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Page 1: About the ATTC Network

Behavioral Health is Essential to Health Prevention Works | Treatment is Effective | People Recover

Overview of the ATTC Network

Page 2: About the ATTC Network


• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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• 1993: CSAT funds first 11 “Addiction Training Centers” (ATCs) Coverage: 19 US States and Puerto Rico. CSAT expands the

program to cover 6 additional states in 1995.

ATTC History

• 1996: CSAT re-names the program from ATCs to “Addiction Technology Transfer Centers” (ATTCs) to better reflect the scope of work

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ATTC History• 1998: CSAT establishes the ATTC Network,

with the creation of the ATTC National Office Coverage: 13 Regional Centers and a National Office

covering 39 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

• 1998: The ATTC Curriculum Committee writes the Addiction Counseling Competencies, which CSAT publishes as TAP 21

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ATTC History

• 2000: The ATTC Network publishes The Change Book: A Blueprint for Technology Transfer

• 2001: NIDA and SAMHSA enter into an interagency agreement to form the NIDA/SAMHSA Blending Initiative

• 2002: CSAT funds a new round of ATTCs Coverage: 14 Regional Centers and a National Office covering all 50 US States,

the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the Pacific Jurisdictions.

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ATTC History• 2005: First NIDA/SAMHSA “Blending Product”

released, Buprenorphine Treatment: A Training for Multidisciplinary Professionals

• 2006: With significant involvement from the ATTCs, SAMHSA publishes an updated version of TAP 21: The Addiction Counseling Competencies

• 2007: CSAT funds another round of ATTCs in a new configuration Coverage: Same as previous grant cycle (14 Regional Centers

and a National Office covering all 50 US States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the Pacific Jurisdictions).


Module I - Introduction

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ATTC History• 2011: ATTC Network Technology Transfer Workgroup

publishes “Research to practice in addiction treatment: key terms and a field-driven model of technology transfer,” in the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

• 2012: ATTC Network completes national workforce study, “Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of the Addiction Treatment Profession”

• 2011: SAMHSA & State Department create the first international ATTC, the Vietnam HIV ATTC

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ATTC History

• October, 2012 – New Round of ATTC Funding Begins!

• 2013 is the ATTC Network’s 20th Anniversary

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• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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Network Structure

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Our Federal-Family Tree

President, Barack Obama

Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Administrator, Pam Hyde

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

Director, H. Westley Clark

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10 Regional Centers

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• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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Primary Audience of the NetworkAddictions Workforce: Awardees should target the majority of their efforts and resources toward enhancing the knowledge and skills of the addictions workforce (including peer service providers) and promoting the adoption of evidence-based/promising practices in specialty substance use disorders treatment settings and primary healthcare settings.

This will involve providing training and TA for front-line addictions counselors, and/or clinical supervisors of front-line addictions counselors, and/or other key treatment organization personnel, as well as students (e.g., Associate, Baccalaureate, and Masters level) preparing for roles in the substance use disorders treatment field in their regions.

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Secondary Audience of the NetworkSAMHSA also recognizes that professionals working in other settings (e.g., criminal justice, child welfare, primary health care), as well as nonprofessionals (e.g., faith community members, peer recovery community leaders), also play an important role in the recovery process.

Awardees may devote a maximum of 40% of their grant award to training non-specialty professionals and nonprofessional providers of recovery support services.

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• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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ATTC Network Vision

People, organizations and communities who address the needs of individuals with, or who are at risk of substance use disorders will utilize effective, culturally responsive, recovery-oriented practices that lead to recovery, improved healthcare, and long‐term health and wellness.

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ATTC Network Mission

Southern Coast

The ATTC Network's mission is to:

• Accelerate the adoption and implementation of evidence‐based and promising addiction treatment and recovery-oriented practices and services;

• Heighten the awareness, knowledge, and skills of the workforce that addresses the needs of people with substance use or other behavioral health disorders; and

• Foster regional and national alliances among culturally diverse practitioners, researchers, policy makers, funders, and the recovery community.

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How does the Network Accomplish the Mission?

The ATTC Network uses a comprehensive array of technology transfer strategies to accelerate the diffusion of innovations.

The ATTC Network Model of Technology Transfer in the Continuum of the Diffusion of an Innovation

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What do ATTCs do at the regional level?

Southern Coast

• Focus primarily on the substance use disorders treatment and recovery services field, but also serve multi-disciplinary groups

• Address multi-system issues• Provide education and training• Develop region-specific products• Utilize regional advisory boards• Respond to needs of SSAs and other state/regional stakeholders, but

may also develop specific areas of expertise• Work to improve standards and policies in the field

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Behavioral Health is Essential to Health Prevention Works | Treatment is Effective | People Recover

Sample ATTC Regional Projects

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Mid-America ATTC

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Pacific Southwest ATTC

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Northwest ATTC

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Great Lakes ATTC

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What do ATTCs do at the national level?

Southern Coast

• Respond to SAMHSA• Participate in Network Workgroups and Collaborative Projects• Develop National Products• Partner with other National Organizations• Focus on Common Network Priority Areas• National Focus Areas:

– American Indian & Alaskan Native; Frontier & Rural; Hispanic & Latino; SBIRT

• Coordinated by the ATTC Network Coordinating Office

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Behavioral Health is Essential to Health Prevention Works | Treatment is Effective | People Recover

Sample ATTC National Projects

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Third Thursday iTraining

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NIDA/SAMHSA Blending Initiative

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National Workforce Study

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• History• Network Structure• Primary Audience of the Network• Primary Work of the Network• Questions

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