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AICI  Membership  Application  July  2013   Page  1    


AICI  Membership  Application  Your  opportunity  to  be  a  part  of  the  leading,  and  largest,  professional  association  of  personal  and  corporate  image  consultants  worldwide.  

 The  Association  of  Image  Consultants  International  (AICI)  is  a  non-­‐profit  organization;  AICI  is  dedicated  to  advancing  the   level   of   professionalism   and   enhancing   the   recognition   of   image   consultants.   Our   members   counsel   both  individual   and   corporate   clients   on   appearance,   behavior,   communication   skills,   etiquette   and   international  protocol.   As   experts   in   image   consulting,   our   members   guide   clients   to   achieve   their   specific   goals   with  authenticity,  credibility  and  confidence.      AICI  Members  enjoy  the  benefits  of:  

• Connecting  their  professional  skills  to  companies  and  individuals  seeking  image  consulting  services.  • Attendance  at  the  world’s  premier  annual  image  consulting  conference  at  reduced  rates.  • Being  part  of  association  that  acts  as  the  voice  of  the  image  consulting  profession  and  the  media’s  

definitive  source  for  experts  on  current  issues  and  events  that  may  affect  the  image  profession.    • Being  part  of  a  membership  that  is  growing  rapidly,  with  approximately  1300  members  located  in  over  50  

countries,  and  with  regional  chapters  throughout  North  America,  South  America,  Europe,  Asia  and  Australia.    

• Having  access  to  a  wealth  of  Continuing  Education  Units  (CEU)  opportunities  through  AICI's  ongoing  educational  programs  and  continuing  professional  development  in  conjunction  with  its  Annual  Conference  and  other  regional  programs  worldwide.  

• Opportunity  to  enhance  professional  qualifications  through  a  three-­‐tiered  certification  program.    • Communication  and  networking  opportunities  with  fellow  members  through  the  AICI's  weekly  Member  

Minute,  bi-­‐monthly  AICI  Connections  online  newsletter,  Image  Update  Magazine,  Annual  Conference  and  local  chapter  events.    

• Being  part  of  an  association  that  assists  members  in  building  their  businesses  by  continually  upgrading  the  resources,  development  tools,  and  technical  knowledge  that  are  essential  to  effective  self-­‐presentation  and  communication.    


AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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AICI  Membership  Application  Guidelines    Section  1  -­‐  Personal  Information  In  this  section  we  capture  your  personal  information  in  order  to  maintain  contact  with  you.    On  endorsement  of  your  membership,  this  information  also  will  be  used  to  include  you  into  the  online  AICI  membership  directory.    Section  2  -­‐  Membership  Category  -­‐  It  is  important  you  choose  a  Membership  that  is  the  right  fit  for  you.    General  Membership  is  suitable  for:  

• Individuals  already  qualified  as  a  professional  image  consultant.    • Individuals  currently  undergoing  training  to  become  an  image  consultant,  or  within  the  field  of  image  who  

have  completed  a  minimum  of  twenty  (20)  hours  of  professional  training  in  topics  of  image  that  are  within  the  AICI  Core  Competencies.    A  list  of  these  core  competencies  can  be  found  on  Page  8.of  this  application.  


Affiliate  Membership  is  suitable  for:  • Individuals  working  in  a  business  affiliated  with  the  image  industry.  • Individuals  working  within  the  image  industry  who  have  not  undergone  training  as  an  image  consultant,  or  

within  the  field  of  image.      Section  3  -­‐  Chapter  Affiliation  (Only  applicable  to  'General  Membership'  applications).  Where  do  you  turn  when  you  want  to  tap  into  the  expertise  of  local  and  international  image  consultants?  There’s  no  better  source  than  AICI  Chapters,  where  AICI  carries  out  its  mission  to  educate,  support,  and  promote  image  professionals  around  the  globe.    As  an  AICI  General  or  Affiliate  Member,  you  can  attend  chapter  meetings  that  provide  ongoing  education,  networking  opportunities  and  support  in  your  area.    Here,  you  can  attend  exciting  presentations  and  educational  workshops,  meet  local  and  international  image  consultants  face-­‐to-­‐face,  exchange  ideas,  referrals,  and  network  with  image  professionals.    If  you  are  a  new  Image  Consultant,  this  is  a  great  opportunity  to  find  a  mentor  who  can  guide  you  to  the  next  level  in  the  image  consulting  profession.    In  this  section  you  can  identify  which  chapter  you  would  like  to  be  affiliated  with.  

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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       AICI  Membership  Application  Guidelines  Cont...      Section  4  -­‐  Professional  Preparation  (Only  applicable  to  'General  Membership'  applications).  In  order  to  apply  for  a  AICI  general  membership,  applicants  must  have  successfully  completed  a  minimum  of  twenty  (20)  hours  of  professional  training  in  topics  of  image  that  are  within  the  AICI  Core  Competencies.    A  list  of  these  core  competencies  can  be  found  on  Page  8  of  this  application.    

In  this  section  list  the  training  programs,  courses,  seminars  or  workshops  you  have  attended  that  were  offered  by  a  recognized  educational  provider.    

To  qualify  as  validation  one  of  the  following  documentations  must  accompany  the  application  form;  • Certificate  of  current  attendance  in  training  and  course  description.  • Certificate  of  completion  of  training  and  course  description.  • Letter  of  confirmation  on  training  company’s  letterhead,  which  includes  course  title,  dates  of  attendance,  

length  of  program,  and  confirmation  of  attendance  and  course  description.    Section  5  -­‐  Experience  &  Expertise  Our  AICI  general  members  have  the  opportunity  to  become  part  of  an  AICI  Task  Force  Team  and  play  a  major  role  in  the  process  to  continually  upgrade  AICI's  resources,  development  tools,  and  technical  knowledge.  All  of  which  are  essential  to  the  growth  and  development  of  our  members  and  the  association.    In  this  section  you  have  the  opportunity  to  list  your  personal  experience  and  expertise.  This  will  allows  us  to  match  your  talents  to  an  appropriate  task  force,  should  you  have  the  desire  to  become  involved  as  a  trail  blazer  in  the  world  of  image.    Section  6  -­‐  Specialties  Many  of  our  AICI  members  specialize  in  specific  areas.    Use  this  section  to  identify  any  specialized  services  you  are  able  to  offer.    This  valuable  information  will  be  included  in  AICI's  online  member  directory  and  allows  individuals  looking  for  specific  image  consulting  services  to  filter  the  AICI  online  directory  and  find  you  that  much  faster.    Please  Note:  This  section  of  the  application  is  different  from  section  5,  experience  and  expertise.    Your  specialties  are  used  to  identify  your  strengths  by  potential  clients.    Whilst  your  experience  and  expertise  are  used  internally  to  record  the  valuable  wealth  of  knowledge  you  bring  to  the  membership.  

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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       AICI  Membership  Application  Guidelines  Cont...      Section  7  -­‐  Personal  Profile  On  endorsement  of  your  membership  you  will  be  added  to  the  AICI's  online  directory  which  is  used  by  individuals  looking  for  image  consulting  services.    Within  this  directory  members  can  place  their  personal  profile.    This  is  an  opportunity  for  you  to  introduce  yourself  and  to  articulate  your  individual  business  and  the  services  you  provide.    Your  personal  profile  serves  as  a  window  to  your  passion  and  professionalism,  which  in  turn  will  inspire  potential  clients  to  contact  you.    You  may  like  to  consider  the  following  questions  when  submitting  your  personal  profile:    

• What  inspired  you  to  become  an  image  professional?  • Why  are  you  passionate  about  what  you  do?  • How  will  a  client  benefit  from  your  services?  • Why  should  a  client  choose  you?  

 Application  Approval  All  applications  to  AICI  for  membership  are  reviewed  by  the  end  of  the  2nd  week  of  every  month.    Once  a  membership  application  has  been  submitted  it  will  remain  pending  until  approval  is  given.    If  a  membership  application  is  not  approved,  applicants  will  be  informed  by  AICI  and  all  full  refund  of  membership  fees  will  be  given.    

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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AICI  Membership  Application  Form    

Section  1  -­‐  Personal  Information    First  Name:  ___________________________Middle  Initial:  _______Surname:  ______________________________    Company  Name:  ____________________________________________________Title:________________________    Street  Address:  _____________________________________________________________City:  ________________    State/Province:  __________________________________________________Country:________________________    Zip/Postal  Code:  _____________Phone:  _____________________________Fax:  ____________________________    Email:  ___________________________________________Website:  _____________________________________    Section  2  -­‐  Membership  Category    I  am  applying  for  a:    

  General  Membership  -­‐  Business  owner,  corporate  employee,  or  student  in  the  field  of  image  consulting     with  a  minimum  of  twenty  (20)  hours  of  qualified  training.  Annual  Fee  $285.00    

  Affiliate  membership  -­‐  An  individual  working  in  an  affiliated  business  that  supports  the  image  industry.     Annual  Fee  $285.00      Section  3  -­‐  Chapter  Affiliation    I  would  like  to  affiliated  with  the  ____________________________________chapter;  choose  from  the  list  below:    United  States         Asia         Australia     South  America  Atlanta           Beijing         Melbourne     Argentine  Chicago           Hong  Kong       Sydney       Brazil  Florida           India               Chile    Mountain  States         Korea         Canada        New  England         Malaysia         Toronto       South  Africa  New  York/Tri  State       Philippines             Johannesburg  Ohio/Pennsylvania       Singapore       Europe  Southern  California       Tokyo         France  South  Central  (TX,  OK,LA)               Italy  San  Francisco  Bay  Area       Mexico      Washington  DC  Metro  Area     Guadalajara                   Mexico  City        

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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     AICI  Membership  Application  Form  Cont....    Section  4  -­‐  Professional  Preparation  (Mandatory  for  General  membership  Application)  In  order  to  apply  for  a  AICI  general  membership,  applicants  must  have  successfully  completed  a  minimum  of  twenty  (20)  hours  of  professional  training  in  topics  of  image  that  are  within  the  AICI  Core  Competencies.    A  list  of  these  core  competencies  can  be  found  on  Page  8.of  this  application.        

Please  list  applicable  training  below:    Trainer/Training  Company/Educational  Institute  Name   Course  Name   Date(s)                            To  qualify  as  validation  one  of  the  following  documentations  must  accompany  this  application  form;  

• Certificate  of  current  attendance  in  training  and  course  description.  • Certificate  of  completion  of  training  and  course  description.  • Letter  of  confirmation  on  training  company’s  letterhead,  which  includes  course  title,  dates  of  attendance,  

length  of  program,  and  confirmation  of  attendance  and  course  description.    Section  5  -­‐  Experience  &  Expertise  Please  circle  any  of  the  following  areas  in  which  you  have  experience  or  expertise:    

Business         Coaching/Training       Communication  Accounting/Bookkeeping     Training         Human  Resources  Advertising         Training  Development       Journalism  Business  Development       Professional  Coaching       Negotiating  Electronic  Technology                 Photography  Financial  Planning       Design/Development       Recruiting  Law           Fashion  Illustration       Social  Networking  Market  Research       PowerPoint         Writing  Marketing         Visual  Display/Styling       Event  Planning  Advertising         Web  Design    Well  Being         Salon  Services  Psychology/Sociology       Hair               Cosmetology      

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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     AICI  Membership  Application  Form  Cont....    Section  6  -­‐  Specialties  Within  the  12  broad  categories,  circle  a  maximum  of  five  (5)  specialties:    Coaching/Training  Branding  Career/Mentorship  &  Training  Civility  Communications  Leadership  Life  Coach  Media  Political  Protocol/Etiquette  Speech/Voice  Train-­‐the-­‐Trainer  Transgender    Color  Analysis  Color  Materials  Manufacturer  Color  Materials  Supplier  Consultant  Trainer      Consulting  Corporate  Only  Corporate  Training  Programs  Marketing  Personal  Image    Cosmetics  Cosmetics/Skin  Care  Products  Direct  Seller  Makeup  Artist      

Design/Development  Accessories  Clothing  Fashion/Jewelry  Designer  Graphics  Interior/Home  Décor  Product  Developer  Uniform/Apparel  Development    Non-­‐Profit  Fund  Raining  Philanthropy    Presenter  Educator  Fashion  Shows/Events  Keynote/Motivational  Speaking  Retail  Promotions  Spokesperson    Publishing  Author  Publisher    Retail  Boutique  Owner  Spa/Salon  Owner  Direct  Seller    Salon  Services  Cosmetologist/Hair  Stylist  Esthetician  Massage  Therapist      

Well-­‐Being  Direct  Seller  Feng  Shui  Holistic  Nutrition  Personal  Training/Fitness  Wellness    Wardrobe  Body/Style  Analysis  Closet  Audits/Organization  Direct  Seller  Fashion  Style  Men’s  Consultations  Personal  Shopping  Personal  Style  Consultant  Sales  –  Clothing/Accessories  Tailoring  Expert  Wardrobe  Planning/Management  Wedding  Planner  

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  

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AICI  Membership  Application  July  2013   Page  9  



AICI  Core  Competencies    The  AICI  Core  Competencies  identify  the  knowledge,  skills,  abilities  and  behaviors  required  for  success  as  an  image  consultant.  These  Core  Competencies  form  the  basis  for  certification  with  AICI  and  establish  a  path  for  continued  professional  development.        This  technical  knowledge  core  competencies  listing  below  will  help  you  to  identify  areas  of  program  content  your  minimum  of  twenty(20)  hours  training  must  have  covered:    

Technical  Knowledge    1.  Psychological  Aspects  of  Image       4.  Artistic  Aspects  of  Image/Visual  Design  in  Apparel  •  Effects  of  Image           •  Art  in  Dress  &  Image  (including  Accessories)  •  Self  Concept  Theory/Individual  Identity     •  Design  Principles  (Goals)  •  General  Values  &  Clothing  Value  Theory       Balance  •  Personality  Theory             Proportion  •  Defense  Mechanisms             Scale                   Rhythm  2.  Social  Aspects  of  Image           Emphasis  •  Origins,  Motives  &  Function  of  Apparel  &  Grooming     Harmony  •  Non-­‐Verbal  Communication  via  Image         Unity  •  Cultural  Patterns  &  Diversity         •  Design  Elements  (Tools)  •  Roles,  Status  &  Stratification/Rank         Line  •  Historic  Costume             Shape  •  Fashion  Industry  &  Fashion  Trends         Color  •  Etiquette  &  Protocol             Texture  •  Civility                 Pattern                   Scale  3.  Physical  Aspects  of  Image         •  Personal  Style  in  the  Elements  of  Design  •  Physical  Body  Perception  &  Presentation       •  Wardrobe  Management  •  Body  Language  •  Nutrition/Diet  •  Exercise/Fitness  •  Cosmetic  Surgery  •  Grooming  

AICI  Headquarters    1000  Westgate  Drive,  Suite  252      

Saint  Paul,  Minnesota  55114  USA    Phone  +1  (651)  290-­‐7468    

Fax  +1  (651)  290-­‐2266  
