Page 1: AKN Shoppers, Smokers First to Feel Tax


Could You Forget Him?Dean Ann Landers: I laughed over the letter

about B (only) N (only) Jones who wound up in the 'Army with the name Bonly Nonly. It's bad enough when nch things happen by accident, but what do you think about parents who would in­ tentionally give a child a crazy name,

I read recently where someone who researched odd name* through Social Security listings came across Tin Cans, Safety First, Never Gamble, July Bonus, Pork Chop, True Story, and Born Young The one that took the cake was the name Mr. and

'Mrs. Around hung on their newborn son. They christened toe boy Stick.

Why would parents do this to a child? Doesn't it mean they have a perverted sense of humor? JUST ASKING. . ~ '

Q«ar Just: Not necestartly. Some parents twtnt to give their child a name no one will forget. If I ever meet Stick Around I'll never forget Mm. How about you?

*Dear Ann Landers: What a relief to read a

letter in your column from' a woman who has the same problem I have. For yews I thought I was the only wife in the world whose husband col­ lected pornography, hid it under the rugs, in the trunk of the car, and even in the rafters of the attic.

When I first discovered my husband's "hob­ by," I was disgusted and shocked. He confessed that his intense interest in pornography began in -adolescence and I realized he was ill. I begged him to get psychiatric help but he refused. When our son found part of his collection he agreed to see a doctor. Although he is far from cured, he now understands his illness and is trying to get better.

I hope other wives who share this problem will recognize it is « sickness. Please teD them it takes a great deal of strength and courage to live with somebody else's problem, but it CAN be done, and I know it can be done, because I have been doing it. DBS MOINES.

Deaf D.M.: Chews for you. And for the thousands (yes, I sold thousand*; of other women who wrote to say they, too, are living with husbands who collect pornography. A problem understood is « problem hal/ solved. Thanks to all of you «*» wrote to say, " toe." VN.. ....


Dear Ann Landers: I am 18 and going steady with a fellow 19. Jamie dated a girl for three years before I knew him. He says it was kid stuff and his love for me is much greater than the feeling he had for her. He did admit that she broke off with him, however.

Jamie is very fond of this girl's parents. When we first began to date he used to take me over there at least twice * week.

They are nice people but I was awfully un­ comfortable in their presence and told him so. A few times his ex-sweetheart was at home when we arrived and J wanted to die. Finally I refused to go anymore, but he still goes at least once a week.

Jamie wants to marry me next year but I'm afraid he is still in love with his ex-sweetheart What do you say'? MONTREAL.

Dear Montreal: It sounds as if he is sttil torching, Honey. Date others and urge J«mie to do the same. If , in a. year, he still wants to marry you, and has knocked off his trfsits, re- consWer.

Cman *l yowMU on MM?sSJuld £»ur SbouMiTt rout B 'BSn/ bo', tad Pon'.U/' »nck

eo4B and a tout, »«lf-*<ldriM»<. »tunp«d tU«l*n will W. «Ud to iXi you Mtk

hen to h«r In con at thte ..n»p«r «B.lo

Bend lor Ann »nck»l»« jyu


To T^ Shoe Laces

Her Biggest Thrill Was Helping Youth

Capitol N«W1 %«rylc.

SACRAMENTO The Dig­ est tax Increase in Callfor- a's history in terms of w revenue to the state now in effect and first will noticed by shoppers

igarette smakers. Governor Ronald Reagan's

01 to raise nearly $900 mil a year to balance the new

odget, pay off past debts nd provide more state sup art for school districts, final-

iul surgery for bladder ones.ReUil firms throughout the they ire ate were sent new sales tax turtt by the State Board ofqualization, to begin collectng 5 cents on the dollar uner the increase. The state':

is 4 cents, with 1 cent foicities and counties. Thimart's schedule was pre-wred on June 21, in anticipa-jon of approval of the tax01.

UNDER THE new sales tax.

display at Marlmhi**, kb 6nt rntHnl duck » afcwd tfe* nlmum * * Tml- crett in Queen Charhtto Strait. 1.SW riles Berth «f l*» Amgtiut. Th> 3JO* pound killer whale was Omni U !* Aa|«tes withMst l»ci<««t mm* b BM> display at Marinelaad.

Killer Whale Flown to Marineland front Canada

Orky, a strapping 14-foot riving at Los Angeles brternft-iOctober. 1961, a 17-foot f mate kilter whale, arrived at Uonal Airport and being male was taken in the yach Marineland of the Pacific tmked to MarimMand.Monday at the end of a 1,500-mile flight from Vancouver idmt of Marinebnd, said theIsland, British Columbia.

The 3,000-pound k i 1 1 e rwhale, estimated to be abo*t dramatic capture.fl¥* yeM» oW. aW«ared to bt

whate -Was Whate and tank earhT

IJfted into the » excdtent eoa^ttat and is

Radio S&s Taken from Two Planes

Two more victims of a re­ cent rash of thefts at

now s*tflmaUng ttaetf in the whale a-dy k. on public ««*. 175.00fr*allon private *apHy. The tank has 12 pk

tura rtdows below surfaci a clear

of light planes who diacov-

airfield.The loss of a $800 radio aet insure Us comfort.

basin at Newport Beach. MoreWilliam F. Monahan, pit*

jr Jot tblWiur. gifing

Whales are air-breathing, y,,^ ^ *&& _^"on*-kfller whale, falae killer whale

whales.ban explained. Thus it waa ] posrible to transport Orkyout of water over the long dia-ed because tt has the repu

icwaVuaed wolthe«ad their radios stoten at the wtate «,, flae ^^ rf ^

ter constantly washed tt to

was reported by Byron Cook, 25924 Viana St., Lomita, who told police the thief ac­ tually replaced his radio with

Mooahan and more than a oxen assistants flew Saturday

from Los Angeles to the town Port Harty. 390 mflea

an older model. He said the northwest of Vancouver, B.C,burglar used a screwdriver to remove his new radio and then went to the trouble of replacing and connecting an­ other radio.

get the whale.• •

R HAD BEEN caught in nets by salmon flihnnmi last

Tbqr called MarinelandHis Piper-Pacer was forced and arrangements were

opan between July 25 and SO promptly for the sleek black-during Cook's absence.

In a similar burglary, (500 radio set belonging to John Emmeraon, 8211 Pend­ ing, Playa del Key, was taken from his Cessna 172 after the cab had been pried open

reported theft took place between July 2« and 29

and - white animal to be brought to the oceanartum.

Monahan said the fisher en were indemnified for wir time and dimagt. to

Marineland is credited with batag the first in Uabxy to

killer wbate. In

Holly Shev South High, 1s

junior at "that because of my arts and among 18 crafts aining and my sports

by the Union of American Hebrew Congrega­ tions. They are spending the >erience had nothing to do

with sports or arts and crafts

was so eager. In helping him.

Protestant agendas to help underprivileged children and teenagers In the Lot Angeles area,

Holly lives at 228 Calla Mayor and 1s second vie*S^^-.SiJ^w^WW"

alto feelsat Tampla Menorah. She is serving with tha

Frederick Douglas* Child wui give har a goodDevelopment Center at the

. . my baby sitting experience I

"I also feel," says Holly

Six Youths To Attend Area Camp

Six handicapped youth from Torrance will attend the fourth session of Camp Joan Mier's summer program be­ ginning next Monday aa part of tha Crippled Children'

"jjj Society program.Taking off by bus for the

«ha thatwork with the MiUvah

AHan Johns, i., and Joan and JU1

iTorranoa. «13S W. 183rd St n-yeaivoUs Raymond Martin uaan, 542 Dolores St, an pMwwuia Lung, 22153

ground for working In tha Gr*c« * : **** l&rear-olPilgrim Lutheran Church, Head Start Program and '/or Rebecca White, 341 E. Doubl 1233 6. Vermont Ava. "From the Peace Corps ' St

-Tm *, gi.d to b« aMe to Hie camp Is made avallabJhave found that I enjoy tpt,ua my summer in such a to UN crippled youu«j*»r working with children, she beneficial way, and this op- through funda of tha Sodet

portunity should be open to made available throughmore young people," she said, ter Saal eentribuUonsv

5,000 peraona watched the atere during th

_ ., _. _ , W1 , THsJ-fflWW arrived kill

-Bus Trip To TheoJre Scheduled

A night with Harry Bela f onte is dated for Torrance reaidenU who make reae rations for an Aug. 23 theatre bus trip to the Greek Theatre sponsored by tha Tmianee Recreatio Department.

The bus will laave from Torranc* City Hall at 7 pjn. and return at approx­ imately

ncrease in Effect

Shoppers, Smokers First to Feel Tax

ix taking immediate effect and being most noticeable ishe 4-cent per pack Increase

on cigarettes, bring the state tax now to 7 cents. Vending machines were expected to raise to 40 cents, although some were expected to jump quired to m;ke a prepaymentto 45 cents, in anticipation of he second part of the cigar­

ette tax increase.This is a boost of another

3 cents per package which takes effect on Oct. 1. This

eagan in St. John's hospitalSanta Monica, just before

e underwent brief and suc-

paased the legislature July portion of the tax will be re . It was signed into law by tl>rned to cities and counties

The delayed effective date was designed to give the cities and counties the chance to eliminate their own cigar-ette taxes, in the areas where

NEXT DEADLINE in thetax increase schedule will fal on Aug. 16 when the 50 cent per gallon increase on dis­ tilled spirits takes effect. The tax will jump from $1.50 t< $2 per gallon, or 10 cents pe fifth.

The Department of Aloo tiolic Beverage Control saj brand owners, distillers < wholesalers will have until

cents to $1.09 it will be 5 cents.

The other portion of the given money.

The personal Income ix increase, an average of bout 70 per cent, won't be otlced by most taxpayers un- II next April 15. However, bout 350,000 of the higher

Oct. 31. The income tax will be In-

reased in three ways: 1) making the lowest bracket $2,000 instead of $2,500 and narrowing all subsequent brackets from $2,000 to $1,500; 2) substituting tax credits of $25 for single per­ sons, $50 for married couples and $8 for dependents, rath­ er than the present exemp­ tions of $1,500, $3,000 andWOO from the gross income; and 3) Increasing the maxi­ mum rate from 7 to 10 par cent.

PERSONS WHO paid $200 or more In taxes last April 15 for 1966 income will b« required to pay half of the amount of their 1966 tax by Oct. 31. This is designed to provide Income for the state during the lean early winter

- K..-., Aug. 15, to file new months when expenditures the tax will begin on all sales minimum retail price post- exceed tax revenues.

nts or more.^Tbe tax ing8. These would take effect Corporations will pay on a the following day. rate of 7 per cent, up 1% pern sales from 11 to 27 cents

ill be one cent; from 28 to7 cents; it will be 2 cents;rom 48 to 68 cents it will be

cents; from 68 to 89 cents tome time. An increase in the quired* to'pay 25 per cent of will be 4^cents; and from 90 inheritance and gift taxes, of their estimated tax in Novem-

coune, will be noticed only ber, another 25 per cent on

now but won't be felt for

Other parts of the huge cent, and banks at a rate of tax increase also are effective 11 per cent, up from 9.5 per

cent. They also will be re-

by those who inherit or are March 15, and the balance onApril 15.

August X 1*67, C-l

SchotoT Off ices Hit by Vandals

Vandals ransacked the main tents searched for money. Theoffices of Carr Elementary School. 3404 W. 166th St., over the weekend and fled with |12 in change and soft drinks after wrecking several offices.

Windows were broken, con­ tents of drawers and files emptied and defaced, and fur niture was destroyed and de­ faced, according to a police report

No estimate had been made by the school district on dam ages. U is expected to take several days before the dam age is cleaned up.

Two rooms at the schoo also were entered by breaking windows and in one room r

only currency found was in the lounge area.

Principal Williajn Lettunich said in a report to the school district tfiat the damage was one of the worst cases of van­ dalism he had ever seen.

broken. Outside,

Lomita Gets $22,000 in Road Funds

An allocation of $22,341 has been made to the city of Lo­ mita for street maintenance. Supervisor Burton W. Chace said today.

* .1,1 u,,.. «,., The funds were approved formaldehyde waf by the Board of Supervisors vesterday for the fiscal year

bottles wereu«Nf U |».|B. ,———; -- ——-Additional information against walls.

smashed through windows or

and luauutjuus may be obtained from the Joalyn Recreation Center.

In the main offices, desk? and drawers were pried open with several tools and the con-

1967-68."The allocation is a portion

of $10.1 million budgeted by the board to assist the coun­ ty's 76 cities with road main- § Foster tfnance and construction," ^ jj,e ,


Marriage Called a Convenienceparticularly Ro­

mans, took npMi the Ameri­ can institution of marriage as a laughably cmriodty.

Hera in Rome, newspapers print ttenas about American wives humoroualy portraying thtir doBar worth hi lira, on American marriagea (fa­ vorable), and fnrnOt delin­ quency (understandable in low income families, but shocking in upper income brackets).

They even quote the nnm- ber of eaistinf TlrgbM n the U.S., being delightedly ex­ plicit about the agea of the losers.

Though the Italian matea practically lay sole daim to inventing AMI*, they are the first to admit that if such a thing as tore exists In mar­ riage it b

It la

saiy for a husband and wife to be happy in each other's company, let alone love each other. The primary function of marriage is to found a new branch of the family, which wfD reinforce the existing one.

With the announcement of each birth, families (even the poorest) gather together to begin the practical search for a future mate for the child to insur* material gain and har­ monious expansion within- the family unit even joining cousin with cousin, if neces- aary.

Harmony, even above ma­ terial gain, is a prime req­ uisite. Many a solidly united family, when giving in to praaaura by a daughter or son to select their own mates, has found to Its everlasting shock that th* Amily unit has been

split factkmally by the inter­ loper who dares to "want to go it alone without in-law in­ terference."

The newcomer is considered a malcontent, a troublemaker and a misfit, deliberately creating warfare between families, children and par­ ents, and sisters and brothers.

A daughter who Insists on marrying for love is firmly reminded that "love is for adolescents."

The Italians will discuss marriages freely, even excit­ ably. But when I tell them that Americans hear that Ital­ ians are rapidly pushing to­ ward the day when divorce will be legalized In Italy and "hundreds of thousands of wives will rush to the courts seeking freedom from theii oppressors," they shrug non- commitally with a gesture that means' "Who can say?"

JAMES S. FOSTER Now a Ueutenant

Prolnot^ Police^ Officer %

Torrance Police Sgt. Jamas


R,Chief of Police Walter Koenig has announced.

Lieutenant Foster, current­ ly serving as internal affairs officer in the personnel and training division, ha* served in the patrol and detective di­ visions. He joined the force in 1953.

A graduate of Torrance High School, Ueutenant Fos­ ter was born in Missouri and came to California in 1942. He enlisted in the Air Force In 1951 and served for four years as a teletype and cryp­ tographic mechanic.

Ueutenant Foster is a mem­ ber of the board of directors of the Torrance Irish Club and a member of the Torrance Family YMCA. Ha holds as associate in arts degree in jollce science from El Catnino College.

Married, he is the father of two sons and a daughter.


Nutritionists say six of ev­ ery ten teenage girls are nu­ tritionally deficient in iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C.