so just buy two and then you‟ll always have one ready

when you need one!

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Sprinkler – Technically, you can get by without a sprinkler, but if you have a

relatively large garden or a lot of plants or limited time to spend watering your

garden every day, having a sprinkler can be a great thing. There are basic

sprinklers that don‟t cost a lot and there are very advanced models that have

timers, water monitors, adjustable spray patterns, and other features.

A basic sprinkler is a good investment for a small garden. If you have a large

garden or if you have plants that require different amounts of water then installing

a sprinkler with adjustable spray patterns can be a real time and water saver.

Lawnmower - A lawnmower? For a garden? Yes, indeed. A lawnmower does

more than just cut grass. A lawnmower is also a great tool for turning weeds and

leaves into mulch and compost and for keeping your garden and garden paths

tidy. If you have a large garden that will be creating a lot of mulch then you may

want to invest in a higher end mower that has an attached bagging system that

will bag the mulch for you.

If you have a small garden or don‟t want the hassle and expense of a large

electric or gas powered mower then just get a simple push mower. A push

power is powered by the pusher and is usually simpler to move and easier to use

on narrow garden paths than a larger gas or electric powered mower.

Broom - Some people prefer to use a leaf blower to clean up garden waste,

weeds, clippings, and other things that make the garden look messy and some

people prefer a good old-fashioned broom. Cleaning up using a broom is

definitely more exercise than using a leaf blower so if you want to garden for the

exercise you should use a broom to clean up.

Leaf blowers are generally frowned on by gardening enthusiasts because they

are loud, unwieldy, and are usually gas powered, which can cost a lot and hurt

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the environment. A leaf blower might also damage some of the more delicate

plants and flowers in your garden.

If you do decide to use a broom to keep your garden looking tidy and neat, make

sure that you buy an outdoor broom! You don‟t want to be trying to keep your

garden swept up with an indoor broom or you‟ll find out quickly that it doesn‟t

work too well. Outdoor brooms can be found at any gardening center or local

home improvement store so it‟s a good idea to invest in a good quality outdoor

broom or two. Outdoor brooms are also great for sweeping up walkways,

driveways, patios, sidewalks, and other outdoor spaces.

Loppers - Loppers are the big, metal handled pruners that you often see

people using to cut rose bushes or other thick bushes, hedges, and trees. When

you are first clearing a space for your garden you will need loppers to help get rid

of any brush or branches that are in the way of your garden.

After you‟ve planted your garden and gotten it going, having loppers is essential

if you have roses or other flowers that grow on vines or thick stems. If you have

planted hedges or small trees you will also need a pair of loppers to keep them

tidy. If you are planning on shaping your bushes and hedges into topiary designs

you will definitely need a good pair of loppers.

Just like with pruning shears you should buy the best quality loppers you can

afford because there is a very big difference in quality between cheap loppers

and more expensive loppers.

Hoe – A hoe is probably the most basic gardening tool and the most important. A

hoe is a tool that can be used for preparing soil, for planting, for weeding, and for

almost every other garden task. People have been using hoes to garden for

centuries. A high quality hoe is likely to be made from steel or some other metal.

Since you will you use your hoe for nearly everything in your garden, if you are

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going to spend a higher dollar amount on one tool than on another, you should

spend more on a good hoe.

You will probably need both a short-handled hoe and a long-handled hoe. A

short handled hoe is best for doing tasks like weeding and planting while a long-

handled hoe will be essential for preparing rows of soil to be planted and

weeding large patches of garden. Long handled hoes are also great for cleaning

up weeds and garden clippings.

Gardening Gloves – You should invest in at least one pair but ideally two or

three pairs of very high quality gardening gloves. Gardening gloves will protect

your hands from cuts, scrapes, scratches, bugs, germs from the soil, and mulch

or compost and much more. You will inevitably lose one of the gloves in the pair,

or the whole pair, or get a hole in one of the gloves, or in some other way make

that pair useless so that‟s why you should always have a spare pair lying around.

There are many other types of gardening tools out there, enough to fill two or

three gardening sheds! But if you are just starting out in gardening and you want

to buy just the tools you really need to get started then these tools are what you

need. These are the basic tools that you will need to create a beautiful flower

garden so always buy the best quality tools you can afford even if it doesn‟t seem

worth it now. It will in the long run!

Always take care of your tools. Clean all of your tools thoroughly after using

them, dry them properly, and oil pruning shears and loppers well to prevent rust

and so on. Take care of your tools and they will last for many gardening


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Gardening experts say that you should start to prepare your soil for planting well

in advance of when you actually want to plant your garden. Most experts say

that you should begin preparing the soil anywhere from 2-4 months before

planting. So you might end up preparing the soil before you even decide what

type of garden you want to have!

Why is it so important to prepare the soil? After all, plants have been growing for

millions of years, right? Shouldn‟t you be able to just stick a plant in the ground

and watch it grow? Nope. Different plants require different types of soil, and soil

needs to have a lot of nutrients in it as well as a balanced PH level in order for

plants to take root and thrive. Preparing the soil for planting a flower garden can

be a very serious business.

There are three components of preparing the soil for a garden:

1. Clear the area – Pick up any brush, twigs, branches, rocks, or other

debris and get them all out of the way. You should be starting with a nice,

level, flat, clean area that you want to have your garden in. If you have to

mark off a garden space, use rocks, spacers, or other identifiable items to

mark out the area that you are claiming as a garden.

2. Aerate the soil – It‟s important to break up and aerate the soil that you

will be planting in. Use a rototiller or a hand tiller or even a spade to break

up the ground and turn over the soil. While you are breaking up the soil,

be on the lookout for any rocks or branches that may be buried under the

soil and clear those out too.

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3. Add nutrients - You will need to add a few bags of potting soil that has

been enriched with plant vitamins and nutrients or mulch or both to the

existing soil. Mix the new into the old so that the nutrients in the mulch

and vitamin enriched soil blend into the original soil.



Since each region is so different and has different weather, the soil in each

region will need to be prepared for plants in a different way. In order to get the

soil to the ideal composition to create a garden, you will need to have a basic

idea of what type of garden you would like to have and then plan to treat the soil


If you live in a very cold climate but you want to have a garden made up of plants

that like soil that has a different chemical composition than the soil that is in your

area, you may need to spend more than a few months treating the soil with

fertilizers and other soil builders in order to get the soil ready for planting.

Sometimes the soil in a region has very little nutrients in it so just a regular

application of fertilizers will not be enough for plants to grow in. If your soil is

nutritionally deficient, there are products you can buy at garden centers that will

start to add the needed nutrients to the soil.

Not sure if you need these types of products or what type of soil is prevalent in

your area? Stop into your local garden center and ask one of the associates

about the most common growing conditions in your region. The staff at your local

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gardening center will be the best ones to answer your questions about setting up

a garden in the particular area where you live.

Once you have started preparing the soil, it‟s best to let the soil sit for 2-3 months

to give the microorganisms in the soil the time they need to break down the

nutrients in the soil and the mulch to form the perfect nutrient rich, plant friendly

soil. It‟s not a requirement that you start preparing the soil that early but it‟s a

very good idea, especially if you live in an area that has very rough, very poor, or

very deficient soil.

In some areas, that might mean starting to prepare the soil while it‟s still winter,

but doing so will make a big difference in the success of your garden.

When you are starting to plan your garden time line, remember that you need to

schedule time to prepare the soil at least 2-3 months in advance of when you

want to actually begin planting your garden.


Picking the right fertilizer is crucial to getting your soil in good condition to plant.

There are lots of different kinds of fertilizer out there, so how do you know which

fertilizer is the best kind for you to use? That depends on what type of nutrients

you need to add to the soil in order to make it ready to support plant life.

Fertilizer is added to soil in order to create the perfect balance of hydrogen,

oxygen, and carbon. Even though these elements are in soil already, there might

not be enough of one or there might be too much of another to make it possible

for your garden to grow.

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In order to determine what type of fertilizer you should use, you will need to do a

soil test on the soil where you want to grow your garden. There are many

companies that sell at home soil test kits. You can find soil test kits at gardening

centers, home improvement stores, and online that are not expensive. Do a soil

test and the results will tell you what nutrient you need to add to the soil in order

to make it the right balance for the plants to grow in.

Fertilizers come in two types: liquid and pellet. Pellet fertilizers are often used to

prepare an entire garden area while liquid fertilizer is used on just one or two

particular spots in a garden. So, for example, if you want to plant roses in a

particular corner of your garden but the soil balance isn‟t right in that area for

roses to grow, you can just add some liquid fertilizer to that particular area to get

the soil ready to grow roses.

Some fertilizers will have plant food added to them and some will not. If you are

going to have a lot of different varieties of plants in your garden it might be a

good idea to get fertilizer without plant food so that you can add the right food for

each plant type directly to that plant. But if you are growing a lot of one type of

plant, like roses, then you can buy fertilizer with rose food added and use that to

fertilize all of your roses.

You will need to fertilize the garden throughout the growing season to give the

plants the nutrients they need to thrive. Even though you will spend time before

planting getting the soil ready, the plants will use up those nutrients fairly quickly

and you will need to replenish their food supply in order to keep them healthy and


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The two main types of fertilizer materials are organic and inorganic. Which

fertilizer you choose really depends on what your values and lifestyle priorities

are but also what the soil is like where you live and what plants you are trying to

grow in your garden.

Inorganic fertilizers are sometimes naturally occurring compounds like limestone

and sometimes are lab made. There is a lot of debate over whether or not

gardeners and farmers should use organic or inorganic fertilizers. Some

gardeners who are highly experienced and compete with other gardeners all over

the world say that the only way to get the proper soil composition for particular

plants is to use highly specialized inorganic fertilizers, but critics of inorganic

fertilizers say that the risks associated with inorganic fertilizers are too high and

that organic is the way to go.

Organic fertilizer can take longer to break down and be absorbed into the soil

and into the plants than inorganic fertilizer, but fans of organic fertilizer say that

because all the materials in organic fertilizer are natural and are not chemicals or

chemically treated, organic fertilizer is better for the plants, for the environment,

and for the gardener too.

There has been a big movement towards more sustainable, green,

environmentally friendly gardening in the last few years so there are a lot more

companies now that offer environmentally friendly fertilizer and other products

that are made of all natural ingredients. Sometimes these mixtures can be great

for your garden but sometimes you are better off creating your own.

To find out what fertilizers work best on the soil in your area, ask some of the

local gardeners what fertilizers they use and what types of fertilizer they prefer. If

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you‟re new to gardening, you‟ll find that most gardeners are very friendly and are

willing to give advice and tips to a new gardener.



That is the question that many gardeners are asking these days. Ultimately, the

choice of whether to use organic or inorganic fertilizer is a choice that only you

can make after you decide what plants you want to put in your garden and figure

out how to get the soil to the right PH balance to grow those plants. However,

there are a few facts that you should keep in mind when you are choosing

whether you want to use organic fertilizer or inorganic fertilizer.


The negatives of using Inorganic Fertilizer sometimes seem to outweigh the

benefits. Many people list the negative aspects of inorganic fertilizer as reasons

that people should switch to using Organic Fertilizer. The most often given

reasons to avoid inorganic fertilizer are:

Inorganic fertilizer can burn plants – Because of the high phosphorous

level of most inorganic fertilizer, if the fertilizer is applied in large quantities

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or applied to the wrong kind of soil, the inorganic fertilizer can burn or wilt

plants instead of helping them grow.

Inorganic fertilizer might poison your water – Inorganic fertilizer is

more likely to run or get washed away by rain or watering and there is a

chance that the fertilizer and its chemical components may get washed

into a well or seep into the water table and ground water. Since some

inorganic fertilizers contain chemical compounds and occasionally

untreated waste, this can be dangerous at times.

Inorganic fertilizer can change the makeup of your soil – Over time,

using inorganic fertilizer that gets absorbed into the soil but doesn‟t break

down can change the chemical composition of the soil and can make the

soil chemically imbalanced or toxic to plants.

There are some benefits to using inorganic fertilizer too. Plants that are given

inorganic fertilizer receive nutrients almost immediately. Inorganic fertilizer works

faster and is better for creating types of soil that are conducive to growing one

particular kind of plant. When using inorganic fertilizer, it‟s easy to figure out

exactly how much of a certain component, like nitrate, that the soil needs and

provide just that component to the soil to make it an ideal soil for growing.

Inorganic fertilizer isn‟t bad or wrong to use, it‟s just one option. Using organic

fertilizer is another option.

Organic fertilizer also has some disadvantages that gardeners should be aware

of when picking a fertilizer:

Slow acting – Because of the nature of organic fertilizer it takes time to

break down, meaning that the plants don‟t get the nutrients from the

fertilizer immediately the way they do with Inorganic fertilizer.

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Lack of information – This can be a big disadvantage for some people.

Because of the nature of organic fertilizer, the exact chemical makeup of

the components is not generally listed or even known because of all the

different kinds of organic material that might be in the fertilizer. If you are

looking for a fertilizer that has a specific nitrate or phosphorous count then

you would have to go with Inorganic fertilizer.

Nitrogen Depletion – Because of the makeup of organic fertilizer as it

breaks down, there may be nitrogen depletion of the soil due to the

organic fertilizer that might have an impact on the plants already growing

in the soil and on what kinds of plants can be grown in it in the future.

Organic fertilizer has a lot of advantages that appeal to people. Organic fertilizer

has natural nutrients and minerals, meaning that there is less danger to people

and pets when organic fertilizer is used in a garden. There is also less danger to

plants. Plants are not going to get burned or scorched from organic fertilizer the

way they might from inorganic fertilizer.

Organic fertilizer is cheaper than inorganic fertilizer. Because natural fertilizer

can be made from materials like manure that are very inexpensive, it costs a lot

less to use organic fertilizer in your garden. You can even make your own

organic fertilizer by composting. When you compost things like kitchen scraps

and other food waste along with weeds, plant clippings, grass, and other

materials you can get a lot of very rich fertilizer for your garden practically for


So is organic fertilizer better to use in your garden than inorganic fertilizer? It

really is a personal choice that you need to make but experts say that for most

people, organic fertilizer is better for gardeners to use.

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Whether you‟ve decided to go with organic or inorganic fertilizer you‟ll want to

find the best quality fertilizer at the best price, right? Of course! Well, the key to

finding great fertilizer is to shop local. Your local home improvement store, big

box store, or gas station may have some great deals on generic fertilizers but to

get the really good stuff you need to think even more local. Here are some great

and often overlooked places to get the best deals on high quality fertilizer:

Local Gardening Store – Since nearly every town has a big box store and often

a couple of very large home improvement stores as well, most people stopped

going to the local gardening store but most communities still have small, local,

independently owned gardening stores where the owners and workers are very

knowledgeable about gardening and are happy to help you find the perfect

fertilizer for your garden.

These small local stores pride themselves on service so if you want to find the

perfect fertilizer and learn a lot about gardening then go to your local

independent gardening center instead of the closest big box store for fertilizer.

Farmers Markets and Community Markets – You probably already get

produce and other items from the local Farmers Market but did you know you can

get great organic fertilizers there as well? Some farmers will rent stalls at the

local Farmer‟s Market or community market to sell farm fresh fertilizers made

from manure, grass, hay clippings, and other natural things. You can get

fabulous deals shopping for organic fertilizer at the Farmer‟s Market.

Craigslist, Freecycle, or other local trade websites – These websites are

often the best kept community secret when it comes to getting great local items

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like fertilizers. There are sections on these websites where you can browse for

fertilizer and other gardening material or post what you are looking for.

Often, people will trade fertilizer for other products or services so you can work

out trades like fertilizer for fresh produce, or fresh flowers. Jump online and

explore your community through sites like this and you‟ll be amazed at the

goodies you can find and the deals to be had.


Another option if you want great natural, organic fertilizer and mulch for your

garden is to make it yourself. There are lots of different websites, books,

manuals, and forums where you can learn a lot of different methods for making

your own organic fertilizer and mulch.

One of the biggest advantages of making your own fertilizers and mulches is that

you will be using up your own kitchen and yard waste at the same that you are

creating some very rich natural fertilizer. One of the biggest disadvantages,

though, is the hassle and smell of composting.

Composting is a very old process by which you create a special „compost pile‟

area in your yard where you throw all your old kitchen scraps, yard waste,

manure that you purchase or manure from your own pets. The smell can be

something that you and your neighbors may have to get used to but when you

keep the pile aerated and add some meal or seed like flax seed and a bit of lime,

you can create a very nutrient rich all natural fertilizer and mulch that will do

wonders for your garden.

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If you want to try composting but don‟t relish the idea of having a rotting pile of

garbage in your yard you can buy a composting bin, which is a self sealed bin

that has an opening, usually at the top, where you can dump the materials you

want to compost.

Composting bins range from very simple, plain structures to very large bins with

lots of special features. Some compost bins have a rotating mechanism so that

you can rotate the contents to aerate and mix them without having to actually

open the bin and use a rake, shovel, or other tool to physically mix them. Many

people who compost feel that feature is worth paying a little more for!

You can find composting bins at your local food co-op, gardening center, or

home improvement store. If you are not sure about what type of composting bin

is the right kind for you then you can go online and find a community forum or a

consumer review website that compares composting bins based on things like

features and price.

Composting is a cheap and environmentally friendly way to make your own

fertilizer and mulch, and, as an added bonus, the fertilizer and mulch you make

will be very high in nutrients to keep your garden beautiful.

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So now that you have a basic understanding of how to test your soil and how to

begin to prepare your garden, let‟s talk about what to put in your garden.

Obviously, a lot of the choices you make about the plants to put in your garden

will be based on your own taste and style but you also have to take into

consideration some other factors.

Did you know that all areas are divided up into “growing zones” and what zone

you are in will impact what plants will grow in your area? Did you know that

plants are rated for difficulty and that some are much harder to successfully grow

than others? Do you know what plants grow well in the shade and what plants

grow well in the sun? All of these things will play a part in the plant choices you


So where do you begin? It can seem very overwhelming to sit down with a

gardening catalog or a gardening book and start to plan a garden. The key to

choosing your plants is planning. The most beautiful gardens might look like they

are very haphazard and not planned, but in reality they are all meticulously

planned out and your garden should be too.

In order to start planning your garden and starting to decide what plants you want

in your garden, you should gather a few tools to help you do some gardening

homework. Get yourself a notebook with pockets or a binder or even a folder

that you can keep papers in. Get some copy paper or tracing paper, and some

lined paper too.

You will also need highlighters, pens, and drawing pencils. You can use the copy

paper or tracing paper to sketch out your garden, and you can use the lined

paper to make lists and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different

kinds of plants or take notes. The highlighters you can use when you are

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browsing through garden catalogs to help you remember the plants that you are

considering for your garden.

Planning out your garden carefully in advance can seem like a chore. It will take

some effort, but you will be surprised at how much fun it will be to start planning

your garden in the dead of winter. You can sit down when it‟s freezing cold with a

bright, colorful gardening catalog and dream of the lazy summer days ahead and

how beautiful your well-planned garden will be.


If you have decided to go with a particular theme for your garden then picking

plants is a bit easier because you have a set of plants already associated with

that theme to choose from.

For example, if you pick an English Country Garden theme then you can go on

the Internet or look in a book or gardening catalog and find a list of the flowers

that are usually associated with that theme. Jot down those names, and then

you can look and see which of those plants would grow well in your area with the

type of soil that you have and you can choose from that pool of plants.

If you want to learn more about what kind of plants are associated with a

particular theme and don‟t want to spend a fortune on books, your local library or

gardening club can be great resources to find out more about particular garden

themes. Your local library should have a large section on gardening. Ask the

librarian for help searching for books about the particular garden theme or

themes that you are interested in.

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If you want to ask people about a particular theme instead of researching at the

library, go online. There are many websites devoted to gardening themes and

gardening clubs. You can find lots of experienced gardeners online who can

walk you through the ins and outs of setting up the kind of garden that will reflect

your personal taste, be practical and functional for where you live, and still will be

in keeping with the theme that you want to use for your garden.

Another great place to go for inspiration when it comes to picking plants for a

particular theme garden is your local botanical gardens. Look through all the

different theme gardens at your local botanical garden to see if one of them is the

theme you‟re interested in. If the theme you‟re considering is represented at the

botanical garden then you can see firsthand what plants that are usually

associated with that garden thrive in conditions where you live and which ones


Your local botanical gardens will usually also have staff on hand who can help

you figure out what plants would work well in your area and would also fit with the

theme that you chose. If you want to talk to someone at the botanical garden in-

depth about your own garden, remember that it‟s always a nice gesture to call

and make an appointment instead of just dropping in.

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Probably the most important factor that you need to consider when picking plants

is your growing zone. It doesn‟t matter how much you love the look of a particular

plant; if it‟s not rated to grow in your growing zone then it will never thrive there.

All plant and seed catalogs will have the products in their catalogs marked with

the growing zones that the plant will do well in and many will also tell you the

zones in which the plant might make it in and which zones the plant will definitely

grow in. Because certain plants only grow well in certain conditions, it‟s really

important to know what growing zone you live in.

Growing zones are also sometimes called hardiness zones or climate zones.

Growing zones are geographically designated areas. Every country has a map of

the different growing zones of the country that people can look at to determine

what growing zone they are in.

Now that the Internet is here, the growing zone maps are online, and you can

simply do a search for or look for your location on the growing zone map to find

out which growing zone you live in.

The defining factor of a climate zone is what the lowest annual temperature is in

the winter. If a plant can survive that temperature and still come back and thrive

then it‟s considered ok to be planted in that zone.

When you are going through your gardening catalogs and trying to pick out which

plants you want to put in your garden, be sure to pay attention to the growing

zone listings for each plant. You must choose plants that are rated to be planted

within your growing zone in order to have a chance of success growing that


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It helps to learn a bit of background information about the soil in your area, the

average temperatures, and the length of daylight at different times of the year

before you start picking plants because all of those factors could have an impact

on what kinds of plants you can choose that will do well where you live.

If you want to plant an exotic garden, like a tropical garden, and you live

somewhere without a lot of sun and someplace that gets very cold winters, you

may find that you can‟t have a successful tropical garden because the plants that

would be associated with a tropical garden just will not thrive where you live.

Even though you may have your own ideas about what kinds of plants you want

in your garden you may not get exactly what you want because of where you live!

But the growing zone chart available online can help you make a more informed

decision about the kinds of plants that you want to put into your garden.


There is an ongoing debate in gardening circles about whether or not it‟s better to

plant a garden full of all native plants or if it‟s better to use non-native plants in

your garden. Advocates who say that native plants are better think that it

preserves the integrity of the environmental cycle of the area to use plants that

have developed and thrived there for hundreds of years and are well equipped to

deal with the particular weather of the region.

Some advocates of native gardens say that because of the increased

development it‟s important to plant native gardens so that the ecological structure

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of the area isn‟t disturbed when development causes the destruction of naturally

occurring native plants.

And advocates of using non-native plants say that it helps the local environment

to bring in new plants that will help form hybrid plants with the native plants and

make sure that the ecological cycle continues to evolve.

Even if you don‟t take a stand in the debate about native versus non-native

plants you should be aware that native plants will almost always thrive better

than non-native plants.

If it‟s very important to you that the plants really thrive and grow strongly then

you might want to choose a garden of native plants.

Beginning gardeners might find it easiest to start with a native garden because

it‟s more likely for native plants to take root easily and grow well in your area. In

order to research what plants and flowers are native to your area, you can go

online and search for growing zones or you can go down to your local library and

do some local research.

You can also stop in at the local gardening center. The associates there will

probably have a lot of good advice for you about what plants are good “starter”

plants and what types of plants will grow well in the local environment.

If you go with a native garden at first, you are more likely to find the success you

want as a first time gardener.

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The next big decision you will need to make when it comes to planning your

garden is whether you would like to grow perennial plants or annual plants. Some

people like to choose just one type of plant to put in their gardens and some

people prefer to mix perennials and annuals so that they have a wider variety of

plants in the garden.

Choosing a mix of perennials and annuals also means that you could have plants

blooming at different times of the year, which is nice for people who like to have

their gardens blooming through the spring, summer, and fall.

Whether you choose to plant perennials, annuals, or a mix of the two, you will

have a long list of common plants, ground covers, and grasses to choose from.

There are lots of great Internet websites that list the most popular garden plants

and whether they are perennials or annuals. When you are browsing through

seed catalogs, the different plants will be marked to indicate whether they are

perennials or annuals.

So what‟s the difference between perennials and annuals? Well to put it simply, a

Perennial is a plant that lives for more than two years and flowers for more than

two or more growing seasons. An Annual is a plant that only lives for one year

and only flowers for one growing season.

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So what‟s the difference between planting annuals and planting perennials? Is

one better than the other? Not necessarily. Perennials tend to be less work,

because they don‟t need to be replanted each year the way that Annuals do.

However, there is a greater risk of the perennials not making it through the winter

season unless you take the appropriate precautions to shelter them.

Annuals need to be replanted every year, but that also gives you the chance to

start fresh and plant new or different plants in the garden each year. Another

point to consider is that most of the bright, full blooming, popular plant species

that people like to put in their gardens are annuals.

Because there are so many very popular annual plant species out there, most

local gardening centers and green houses will only carry annual plants, making it

very difficult to find the exact species and color of perennial you might be looking



Perennials are structured differently from annuals. Perennial plants often have

tubers or other structural pieces that help them protect their roots and seeds.

They will go dormant when the weather starts to get cold and will start to grow

and bloom once the weather warms up. Usually, gardeners know when spring is

on the way because their perennials will start to grow again.

When you choose to grow perennials you will need to take some precautions to

protect the plants during the winter. After the first couple of hard frosts in your

area you should trim back your perennials to get them ready to go dormant.

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Depending on where you live and how cold it gets you may need to cover your

Perennial plants with plastic or burlap to protect them from the cold.

You should also put cuttings or bulbs from your perennials in storage in your

gardening shed or garage for the winter in a protected place. Putting wire or

mesh cages around the plants will help protect them from animals and the

elements during the long winter ahead.

If it doesn‟t get too cold but you want to insulate your perennials from the cold

and wet weather, you can add a thick layer of mulch over the perennials to help

keep them warm and give them the nutrients they need to make it through the

winter. Straw and other organic materials make very effective mulch to put on

perennials. If you are adding mulch, make sure that there is no newspaper,

plastic, or other material in the mulch that could smother the plant.

Composted mulch or just a thick layer of leaves is really the best protection for

your perennials. When you are adding mulch, make sure that you use about 6-8

inches of mulch for each plant. Spread the mulch around the roots thoroughly.

You may need to re-mulch in the winter if the weather is exceptionally cold or if

the mulch breaks down quickly.

If you are not sure what the best protection is for perennials in your area due to

your specific weather, it‟s always best to stop in at your local greenhouse or

gardening center and ask.

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Some of the more popular perennials are a lot of the different kinds of

ornamental grasses, Bleeding Hearts, Columbine, Balloon Flowers, Black Eyed

Susans, Daylilies, Hostas, Mums, Peonies, and Phlox. Also very popular are

Roses, Tulips, and other flowers that grow from bulbs.


Annuals, unlike perennials, grow from seeds and bloom, and then die. Annuals

are less work to grow than perennials because you don‟t need to prepare them to

make it through the winter but it can be a hassle to re-plant every spring.

Annuals also have a longer blooming season than perennials so many people

who have gardens of mixed perennials and annuals choose annual plants that

will provide nice splashes of color since the annuals will bloom longer than the

perennials. Most of the beautiful flowers that you see in gardens during the

spring and summer are annuals.

When you are looking for plants, it‟s much easier to find annuals than perennials.

You may need to look in garden catalogs and have rare perennials shipped to

you in order to plant them, but you can find bright, cheerful annuals at the local

gardening center, home improvement store, or big box store garden center.

Annuals also tend to be cheaper than perennials, which may be an issue for

some gardeners.

Annuals give gardeners the chance to start over again every year, which is great

for the first time gardener or any gardener who likes to change the theme and

look of their garden.

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First time gardeners usually start out growing annuals because they are easy to

plant and easier to take care of. After a few seasons of growing annuals, most

gardeners like to throw some perennials into the mix but they usually start with

ornamental grasses and ground covers; things that are very hardy and survive

cold weather very well.


Some of the most common and most popular annuals include: Amaranths,

Baby‟s Breath, Begonias, Marigolds, Cosmos, Daisies, Foxglove, Forget Me

Nots, Geraniums, Heather, Morning Glories, Petunias, Phlox, Queen Anne‟s

Lace, Snapdragons, Sage, and Zinnias.

There are lots of other popular annual flowers and plants but those are the ones

that many people choose to put in their gardens when they first start a garden.

There are lots of varieties and colors of annuals so if you want to plant annuals

take the time to really shop around and find the colors and varieties you want.

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Knowing when the right time to plant your garden is can be tricky, especially for a

beginner. Since you need to prepare the soil a couple of months in advance it‟s

important to have an idea of when you want to plant your garden so that you can


Experts say that you should plant your garden according to the hardiness of the

plant itself and according to the last frost date for your area. Not sure what your

last frost date is? You can look up the average last frost date for your area on

gardening websites or on weather websites and sometimes in an almanac. Find

the average last frost date for your area and plan on planting your spring plants

about a week after that.

If you plant too early and the area gets a frost after you have planted, your plants

will die and you will have to start over. If you plant too late then it will be too late

for the plants to start developing properly and your plants will not thrive the way

they should. Planting at just the right time is important!

Even though the frost dates will vary depending on where you are, the general

rule is that the further north you live, the later your last frost date will be. For

example, if you live in parts of Arkansas your average last frost date might be in

early April, but if you live in Minneapolis your average last frost date might be the

end of May.

Each plant will have different requirements about when and how it should be

planted. There will be detailed planting instructions given on each plant when

you buy it and you should always do exactly what the planting instructions say. If

the plant you buy says that it should be planted three feet away from another

plant, it might seem crazy to you now, but if that little plant grows into an eight

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foot long plant then you‟ll see why the planting instructions told you to give the

plant some room away from the other plants.

Since the timing of planting is really important to how well your plants do, it would

be a good idea to do some research about planting times and record those in

your garden journal from year to year so that you can keep abreast of things like

the average last frost date and the average first frost date in the fall, which is

important if you are growing perennials.


It sure seems like there are a lot of different dates to keep track of when it comes

to creating a garden, doesn‟t it? You have to get the soil ready a few months

before you want to plant, you need to plant at different times depending on what

plants you choose, you need to set up a schedule for watering, feeding, weeding,

and other garden care…. It can get overwhelming fast to someone who has

never gardened before.

A really good tool you can use to help you stay on top of all the different dates

you need to remember for planning your garden is to create your own garden

timeline. This can be as simple as a piece of paper with some dates on it, or it

can be as advanced as a special gardening spreadsheet or webpage. Here are

a few ideas you can use to help keep your garden on schedule and keep track of

all the information you need to know to create the garden of your dreams.

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A Garden Journal - Keeping a simple garden journal can be all you need to stay

on track when it comes to planning your garden. You can use a simple three ring

notebook like you used in school or you can keep a binder full of loose leaf paper

or you can buy a commercially made garden journal that will have special

sections for things like soil test readings, watering schedules, plant shopping

lists, and other useful information.

Commercial garden journals that are available at gardening stores or bookstores

can be a real lifesaver when it comes to planning your garden. Since they are

created especially for gardeners, there is useful information in them, like a

growing zone map, tips and hints on gardening, and a calendar you can


Online Gardening Reminders – There are some gardening websites where you

can sign up for free and plan your entire garden online. You can use multi-media

tools, check maps and growing zones, make lists of flowers that you would like to

plant, and even do a mock garden to see how the plants would look together.

Some of these sites also have automatic reminders that make sticking to a

gardening timeline a breeze.

You can enter a particular date, like the date you want to do a soil test so you

can start preparing the soil for spring planting, and the website will email you an

automatic reminder a few days before that date reminding you to do the soil test.

The automatic reminders are a fabulous way to remember to do your gardening

planning tasks on time.

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Wondering where the best place to buy plants is? It can be hard to know where is

the best place to get quality plants when there are many choices. You can buy

plants at the home improvement store, at the grocery store, on the side of the

road, or online; there are literally hundreds of options. So where can you get the

best plants for your garden?

The key to getting the best plants is being able to really examine them. Even

though shopping online is great for a lot of things, shopping online for plants can

be risky because you can never see exactly what you are buying. Also, the

plants might look fine in photos but become damaged during shipping. So when

you‟re buying plants you should always buy locally.

Check out these local places to find the best quality plants and seeds:

Farmer’s Markets – Shopping for plants and seeds at the Farmer‟s Market is

always a smart thing to do. Lots of local farmers and local gardeners sell their

starter plants and seeds at the Farmer‟s Market for very reasonable prices. You

can get fresh, high quality, local starter plants and seeds and help support local


Greenhouses and Garden Centers – Do you know where your local

independent gardening center is? How about a local green house? Chances are,

there is one close by, and they probably carry the finest plants around. Check

out the offerings at your local independent garden center and greenhouses for

high quality plants.

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Look in Local Newspapers and Community Papers - The best plants often

come from already healthy, growing plants. Look in your local community

newspaper and daily newspaper for ads in the classified section where people

will post plants for sale. You can get great deals on healthy, vibrant plants that

will get your garden off to a great start.

Local Food Co-ops or Health Food Stores - Is having an organic garden

important to you? Then check out your local food Co-op or Health Food Store to

see what kinds of organic starter plants and seeds they offer. If organic matters

to you then buy your plants from places that also value organics.


Now you know where to buy plants, but what should you look for when you are

buying plants? Here are some tips on how to pick out healthy plants to get your

garden started right.

Choose bedding plants that are packed in individual pots or in flats that

are far apart from each other so that their roots haven‟t been compressed

too much.

Choose plants that have thick, stocky stems and that seem strong and

vibrant. If the plant looks frail or weak, or has a very thin stem, pass it by.

Always look at the color of the leaves and the stem. The leaves should be

a deep, vibrant green. If the leaves are brown, mottled, or curling around

the edges, the plant could be unhealthy or could have pests. Pass it by.

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If the leaves are yellowed or turning brown the plant hasn‟t been watered

enough and probably is unhealthy. Look for one that doesn‟t show any

signs of inadequate watering.

Touch the soil that the plant is potted in. If it‟s totally dry, then the plant

could have root damage from being potted in dry soil. Look for another

plant with moist soil.

Shop for plants during “off” hours like weekdays, the noon hour, or at

night. Avoid shopping for plants on weekends, especially during the

morning. Those are the most popular times to shop and the salespeople

won‟t have time to answer your questions. Plus, the plants will have been

prodded, poked, and looked over so much that they may have been

damaged. Shopping during off hours means you can get first crack at the

new plants when they come in.

Bigger isn‟t better. Look for plants that are small, with no blooming flowers

or fruit. They are more likely to survive the stress of transplanting than a

flowering plant with big showy flowers.

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Once you have your garden planted and the plants are starting to grow you need

to take care of your garden and give your plants the food and water that they

need to grow tall and strong. While the soil does provide some necessary food

and water for the plants, different plants need different amounts of nutrients.

Non-native plants may not get the particular nutrients they need from local soil.


Some new gardeners might wonder if it‟s really necessary to use plant food. After

all, you have just spent a lot of time and energy getting the soil ready for the

plants, right? Shouldn‟t that give the plants the nutrition they need? Well, yes and

no. At first, the soil should give the plants the nutrition they need but the plant

will use those nutrients up and then those nutrients need to be replaced in order

for the plant to keep growing. Using plant food is a good way to make sure that

the plants get the nutrients they need. Plants don‟t need to be fed often, but

giving them regular food and water will help make your garden the best it can be.


There are lots of different plant foods on the market and they aren‟t that much

different in formula. Generally, just like with other items, you get what you pay

for. If you want plant food that is made from better ingredients and delivers a

higher nutritional payout for the plant then you might want to spend a little more


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Some plant foods come in spray bottles that spray directly onto the plant and

some plant foods are granular and are spread at the base of the plant. There

can be less waste with a spray plant food, but experts are not convinced that

spray plant food is absorbed as effectively or as quickly as the granular type of

plant food.

Whether you choose the spray plant food or the granular style, make sure you

choose the right plant food formula. Some plant foods are created just for specific

plants and some are general use foods that will boost the health of any plant.

Using a general formula is usually the most effective way to give your garden a

nice, healthy appearance without a lot of extra work.

If you are using the granular formula of pet food you can mix the food with the

fertilizer or mulch, or you can put the food down separately. If you are feeding

without putting the food in the fertilizer or the mulch then be sure to water the

area where you put the food directly after putting the food out. That will help the

ground absorb the food and get in into the plant faster.


Water is the only other thing that your plants really need to thrive. It‟s essential

that the soil not become too dry or your plants will die. You probably knew that

already. But how much water is enough and how much water is too much?

Plants that are over watered can develop rot. Over watering can be just as

harmful to plants as under watering.

A good rule of thumb to know when your garden needs watering is to check the

soil. If the soil is mostly dry but a bit damp you should plan on watering that day.

If the soil is moist you probably don‟t need to water. If the soil is wet then you

definitely shouldn‟t water. When you water, keep the hose aimed at the ground

to make sure that the soil and the area around the plant‟s roots gets wet. Misting

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the water over the top of the plant doesn‟t do much to give the plant the water it


When you water it‟s really important that the water that you are using gets to the

plant‟s roots. If you can, dig down into the soil around the plants a bit so that the

water can go down directly to the roots or build an irrigation system in your

garden that will help deliver the water directly to the plants roots.


Using a sprinkler or a sprinkler system can be a very effective way to water your

garden without having to take the time to do it yourself. If you have a small

garden then you probably only need one sprinkler, but if you have a large garden

you might want to invest in a whole sprinkler system with a timer and adjustable

spray patterns.

Using a sprinkler system, you can adjust the flow of the water to be light or heavy

when necessary and you can also set the timer to water the garden automatically

in the early morning or in the evening. If you tend to work late or are not going to

be home often enough to water your garden when it really needs it then you

should definitely think about adding a sprinkler system to your garden.

Sprinklers and sprinkler systems are available in all price ranges so there is sure

to be one that you can easily afford and that will have the features you need.

Stop by the local home improvement center or gardening center and talk with an

associate about the watering systems they have and how often you should be

watering your garden based on the climate and the heat where you live.

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Do you live in an area that is prone to drought? If so, your water may sometimes

be rationed and you may not be able to water your garden as often as you like.

Even if you don‟t live in an area that is prone to draught you may choose to

conserve water and to try and find ways to cut down on the amount of water that

you are using to water your garden. Here are some easy ways that you can save

water when you are watering your garden:

Add mulch and compost to your plants and make sure that the mulch and

compost gets wet. The heavy mulch and compost will help lock in

moisture and keep the plants healthy while reducing the need to water.

When you are picking the plants for your garden, look for low-water plants

that don‟t need to be watered often and don‟t need a lot of water to thrive.

This is especially important in a desert area or an area prone to draughts.

Use a high quality irrigation system or sprinkler system. These can be

expensive to install but if you are a serious gardener having these

systems in place can save a lot of water and can also make a big

difference in your water bill.

Install a timer on your hose that will stop the hose from dripping and

control the water flow from the hose so that just the right amount of water

comes out without wasting water.

Check the positions and the water paths of the sprinklers to make sure

that they aren‟t watering the driveway or sidewalks instead of your plants.

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If the soil is dry then it won‟t absorb the water as quickly as the water

comes out when you‟re watering. If you see the water start to form

puddles or get really saturated, take a break for awhile so the water has

time to soak into the ground and you‟re not wasting water.

Always water your garden in the early morning or evening. If you water in

the hot afternoon or in the middle of the day, more than half the water you

use will just evaporate without doing any good.

When you shower, place a bucket in the shower with you to catch stray

shower water and throw that water onto the garden to help with the



In addition to the various types of plant food that are on the market, there are

also plant enhancers and “miracle growth” products that promise to make your

plants bigger, the colors brighter, the blooms larger, and the blooming season

longer. Do these products work?

Some do, and some don‟t. Just like any other product that promises something

that seems too good to be true, there is an element of truth to the claims of these

products but they don‟t work for every plant. It is true that the combination of

particular nutrients combined with proper watering and good soil can cause

particular plants to flourish.

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Is it really that important for a casual gardener to use these miracle growth

products to make their gardens much more impressive? Some people say no,

and they are happy with working in their gardens and seeing the result. But

sometimes it is necessary to use these growth products in order to keep your

plants alive and healthy.

If you live in an area that has very hard, nutritionally deficient soil but you want to

grow a delicate plant like orchids or roses or lilies then your best bet to have your

plants take root and survive is to use a plant growth product that is specifically

formulated for that particular plant. The miracle growth product along with

watering and liberal use of fertilizer and mulch can make it possible to grow

beautiful exotic or delicate plants in even the worst conditions.

So while these products can work as “super enhancers” for already thriving

plants they can also be the key to survival for plants that ordinarily wouldn‟t do

well under tough circumstances. If you live in the desert and you want a

beautiful, lush rose garden, you will need to use a plant enhancer to make that

happen. If you live in the freezing cold Snowbelt and you want to create an exotic

tropical garden, you will need to use a plant enhancer.

Plant enhancing products can be very useful for the professional gardener who

wants their plants to be a cut above all the others and also useful for the

everyday beginner gardener who wants to create the garden of his or her dreams

in less than ideal circumstances.

Not sure which plant enhancer is the best for your particular needs? Ask

someone at your local gardening center for advice on which plant enhancer will

give you the results you‟re looking for.

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No one likes to think about dealing with garden pests, but the chances are good

that at some point you will find your beloved garden that you have worked so

hard on under siege from insects, animals, or fungus and disease. There is

really no way to prevent one or all of these garden pests from attacking your

garden. But they can be stopped and managed.

Knowing what type of pest you are trying to fight is crucial in knowing how to fight

for your garden. There are three main types of pests that can damage your


Insects – Insects are usually the cause of garden damage. The type of insects

that you have to fight will depend a lot on where you live, but there are lots of

ways to deal with insect attacks on your garden, ranging from homemade

solutions to professional exterminators.

Animals – There can be quite a few four legged animals who may think that your

garden is their personal buffet, including your house pets! Luckily, dealing with

intrusive animals isn‟t that difficult.

Fungus – Fungus and plant disease are probably the hardest garden pests to

deal with because a plant can be severely damaged before you even realize that

the plant has a fungus or disease.

The important thing to focus on when you realize that your garden has a fungus

or disease is to try and keep it from spreading because if it spreads to the other

plants you could lose your entire garden and have to start all over next season.

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If you go on the offensive at the first sign of trouble from garden pests, it‟s

possible to control them without having to spend a lot of money and go to a lot of

trouble to hire professionals.

If you have children or pets, you should also try to solve the problem without

using abrasive and sometimes toxic chemicals, which may kill the pest but may

also harm the children and pets. Some pesticides that are commonly used to kill

fungus and other plant diseases can have a serious impact on humans and pets

so you should always be especially careful when you are dealing with those



Now that you have an idea of what the three main types of common garden pests

are, let‟s find out how to battle them. Here is a brief overview of how to deal with

some of the more common garden pests. If you need to know more about

dealing with common garden pests and problems, there are lots of books and

websites you can use to find out more.

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Insects are usually the first pests that you will notice in your garden. It‟s just a

fact that plants will attract insects. These are some of the most common insects

that infest and damage gardens. If you are noticing insect damage in your

garden, chances are good that one of these little bugs is to blame.

Aphids – Aphids are extremely resilient and reproduce quickly so if you notice

clumps of small bugs

on the leaves or

under the leaves of

your plants, take

action immediately.

Other signs of aphid

infestation include

wilted or curling

leaves, brittle stems,

and reduced growth.

To battle aphids you

can knock them off the leaves with a stream of water from the hose, or use a

gloved hand to flick them to the ground. If there is a real infestation and there

are too many for you to get rid of with simple means, try spraying the plant with a

solution of equal parts water and insecticidal soap that you can buy at a

gardening supply store.

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Caterpillars – Your kids might think that caterpillars are cute, but they are not

harmless. One or two caterpillars

can eat the leaves from an entire

plant overnight. If you notice

caterpillars on your plants or on the

underside of the leaves of your

plant you can brush them off. If

they return often or if there are

many of them in your garden and

they are starting to do some

serious damage to your plants then you need to get a bacterial spray with Bacilus

thuringiensis (Bt) from the garden center that will keep them off your plants.

Leafhoppers – Leafhoppers are one of the most common if not the most

common garden pest. How

will you know if you have

leafhoppers in your

garden? You will see

curled leaves with brown

edges on all of your plants.

Leafhoppers are small but

you can still see them if

you look closely. You can

use an insecticidal soap to

spot treat plants that have

leafhoppers but if you have

a serious infestation you may need something stronger to get rid of them like


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Slugs and Snails –

You will also probably

find slugs and snails

inhabiting your garden

at some point. In small

numbers, they won‟t

do that much damage

to your garden but in

large numbers they

can create a lot of

havoc. The best way

to get rid of slugs and

snails is to sink containers of beer into the ground near the plants that have been

damaged. Sounds crazy, but it works!


Animals can be

just as damaging

to your garden as

insects can but in

a different way.

Some animals,

like deer or other

herbivores, may

find your garden

to be a nice all-



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Smaller animals, like rabbits, squirrels, moles, voles, chipmunks, hedgehogs,

mice, rats, and other vermin can also make shelter and find food within your


Smaller animals and rabbits can dig holes in your garden that can be dangerous

for people and plants. If the animals dig too close to the roots of the plants, they

can kill the entire plant. If you or your guests trip in a hole and become injured

you or they could be seriously hurt. Mice and other vermin entice other animals

that feed on them to your garden. Owls, bats, and other predators may find the

vermin living in your garden to be an easy source of food and may take up

residence in your garden.

Depending on where you live, the deer and animals that come to eat your garden

leaves might even attract bears, mountain lions, or other dangerous animals.

Even though they are less dangerous, cats and dogs that roam the neighborhood

could find your garden an appealing hunting ground and leave the remains of

their meals and their feces everywhere.

So how do you keep animals out of your garden? For larger animals it‟s a good

idea to erect a fence or plant a large hedge around the perimeter of your garden.

This should keep most of them out.

If a fence or hedge is not enough, and it may not be enough to keep some of the

smaller animals out, you can try using traps to get rid of unwanted animals. You

should always use humane traps that will not cause unnecessary suffering or

pain. You can catch the animals in traps and then release them far away from

your garden.

Certain scents are said to deter particular animals and insects, like citronella, so

leaving a citronella candle or spraying citronella oil around the garden might be a

safe and effective way to get rid of animals in your garden.

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You might be able to use some devices like ultra sonic blasters, motion

detectors, lights, or other tricks to keep vermin and wild animals out of your

garden but how can you keep your beloved cat or dog out of your garden? After

all, your pet lives with you. You can‟t cut off access to the garden for a house


While it‟s true that you can‟t exactly keep your pet out of the garden, you can

make it so that your pet does not want to use your plants as a litter box or as a

snack buffet or claw sharpener. You can use behavioral training and aversion

therapy in order to help deter your pets from going into your garden and

destroying your plants.

There are lots of commercially available sprays that are safe for house pets but

smell bad and taste worse so that if your pet steps in an area that has been

sprayed or tries to nibble on a plant that has been sprayed, the pet will soon

realize it has made a mistake and won‟t repeat the behavior. Always use

commercial sprays that are made to be safe for your pets!

There are a lot of old wives tales on the Internet and other places telling pet

owners to use old moth balls, black pepper, or essential oils as deterrents to

keep pets out of their gardens but all of those things and many others that are

mentioned as being methods to keep pets out of gardens are poisonous to cats

and dogs and can seriously hurt your pets or even kill them.

Another good option for keeping pets out of the garden is to use mesh netting

that is available at any home improvement, hardware, or gardening store. You

can wrap the mesh around your plants to protect them from pets, or use the

mesh to create a „pet area‟ where it‟s safe for your pets to play in the garden.

Then only allow them to be off the leash or unsupervised when they are in the

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mesh enclosure. That way they can enjoy the garden too, and there will be no

risk to your plants.

No matter what method you choose to keep your pets out of the garden or to

keep them from damaging the garden, remember that many pesticides,

chemicals, sprays, and other “solutions” that are talked about may be harmful to

them. If you have a question about whether or not something is safe to use

around pets, always ask your vet.


The other garden pest that can cause real havoc in your garden is disease.

There are hundreds of different kinds of fungi and diseases that can attack your

plants. No matter what the underlying cause is, you can spot plant diseases fairly

easily. Look for any leaves that are wilting, have moldy coatings, rusts, blotches,

scabs, or rotted tissue. If your plants start to develop those symptoms then

chances are good that they have a fungus or a disease. Plant diseases can

spread fast in combination with wet weather, poor drainage, or inadequate

airflow. There are many ways to combat fungus and disease in plants. Some of

them are natural, some are not.


There are many all natural fungicides and plant disease treatments that you can

buy to help combat plant disease. Are they effective? It depends on the product.

Some of them can be very effective. Many are specialized to treat a specific

problem so you will need to know what fungus or disease your plants have

before you buy a product to fight it. There are also lots of books and websites

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that give recipes for fungicides made from products that you probably have

around the house or can get at the grocery store.


Most natural fungicides are just as effective as chemical pesticides and

fungicides but don‟t have the risks that are associated with chemical products.

While chemical fungicides and pesticides may be the most effective pest control

for farmers, experts agree that whenever possible you should use natural pest

control methods to minimize the health risks to you, your family, your neighbors,

and your pets.

To learn more about natural ways to control pests and fight fungus infestation in

your garden, go to the local library. The library will have information about those

types of fungus and what types of pests are common in your area and can give

you information on how to control them. Knowing what you‟re up against and

how to fight it can make the difference between losing your garden to pests and

creating the pest-free garden of your dreams.


There are lots of books you can read about gardening and lots of websites that

you can visit and lots of community forums you can join to learn more about

gardening. But the really neat stuff, the time saving tips and tricks, the ways to

use common household items to help your garden, the stuff that you really only

learn by trial and error is rarely in those places.

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There are lots of little things that new gardeners need to know about planting,

planning a great garden design, and creating a really pretty and functional

garden that can‟t be learned in books. There are also lots of ways that all

gardeners can save time, save money, and get more enjoyment out of their

gardens that most of the time they don‟t share with each other.

What‟s your favorite gardening time saver? Or favorite trick that your mother or

grandmother showed you? Have you ever shared it with anyone else? Many

people have hundreds of little tricks but they don‟t share them with others. So

here are some gardening tips and tricks that have been culled from experts and

beginners to help all gardeners, whether they are professionals or brand new to

gardening, create more beautiful gardens and save time and money doing it.

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When it‟s time to wrap your perennials for the winter, wrap a thin layer of

steel wool or steel mesh around them before you bury them in mulch to

keep animals from digging them up or eating them during the winter


When you are preparing your plant cuttings and plants for the winter by

bringing them indoors and putting them in pots, wrap the inside of the pots

with bubble wrap before you add the soil to insulate the plants.

A great way to stop powdery mildew, the most common plant fungus, and

other plant fungus is to mix 3 tablespoons of dish soap into a gallon of

water and put it in a spray bottle. Use that to kill powdery mildew and other

plant fungus. It also is a very effective and safe insecticide.

When you‟re cutting fresh flowers from your garden, always cut the stems

on an angle, not straight across. This allows the stem to draw up more

water and keeps the flowers alive and bright longer. You can also add a

teaspoon of sugar to the water to feed the flowers.

To make your own highly effective weed killer, throw boiling salted water

on weed patches or spray boiling salted water in areas where weeds are

taking over. Don‟t spray this mixture to close to your plants though!

To keep neighborhood pets out of your yard or garden, spray alcohol,

pepper, or perfumes and aftershaves on your fence and hedges where the

animals try to sneak into your garden. Sprinkling black pepper around

your plants will keep dogs from chewing on the roots.

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If you plant your seeds in a straight line it will make it easier to differentiate

between weeds and plants because the plants will all follow a line and the

weeds won‟t.

If your plants are looking like they are on their last legs and need a jolt,

pour a can of diet soda or a cup of coffee on the roots and the caffeine will

have the same effect that it has on humans – the plants will immediately

perk up.

If you have trouble getting on your knees or staying on your knees for a

long time to plant your seeds, use several feet of garden hose or a narrow

drainpipe and drop the seeds from a comfortable level right into the

planting hole.

To keep your drainpipes clear of leaves, gunk, and other debris, drop a

steel wool pad into them before the winter comes.

Don‟t use cold water when you water your plants; it‟s a shock to the plant.

Use room temperature water or lukewarm water. If you are watering with a

hose, set the outside spigot to a lukewarm temperature to avoid shocking

the plant.

When your gardening shoes start to stink up the whole house, stick a half

of a lemon or a half of an orange in each one and leave overnight. Throw

the fruit away the next day and your shoes won‟t smell anymore.

You can make your own plastic labels for seedlings, cuttings, and plants in

your garden by cutting up plastic milk jugs or yogurt containers and writing

on them with a marker. Use a steel wool pad and soap and water to get

the writing off and write on them again

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Plant your Christmas tree outside after Christmas time so that the birds in

your garden can build nests in it and shelter from the cold weather there.

When you are starting plants from bulbs, set the bulbs in small plastic pots

or a cut up plastic milk jug and place it in a large planter. That way, when

it‟s ready to be planted in the garden you can move it with no fuss and no


Instead of digging up your Perennial bulbs in the winter to bring them

inside until spring, cover them with a thick tarp and 6-8 inches of mulch.

They will be well insulated from the cold and frost and you won‟t have to

do all the work of digging them up and then replanting them in the spring.

When you‟re planning the colors in your garden, remember that a large

group of colorful flowers is going to have much more impact than just one

or two plants. In order to make the color really pop you will need to have a

grouping of at least 5-6 of the same plants.

You can use your garden to attract certain kinds of birds and animal life.

Plant Lavender, Honeysuckle, and other fragrant flowers to attract


Keep in mind the height of the plants you are choosing when you are

planning the garden. Don‟t put a very tall plant right next to a very small

one or the small one will hardly be visible. Vary the heights in a pattern.

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Gardening with your kids can be a very rewarding experience. It‟s a great chance

to have some quality time with them. It‟s also a chance to have a fun family

activity to do outside in the fresh air. You can use gardening to teach kids about

ecology, responsible living, nutrition, and many other important life lessons.

Sometimes, though, it can be tricky to keep kids interested and focused on

gardening. Here are some tips and tricks to make gardening with your kids easier

and more fun for all of you.

Kids have very short attention spans. Always have another task ready that

they can do when they are bored with what they are doing.

For some reason, most kids seem content to dig holes for hours. Put that

fascination to good use around planting time.

Kids love to see things happen fast. No matter what else you are planting,

plant some radishes or something else that comes up really quickly for the

kids so that they will see results from their gardening in just a few days.

Let them get dirty. Kids need to get dirty sometimes. Doesn‟t everyone?

If you have a bunch of children who are “helping” you garden, make sure

that you have identical tools, gardening gloves, seeds, and other items so

that there are no fights over who gets what.

Giving each child a portion of the garden that is just theirs where they can

plant whatever they like is a fabulous way to teach kids about

responsibility and help them develop decision making and time

management skills as well as patience.

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When you are gardening with kids, chances are they won‟t hear a word

you‟re saying. Demonstrate everything you want to do so they can see

what you do. Chances are, they will respond much better to being shown

how to plant or weed or dig a planting hole than being told.

After you‟ve spent some time gardening, take some time to just sit in the

garden and enjoy the fresh air. Let the kids ask any questions they have

and talk to them about the importance of what they just learned.

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Planting a garden can be a wonderful hobby. Gardening is a great gentle

physical activity that can help older people and people with chronic degenerative

conditions stay active and healthy. Gardening is also a great way for active,

busy, and very stressed out people to take some time to relax and get back in

touch with nature.

Gardening is a fabulous family activity and lets parents spend some quality time

with their kids while teaching their kids about nature and how to be ecologically

responsible. Kids love to watch things grow, and learning to garden can teach

kids a lot of valuable skills like decision making and patience.

Planting a flower garden can be a challenging and overwhelming task if you‟ve

never gardened before but once you start learning more about it you‟ll see that

it‟s really not too hard. There is a lot information about gardening to read and

ponder but planning the garden is half the fun. Avid gardeners spend the entire

year planning next year‟s garden.

Make sure that you get the soil set up correctly and take good care of your plants

by watering and feeding them properly and you will soon have a gorgeous,

vibrant flower garden.

So now you have all the information you need to get started on your journey to

becoming an avid gardener. Good luck on your journey!

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