  • ‘Quantum’ in Padova, an historical overview

    Cesare Barbieri

    Emeritus of Astronomy

    University of Padova

    27/11/2017 Marostica 1

  • Two parallel Quantum programs

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    Quantum Astronomy (QA) Quantum Communications (QC) in Free Space

    These activities were performed inside three Departments of our University (UPd)

    Dept. of Physics and Astronomy (DFA)Dept. of Information Engineering (DEI)Dept. of Industrial Engineering (DII)

    and by INAF Astronomical Observatory (OaPD)

    Several researchers from other institutions in Italy and Europe were also involved, as detailed in the following.

    The starting date for our ‘Quantum’ activities can be put at the very beginning of the XXI Century, along two lines of research:

    The two avenues were expounded in a document at the completion of a study (financed by ESA and EC) named

    HARRISON, from the name of the famous English clockmaker of the XVIII Century.

  • The HARRISON study for the utilization of the Time distributed by the GALILEO GNSS

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    Concluding Report:Quantum Astronomy

    Quantum Key Distribution

    Prof. Cesare BarbieriIng. Tommaso OcchipintiUniversity of Padova - Italy

    Prof. Andrej Čadež

    University of Ljubljana – Slovenia

    At present, the QC activity in our University is entirely concentrated at the DEI (Gianfranco Cariolaro, Paolo Villoresi and collaborators). I’ll leave the QC topic to Prof. Anton Zeilinger, because the program enjoyed a continuous interaction with his group, so I’ll only present some slides of historical interest.

  • Our first QC experiments in a foggy Cima Ekar (Asiago) and above the roofs of Padova, from the tower of the

    Specola to the DEI (approximately 2.5 km)

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  • Quantum Communications in free space

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    Sending and receiving back single photons to geodetic satellites like LAGEOS First visit to ASI

    station ‘Giuseppe Colombo’ in Matera Our warmest thanks to

    Giuseppe ‘Pippo’ Bianco!

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    Distribution of entangled Photons


    Distributing entangled photons to ground stations from the ISS



    Too bad ESA missed the opportunity,China came first!

  • A reference book

    thanks Gianfranco per being with us today!

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  • Quantum Astronomy

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    Main collaborators in Padova:

    Giampiero Naletto, Tommaso Occhipinti, Ivan Capraro, Enrico Verroi, Paolo Zoccarato, Fabrizio Tamburini, Claudia Facchinetti, Sandro Centro, Mirco Zaccariotto (DEI, DFA, DII)Luca Zampieri, Massimo Calvani, Alexander Burtovoi, Michele Fiori (INAF OAPd)

    with the collaboration of several other researchers from Italian and European institutions, some of them being here today (Andrea Possenti, Andrea Richichi, Andrea Mignani, Ivan Rech, Andrej Čadež, Andy Shearer, Gottfried Kanbach, Christian Gouiffes).

    My deepest thanks to all of them!

  • Quanteye

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    The basic concepts were exposed in our study (QuantEYE, the ESO Quantum Eye, 2005) in the frame of the studies for the (then) 100m Overwhelmingly Large (OWL) telescope.

    The study had two main goals:- Summarize the features of quantum optics

    applicable to Astronomy with very large telescopes

    - demonstrate the possibility to reach the picosecond time resolution and GHz photon rate needed to bring quantum optics concepts into the astronomical domain

  • From theory to reality: the key technological limitation was the detector

    The most critical point, and driver for the design of QUANTEYE, was the selection of very fast, efficient and accurate photon counting detectors.

    No detector on the market had all needed capabilities: In order to proceed, we choose SPADs (Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors) operating in Geiger mode, produced by MPD in Bolzano.

    The main drawbacks of SPADs were the small dimensions (max 200 μm), the lack of CCD-like arrays, a 70 ns dead-time and a 1.5% after-pulsing.

    To overcome both the SPAD limitations and the optical difficulty of coupling the pupil of a large telescope to very small detectors, the large telescope pupil was split into 10×10 sub-pupils, each of them focused on a single SPAD, giving a total of 100 distributed SPAD's. In such a way, a “sparse” SPAD array collecting all light and coping with the required very high count rate could be obtained.

    The distributes array samples the telescope pupil, so that a system of 100 parallel smaller telescopes was realized, each one acting as a fast photometer.

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  • QuantEYE optical design


    telescope pupil subdivision

    27/11/2017 Marostica

  • Advantages of this optical design

    • The global count rate is statistically increased by a factor N 2 with respect to the maximum count rate of a single SPAD. In the assumption of having N = 10 (100 SPAD's), the global count rate becomes 1 GHz;

    • Simpler optical design;• Detector redundancy, easier maintenance;• By suitable cross-correlations of the detected signal,

    a digital HBT intensity interferometer is realized among a large number of different sub-apertures across the full telescope pupil.

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  • After Quanteye

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    Capitalizing on Quanteye results, and in order to gain real experience for such highly unconventional concepts and instrumentation, we proposed to build single photon detectors for astronomical applications of Quantum Optics.

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    Our proposal was accepted, and we built a prototype of QuantEye, named AQuEye (the Asiago Quantum Eye) for the 182 cm Copernicus Telescope at Asiago - Cima Ekar.

  • AquEYE optomechanical designThe light beam is divided in four parts by means of a pyramidal mirror. Each beam is then focused on its own SPAD by a 1:3 focal reducer made by a pair of doublets. Different filters can be inserted in each arm.






    1:3 focal reducer

    SPAD27/11/2017 Marostica

  • AquEYE Optomechanics


    AFOSC focusPyramid

    Focusing lenses



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  • The overall system

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    A TDC board made by CAEN for CERN

    The arrival time of each photon is stored separately for each channel, guaranteeing data integrity for the subsequent scientific investigations

  • Iqueye for the NTT

    Thanks to the positive experience of AquEYE, it was decided to realize IquEYE, a more complex instrument for applications to 4m class telescopes, such as the ESO 3.5m NTT in La Silla (Chile), or the TNG or the WHT. The same basic optical solution of pupil splitting in 4 was maintained. A fifth SPAD was added to monitor sky variations

    As with Aqueye, operation can be performed from a remote control room.1927/11/2017 Marostica

  • At the NTT

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    Seen here are: Giampiero Naletto and Enrico Verroi (optics), Tommaso Occhipinti, Ivan Capraro and Andrea Di Paola (electronics, software), Paolo Zoccarato (timing system), and myself.

  • From Aqueye to Aqueye+, the optical design

    27/11/2017 Marostica 21

    A major refurbishment of Aqueye has been performed, leading to Aqueye+: - a dedicated focal reducer, a field camera and a fifth SPAD which monitors the adjacent sky background have been implemented, - For future utilizations, an Optical Vortex coronagraphic module with l = 2 can be inserted, fed by a dichroic filter and very narrow filters. An adaptive optics module, whose deformable mirror is driven by the 4 SPADS, stabilizes the star on the tip of the coronagraph phase plate.

  • The present situation of Aqueye+

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    Aqueye+, still at the 1.8m Copernicus telescope, is in a dedicated, thermally controlled room. It is fed by an optical fibre coming from a mirror inserted at the entrance of the imaging spectrograph AFOSC.

    This solution minimizes the operations for mounting Aqueye to the telescope.

  • Present status of Iqueye

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    Iqueye is back in Asiago, where it has been adapted to the 1.2m Galileo telescope at Pennar by means of an optical fibre, the same solution adopted for Aqueye+.

    Sky Diameter on fiber core: 12.5 arsec

  • New lights in the Asiago sky

    27/11/2017 Marostica 24

    Aqueye and Iqueye have been used for a variety of astrophysical problems, from pulsar timing to X-ray binaries to lunar occultations, as will be detailed by Giampiero Naletto, Luca Zampieri, Andrej Čadež, Andrea Richichi and other speakers during this conference.As the subtitle of this brochure says:Research leading towards the future

  • New light for old telescopes

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    Here we are today, ready for other exciting

