

BEHAVIORISM THEORYABDUL MUIZ BIN HUSSINMUHAMMAD SABIQ BIN MOHD NOOR NORASHIDAH BINTI ZULKIFLI SANI AHMED SAMBO Teacher must learn how to teach they need only to be taught more effective way of teaching. B.F. Skinner Definition Behaviorism is learning theory which assume that a learner is essentially passive responding to environment stimuli. Behavior is shaped by positive and negative reinforcement. Behaviorism is a precursor to cognitive learning.

Difference between theories

Proponent of behaviorism.Ivan Pavlov : experiment with dog, (classical conditioning)BG Skinner: experiment with cat. (Operant conditioning to modify the occurrence and form of behavior )John B Watson : The Little Albert experiment . He get credit for establishing the psychological school of behaviorism. Ivan Pavlov : Experiment with dog

B.F. Skinner : Experiment with rat

J.B Watson : Little Albert Experiment

1. How the leaners learn. Inforcement . Conditioning. (association)

2. How the instruction differPractice and repetition. Give positive reinforcement. 3. What are the problems and strengthSTRENGHT Behaviorism is based on observable behaviors, so it is easier to quantify Very useful in changing maladaptive or harmful behaviors in both children and adults.

PROBLEMS:It only considers what is observable and measurable, well in fact there are various unseen aspects of an individual that are very vital in his or her personalities and learning capabilities.Behaviorismdoes not account for other types of learning, especially learning that occurs without the use ofreinforcement and punishment.

4. How do I design appropriate instruction. Immediate feedback. Break down task. Repetition. Give positive reinforcement. Considered age.