Page 1: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Behind Enemy Lines

Directed by John MooreProduced by John Davis and 20th Century Fox

Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Page 2: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman


Budget - $40 million

Gross Revenue - $91,753,202

Page 3: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Purpose of Film

• To make money (as always)

• To entertain (as always)

• For Propaganda

Page 4: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Historical Inspiration

• The movie bears some resemblance to the experiences of former USAF Captain Scott O’Grady, who was shot down on June 2, 1995, over Bosnia. He managed to survive for six days before being rescued.

• The characters and events the film portrays are, however, almost entirely fictional. O'Grady never entered populated areas, interacted with civilians, or was pursued by Serb forces. Also, O'Grady never flew an F/A-18F. He flew an F-16 Fighting Falcon.

• In this respect, the film more closely resembles the experiences of Royal Navy pilot, Lt Nick Richardson, shot down over Gorazde on April 16, 1994, whose story is told in the book .

Page 5: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

ProductionThe film, released by News Corporation division 20th Century Fox, features fictional news reports from Sky News, a sister company to Fox.

None of the actors playing Serbians were actually Serbians; because they could not find any Serbs willing to work on the film, due to anti-Serb sentiment carried through out the film. Also the names of Serbian characters were not Serbian

The movie was filmed in Slovakia, not Bosnia.

During the shooting of the lakeside scene near the end, the countryside was unexpectedly devoid of snow. To recreate a snowy lake, the film's crew cleared part of a mountain of trees, used molten wax to create the appearance of a lake, and used paper snow to imitate real snow

Page 6: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Production Company

20th Century Fox made this film to:

• Make money

• To entertain the audience

• To inform the audience of what happens in times of war

• Promote America and its values (propaganda)

Page 7: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

What do the following films have in common

• An Officer and a Gentlemen

• Top Gun

• GI Jane

• Three Kings

• Black Hawk Down

• We were Soldiers

• The Hurt Locker

Page 8: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman


• In the main the films have the same audience, and share the same purpose – to promote American Values and the role of the American military in upholding those values

• The films do not reflect the world, whether the films are based on actual historical events or are fiction. The films promote a stereotype and techniques are employed by the production company and director to engage this goal

Page 9: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman


• Action Film

• Adventure Film

• War Film

• True Life drama film (Thriller)

Page 10: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Genre – Action




physical stunts

Chase scenes


VillainsHelpless women

One man saves the day

Male dominate

Fast editing

Slow motion dramatic moment

Fast pace

High Octave music

•Lots of fast edits to capture the fast action like planes flying, loud soundtrack, powerful music

Page 11: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Genre – War Films



Conflict between countries

Strong Leader

Young “Hot Shot” in need of a mentor


Dog Fighting

Negative portrayals of other countries

Simple Storylines

Strong Male bonding Good V Bad

Military, hi-tech equipment, guns

•Lots of fast edits to capture the fast action like planes flying, loud soundtrack, powerful music

•American as heroes

Well known stars acting as soldiers

Page 12: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Marketable Assets

Gene Hackman

Famous name from lots of Hollywood Movies

Known for playing tough guy roles

Well known to American audiences and brings them into cinema

Older and plays and older experienced leader

Page 13: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Marketable Assets - Product Placement

Sky News

Twentieth Century Fox are owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch is a media mogul and owns Sky News.

Sky News are the ones who break the details of Burnett in the story

Sky News are mentioned or feature five times in the film.

More obvious placements

Burnett receiving a bottle of Coca-Cola from the Muslim freedom fighter

The Muslim freedom fighter wearing a t-shirt with Ice-Cube on it

The Muslim driver who looks like Elvis Presley while rock n roll plays in the background.

Page 14: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Owen Wilson

• Young, blond and handsome

• He is starting out in his acting career

• Meets the criteria for a Hollywood leading man

• A change of direction of his career from comic to serious

Marketable Assets

Page 15: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Narrative Structure

The action was driven forward by the numerous attempts to rescue Burnett. There are three times in the film when Burnett is nearly rescued and twice the rescue attempt is thwarted. This helps make the audience sympathetic towards Burnett and keeps them on the edge of their seats as they hope he will escape. This narrative style is common in war films. It helps build suspense and tension and therefore makes the film overall more exciting.

Page 16: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation - AmericanThe strict officer with a very hard surface that hides a deep love and respect for his men. - very stereotypical

Grouchy old-fashioned army man – very stereotypical

Seen looking smart in his uniform – takes pride in being able to wear the uniform


Thinks before he acts

Always looks serious and thoughtful

Hides what he really feels

Keeps Burnett’s resignation letter

Always tries to motivate his men

Keeps trying to rescue Burnett despite interference and the risk to his own career.

Father figure that helps Burnett to reach his full potential

Page 17: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation - AmericanOrdinary soldier puzzled by the war

Eager hero

Young unpromoted pilot just desperate to do his job

Ready risk life to get the mission done


Does not take the same pride in his uniform – usually unbuttoned

He is restless


Emotions are always on show, easy to read

Cracks jokes and very talkative

Hands in resignation letter because of inactivity, foolhardy when he goes off mission

Loyal to his friend

Risks life to get the evidence needed and saves the day

Page 18: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation - SerbThe cool and sneaky villain, assassin

Tracker who loves the manhunt

Wear dark, dirty tracksuit – no uniform therefore no loyalty to anyone

Never smiles – always looks ready for action

It is very seldom that he talks in the film

Wherever Burnett is Sasha is also, always ready to shoot

Casually, smokes a cigarette, shoots Stackhouse in the back of his head.

Betrays comrade when he abandons him standing on the land mine.

The complete opposite of Burnett

Page 19: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation -SerbRuthless, uncaring leader

Sees soldiers as fodder and unimportant

No expression

Very cold eyes

Communicates through looks and gestures as he gives the order to kill

Stands on the open wound of Stackhouse

Orders the execution Muslims who surrender.

The opposite of Admiral Riegart

Page 20: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation – Christmas

One of the main ways that the director shows the difference between the American soldiers and the Serb soldiers is through their actions on Christmas Day. Whilst the American soldiers are enjoying a Christmas party and are all smartly dressed in their uniforms; the Serbs are dressed in a variety of uniforms (showing no loyalty) whilst hiding out or shooting guns into the sky after they capture the plane.

Page 21: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Representation - women

There are very few female characters in the film thus creating the impression that not many women are in the military. However, it can be argued that the film shows so few women because they believe the general public would not want to see women killing people as it goes against the assumption that women are the life givers and therefore should nurture life. Furthermore it has to be remembered that in Muslim countries, women are not allowed to appear in public.

Page 22: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

AudienceAmerican audiences would love this film as they have been shown in a very positive light.

However anti-America audiences, such as the Taliban would have a completely different reaction. They are more likely to be outraged at the positive image of America and the negative image of the Serbs.

The reason for this is simple – Americans are very patriotic and support their soldiers whereas the Taliban supporters are the enemy of Americans

Page 23: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman


The message of this film is very clear – The American military is superior and their technology is more advanced and works better than that of their enemy.

Examples from the film

The ship is always able to keep in contact with Burnett despite the distance and tough terrain.

The speed of F/A – 18s, superhornet jets, that the F/A- 18s avoid the SAMS (missile) the success of the ejector seats at mach 3

The satellite pictures that track and film the location of Burnett. The digital camera survives the supersonic crash.

Page 24: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key scene 1When Burnett waits at the first pick up point he hears that he has to make his way to a new safe zone and, as Burnett reads the map, the camera zooms at speed over the countryside.

Page 25: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 2When Burnett runs away from the Serbs and hides in the muddy pit, the Serbs looking down putting handkerchiefs over their mouths and there is a change from colour film to black and white

Page 26: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key scene 3

When Riegart and the other officers are in the radar and telecommunications room all the action is filmed in a blue light

Page 27: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 4

When Burnett rests because he is exhausted, Sasha approaches and prepares to shoot him as Burnett dreams a flash back to the shooting of Stackhouse and the director uses freeze frame

Page 28: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 5

When Burnett reaches Hac there is shooting and tanks and explosions, Burnett is knocked to the ground and the scene is shot with a hand held camera – not the usual hi-tech visual style

Page 29: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 6

When Reigart and the team are finally about to set off on the rescue mission there is a shot of the sea from the deck of the aircraft carrier and the camera stays on the same shot as Reigart and the team appear rising as if from nowhere and fill the screen walking to the “birds”

Page 30: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 7The end of the film where Burnett is finally being rescued. It starts with Burnett being on his own surrounded by scores of the enemy. They have tanks and other heavy equipment. There is lots of shooting, with a huge number of bullets being fired – which of course miss Burnett completely. The Americans arrive and manage to destroy the majority of the enemy whilst Burnett runs back for the disc. The director uses slow motion and close-ups of Burnett and Reigart. After getting the disc Burnett throws himself off the side of a cliff and is caught by an American soldier.

Page 31: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 8

Having been rescued the last action we see, although not the actual end of the film, is the helicopters in long shot soaring off into the sunset. This is an effective way to end the action as the message of the film is clear: Americans always win.

Page 32: Behind Enemy Lines Directed by John Moore Produced by John Davis and 20 th Century Fox Actors – Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman

Key Scene 9

The last shots of the film shows a long shot of Admiral Riegart walking past the aircraft carrier as his men watch him leave. As he walks away, captions appear on screen tying up any loose ends. We are told that Burnett remained in the navy, that Riegart was transferred to Washington but decided to retire instead with the respect and loyalty of his men.
