Download pdf - All Praise Be to Allah

  • 8/2/2019 All Praise Be to Allah


    All praise be to Allah, who has given us time and health untill nthis time attending in this place face to

    face to the other untill we know one by one and etc

    Peace and salutation be upon the most honorable messenger, our prophet Muhammad who has

    brought us from darkness to the lightness,

    Oke guys, my name is arsyadanie, I am from solo,, I usually use my javanise acsent,, and I think there is

    proudly present for you about my culture..,, no problem

    Good evening all my friends..,, now Ill tell you about..

    Indonesia,, what do you think of Indonesia..? indonesia is our country, yes of course,, indonesia is

    beautiful country,, may be,,

    We can spell the word if Indonesia,, Independent,.. you know,, Indonesia be independent since 1945..,,

    Old enough,, n there is a long time I think to make improvement, to build this beautiful country can

    place his beauty to the right place..,,

    Designed by other people in other country..,,, so if you hear my statement may be youll say.., why??

    What do you mean.,, I mean that many people in Indonesia was changed about his culture,, his mind..

    by American,, europan,,mm you can see my friends..,, from our style.., our food.. as fast food..,, pizza..,

    hot dog,, n etc..

    Ocean, Indonesia was placed between two ocean,,, Asia n Australia,,, so Indonesia is very strategic to

    make the better condition such as economic,, social culture n the other

    Nationalism..,, big suppor

    Yesterday.., our fight team..,, Indonesian soccer team has been defeated

    INDON Easy,,, there is very easy to find Indonesia,,, see your map,,, on you can see Indonesian in

    international TV about his wealth,, flora n fauna is very amazing..,, in bali you know..,,

    Tanah lot, kute,, sanur,, garudas statue,,or you can find heritage of Indonesia..,, in

    Java,,Borobudur temple,, prambanan temple..

    Or if you like a water scenery..,, there is a toba lake..,, Bangka Belitung,, you know..,, in laskar pelangi


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