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DyslexiaDyslexia„Curse or Mercy?”

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• I’m Anita and I’m 19. A few months ago I got to know I am dyslexic and dysgraphic. It was an unexpected information about me I would have never thought it as I have always had an excellent school report. I am hard working, but I have some difficulties in spelling. Solving math tasks is problematic because of my unpunctual copying the datas from the text. I was believed thoughtless. Once I filled a test in connection with dyslexia because I had failed my German language exam 3 times. Just 1 or 2 percent was always missing for my passing it.

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• When my problem turned out, I was really upset. I felt I was stupid, I started to keep distance from my friends, I was afraid of their opinion about my problem. I felt my achievements were disappeared and I lost my self- confidence.

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I began making research about dyslexia via internet, and I found info about it by reading the following webpages: „

Is it curse or mercy?Auguste Rodin, the statuary was also dyslexic, and I realized it was not an illness, but an other kind of way of thinking, apperception and learning. All in one it is an other kind of way of processing information. Thanks for this difference, a part of the dyslexic people are more talented in some ways than the average people are.I found a lot of famous and well- known artists, scientists, musicians, politicians and actors/actresses had to cope with dyslexia.

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I realized having such problem means not the end of the world. What I have obtained so far won’t disappear, and I can significantly do my best in some parts of the life.

I have been playing chess for 8 years and I have taken part in a lot of competitions. I have taken part in individual competition in the Students’ Olympic Games for 3 times playing chess, I have obtained the 9th placing. In a team we obtained the 2nd placing 2 years ago. I am a multiple county champion, and I have got the ‚ Woman Chess Player of the Year’ distinction for 3 times.

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• I have been playing a musical instrument ( I am a flutist)for 8 years, I attended to a conservatoire as a child. I was specialized in music in the primary school. I have a musical basic degree. I have stepped up many concerts and taken part in territorial competitions , too.

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I think the dyslexia is not a disadvantage, nobody has to be under the weather.If you have a certificate about it, it makes your life easier because you won’t feel you are stupid any more.You can get extra time for completing the exams, your achievement will be better and you will be calmer. I have also got them, knowing my problem, I have chosen any other kind of language exam, and it has been done for the 4th time!I have spoken about is with my teachers and they have accepted it. They help me if I need, they give me more time for the exercises when they notice that I copy the tasks badly. And the top of all that, so, do my friends.So if your dyslexia turns out, study from my mistakes and don’t start to live your life aloof, because nothing will change, just your problem gets a name.
