


Welcome members to 2015. I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful break with your loved ones, family and friends over Christmas.

I would just like to say welcome to our new and ex i s t ing members for the first newsletter of 2015. Although it is the start of the year and businesses are just getting back into the swing o f t h i n g s , I h a v e b e e n searching for another trainer for a seminar in Late August early September this year which will be held in Sydney again at the Radisson Hotel and Suites. It is looking very promising so please look out for all details in the May Newsletter when dates will be confirmed. Just to give you a hint – Not female.

We have a big year ahead. Some members are attending t h e B r a n k o s e m i n a r i n M e l b o u r n e ( a s I ) i n Microbladding, and we have Linda Dixon coming in March at the Gold Coast for a two day seminar 22nd Sunday and Monday 23rd.

Also Donna has organised the Infection Control day on the Tuesday 24th which will be a full

day, so any members who are not

already certified in this then please don’t miss out as only $150.00 Normally $450.00. If you are not attending seminar it will be worth your while attending if you are able as soon all tattooists will need to provide t h i s c e r t i f i c a t e a n d t h e Association has provided you a great discount to keep up to date. Members can pay into the A.C.T account by transfer, and then I w i l l see your payments and send you out your receipts and information. All money needs to be in by 1/03/2015 by latest.

In July we will be advertising in t h e P r o f e s s i o n a l b e a u t y magazine, so I will be trying to get a bigger advert now to advertise member’s business details as much as possible. I will be letting all members’ know when it is confirmed and what size we can have. Please keep a look out.

I do welcome any feedback from members on how we can i m p r o v e a n d h e l p t h e A s s o c i a t i o n b e t h e b e s t around, so please forward all i n fo r mat ion in emai l (a l l communication is private and confidential) and I can discuss your concerns or help.

Please read all information in Newsletter, enjoy it and further information about August seminar will come your way soon.

Remember if you are not receiving any correspondence from the A.C.T during the year please contact me personally by email.

Paula Reali ACT President/Treasurer



Don’t forget the Annual ACT Conference will be held on the Gold Coast this

year with Linda Dixon


Sunday 22nd, Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th March 2015

As this is already booked out, we should say so but advise we still

have 5 places for “Infection Control” course to be held same venue on

Tuesday 24th March . As a financial member you only pay $150 not

($450) once you pay your $150 you are required to log onto: and register, at this point you will be asked to

complete the short numeracy and literacy test (this is now a

Government requirement to enable receipt of an Accredited Certificate

such as this. Once the test is filled out on line you will be forwarded

Theory to complete before 24th March. Richard from Ezetraining will

be the trainer for the day which begins at 9-4p.m.Further details on the

event will be emailed to you within the next couple of weeks.

Accommodation is available but limited due to time constraints, however when

calling the Mecure, please mention the ACT conference to receive members

rates. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Treasurers Report I cannot stress enough the importance of filling out a new membership form straight from the web site page and complete all current work details.

This happens only once a year and this is how we keep the web site and your current details on file for you. This is the only way we contact you is by phone or email, therefore whenever you change your phone, or email, or business name we would like to know to keep the web site current. And please try and look on the web site every now and then to keep track of your photo or details and please let us know if any changes need to be done.

This is to help you promote your business, it is not my only job for the Association so you must take control and help us keep it current for you.

Team work is needed.

Thank you.

Paula Reali.


Dear Members,

Welcome to our 2015 Newsletter

Exciting news with Dr. Linda Dixon coming to present our Queensland March conference which unfortunately was fully sold out with a few days. But please don't forget if you miss her presentation there is still room if you wish to attend the "Infection Control Certificate Class" presented by Ezy Training this is to be held Tuesday 24th March at the Mecure Gold Coast. Usually $450 if you are a member you pay only $150 so your membership has paid for itself.

Member Margot Jaillet recently attended the Nouveau conference in Amsterdam and reports the following:

" I have recently returned from the PMU World Conference what a spectacular and informative event and extremely well presented by the worldwide speakers. I had the chance to meet attendees from all over the world, why the attended were the following reasons: to learn new techniques, keeping up to date in the industry, and networking, plus being able to combine business with pleasure.

I met with and had photos taken with many of the presenters, like Anna-Maria Finelli who has been a professional permanent makeup consultant for over 20 years and has been teaching Micro pigmentation since 1995, she opened her own institute in Rome in 2003.She taught the pout effect by implanting a white tone in the centre of the lip top and bottom.

Mayne Chi from China is a prominent expert in the field of permanent makeup he specialises in Eyebrows and Lips. He is President of the Hong Kong International CICA Association of Esthetics and chief designer of UK Gimmay Colour Makeup and chief designer of Royal Swiss International Cosmetic Plastic Institute. He lectured on how to achieve the perfect brow with structure and shape, he delivered his presentation in an almost hilarious way which captivated his entire audience.

Karen Betts from London also delivered a fantastic presentation, I am so pleased to be able to update my techniques, it is so important for all Cosmetic Tattoo Therapists to continue their education, I look forward to the 2105 Association Seminars this year.


If learning to work on scar, firstly start on body work, not the face.

I Camouflage is all about Artistry - the colour choices that you make needle size and technique . Most important is the texture and skin tone of your client.

Clients need camouflage for various reasons, a previous tattoo gone wrong, a scar that looks obvious, a facial feature that has been changed via surgery leaving obvious scars, a cleft lip, an accident victim, a disfigurement by fire, a disease that has left a scar or disfigurement.

If you are a technician who does camouflage skin re pigmentation or you are thinking of taking this on, you must have more empathy than you can ever imagine! Sympathizing and empathizing are an integral part of the whole procedure. Remember you cannot erase a scar but we can help disguise it, but it will never be a perfect match.

Camouflage pigments are permanent in nature but will not change with temporary skin tone changes such as a sun tan. Some clients are suitable for this procedure other are not good candidates:

Is the client looking for perfection? is the scar less than 6 months old? is the scar still red or pink? if so they are not a good candidate.

Camouflaging is my speciality I work in Sydney with Plastic Surgeons and have experienced great client response and when I first started I believed I could help everyone, how wrong can one be.

I first worked with Vitiligo clients, complete satisfaction is rare, I find I get about a 60% totally happy client ratio. However most of these clients are very happy even with slight improvement. What I have found is that I now try skin needling and wait 1 month before I apply any pigment colour, in about 25% of cases I find their own melanin start regenerating and we get colour come through in the area.

We have to be aware of hyper pigmentation, you can easily make the area much darker especially on the edges with the intrusion of your needle. This occurs more with ethnic skin tones.

Remember the lessons we learn with cosmetic tattoo when we work on healthy skin is thrown out the window, you are now working on damaged skin.

Some patients wish for a miracle and want immediate results, with camouflage this can take months to achieve the best results, or like one client of mine a bomb victim I worked on him for just on 12 months, to finally achieve a fantastic result. This client has shrapnel through his face into the dermis through the muscle and onto the bone, so I knew no amount of camouflage pigment would cover, what I needed was titanium dioxide which is found in white and some skin tones, I required a colour that had a high percentage of titanium as I knew it would come to the surface (which is why I normally do not use it in regular work) as usually we want our camouflage pigment to go into the skin and mix with the colour we want to reduce.

Never work on:

Port wine birthmarks (I tried back some 19 years ago) they have an enormous blood supply and bleeding is our enemy with pigment. Spider veins (suggest sclerotherapy or laser) Under eye black circles(disaster that can never be fixed)Hyper pigmentation (you may make it darker) Vitiligo( that is not in remission) Freckles (suggest chemical peels or laser to lighten) Age spots (suggest laser )

The more colour in the client's skin the more blue in the skin, many olive skins will appear sallow and some look very warm, do not be fooled as these tones will ash out.


Use our professional judgement and artistic eye to evaluate what the scar really needs, is it laser or resurfacing or hydroquinone to lighten or tattooing to neutralise or dimish the colour. Be conservative! Scar tissue cannot be second guessed in its response to pigment retention, over working the scar tissue can create necrosis. The thickness of the scar will influence the final colour and outcome. Remember it is easier to deal with a scar that rejects pigment more than one that grabs too much pigment.


Most machines can render a good result, although I find the digital with medical grade needles my choice. If working with a rotary beware of skin snag.


The larger needle configuration reduces potential skin trauma.

The longer taper less skin trauma

Open configuration less skin trauma

If you feel this work is for you give me a call on our office no 1800 024 050 for a personal class in Paramedical Tattoo.

Donna  Moody-­‐Mar+n  Vice  President  

Make the Most of Your Membership with ACT through

Affinity Alliance Rewards

View the Jan 2015 Emag Here







Be sure to take advantage

of all that is on offer… By now you should all be aware that ACT is affiliated with Affinity Alliance Rewards and as a result of this cohesion, all ACT members are entitled to access a wide range of benefits and discounts offered from a large range of businesses, retailers and organisations.

These benefits range from:

• Insurances (Business, Home, Contents, Travel, Life, Super etc)

• Legal Advice

• HR/IR Advice & Training

• Financial & Banking Services

• Merchant Facilities

• Retail Shopping

• Travel & Accommodation

• Discounted Dining Offers

• Health & Wellbeing

• Discounted Leisure Activities

• and so much more…

For you to be able to take advantage of all that is on offer, simply login to the A f fi n i t y A l l i a n c e w e b s i t e Login using your username and password. Your username is your membership number and your password is your surname as in Jones being case sensitive. This is also on your membership card, which if you have not already received, please contact our head office on 1300 793 044 and we will reissue for you.

Once you have logged into the members portal you will then have access to the ACT Members Directory. This booklet is your key to all of your benefits. You can flick through each page which displays all benefits and how each of them can be accessed. If at any time, you have any issues with accessing your benefits or login, please ensure to let the Affinity Alliance team know so we can rectify this immediately and have you back on track in no time. Our friendly staff are on all 24/7, so do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 793 044. We look forward to you utilising your benefits and we will update you on new benefits as they come available.

Please ensure that you like us on Facebook- as this will ensure that you do not miss out on any special offers.

Happy Shopping!



Roslyn Norris CompetitionInformation for the Competition is on the web site for details.

Just a brief overview of how it is judged. A panel of three usually consisting of President, Vice and Master trainer that year sit down and look over the entrants, although this year there was only myself and Sue Farley who got to look at the entrants and I thought it was best that Sue made the final decision on who won. Sue looks at the following things:

1. Symmetry in all sections, Brows, Lips, eyes.

2. Placement of pigment (if pigment has bleed etc).

3. Definition of Hairstrokes.

4. Design

We know that the client always has the last say in what they would like also. The work that is sent in MUST

1. Be presented on time.

2. Presentation in a folder, photo book or hard cover book.

3. Must have before, after and healed photos and be close up and clear.

4. Client history form signed by client (copies only).

5. The form printed of from web site clearly stating what section you are entering in.

It is important for members to know that the work that they submit is not criticised in any way but looked at the way the Trainers would teach in class. As the Master trainers we bring out in the Association are the best to help give guidance to the entrants.

I must apologise that usually we do have the trainer write a message to the entrants to help with their work in future but with this year we were very time poor with Sue and with the layout of seminar.

In future we will be getting the trainers to help with guidance for future entrants.

Please make sure all entries are on time for next year.

All requests are taken into consideration and I hope I have given you some better insight into the competition.

Judging is very fair and we would like to see more members have the opportunity to enter in as it is a prestigious award and it does help grow your business.

Please send all entries to ACT Head Office.

Best of luck in the future.

Don’t forget to check out our website…Let us know of

any change of details

Go to









Tarnya Makarenko

“2014 Novice Cosmetic Tattooist of the Year”


These are several superlatives a client wrote today, after her eyebrow procedure. Having only completed my Cosmetic Tattooing course 2 years ago, I feel very humbled that I have come such a long way in a short period of time and was awarded the "Roslyn Norris 2014 Best Novice Cosmetic Tattooist”.

A pivotal moment in my career came when I became a member of The Association of Cosmetic Tattoo, and attended the 2013, with guest trainer Sue Farley. I didn't know anyone, but was greeted with open arms from Paula Reali, and soon I was mingling with amazing tattooists that I had been secretly stalking on-line!!! (In the back of my mind I was asking myself, "How can I become as good as Tina Hammond?" and "How does Caroline Broes create those jaw-dropping eyeliners?”)

Feeling slightly star-struck and overwhelmed, I was honestly shocked at how welcoming and friendly all of the ladies were. Members, Lyn O'Conner and Jennifer Marshall, had no hesitation sharing their wealth of knowledge with a complete stranger.

Today, I feel very grateful to call these wonderful, talented, supportive women friends. The association has given me the confidence to ask questions and network with the most knowledgeable professionals in the business.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who have encouraged me to strive. I am forever grateful to the Association Of Cosmetic Tattoo, becoming a member was the best decision I ever made. I continue to aim for excellence with every single cosmetic tattooing procedure I do, and I can't wait to see everyone again in 2015.

Skin Penetration Hygiene Standards Wendy Peters

One  thing  I  am  absolutely  pedan4c  about  is  Hygiene  standards  in  my  clinic.    I  have  seen  some  very  poor  hygiene  standards  and  heard  some  disturbing  comments  over  the  years,  whether  that  is  at  a  seminar,  at  a  Trainer’s  college  or  even  most  recently  in  a  private  hospital  following  an  opera4on  to  remove  a  tumour  in  my  face!  

The  day  a@er  my  opera4on,  when  the  wound  was  fresh  and  caked  in  blood,  my  husband  asked  the  nurse  if  she  might  clean  the  area  for  me.    She  came  into  the  room  with  her  sterile  dressing  pack,  ,  she  washed  her  hands,    undid  pack,  got  everything  ready,  put  on  her  gloves,  all  going  well  so  far……….and  then  closed  the  door  with  her  gloved  hands!    I  was  actually  quite  shocked.    Who  knows  who  might  have  touched  the  door  handle  and  what  germs  they  might  be  carrying.    I  asked  her  if  it  would  be  a  good  idea  to  change  her  gloves  as  she  had  just  touched  the  handle,  she  seemed  firstly  surprised  at  my  comment,  then  a  bit  embarrassed  and  then  quickly  changed  them.    This  was  an  open  wound  very  suscep4ble  to  infec4on  and  cross  contamina4on.  She  was  absolutely  in  breach  of  hygiene  standards  and  the  next  day  asked  me  what  I  did  for  a  living,  when  I  told  her  I  was  a  permanent  make  up  technician  and  owned  a  Family  Medical  Prac4ce  I  think  she  went  into  panic  mode  that  I  might  report  her.  

Some  other  things  I  have  no4ced  along  the  way,  pigment  boLles,  anaesthe4c  boLles  being  handled    during  a  procedure  with  contaminated  gloved  hands,  bins  overflowing,  lights  not  being  covered,  chairs  being  moved  with  dirty  glove.    I  heard  at  a  recent  seminar  that  a  technician  only  uses  one  pair  of  gloves  per  treatment  (not  necessarily  her  fault  as  she  had  not  been  taught  about  cross  contamina4on);  I  can  honestly  say  the  minimum  I  get  through  are  3  pairs  per  treatment,  they  cost  a  few  cents  per  pair.      

Always  remember  hygiene  standards  are  to  protect  you  as  well  as  your  client  from  cross  contamina4on.  

Here  are  some  golden  rules  that  should  never  be  broken,  they  may  seem  very  obvious,  but  it  never  hurts  to  remind  ourselves:  

1.   Wash  hands  before  puUng  gloves  on,  wash  hands  whenever  you  take  your  gloves  off,  and  before  puUng  a  new  pair  on.  

2.   Wear  a  disposable  apron,  and  then  if  you  need  to  move  your  stool  you  can  grab  it  through  the  plas4c  and  not  with  contaminated  gloves.  

3.   Cover  everything  you  may  touch  during  a  treatment  with  barrier  film  i.e.:  switch  and  the  handle  on  mag  lamp,  switch  control  on  electric  bed,  mirror,  pigment  holder,  machine,  and  head  piece.  Change  a@er  every  client  and  disinfect  your  workspace  (using  hospital  grade  disinfectant).    

4.   Clients  should  not  be  lying  on  towels  that  are  not  covered  with  disposable  bed  covers.  

5.   Do  not  leave  anything  on  your  working  trolley  that  is  not  disposable  during  a  treatment.  

6.   If  you  need  to  touch  anything  outside  of  your  working  area  during  a  treatment,  ie:  more  pigment,  buds,  anaesthe4c,  you  must  remove  your  gloves,  wash  your  hands.    Put  on  new  gloves  before  star4ng  again.  

7.   Your  bin  should  operate  via  a  foot  pedal  and  should  not  be  allowed  to  overflow.  

8.   When  you  take  your  a@er  photo  you  should  not  be  wearing  contaminated  gloves  and  your  hands  should  have  been  washed.  

Technicians  in  Queensland  have  to  take  the  Tafe  Course  –  Personal  Appearance  Service  in  Office  Prac4ce  SeUng  qualifica4on  before  they  can  get  their  premises  licenced  to  carry  out  skin  penetra4on.    I  believe  this  now  applies  to  all  States.  

This is a unique opportunity - SKINIAL is the fastest growing international non-laser tattoo removal company, you too could join the growing number of ACCT members who now have a Skinial franchise added to their business!

25% of Australians sport tattoos and up to 50% will want one or more removed at some time.

Since our launch in Australia, 20 Skinial Studios have opened in just over 12 months. Many of those are from the field of Permanent Makeup, we also have several Registered Nurses and Doctors offering Skinial treatments, so you would be joining a professional group who have realised the potential to get in at the start of a growing trend.

• Low Cost Entry - Quick Return on Investment

• High Profit Margins - a treatment charged to client at $450 will cost you $40 (most tattoos require several treatments)

• One Time Investment - no ongoing royalties or advertising levies

• International Brand Strategy, which brings you clients via the website where you will be represented

• Simple Franchise System

• Exclusive Territory

• Full Training

• Can be performed by ancillary staff





Master Franchisor Australia & New Zealand Phone: 0404 133 021 or Email: [email protected]

Advertising Booking Form

Please fill in the following information if you wish to advertise in the next quarterly issue of ACT Newsletter…


Contact Person

Role of Contact Person

Street Address 1

Street Address 2


State Post Code


E-Mail Address Phone Number

Please provide own artwork at cost of $150 payable to Association of Cosmetic Tattoo. Format is to be A4 PDF file and emailed to [email protected]

Should you wish our team to setup the artwork for you, please email [email protected] for advertising rates or alternatively call 1300 793 044 for

more information.


PH: 0488 111 525 E: [email protected]