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READ 7140Summer 2011


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Genre/Form- Informational /All About ReportContent Area: Science


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Today, class I want you to write me a story that is all about you. I want you to include as much as you can about yourself . Don’t forget to include what you look like, what you like to eat, and what you like to do. You can include where you live as well. Be as detailed as possible. You will have thirty minutes to complete this so don’t rush. You may begin after all materials have been passed out.

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•Instruction• Whole group• Allows students to receive the same amount of

information together• Students questions get answered• Individual attention can be given where needed.

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•Practice• Whole group• Every child completes the same task (with the

exception of accommodations) • Examples will be shown to everyone to ensure the

same instruction• Children can discuss the examples with classmates

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•Assessment• Independent• Students have the chance to show what they have

learned• Students will work at their own pace• Multiple days will be provided if needed.

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•Instruction• Students who have development delays will be in

desk groups with above-average students. • Practice

• Small groups• Ability grouping to help with differing

abilities• Scaffolding

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•Assessment• Groups will be constantly changed• Final product will be done individually • Instructions will be clarified when


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•Analytic scoring rubrics•Teacher Evaluated•Teachers collect writing samples by providing many opportunities for students to produce the various types of writing throughout the year•For each student in the class, teachers should assemble multiple samples of writing that have been collected from a variety of classroom writing activities.

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•Based on facts•Audience – teacher, parents, classmates•Purpose – to inform the reader•You will be writing about plants

• What it looks like• Needs• Creates• Grows

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Stage 1

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•Important stage•Fill out the graphic organizer•During this stage thoughts get placed on paper•There are no complete sentences•Words or phrases only

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Supporting Facts




Supporting Facts




Supporting Facts








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3 pointsPartially Met

2 pointsAttempted to Meet

1 pointDid Not Attempt

0 points

Purpose Identified Clearly Stated Stated But Not Clear Stated But Not Relevant No Attempt

Audience Identified Clearly Stated Stated But Not Clear Stated But Not Relevant No Attempt

Three Details(identified in the separate leaves)

3 Details 2 Details 1 Detail No Details

Detail 1(includes supporting


3 Supporting Details 2 Supporting Details 1 Supporting Detail

No Supporting Details

Detail 2 (includes supporting


3 Supporting Details 2 Supporting Details 1 Supporting Detail

No Supporting Details

Detail 3(includes supporting


3 Supporting Details 2 Supporting Details 1 Supporting Detail

No Supporting Details

Conclusion (Fully developed and

wraps up writing)

3 Supporting Ideas 2 Supporting Ideas 1 Supporting Idea No Attempt

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Name:__________________________ Date:______________

____ Identified the purpose____ Identified the audience____ Gave three characteristics____ Detail 1 – Gave three supporting details____ Detail 2 – Gave three supporting details____ Detail 3 – Gave three supporting details ____ Restated the main idea in the conclusion

Signature: _____________________ Date: _________________

Prewriting Checklist

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•Step by step directions can be provided to students who need it• Paired with partners when researching• Students can sit closer to the board if they have trouble concentrating• Include two supporting details instead of three

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•Instruction• Located near students that are above average• Instruction can be given in writing in the child’s first

language• Instructions clarified

•Practice and Assessment• Located near students that are above average• Ability grouping

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Stage 2

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As a class we will crate a draft based off of the information that is on the graphic organizer. We will not be focusing on spelling. Please raise your hand if you want to add a sentence. Feel free to discuss with your table mates if the sentence you want to add would make sense.

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•Where you put ideas down on paper•Spelling is not important•No erasing is allowed• Errors are allowed•Complete sentences are necessary•Use information from graphic organizer•Focus on what your writing about and stick to that topic

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RUBRICExceeds Standard

4Meets standard

3Partially Meets

2Did Not Meet

1No Attempt


(Clear and forward introduction.

Includes supporting details)

Includes 4 or more supporting details

Includes 3 facts or supporting details

Includes 2 facts or supporting details

Includes 1 fact or supporting detail

No facts/details provided

Paragraph 1(Includes main idea

and three supporting facts)

Includes 4 or more Includes 3 facts Includes 2 facts Includes 1 fact No additional facts added

Paragraph 2(Includes main idea

and three supporting facts)

Includes 4 or more Includes 3 facts Includes 2 facts Includes 1 fact No additional facts added

Paragraph 3(Includes main idea

and three supporting facts)

Includes 4 or more facts Includes 3 facts Includes 2 facts Includes 1 fact No additional facts added

Conclusion(restates the main ideas of the story)

Includes more than 3 facts Includes 3 facts Includes 2 facts Includes 1 fact No facts from report

Skipped Lines(skipped every other


Skipped every other line Skipped most lines Skipped lines half of the time

Skipped less than half of the lines

Did not skip lines

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Drafting____ Skipped lines____Introduction includes supporting facts____ Paragraph one includes three supporting facts____ Paragraph two includes three supporting facts____ Paragraph 3 includes three supporting facts___ Conclusion restates the three main ideas___ Complete sentences were used

Signature__________________ Date _________________

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Stage 3

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•Use correct proofreading marks•Make marks using a colored pencil/marker•Move sentences/paragraphs•Re-arrange sentences/paragraphs•Add information•Delete information•Use better vocabulary words•Spelling, grammar and punctuation are not important

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Partially Met2

Attempted to Meet


Does not Attempt0



Adding 4 or more 2-3 1 None made

Deleting(unnecessary information

was deleted)

All Most Some No Attempt


rearrangements where necessary)

All were made Most were made Some were made No Attempt

Color of revision marks

All made in color Some made in color

None made in color

No Attempt

Total Score:

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CHECKLIST Revising Checklist

Name______________________ Date__________________

____ Additions were made in the correct places____ Sentences, phrases, and/or words were deleted____ Rearrangements were made____ Color was used to make corrections____ NO corrections were made to spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.

Signature_____________________ Date______________

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Stage 4

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•Use proper proofreading marks•Use a different color than your revision marks

•Make corrections to• Capitalization• Punctuation• Spelling• Grammar

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3Partially Meets

2Did Not Meet

1Did Not Attempt


Complete Sentences 0-1 errors 2-4 errors 4-6 errors 7 or more errors No attempt

Spelling(all words are spelled correctly)

0-1 errors 2-4 errors 4-6 errors 7 or more errors No Attempt

Punctuation(ending punctuation and commas in a series)

0-1 errors 2-4 errors 4-6 errors 7 or more errors No Attempt

Capitalization(beginning of sentences and proper nouns)

0-1 errors 2-4 errors 4-6 errors 7 or more errors No Attempt

Editing Marks 10 or more marks used correctly

8-10 marks used correctly

5-8 marks used correctly

0-5 used properly No Attempt

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____ Checked to make sure that all sentences were compete____ Corrected all found misspelled words____ Checked for proper punctuation at the end of each sentence____ Checked to ensure that comma’s were used correctly____ Capitalized all words at the beginning of the sentence____ Capitalized all proper nouns____ Used proper editing marksSignature ________________________ Date ______________

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Stage 5

(Final Stage)

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•Final stage •Re-read your draft one more time•Write a final piece•Make the revision and editing checkmarks•Re-read your final piece when finished•Use your best handwriting

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RUBRICExceeds Standards Meets Standard Partially Meets

StandardDoes not Meet No Attempt

Introduction(introduces the topic and the three main


Includes 4 details Includes 3 details Includes 2 details Includes 1 detail No attempt

Paragraph 1(Includes three accurate facts)

Includes 4 supporting details

Includes 3 supporting details

Includes 2 supporting details

Includes 1 supporting detail

No attempt

Paragraph 2(Includes three accurate facts)

Includes 4 supporting details

Includes 3 supporting details

Includes 2 supporting details

Includes 1 supporting detail

No attempt

Paragraph 3(Includes three accurate facts)

Includes 4 supporting details

Includes 3 supporting details

Includes 2 supporting details

Includes 1 supporting detail

No attempt

Conclusion(restates the

information from the report)

Includes 4 supporting details

Includes 3 supporting details

Includes 2 supporting details

Includes 1 supporting detail

No attempt


Spelling (all errors are


No error 1-2 errors 2-3 errors 3-4 errors No attempt

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____ Introduction includes details____ Paragraph 1 includes 3 supporting details____ Paragraph 2 includes 3 supporting details____Paragraph 3 includes 3 supporting details____ Conclusion restates main points____ No punctuation errors____ No capitalization errors____ No spelling errors

Signature _____________________ Date ______________

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Tompkins, G.E. (2008). Teaching writing: Balancing process and product (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

Schroeter, A. (2011). All about plants graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational Prewriting Grading Rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational writing revising checklist. Unpublished checklist. Valdosta State University, Valdosta GA.

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Schroeter, A. (2011). Modified from Root, T. Expository Revising Scoring Guide. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational writing editing checklist. Unpublished checklist. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational writing editing rubric. Unpublished rubric. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational writing publishing checklist. Unpublished checklist. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA

Schroeter, A. (2011). Informational writing publishing rubric. Unpublished rubric. Valdosta State University, Valdosta GA
