Page 1: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back…San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back…and Busy! and Busy! • Board Meeting to be Held in May• Board Meeting to be Held in May• Educational Meeting and Dinner Planned for Early June• Educational Meeting and Dinner Planned for Early June• Join Us…Contact a Board Member for Details• Join Us…Contact a Board Member for Details

LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ATTENDEES – The recent CLCA Leadership Conference held January 28-29 in Sacramento, drew chapter board members, LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ATTENDEES – The recent CLCA Leadership Conference held January 28-29 in Sacramento, drew chapter board members, State Officers and other VIPs from throughout California. Representing the Yosemite Chapter were YC Secretary/Communications Savannah State Officers and other VIPs from throughout California. Representing the Yosemite Chapter were YC Secretary/Communications Savannah Treloar and YC Vice President Membership Gina Valadez. (More Leadership Conference photos will appear in the next issue of this newsletter.)Treloar and YC Vice President Membership Gina Valadez. (More Leadership Conference photos will appear in the next issue of this newsletter.)

Now IncludingNow Including

Volume 14Volume 14January 2020January 2020

California Landscape Contractors AssociationCalifornia Landscape Contractors AssociationSAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER MAGAZINESAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER MAGAZINENow available online at www.eldoradocommunicationspublications.infoNow available online at

Page 3: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

CLCA SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape January 2020 3

SJV Grapevine Editor’s Message

Giving Members What They Want

In my 2-hour drive to my recent Channel Islands Chapter Board

Meeting (where I serve as Board Chairman and Treasurer), I had plenty of time to think about ways CLCA chapters (including the San Joaquin Valley Chapter) can get more members (and potential members) involved in the chapter’s activities and events.

For this Chapter we first need to EXPAND our Board and start having

regular meetings again. I can confirm that this process is already in the works, but we need your help. A few of us are trying to organize a Regeneration Meeting to help President Jeff Kollenkark rebuild the Board, and find an area contractor to take over from Jeff once we have an active Board. But once that is accomplished…then what? Those of us that are involved in this Chapter’s Regeneration can’t expect to do the same old things and expect a different result. Key to developing a new or revitalized chapter in today’s society – where there are information sources everywhere, and with organization sizes and participation generally declining – is to find out what members and potential members really want from their organization.

Then I thought why it is that some CLCA members are involved to the high level that they are and others not so much. Some reasons may be the same, but there are probably special reasons that each one of us…and each one of you…are presently involved…or would get involved…because or if the Chapter and CLCA offers or does _________. You fill in the blank.

So, my challenge to each one of you is to come up with an activity, program, or an event you wish someone would have the interest or courage to put on, once this Chapter gets rolling again after the Holiday lull. In fact, your ideas may end up part of the Regeneration Program. If the San Joaquin Valley Chapter can help in some way to fill a need or fulfil a dream you’ve had, then would you get involved…or more involved? Of course you would.

This activity does not have to be strictly business related, either. There are business and civic organizations that build hospitals, help stamp out diseases; get clean water, clothing, food and more to those who need these things; and there are young minds in schools who need to know more about landscaping and horticul-ture. There are also fantastic educators, achievers in sports and industry… and members you know who would love to teach or tell us about very creative and inspiring things they have seen or done that we could learn from and possibly apply in each of our lives.

If our chapters are not presently offering things that really interest us and keep us involved and motivated, then how can we expect others to want to get involved? So, put on your thinking cap, and come up with a few ideas for events, projects or activities that would make you want to never miss another SJV meeting or event again. Think out of the box. Go ahead…now’s your chance to wow us. Call my cell at (626) 715-1757, or email your ideas or comments to [email protected] – John

Tyler Gillette533 Hawthorne PlaceLivermore, CA [email protected]

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1835 N. Fine Ave.Fresno, CA 93727

[email protected]

P (800) 628-8735 Ext. 517F (800) 440-2378

San Joaquin Valley Chapter

2020 Board of Directorsand there’s room for you!


RJ Landscape Service (599) 360-1393

[email protected]


FACE/Rock Pile Yard Services (559) 431-3223

[email protected]


Debra Spencer LCIS

(559) 650-3554 [email protected]

PRESIDENT Jeff Kollenkark, PhD

Weed Man (559) 266-1624

[email protected]

THE NEW GRAPEVINE EDITOR John Hernandez 626-715-1757

NEW ADDRESS 18466 Dragonera Drive

Rowland Heights, CA 91748 [email protected]

FAX 866-591-5093


(626) 644-4239 Email [email protected]

Chapter Website:

JOHN R. HERNANDEZ Grapevine Editor

El Dorado Communications

Page 4: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

Wintertime WateringIndustry News

4 January 2020 SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape

Bud Summers Appointed COO of TreeTown USA

TreeTown USA CEO Jonathan Saperstein recently announced Bud Summers has been promoted to

the position of chief operating officer of TreeTown USA. Reporting directly to Saperstein in the newly created position, Summers’ primary focus in the new role will be to continue the alignment of all 15 growing facilities.

“With bringing all of our operations under one leader, we will align all of our operations into one cohesive unit,” Saperstein explained. “As a company brought together through acquisitions, this next step capitalizes on all of the knowledge base of our combined company.”

Summers was previously senior vice president of Southwest opera-tions for TreeTown. Before joining TreeTown USA, he spent more than 30 years in several executive positions with Hines Growers, Inc. and Color Spot Nurseries in California, Texas, Arizona and Oregon, where he provided the day-to-day leadership and management required to effectively grow the organization and

ensure financial strength and operating efficiency. He holds a Masters and Ph.D. in Horticulture from the University of Maryland.

“I have been blessed over my career to have worked with some extraordinary people, teams and customers in the horticulture industry,” Summers said. “I am very proud to be a part of this new remarkable nursery company and I am energized and excited to think about our future.”

About TreeTown USA/Village Nurseries/ Hines Growers

TreeTown USA, founded in 2001, is a privately-owned business headquartered in Houston, Texas, with 15 growing facilities totaling over 6,000 production acres across Texas, Florida, Oregon and California. With the addition of a West Coast Division, including Village Nurseries and Hines Growers, the combined company now has a coast-to-coast footprint for its broad mix of high-quality plant material that includes over 5,000 unique plant selections and varia-tions. To learn more, visit

Henric Andersson Appointed President and CEO of Husqvarna Group

The board of directors of Husqvarna AB appointed Henric Andersson to succeed Kai Wärn as the President and CEO of

the Husqvarna Group effective as of April 2, 2020, following the closing of the 2020 AGM. Kai Wärn will retire from his role as CEO and board member as of such date but will continue as a senior advisor to the board during 2020.

“I am delighted that the new president and CEO of Husqvarna Group, Henric Andersson, has been developed within the group, where he has worked for the last 22 years. Henric is a strong and well-appreci-ated leader with a very good business and technology focus. He has a very broad experience within the group having worked in various roles in Commercial Lawn and Garden, the Construction Division and for Group Technology before taking up the role

as president of the Construction Division in 2015” said Tom Johnstone, Chairman of Husqvarna AB. “We are entering the next phase of the development for the group building on the founda-

tion developed over the last few years. The group’s new strategy was presented recently at the Capital Markets Day, and Henric, as a member of group management, played a key role in the development of that strategy.”

Andersson is currently president of the Construction Division of Husqvarna, and has been a member of group management since 2012. He was born in 1973 and has a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Linköping Institute of Technology.

“On behalf of the board, I want to sincerely thank Kai for his leadership of Husqvarna Group since 2013 and

for the very good job he has done. The results of this work over this period can be clearly seen both in the financial performance and the total shareholder return,” said Johnstone.

“I am proud over what we have achieved during these years in respect of strengthening our competitiveness, especially in areas such as robotics, the petrol-to battery transition and technology including connected solutions such as Smart Garden. We have also made important transformative changes in the organization to increase focus on our end-customers and core brands, achieved through the Divisional structure,” says Kai Wärn, President and CEO of Husqvarna Group.

BUD SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer

TreeTown USA


CEO Husqvana Group

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Todd GerrowNo. San Joaquin ValleyCell: (916) 216-2859Office: (209) 333-8026

Bruce CasonSo. San Joaquin Valley

Cell: (559) 289-6381Office: (559) 891-8806

Page 5: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

Getting Back on Track From an article by Bob Coulter, Submitted by Jim Paluch of JP Horizons

It is interesting to see how many times patterns repeat themselves in businesses across the country. Good people with the best

intentions start with something great, and then communication fails, and the whole picture changes. Maybe you can relate with one or both experiences below.

• You started a new job and were very excited about the oppor-tunity. You believe that your boss and the company have great confidence in you. You feel appreciated by everyone that you work with. Finally, you’ve found the company where you can really grow and flourish. Then one day you feel like your authority is being questioned. Your boss begins to ask more from you than you think that you can give. The feedback that you are getting is only negative. Your spirit and energy have dropped to a low level and your performance has slipped. You are really wondering if you made the right decision to join this company. How could you have been so wrong?

• You bring in a new player to be on your team. You believe that the new employee will add value and make a positive contribution to the company. You invest in them with proven success tools and provide them with space for them to do their job. Everyone on the team sees a bright future. Confidence is sky high and there is a trust that everyone will be taken care of. Then suddenly, things start to fall through the cracks. You feel like you are fixing all this person’s problems and they no longer appear to be stepping up to the challenges at hand. You feel you’ve been dragged back into too many of the daily issues and pulled away from the things you should be doing as a leader. You question if you made the right decision in hiring this person in the first place.

It is amazing to realize that things can change right before our eyes. As an employee, we can feel like we are filling an important role or as an owner feel you are moving in one direction with the right people in the right positions. It all feels right and then we find ourselves awkwardly scratching our heads wondering what went wrong. So, what do you do at this point? I believe that when we have our work relationships going in the wrong direction, it can feel like we are about to derail and it becomes critically important to stop the train and check for damages. We might even ask if we are on the right track at all.

I have witnessed people taking the avoidance track and seen these work relationships go from bad to worse. This can only be corrected if both parties are willing to reinvest in the relationship and make an effort to turn things back around. Both need to be willing to honestly ask questions like, “Where were we going when it felt right? What were our expectations? How were we communi-cating then? What actually changed and what was an assumption or mere perception that might have gotten us off track?” These questions and the following steps can be helpful in getting a rela-tionship back in alignment and moving in a positive direction again:

• Come to an agreement that both will work to build a win-win relationship. Making a commitment to each other is very important, and the step of saying that you want your partner to win is even more important.

• With the mindset right, we have to dig into the relationship to under-

stand what a win really is for the other person. You want to record what is expected from each other and what the key issues are that you need to address so that this is possible.

• Knowing what a win looks like sets you up for the next step. Both parties have to be intentional about making deposits in the other person’s emotional bank account. To regain trust, we need to really show the other person that we are committed to helping them win and do our part to make it happen.

• The commitments should be stated as goals, and it’s important to create some short-term goals that will be achieved. Hitting these targets provides confidence and positive energy. We need to measure how well we are doing in each area so that we can hold ourselves accountable.

• Catch each other doing things right. For people to regain confidence in themselves and in their trusting relationships, again we need to see things improving. Remember that change will happen slowly, but our acknowledgement of that change is what helps it to continue. Look for small wins and recognize them when progress is made.

• Consistent, focused, quality conversation needs to be a part of the mix. It is important to spend enough time in one-on-one conversation so that we can stay in alignment.

If you want to learn more about the power of PEOPLE SOLUTIONS THAT DRIVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE, contact: JP Horizons Inc., 1927 County Road 1035, Ashland, OH 44805; Phone: (440) 352-8211; Fax: (440) 352-8225; e-mail: [email protected]; website:

SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape January 2020 5

I believe that when we have our work relationships going in the wrong direction, it can feel like we are about to derail and it becomes critically important to stop the train and check for damages.


Thinking Out of the Box

Page 6: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

6 January 2020 SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape

© 2




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HUSQVARNA CLCA SUPPORTING DEALERSCalifornia Turf956 North J St.Tulare, CA 93274(559) 688-2505

Canyon Fork Ace Hardware29181 Auberry RoadPrather, CA 93651(559) 855-8348

Jensen and Pilegard2307 E. Main St.Visalia, CA 93292(559) 732-4771

Chopper’s40451 Hwy 41Oakhurst, CA 93644(559) 683-7621

Page 7: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape January 2020 7

www.deltabluegrass.comC-27 752734

John Linder(209) 471-4640


18466 Dragonera Drive / Rowland Heights, CA 91748tel 626.715.1757 / fax 866.591.5093

[email protected]




Page 8: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

8 January 2020 SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape

Wintertime WateringSupport Our Advertisers!

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Page 9: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

Welcome to 2020 from Your New YC President

Hello out there all you lovely CLCA associated people, welcome to 2020. My name is Bob Quenzel, I am the 2020

YOSEMITE CHAPTER President and I would like to thank you all for being a part of the CLCA whether you’re an Associate Member, a Past President like myself (2002-2003) or a future President. Whether you’re on our local board or not please know that you are appreciated and valued for your support in the CLCA.

I would like to take a little bit of time to recognize the people in this association. Longtime CLCA participants, longtime members are much appreciated for their support over the years. It appears to me we do not give enough appreciation to the lifetime members in our chapter. Tim Pflueger, Jack Cover, Johnnie Galloway, George Schaaf, Frank Quaresma and Howard Sutton have given a great deal of their life to help this chapter and I appreciate that.

On with 2020: how about this weather, nice winter; I hope Mark Finan is right about the average of the last few years’ snowpack and water storage. We don’t need to see another “Drought.” We should always conserve water, include the “Smart Irrigation Timers.” They can be a huge water saver for your client.

Quote of the Month“ You have to get up and plant the seed and see if it grows, but you can’t just wait around, you have to water it and take care of it.”

One final thought, thank you to those members who are taking time to be involved in our chapter. To those Past Presidents and others who we have not seen for a while, please consider getting involved again. We need your energy and great ideas. Call me at (209) 810-0673 and I’ll let you know when our next chapter event is…the one we would like you and your friends to attend.

– Bob Quenzel, RJQ Companies, Inc., RJQ Landscape & Design

BOB QUENZELYosemite Chapter

PresidentRJQ Landscape

& Design

Yosemite Chapter2020 Board of Directors


Dwight Howell Ewing Irrigation – Merced

209-388-9531 [email protected]

SECRETARY/COMMUNICATIONS Savannah Treloar Delta Bluegrass 800-637-8873

[email protected]


Delta Bluegrass 209-471-4991

[email protected]


Evergreen Landscape Service 209-631-5365

[email protected]


A.M.O. REP Open



Pflueger Design 209-883-9118

[email protected]


RJQ Landscape & Design 209-810-0673

[email protected]

SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape January 2020 9

YC President’s Message

Lifetime Members of the CLCA



Page 10: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

Advertising Rates

10 January 2020 SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape


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& CONTRACTPlease fill out and mail or scan and email to Editor

John Hernandez, El Dorado Communications, Inc., 18466 Dragonera Drive, Rowland Heights, CA 91748

(626) 715-1757 • [email protected] Call for technical information, questions or details

COMPANY _______________________________________

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BILLING ADDRESS _________________________________

CITY_____________________ STATE____ ZIP__________

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I authorize El Dorado Communications to insert my ad in the SJV/YC Grapevine/NewScape on a monthly basis

for one full year, or as specified:

YEARLY COST 12 ISSUES❏ FULL PG – Page 2 or back page for printed version

(Add ¼” bleed all around) $4,200

❏ FULL PG – (8½” W x 11” H– add ¼” bleed) $3,680

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❏ 1/8 PAGE – Business Card (3 5/8” W x 2” H) $440

** Ad fees for partial years are prorated to end of year. To determine, divide yearly rate by 12 and multiply by number of months left in year. Ad agencies: Rates are NET.

DEADLINE for ads and stories: 15th of the month prior to publication.

START DATE___________ TOTAL PAYMENT: $________


Title_________________________ Date_________________

Make checks payable to: El Dorado Communications, Inc. (NOT THE CHAPTER!) Mail to: Editor John R. Hernandez

18466 Dragonera Drive, Rowland Heights, CA 91748

Technical Info: Ads must be submitted as a PDF, JPG or TIFF file). All elements (including logos, photos, etc.) must be 300 dpi. Ads received outside of size requirements may be reformatted or cropped to fit as required. Email stories in MS Word to Editor John R. Hernandez at [email protected]

Jerry RobinWater Wellness Coach / H2 AdvisorCertified Molecular Hydration Specialist

[email protected]

Molecular Hydrogen-infused Alkaline Water…From your own kitchen tap!From your own kitchen tap!

No more plastic bottles No more plastic bottles harming the environment!harming the environment!

Page 11: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

CLCA SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape January 2020 11

State CLCA News

Call Our Advertisers First!A-G Sod Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Birch Equipment Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

CLCA Member Advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Delta Bluegrass Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

El Dorado Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Husqvarna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Landscape Contractors Insurance Services . . . .2, 3, 10

NewLite Specialty Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Normac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Pacific Coast Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Village Nurseries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

West Coast Turf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Advertiser Index

Page 12: and Busy! San Joaquin Valley Chapter’s Back… SUMMERS Chief Operating Officer TreeTown USA HENRIC ANDERSSON CEO Husqvana Group

12 January 2020 SJV Grapevine & YC NewScape

Sign Me Up!

I’m ready to benefit as a member of the California Landscape Contractors Association. I will be joining as a:

___ Affiliate Member: For persons affiliated with the green industry, such as educators, landscape architects or government employees.

___ Contractor Member (C-27): For companies holding an active C-27 (landscape) contractor’s license

Please visit to sign up as a Vendor Member


Name _____________________________________________________________________ First Name Middle Initial Last Name Suffixes (or Certifications)

Company Name ____________________________________________________________

Phone _______________________________ Fax _______________________________

Private Email _______________________________________________________________CLCA will use this email address to provide you with news, announcements and association information. It will not be shared or sold to anyone.

Public Email ________________________________________________________________CLCA will publish this email address in member listings. It will also be provided to chapters and CLCA affiliates.

Address ___________________________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________

Shipping Address (no P.O. Boxes) _________________________________________________

City/State/Zip ______________________________________________________________

License # __________________________________________________________________

Member Information2

Choose Your Chapter(s)3

[email protected] | CLCA, 1491 River Park Drive, #100, Sacramento, CA 95815 | (916) 830-2780 | fax: (916) 830-2788 |

Privacy Disclosure (please initial)

_____ I understand that by providing a public email address, I consent to have it published on the internet, and provided to CLCA chapters and endorsed programs. More info at

Signature on this membership application indicates applicant’s agreement to abide by the bylaws of CLCA and upon termination of membership to return to the CLCA Headquarters the membership certificate and to refrain from further use of the CLCA registered trademark or any other symbol or sign which would indicate membership.

Dues to CLCA are not deductible as a charitable contribution, but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. A portion of dues, however, is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense to the extent that CLCA engages in lobbying. The non-deductible portion of your CLCA dues is seven percent.

Payment Information4

___ Central Coast

___ Channel Islands

___ East Bay

___ Inland Empire

___ Kern County

___ Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley

___ North Coast

___ North Valley

___ Orange County

___ Pacific Coast

___ Sacramento Valley

___ San Diego

___ San Fernando Valley

___ San Francisco Bay Area

___ San Joaquin Valley

___ San Luis Obispo

___ Yosemite

Please select a chapter. Note: The Pacific Coast chapter is for members of Asian heritage in Southern California. It meets in Los Angeles.

Annual Dues

Affiliate Member $120

Contractor Member (see table below to determine category and dues — based on gross annual sales)

Member category _______

Member Category

Gross Annual Sales Annual Dues

4R* $0-$100,000 $295

3R $0-$400,000 $495

2R $400,001-$1,000,000 $895

1R Over $1,000,000 $1,075

Sustaining R Voluntary $1,250

Amount enclosed $ ___________________________

Check (payable to CLCA) Visa/Mastercard

___________________________________________Credit Card #

_______________________ _____________Expiration Date Three-digit SVC



* Licensed within the last two years

Per Month

Only $26.25!

Only $43.00!

Only $76.25!

Only $91.25!

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