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Audience demographic profile

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Research into music video demographicUpon researching my audience demographic I thought it would be beneficial to look at academic research which has been conducted in the area in order to give my prediction of my consumers audience some objectivity. I found an article called The Structure of Musical Preferences: A Five-Factor Model by Peter J. Rentfrow, Lewis R. Goldberg, and Daniel J. Levitin which suggests there are 5 factors effecting our music preference and consumption, and also that these factors are influenced by social context. From this I must consider my demographics social class status, social interactions, exposure to popular media ,cultural trends, ethnicity , gender and country of residence.(Extract taken from general discussion sections regarding the summary of the research findings):

- “Research replicates and extends previous work on individual differences in music-genre preferences (e.g., Delsing et al., 2008; Rentfrow & Gosling, 2003), which suggested four to five robust music-preference factors. We examined a broad array of musical styles and assessed preferences for several pieces of music. The results from three independent studies converged, revealing five dimensions underlying music preferences. Although the pieces of music used in Study 1 were completely different from those used in Studies 2 and 3, the findings from all three studies revealed five clear and interpretable music-preference dimensions: a Mellow factor comprising smooth and relaxing musical styles; an Urban factor defined largely by rhythmic and percussive music; a Sophisticated factor composed of a variety of music perceived as complex, intelligent, and inspiring; an Intense factor defined by loud, forceful, and energetic music; and a Campestral factor comprising a variety of different styles of country and singer-songwriter music. Each of these factors resemble those reported previously, and the high degree of convergence across the present studies and previous research suggests that music preferences, whether for genres of musical pieces, are defined by five latent factors.The findings from Study 4 extend past research by informing our understanding of why particular musical styles covary. Indeed, we found that each factor has a unique pattern of attributes that differentiates it from the other factors. For instance, Sophisticated music is perceived as thoughtful, complicated, clear sounding, quiet, relaxing and inspiring, whereas Mellow music is perceived as thoughtful, clear sounding, quiet, relaxing, slow, and not complicated. The results from this study also suggest that preferences for the MUSIC factors are affected by both the social and auditory characteristics of the music. Specifically, musical attributes accounted for significant proportions of variance in preferences for the Mellow, Urban, Sophisticated, Intense, and Campestral music factors, over and above music genres. These results suggest that preferences are influenced by both the social connotations and by particular auditory features of music.

music preferences are shaped by psychological dispositions, social interactions as well as exposure to popular media and cultural trends. Thus, preferences for a particular style of music may vary as a function of personality traits, social class, ethnicity, country of residence, and cohort, as well as the culture-specific associations with that style of music.”

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Gender of ideal target audience

• Due to the absence of lyrics meaning there is not a certain sex performer in which an audience could identify with, meaning that the text is left open for interpretation from a mixed gender audience. The music video does not utilise the ‘male gaze’ theory in order to get a male audience to identify with the text, and the representations of gender are rather equal and progressive.

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Age of ideal target audience:• The audience for trip hop/ down-tempo focused instrumental

music is rather niche and would not widely appeal to a younger generation (12-18) who predominantly endorse popular culture, such as chart music. Rather the audience for this product would be young adults (18-30) of whom can afford to buy the product, and statistically do buy more music, rather than downloading etc. Another reason for this is the actors who feature in my production are ages 18 and would be identifiable by a similar age group or older. Older people may identify with the production as they may identify their past selves with the actors and feel a sense of “nostalgia” of life at the beginning of adulthood. This is something we aimed to achieve so as to fit and reference the title of the song used in production “Nostalgia”.

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Ethnicity of ideal target audience

• Although the audience for the production is aimed predominantly at people living in the UK so that the audience identify with the culture depicted in the production. However although there is only white British actors throughout the production, this is not intentional, and despite this I believe the ideal demographic would disregard ethnicity as a factor and the audience would be of mixed ethnicity.

This is a shot of early group “massive attack” who were at the time called “the wild bunch”. It has been argued this group were at the dawn of ‘Trip Hop’ and attracted a multi cultural audience.

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UK social class structure

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Social class of target audience

• The social class of my desired demographic is not that specific however it would consist of predominantly D’s C1’s and B’s. E’s consist predominantly of elderly who would not identify with the product. It has been argued that C2’s are primarily technical thinkers put little priority to the arts or music. C1, and B’s would be the majority in the audience for the product as I believe they are the ones who are stable enough to endorse the product financially. Although, disregarding financial constrains class status would have little preference on my audience in comparison to if we had made a more politically focused production.

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Audiences favourite music:

Top trip-hop tagged artists according to ‘’

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Audiences favourite films

• Niche art-house films such as:- Subject films like ‘Fish Tank’, ‘This Is England’

and ‘Control’.- Art-house films such as ‘Submarine’ and

‘Tinker, Tailor, Solider Spy’

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Profile of ideal fan (a friend who is already a fan of ‘Drakefrancis’ of whom I asked a few relevant questions)

• Name: Summer Aisha’Mae• Age: 19 Gender: female• Occupation: Green peace fundraiser• Lives: In Norwich, UK• Four of your favourite artists? Etta James,

Portishead, Janis Joplin and Bonobo• What draws you to those artists? They are

what I listen to when I want to relax in my own space, all make great music.

• What draws you to the music of ‘Drakefrancis’? Its sophisticated, chilled out and I think he leaves his music mostly open to interpretation.

Reflecting on this, two of her favourite artists are considered down-tempo/ trip-hop and are similar to drakefrancis. Her reason for liking his music fits with how I represented it throughout the production, as well as the fact I used a montage style in order to achieve an open text, open mostly for interpretation (Barthes's code of open and closed text)

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Conclusion on audience demographic:

• Age: 18-30• Gender: mixed• Class: working and middle class• Music preference: most genre’s, chilled out• Preferred artists: Tricky, Massive Attack,

Portishead, Dj Shadow, Bonobo.• Media preference: niche art-house films,

guardian newspaper.
