
AS UK Government and Politics

Revision - The core executive

Revision The core executive

Question 1 What are the functions of the cabinet? (7 functions)

1. Ratifying decisions made elsewhere within the central executive

2. Agreeing the management of government business in parliament

3. Settling disputes between government departments or ministers

4. Establishing the presentation of government policy

5. Making key decisions which the prime minister does not wish to

lead on

6. Occasionally dealing with a crisis or emergency

7. Specifically the political cabinets: managing the political position

of the government

Or remember: RASP KEPP

Revision The core executive

Question 2 What is the role of the prime minister? (8 roles)

1. Chief media and public spokesperson for the government

2. Represents the nation abroad

3. Chief policy maker

4. Chairs cabinet meetings and arranging its business

5. Commander in chief of the armed forces

6. Patronage — he/she is responsible for a wide range of public


7. Parliamentary leader of the government

8. Act as the key co-ordinator with coalition partners

Or remember MAP CAP PLCC

Revision The core executive

Question 3 What are sources of prime ministerial power? (7 powers)

PPEG ETCS1.Prerogative powers — the prime minister exercises many of the monarch’s arbitrary powers2.Parliament — the prime minister is leader of parliament as long as he/she commands the support of the majority of the Commons3.Election — though not directly elected like a president, he/she does enjoy the authority of the popular vote4.The governing party — the prime minister is normally the leader of the dominant party in the Commons5.European Union Treaties and Law — Single European Act 1986, Maastricht Treaty 1992, Lisbon Treaty 20096.Tradition — procedures of parliament, Queen’s Speech7.Common and Statute Laws — freedom of association, freedom of movement

Revision The core executive

Question 4 What are the prime ministerial powers formal and informal powers?

Formal powers MAD FAF

1. Managing the cabinet

2. Appointing and dismissing ministers and other public figures

3. Conducting foreign policy and negotiating treaties

4. Determining how armed forces should be deployed

Informal powers ANTMAGS

1. Acting as government spokesperson

2. Making government policy

3. Acting as national leader, especially in times of crisis

Revision The core executive

Question 5 What is ministerial and collective responsibility?

Individual ministerial responsibility

1. Ministers are responsible for all decisions and policies of

their departments

2. Ministers should accept that they are individually responsible

to parliament

3. And In extreme circumstances they resign over serious political



Revision The core executive

Question 5 What is ministerial and collective responsibility?

Collective responsibility•All government ministers are collectively responsible for all

government policies and decisions•All ministers must defend government policy in public•Ministers who disagree with government policy publicly must

resign or face dismissal•Coalition governments may introduce exceptions — agreements to



Revision The core executive

Question 6 What are the reasons for the growth of prime ministerial power? (7 reasons)

1. The decline in importance of the cabinet

2. The increasing importance of the role in terms of the media and public


3. The increasing importance of international affairs which are prime


4. The growth in the importance of private advisers and think tanks

5. The growth in the extent and influence of the Downing Street policy

‘machine’6. The increasing use of bilateral agreements with ministers

7. The incidence of dominant individuals such as Thatcher and Blair


Revision The core executive

Question 7 What are the limitations on prime ministerial powers?

Their party — prime ministers can be removed by the governing party

International events — the power of the prime minister may be limited

by international developments or international organisations (including

the EU)

Coalition partners – With Coalition government the Prime Minister may

be restricted by the demands or agreements of their coalition partners

Public opinion — the authority of the prime minister can be

undermined by unpopularity or media opposition

Cabinet — cabinet can overrule or remove a prime minister

Parliament — the prime minister only has authority if he/she enjoys the

support of the Commons majority

Remember – PICPOC

Revision The core executive

Question 8 What are the main factors in the PMs selection of ministers? (9 factors)

• Popularity with sections of the governing party• And Public popularity• Party loyalty• Ability as a parliamentarian• And Ability as a department manager• Ability to deal with Parliament• Loyalty to the prime minister• Experience and expertise• Dissidents who may need to be silenced


Revision The core executive

Question 8 What are the Civil service principles?

Anonymity (ARBILP)

1. Their specific role not must not be identified

2. They should have a low public profile

Permanence (PACDSOTT)

1. They also cannot be dismissed for political


2. They have security of tenure

3. They transfer from one government to the next

Revision The core executive

Question 8 What are the Civil service principles?

Neutrality (NAP, SDP, MABN, NEBP)

1. They must not be active politically

2. They must always serve governments of

different parties equally conscientiously

3. Their work and advice must always be neutral

4. They must not ever become politically

involved on behalf of government
