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The Affordable Care Act & Opportunity for Advancing Racial & Ethnic Health Equity

Taking Vision and Promise to Reality


Dennis P. Andrulis, PhD, MPH, Senior Research Scientist

Nadia J. Siddiqui, MPH, Senior Health Policy Analyst

Maria R. Cooper, MA, Health Policy Analyst

Texas Health Institute

Lauren R. Jahnke, MPAff, Consultant

LRJ Research & Consulting

8th National Conference on Quality Healthcare for Culturally Diverse PopulationsMarch 7, 2013 | Oakland, California

Funded by: W.K. Kellogg Foundation, The California Endowment, and

Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit National Program Office


• ACA’s Vision, Promise, and Background

• Design to Monitor ACA through an Equity Lens

• Implementation Progress of Equity Provisions

– Health Insurance Exchanges

– Health Care Safety Net

– Workforce Support and Diversity

– Data, Research, and Quality

– Public Health and Prevention

• Where Do We Go from Here?

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ACA’s Vision and Promise

• Working to eliminate health disparities and

advance health equity is central to the

Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010

• Over three dozen provisions directly advance

racial and ethnic health equity, diversity, and

cultural and linguistic competence

• Dozens of other general provisions with major

implications for racially and ethnically diverse


History & Scope of Work



• Joint Center Report: Advancing Health Equity for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations

• Joint Center Report: Advancing Health Equity for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations


• Federal agency progress on ACA & Equity

• Health Affairs article on ACA & Safety Net

• Federal agency progress on ACA & Equity

• Health Affairs article on ACA & Safety Net


• ACA & Racial and Ethnic Health Equity Series: Comprehensive Tracking of implementation progress, emerging guidance & programs

• ACA & Racial and Ethnic Health Equity Series: Comprehensive Tracking of implementation progress, emerging guidance & programs

• Obama vs. McCain Health Care Proposal Analysis• House & Senate Health Reform Bills Analysis

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• Utilized a “health equity lens” to monitor

implementation of 60+ provisions in the ACA

with mention of or implications for racially and

ethnically diverse populations across five areas:

– Health Insurance Exchanges

– Health Care Safety Net

– Workforce Support and Diversity

– Data, Research, and Quality

– Public Health and Prevention


• Extensive review of peer-reviewed research and national/state policy reports for each provisionLiterature Review

• Federal rules and guidance• Funding opportunity announcements• Workgroups, collaborative opportunities

Federal Policy and Actions

• State and local progress and programs• Related legislative actions• Emerging opportunities and challenges

State and Local Actions

• Federal and state government• Hospitals, health centers, health plans • Community organizations, advocates• Academia and experts

Interviews with nearly 70


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Cultural and Linguistic Requirements in Health Insurance Exchanges

Project Objectives

• To track the progress of ACA provisions we identified on exchanges and health plans in an exchange

• To identify and synthesize related resources

• To highlight model activities that we found in selected states

• To develop recommendations for states, health plans, federal agencies, and others to ensure effective implementation of cultural and linguistic requirements of the ACA

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ACA Provisions Examined

1. Section 1311(b): Establishment of State Exchanges

2. Section 1311(i): Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Information in Exchanges

3. Section 1311(e): Plain Language Requirement for Health Plans

4. Section 1001: Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Summary of Benefits and Uniform Glossary

5. Section 1001: Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Claims Appeals Process

6. Section 1311(g): Incentive Payments in Health Plans for Reducing Disparities

7. Section 2901: Remove Cost Sharing for Indians below 300 Percent of the Federal Poverty Level

8. Section 1557: Non-Discrimination in Federal Programs and Exchanges

Exchange-Related Provisions

1. Section 1311(b): Establishment of State Exchanges� All states will have exchanges to facilitate the purchase of qualified

health plans for individuals and small businesses by January 1, 2014

� States can operate their own exchanges, have the federal

government do it, or have a state-federal partnership exchange

2. Section 1311(i): Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Information in Exchanges� ACA and subsequent regulations require the navigator programs,

applications, forms, notices from exchanges and health plans,

outreach and education, and other information from exchanges to be

accessible to limited English proficient people and be culturally and

linguistically appropriate

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State Exchange Decisions

State Case Studies

• Reviewed exchange planning activities for states that stood

out in considering C/L competence and ones that were most

often cited for their progress

• Other considerations: states in different regions of the

country, relatively higher percentages of non-white and LEP


• Seven states chosen: California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Maryland, New York, Oregon, Washington

– all have state-based exchanges due to federal and partnership

exchanges being less developed at this time

• Purpose is to provide a snapshot of selected states’ progress

in implementing the exchange provisions, and to offer

experiences and models that may be useful to other states

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Summary of Case Studies - 1

Progress Related to Racial & Health Equity Actions in Exchange Development & Planning by Case Study State








Diversity in board composition mentioned

in the exchange legislationY Y Ni Y (1) Y Ni

Vision, mission, or values statements

specifically cite diversity and disparity

objectives or needs

Y Ni Y Ni Ni Y Y

Diversity specified for stakeholder advisory

groupsY Ni Ni Y Ni Y Ni

Community meetings or focus groups held

that target or consider racial, ethnic, and

language needs


*Tribal consultation policy and consulting

with federally recognized tribesY Y Y (2) Y Y Y

Input from advocacy groups representing

communities and patients of colorY Y Y Y Y Y Y

Summary of Case Studies - 2

Progress Related to Racial & Health Equity Actions in Exchange Outreach, Education, and Enrollment by Case Study State








*Targeted outreach and education planned

for limited English proficient and specific

racial and ethnic groups


*Navigator/assisters program will focus on

specific racial, ethnic, and language needs

in enrollment


*Training materials to be developed for

cultural and linguistic competency of



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Summary of Case Studies - 3

Progress Related to Racial & Health Equity Actions in

Exchange Website, QHPs, and Evaluation by Case Study State








*Planning for Internet web portal to provide

access for limited English proficient people

(such as taglines indicating availability of

languages services)


Planning to take cultural and linguistic

competency measures into account in

selecting qualified health plans for the


Y (3) Ni (3) Ni Ni (3)

Planning to evaluate the success of

measures addressing diversity and

disparities in the exchange after operational

and use the assessment for improvement

Y S Ni S Ni Ni Ni

Summary of State Progress

• The case study states have made steady progress in

incorporating C/L competency in their exchanges as required

by the ACA, and in additional areas

• Many other states have been slower to get started due to

factors such as the Supreme Court cases and the elections

causing delays in state government planning

• All case study states have had multiple meetings with

consumers and stakeholders, input from advocacy groups

representing communities of color, are planning for targeted

outreach, are planning for C/L competent navigators and

other assisters, and are planning for accessible web portals

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State Challenges Ahead

• Short deadlines and many complexities for start-up

• Funding issues and sustainability

• Reaching people who may not be familiar with health insurance including non-English speakers, non-literate, diverse cultural groups, young adults, rural areas, mixed-citizenship families

• Educating people on the insurance mandate and the available subsidies in the exchange

• Building trust

ACA Provisions for Health Plans

1. Section 1311(e): Plain Language Requirement for Health Plans� Health plans in an exchange must periodically submit certain information to the

exchange in plain language and make them available to the public, and all applications and notices to enrollees must be in plain language

2. Section 1001: Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Summary of Benefits and Uniform Glossary� Must provide standard SBC and glossary to enrollees, employers, and others at certain

times, and in non-English languages that meet 10% threshold (already in effect and applies to all health plans)

3. Section 1001: Culturally, Linguistically Appropriate Claims Appeals Process� Internal and external appeals processes must be C/L appropriate (already in effect and

applies to all health plans; threshold languages apply to this as well)

4. Section 1311(g): Incentive Payments in Health Plans for Reducing Disparities� One of the activities listed for rewarding quality through market-based incentives in

the exchanges (federal guidelines not released yet so not clear on who/how)

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Summary of Health Plan Progress

• Health plans interviewed and in literature reviews have all made good progress on implementing plain language and C/L competency measures, but there may be others that have not

• Many plans started relevant activities pre-ACA due to Medicaid rules, customer needs, and/or for quality efforts

• Many resources are available for plain language writing and implementing language access programs that can help other health plans and exchanges

Health Plan Challenges Ahead

• Short timelines, incomplete federal regs/guidance

• Most health plans used to marketing to employers and not directly to individuals, but if in an exchange, will need to reach individuals as well

• Diverse populations predicted to be a significant portion of exchange enrollees, with attendant cultural and linguistic needs

• Must translate/transcreate documents to be C/L competent, and decide if will offer in more than the minimum threshold languages and how to distribute

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Guidance Moving Forward

1. Fully integrate diversity and equity objectives in exchange mission, objectives, and planning

2. Work with trusted advocates and representatives who are reflective of diverse communities and are culturally and linguistically competent to provide appropriate and targeted outreach, education, and enrollment in the exchange

3. Ensure culturally and linguistically appropriate information, resources, and communication is provided by the exchange

4. Actively share and disseminate information on experiences, promising practices, and lessons learned in addressing diversity and equity in exchange planning

5. Use active purchasing to ensure good value and high quality in health plans sold through the exchange and a reasonable number of choices at each benefit level

Conclusions & Areas for Future Study

• The states and health plans profiled reveal many useful activities and best practices that can help others not as far along

• Much work has been done, but much more left this year to fully implement exchanges

• Future study on C/L competency in outreach and education, navigator and other assisters’ training and activities, and program evaluation should reveal useful lessons

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Supporting and Transitioning the Health Care Safety Net


• Expansion of Public Programs– Medicaid Expansion (§2001)

– CHIP Reauthorization and related outreach support (§2101; §10203)

• Support for Health Centers and Clinics– Community Health Centers (§5601)

– Nurse-Managed Health Clinics (§5208)

– Teaching Health Centers (§5508)

– School-Based Health Centers (§4101)

• New Requirements for Safety Net Hospitals– Reduction in Medicaid DSH Payments (§2551)

– Reduction in Medicare DSH Payments (§3133)

– Non-Profit Hospital Community Needs Assessment (§9007)

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Expansion of Public Programs

• Medicaid

– ACA required states to expand Medicaid income eligibility

to 138% FPL, or risk losing all federal matching funds

– Supreme Court ruled that states could not be coerced,

thus making expansion OPTIONAL!

– ACA provides 100% federal funding for new enrollees for

first 3 years, with matching funds declining to 90% in 2020

• Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

– Reauthorizes CHIP until at least Oct. 1, 2015

– Adds $40 mil. to existing outreach and enrollment funds

State Decisions on Medicaid

• 24 states + DC will expand• 14 states will not expand• 12 states undecided

• 24 states + DC will expand• 14 states will not expand• 12 states undecided

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Medicaid Eligibility by Race & Ethnicity


19.4% 18.7%








White Hispanic or Latino

African American Other

Percent of Population with Income below 138% FPL who will be Eligible for Medicaid in 2014, by Race and Ethnicity

Source: Kenney, G.M., Zuckerman, S., Dubay, L., Huntress, M., Lynch, V., Haley, J., & Anderson. (2012). Not Opting

in to the Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Who are the Uninsured Adults Who Could Gain Health Insurance

Coverage? Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Urban Institute.

6.8 million or 45% of Newly Eligible are Non-White

Who will be left out of Medicaid?

24 States +

DC Opting for Medicaid

14 States

Opting Out

12 States


< 138% FPL 3.4 mil 2.7 mil 0.7 mil

< 100% FPL n/a 2.1 mil 0.6 mil

Table produced with data from: Kenney, G.M., Zuckerman, S., Dubay, L., Huntress, M., Lynch, V., Haley, J., & Anderson. (2012). Not Opting in to the Medicaid Expansion under the ACA: Who are the Uninsured Adults Who

Could Gain Health Insurance Coverage? Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Urban Institute.

���� ~ 3.4 million Non-White diverse individuals in states expanding Medicaid will be eligible and potentially covered.

�~ 2.1 million Non-White diverse individuals with incomes below 100% FPL will have no source of new coverage under the ACA, in opt-out states. This

represents roughly half of all those left uninsured from Medicaid opt-out.

Number of Racially & Ethnically Diverse Individuals with Incomes Below 138% FPL & 100% FPL by State Decision Regarding Medicaid

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Health Centers & Clinics

• Considerable new support and funding for health centers through the ACA

• But cuts to discretionary funding for health centers which started in FY 2011, represent the first federal funding setback in almost 30 years!

• While ACA intended to increase capacity of health centers to serve 20 million new patients, funding cuts will only allow for 10 million new patients by 2015

• Given two-thirds of health center patients are racially and ethnically diverse, they are likely to feel the brunt

Community Health Centers

Funded by 2 streams:

• Annual discretionary

($2.2 bil before ACA)

• ACA established

Community Health

Center Fund

($11 bil, FY 2011-2015)

In FY 2011, discretionary

funding reduced by $600 mil.

Over 5 years, this will mean a

$3 billion cut to health centers.

ACA funding is being

redirected to offset losses in

supporting operations and

service capacity originally

funded by discretionary funds.

Note: HCTF refers to Health Center Trust Fund. Fiscal year funding in nominal dollars. Does not include the $1.5 billion of the HCTF committed for capital development projects.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation. Community Health Centers: The Challenge of Growing to Meet the Need for Primary Care in Medically Underserved Communities, March 2012. See:

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Other Health Centers & Clinics

• Nurse-Managed Health Clinics

– Authorized$50 mil in FY 2010 & SSAN for FY 2011-14

– Only received $14.8 mil in FY 2010

• Teaching Health Centers

– Authorized $100 mil for FY2010-2012; no funding to date

– THC Graduate Medical Education Payment program has

received $20 mil of the $230 mil authorized

• School-Based Health Centers

– Appropriated $200 mil in FY 2010-2013

– Received $175 mil

Safety Net Hospitals

• ACA reduces Medicaid DSH payments by $18 billion between

2014–2020, with larger cuts in latter years; Medicare DSH

spending is reduced by $22 billion over 10 years

– DSH payments help to defray costs of caring for low-income and

uninsured patients at hospitals—e.g., Medicaid DSH program finances

22% of unreimbursed care at public hospitals

– Cuts were added to the ACA with the assumption that through

Medicaid and insurance expansion, the number of uninsured would go

down, and these sources of funding would not be needed for hospitals;

Supreme Court decision on Medicaid altered the reality!

• Strengthens the community benefit obligation of nonprofit

hospitals by requiring a Community Health Needs Assessment

every 3 years, including mapping solutions for addressing

identified needs.

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The Safety Net at Crossroads

Safety Net Providers

Rising Competitive Pressures

Declining Funding

Populations at the Margin

Patient Insurance Volatility

Outreach & Education

Continuity of Care

“How do [safety

net providers]

navigate this new

system while

keeping their

souls intact?”–Key Informant

Three Emerging Scenarios for Safety Net Hospitals

Scenario 1:

Strong Institutions & Active Adaptation

Scenario 2:Stable Institutions,

Reactive Adaptation

Scenario 3: Challenged Institutions,

Less Supportive Environments

� States active in exchange development and Medicaid expansion� Financially strong institutions� Groundbreaking demonstrations and innovation� Seeing DSH cuts as less draconian and less of a priority as compared to competitive issues

� Financially stable institutions, but slower to adapt to reform for various reasons, such as being in less progressive states or places where reform is on a parallel trajectory. � Some innovation� Concerned about impact of DSH payment cuts.

� Financially challengedproviders� In states opposed to Medicaid expansion, these institutions will be especially hurt� Little focus on innovation� More focus on retaining existing patients� Very concerned about DSH payment cuts

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Guidance Moving Forward - 1

• Addressing DSH payment reductions in the context of optional Medicaid expansion

– In states not expanding Medicaid, there is potential for

erosion of DSH funds, with little change in uninsured

– Can federal government account for state Medicaid

decision in their allocation of DSH dollars?

– At the state level, states should:

• Target DSH payments to hospitals with greatest uncompensated

care and uninsured burden

• Consider linking DSH to services primarily used by uninsured

• Consider underinsured in allocations

• Consider investing DSH dollars to increase Medicaid payments for


Guidance Moving Forward - 2

• Developing integrated systems of care– Especially important to ensure continuity of care for patients

expected to churn and hop from month-to-month from being

uninsured to covered through exchanges or Medicaid; also important

to ensure access to specialty care

– To achieve this, hospitals, health centers, and other players will need

to work to address:

• Governance and control

• Technology and other infrastructure needs

• Design of payments and incentives including risk sharing

• Adaptation to new delivery models

• Development of measures of effectiveness

– Emerging Models: Cambridge Health Alliance; Colorado Regional

Collaborative Organizations; and Los Angeles County health center


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Guidance Moving Forward - 3

• Building the Community Health Needs Assessment to create healthier communities

– Opportunity to utilize these assessments for broadly creating healthy

communities and addressing disparities

– Steps for taking a broader approach include:

• Collaboration and broad, community-wide approach

• Systematic approach to collecting and measuring data, including

monitoring racial/ethnic disparities

– Emerging resources in the field:

• Public Health Institute’s “Best Practices for Community Health Needs

Assessment and Implementation Strategy Development”

• Consensus Statement from APHA, ASPH, ASTHO, NACCHO,

NALBOH, NNPHI, and PHF on “Maximizing Community Health Impact of

Community Health Needs Assessment…”

Guidance Moving Forward - 4

• Engaging state and local philanthropy to complement the ACA in supporting the safety net

– Philanthropic and foundation support will be critical to

help safety net systems transition and adapt. Support

may be provided to:

• Expand capacity at health centers—e.g., increasing staff, facility

improvement, and extended hours;

• Enhance health information technology;

• Hire more bilingual staff, interpreters, and build a more culturally

competent workforce

• Outreach and education, which is culturally and linguistically

appropriate, related to enrollment, access to care, and continuity

related issues

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Enhancing & Diversifying the Nation’s Health Care Workforce

Why Focus on Workforce Diversity?

Dentists Dental Hygienists Dental Assistants % of U.S.

PopulationNo. % No. % No %

White 138,866 76.3% 137,795 88.9% 217,288 69.2% 65.6%

Black 637 3.5% 3,410 2.2% 20,410 6.5% 12.2%

Asian 235 12.9% 4,340 2.8% 14,758 4.7% 4.5%

Hispanic 116 6.4% 7,440 4.8% 55,892 17.8% 15.4%

Total U.S. Dental Professionals by Race and Ethnicity, 2007

RNs* (2008) MDs** (2008) PAs*** (2007)% of U.S.

PopulationNo. % No. % No %

White 2,549,302 83.2% 353,311 75% 75,408 77.2% 65.6%

Black 165,352 5.4% 29,775 6.3% 7,606 7.8% 12.2%

Asian 169,454 5.5% 60,090 12.8% 5,382 5.5% 4.5%

Hispanic 109,387 3.6% 25,717 5.5% 8.053 8.2% 15.4%

AI/AN 18,099 0.6% 2,515 0.5% 470 0.5% 0.8%

Total U.S. Nurses, Physicians, & Physician Assistants by Race & Ethnicity, 2007-2008

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2007 as cited in: National Healthcare Disparities Report, 2009, AHRQ

*The Registered Nurse Population, Findings from the 2008 National Sample of Registered Nurses. September 2010. HHS/HRSA; **Diversity in the Physician Workforce: Facts & Figures 2010, AAMC; ***Xiaoxing, H, et al. National trends in the United States of America physician assistant workforce from 1980 to 2007. Human Resources for Health, 7.

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1. Increasing Supply & Diversity of Health Workforce

– Loan repayment programs; Training support for primary care

physicians, physician assistants, direct care workers, dentists,

mental health providers, nurses, and community health workers

2. Workforce Support for Safety Net

– National Health Service Corps; Interdisciplinary, community-based

linkages; Redistribution of GME slots to underserved communities

3. Cultural Competency Education & Training

– Cultural competence in pain care management; Cultural competency

training & model curricula; workforce demonstrations

4. Health Workforce Investment in Academic Settings

– HBCUs & minority-serving institutions; Centers of Excellence; Health care

professionals training for diversity

5. Health Workforce Evaluation & Assessment

– National Health Care Workforce Commission; State health care workforce development grants

Supply & Diversity of Workforce

• Titles VII & VII of Public Health Services Act mainly geared

toward helping to increase supply & diversity in workforce

– Title VII: encourage health care workers to practice in underserved

areas, increase number of primary care providers, increase number of

under-represented minorities

– Title VIII: aimed at training advanced practice nurses & increasing

number of minority students in nursing programs

• ACA reauthorizes & strengthens Title VII & VII Programs,

particularly those aimed at increasing supply and diversity of

primary care providers. For example:

– Primary Care Training & Enhancement Program was authorized $125

mil & such sums as necessary for FY 2010-2013, and by 2012, already

received $315 mil from discretionary & other funds.

– General, pediatric & public health dentists were appropriated $30 mil

& such sums as necessary for FY 2010-2013, received $52 mil by 2012.

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Workforce Support for Safety Net

• ACA reauthorizes & increases funding for National Health Service Corps (NHSC), originally authorized under PHSA to encourage medical residents to commit to serving in medically underserved areas

– ACA has grown the NHSC workforce three times

– 46% practice at community health centers

– 13% African American, 10% Hispanic, 9% Asian/PI & American Indian

• Authorizes redistribution of unfilled Graduate Medical Education (GME) residency positions to areas with provider shortages

– Rule issued: 70% of slots to hospitals in states with lowest resident-

to-population ratios; 30% to hospitals located in rural or health

professional shortage areas

– Of 58 hospitals which received increases in slots, half located in cities

or localities where more than 50% of population is Non-White

Cultural Competence

• Authorizes HRSA to establish new grants program to train health care professionals in diagnosis, treatment, or management of acute or chronic pain. Explicit requirement to address cultural, linguistic, literacy and geographic barriers. No funding to date.

• Authorizes a grant program to develop, evaluate, and disseminate research, demonstration projects, and model curricula for cultural competency to reduce health disparities. No funding to date.

• Creates new demonstration grants program to develop training competencies—including for cultural & linguistic competence and sensitivity—for geriatric & long term care. Of $15 mil authorized, $13 mil received in FY 2010-2012.

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Investment in Academic Settings

• $ 255 mil in mandatory funding for minority-serving institutionsthrough 2019:

– $100 mil for Hispanic Serving Institutions

– $100 mil for HBCUs & Predominantly Black Institutions

– $35 mil to Tribal Colleges & Universities & Native American colleges

– $15 mil to Alaska & Hawaiian Native Institutions

– $5 mil to Asian American & Pacific Islander Institutions

• Increases funding for Centers of Excellence which aim to enhance diversity of health workforce. In FY 2010-2012, $150 mil was authorized, though only $72 mil was received.

• Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students (SDS), received $145 mil in FY 2010-2012.

• Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP), received $$59 mil in FY 2010-2012

Workforce Assessment & Evaluation

• National Healthcare Workforce Commission

– ACA authorized the creation of a new entity to coordinate health care

workforce activities, evaluate workforce needs, and identify solutions.

– In Sept 2010, 15 Commission members were announced

– No funding to date

– Strictly not permitted to conduct business without federal funding

• State Healthcare Workforce Development Grants

– Competitive HRSA grant program to award planning grants to

conduct analysis of workforce needs and identify

solutions, resources, partners, at the state level

– While $158 mil authorized in FY 2010, only $6 mil appropriated

– Such sums as necessary for FY 2011-2012, but $0 appropriated

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Remaining Challenges - 1

• Continued shortage of health professionals, especially in highly diverse areas

– AAMC estimates that by 2020, following ACA’s insurance expansion there will be a shortage of 45,400 primary care physicians

– Largest increases in demand are expected in many states with large diverse populations—e.g., Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma

– Demand will also be greater in regions which currently have larger number of uninsured and fewer primary care providers

– Shortage of subspecialists also expected, which will disproportionately impact diverse populations who already have trouble obtain specialty care

Remaining Challenges - 2

• Limited dedicated funding for workforce innovation– Provisions other than those focused on primary care workforce

supply have either not been funded or have received limited funding—e.g., National Healthcare Workforce Commission, State Planning Grants, Cultural Competency Training, and community health workers

• Reluctance to pursue cultural competence as priority– Several unfunded provisions focus on cultural competency

– Interviews revealed cultural competency is not a priority in many health care settings, citing the need to tie it to quality of care. “What moves institutions is reimbursement for quality of care.”

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Challenges Ahead - 3

• Greater need to recognize importance of working with and supporting community-based settings & minority-serving institutions

– Community-based settings such as health centers, community clinics, and community hospitals offer an opportunity to both train and serve diverse individuals

– Minority-serving institutions, in many cases, are the only avenue in some diverse communities for achieving higher education and pursing health profession careers

Moving Forward - 1

• Expanding Scope of Practice

– To address primary care shortages, particularly in diverse

settings, states may consider giving Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs)

and Physicians Assistants (PAs) greater latitude to practice

– Research shows that care provided by APNs & PAs is “as safe and

effective as care provided by doctors” and that APNs can provide

~80% of care that primary care physicians provide

• Encouraging Interdisciplinary Team-Based Care

– Team-based approaches involving culturally diverse and bilingual

community health workers, case managers, nurses

– Approach is linked to greater quality of care and patient satisfaction

– Also linked to greater adherence, improved general health, lower ED

visits and hospital readmissions

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Moving Forward - 2

• Leveraging Resources provided through the ACA with

Philanthropic Support– Can provide scholarship and loan assistance for under-represented

minorities; mentorship programs; support workforce assessments at

state/local levels; cultural competency training, etc.

• Evaluating Health Care Workforce Diversity

Needs, Capacity, and Outcomes– Workforce diversity should be incorporated in any national, state, or local

assessments of health care workforce supply and demand

– Collaborating with other partners in the community to undertake

assessment—e.g., Community Health Needs Assessment requirement for

nonprofit hospitals

– Need to assess effectiveness of recruitment & retention programs aimed at

diverse students and faculty

– Need for evaluation of cultural competency efforts

Preview of Our Reports on:Data, Research, & Quality

andPublic Health & Prevention

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Data, Research, & QualityP




Level of Progress

Good Moderate Poor

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute √

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation √

Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program √

Data by Race, Ethnicity and Language √

National Strategy for Quality Improvement √

Interagency Group on Health Care Quality √

Minority Health in HHS Offices √

Pediatric Accountable Care Organizations √

Disparities Research in Post-Partum Depression √

Develop, Improve & Evaluate Quality Measures √

Cultural Competency Research & Curriculum √

Data, Research, & Quality: Progress, Challenges, & Next Steps

• Need for adequate support and funding to sustain programs in long-run –

e.g., the Offices of Minority Health in federal agencies and PCORI which is

only authorized until 2019.

• Need to ensure that data, research, and quality initiatives explicitly link to

disparities objectives. Of all grantees that have been funded through

various ACA grants, only some explicitly address health equity.

• Given short term funding for several ACA initiatives, it is important for

researchers to focus on measurable impact.

• Need to monitor the impact of these programs to ensure they do not

have the adverse affect of exacerbating racial/ethnic disparities—e.g.,

hurting financially-strapped hospitals which disproportionately serve low-income minority patients by penalizing them for lower quality.

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Public Health & Prevention

Good Moderate Poor

Community Transformation Grants ($103 m) √

Maternal & Child Home Visiting ($91 m) √

Personal Responsibility Education ($154 m) √

Clinical & Community Prev. Services Taskforce √

National Prevention Strategy & Fund ($515 m) √

Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer Programs ($36 m) √

Reauthor. of Indian Health Care Improv. Act √

National Oral Health Campaign √




Level of Progress

Public Health & Prevention: Progress, Challenges, and Next Steps

• All provisions funded have shown at least some emphasis on

health equity or disparities

• Under some provisions, the majority of grant programs to

states, communities, and non-profits have explicit focus on

health disparities:

• All 3 Childhood Obesity Demonstration Project grantees; the majority

of personal responsibility education grantees; at least 2/3 of CTGs

• Funding

• Threats to Prevention and Public Health Fund – “slush fund”

• County or state health departments tempted to use funds to “plug

holes” in existing programs

• Questions remain re: sustainability of funds and ACA supported


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Where Do We Go from Here?

Governmental Roles & Functions

• Continuing to track federal guidance,

congressional action, budget implications

– Federal announcements, emerging guidance, and reports

– Congressional deliberations around ACA

– Financing actions—e.g., impact of sequestration

• Documenting the evolving role and scope of

state/local governments in ACA implementation

– Government role in exchange development

– State oversight in advancing ACA related opportunities

– Financing decisions—e.g., safety net funding

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Health Care Providers & Communities

• Health sector response and actions– ACA planning, initiatives, and innovations

• Emerging community-based efforts and

concerns – Engagement of diverse communities in implementation

and innovation

– Early indicators of impact—e.g., enrollment

Next Steps

• Given the evolving nature of implementation, THI will continue to monitor progress of equity and diversity provisions

• THI will produce new updates and analysis on the five reports, to be released in Fall 2013

• For questions or feedback, please contact Nadia Siddiqui at [email protected]

• To access reports and resources, visit:
