Page 1: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

Ancient Greeks• Mycenaean Age 2000

to 1100 BCE• Hellenic Period 1100

to 3003 BCE• Hellenistic Age 300

BCE to 100 CE• Mycenae

• Iliad• Odyssey• Homer

Page 2: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Troy• Crete• Minoan Civilization

(King Minos)• Knossos• Dorians 1100 BCE• “Dark Age” 1100-800

BCE• Classical Age 500-

325 BCE• Polis• Athens

• Sparta• Democracy• Monarchy• Aristocracy• Oligarchy• Tyranny• Solon• Constitution• Pisistratus• Cleisthenes 508-494


Page 3: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Ekklesia• Boule• Deme• Ostracism

• Persians• Darius I• Battle of Marathon

490 BCE• Xerxes• Battle of Thermopylae

480 BCE• Battle of Salamis• Delian League• Corinth

Page 4: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Pericles 495-429 BCE • Peloponnesian War 431-404 BCE

• Macedonians• Battle of Chaeronea

338 BCE• Philip of Macedonia

Page 5: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

Hellenic Culture• Philosophy• Socrates 470-399


• “Natural Law”• Anaximander• Hippocrates• Empiricism• Plato 427-347 BCE

Page 7: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Sappho • Lesbos• Olympics• “Golden Mean”• Macedonians

Page 8: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

Hellenistic Civilization• Hellenistic• Macedonians• Philip of Macedonia• Alexander the Great

(r. 336-323 BCE)

• Alexander’s Empire:

Page 9: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Ptolemy• Ptolemaic Kingdom

(Egypt)• Seleucid Kingdom

(Persia)• Antigonid Kingdom

(Macedonia)• “Mystery Religions”

(Cults of: Isis, Mithra, Serapis)

• Cynicism• Diogenes

Page 10: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Epicureanism• Epicurus• Stoicism• Zeno

• Eratosthenes• Euclid, Elements of


Page 11: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

Roman Republic

• Etruscans• Carthage• Senate• Patricians• Plebeians• Consuls• Censors• Law of the 12 Tables

450 BCE

• Tribunes• Punic War (264-146

B.C.E.)• Hannibal

Page 12: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Proconsuls• Gracchi Brothers• Sulla• Julius Caesar (d. 44


• First Triumvirate: Crassus- Pompey- Julius Caesar

• Second Triumvirate: Octavian (Augustus Caesar)- Lepidus- Mark Antony

Page 13: Ancient Greeks Mycenaean Age 2000 to 1100 BCE Hellenic Period 1100 to 3003 BCE Hellenistic Age 300 BCE to 100 CE Mycenae Iliad Odyssey Homer

• Cleopatra • Octavian (Augustus Caesar) “Princeps”

• Principate 27 BCE-14 CE• Pax Romana• Livy• Tiberius• Villa• Virgil 70-19 BCE• The Aeneid• Marcus Aurelius 161-180

CE• The Meditations
