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Page 1: Analysis of Music Magazines

The cover line is big and bold so it can be seen from a distance. Part of the title is covered by the image but as it is a well known magazine the readers will know what it is.

The main image is of Drake because there is an article in the magazine about him. He is looking straight at the camera so it looks like he is looking at the readers which catches the audience attention. The image is cropped out of a picture and put on to the cover.

The word ‘exclusive’ is a buzz word. This means that only this magazine covers this story.

The main cover line is bigger than other cover lines. It connects with the main image.

Only black, white and yellow is used on the cover. This makes it have a house style. The white and yellow writing stands out against the black background. This also makes it easier to read the cover lines.

This cover attracts people who listen to the top artists and the younger generation as it has articles in which teenagers would be interested in.

Short cover lines are used to make it easier for the reader.

Page 2: Analysis of Music Magazines

The genre of this magazine is mixed as it says different types of artist on the main cover.

This image of Florence indicates that this issue genre is pop.

The colours are kept to a minimum as it is a contrast to the red hair. This helps it stand out from the other magazines. The text colour for this magazine, black and white, are neutral which suggests that it is not for any particular gender.

The masthead is on the top left. This makes the reader see it first as we start to read from the top left.

All text is on top of the image but it still doesn’t take our attention away from the image as a close up image is used and the bright red makes it stand out.

This is a strapline saying what the magazine name stands for.

The cover lines do not stand out as much on this cover as they are not bold and bright enough. Readers will not be able to see these from a distance.