Page 1: Ben · 2010-04-28 · Ben Cummings, who’s going to tell us all about his different types of strategies and ideas on


Matt Prados/Ben Cummings Interview © 2010 Chiropr

Ben Cummings


Page 2: Ben · 2010-04-28 · Ben Cummings, who’s going to tell us all about his different types of strategies and ideas on


Matt Prados/Ben Cummings Interview © 2010 Chiropr

Page 3: Ben · 2010-04-28 · Ben Cummings, who’s going to tell us all about his different types of strategies and ideas on


Matt Prados/Ben Cummings Interview © 2010 Chiropr

0:00:05.7 MATT PRADOS: All right. Hello everyone and welcome.

This is Matt Prados, CEO of Chiro Traffic. And tod ay I’m hanging out with chiropractic marketing superst ar, Ben Cummings, who’s going to tell us all about his different types of strategies and ideas on marketin g in the year 2010. So, first of all, Ben, welcome t o the interview, thanks for joining us.

0:00:26.2 BEN CUMMINGS: Thanks Matt for having me, looking

forward to it. MATT PRADOS: Absolutely, I’m excited to get into it

and uh, you know, share uh, some insights to the ma rket and the profession and see uh, you know, what we ca n accomplish and how we can help the listeners out.

0:00:38.5 So, you uh, so I understand you been uh, marketing or

consulting on marketing topics for, what about 15 years? Is that right?

0:00:46.1 BEN CUMMINGS: Man, do you have to remind me it has

been that long? I mean I’m not that old, I, I swea r, but it sounds like, I’ve been doing it, I feel like I have been doing it eight lifetimes, quite frankly, but anyway.

Uh, yeah, it, uh, we’ve been at it for a while an d uh,

I am not good at a lot of stuff, but one thing I’ve gotten pretty darn good at, and I guess it’s, it’s in my, you know behavioral make-up so I can thank my mother for this, is I’m pretty good at the marketin g stuff and the entrepreneurial side of how to launch and build a business. And then, that kind of parlayed into helping doctors, launching, and building, and growi ng, and attracting lots of patients, into a chiropracti c clinic.

0:01:26.2 And I kind of stumbled into the niche, q uite frankly,

uh, you know, 15 years ago. There was no college de gree in, in uh, how to be a specialist in chiropractic marketing. But um, I won’t bore you with how I got into it, but it, it, it’s uh, uh, but I, you know, it,

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it’s a fantastically interesting field and I love working with chiropractors, primarily because they are, you know, by nature if you’re going to get into chiropractic, you know, into the profession, you ha ve to be open minded and you tend to think outside the box in general.

0:01:58.8 So I love looking at what, you know, wit h the

chiropractic groups, more than any other group I’ve ever worked with.

MATT PRADOS: Great and uh, what types of marketing

do you like the best, find the most successful toda y? I mean what uh, what, what’s your main focus these days?

0:02:12.5 BEN CUMMINGS: Um, well, I’m going to warn your

listeners that I am a contrarian through and throug h. So I tend to tackle these things, uh pretty much outside the norm. Um, which can be quite profitabl e, you know what I’m saying Matt? Because, if, if everybody in the market’s you know, um, it’s like football right? You know, if the team keeps runnin g the play to the right hand side, and they do it lik e 19 times straight, well you know, it might be a goo d strategy, to block that, that path and then start going left, once the team has figured out you’re always going right, you know?

0:02:49.4 And, so we, we tend to, to kind of um, ge t really high

ROI’s by finding, kind of contrarian opportunities. So let me just break this down into a practical sen se um, if, if you don’t mind.

MATT PRADOS: Absolutely.

0:03:02.3 One, one direction that we like to go big picture with

this, is wire the entire chiropractic practice, and I’m talking with regards to marketing here, but wir e it assuming worst case, pathetic, abysmal looser resolve.

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Matt Prados/Ben Cummings Interview © 2010 Chiropr

0:03:22.8 How’s that for a philosophy? MATT PRADOS: There you go.

BEN CUMMINGS: Alright, and the reason is, um, you

know, tell me if this sounds all too familiar? And everybody’s going to be, uh-huh, uh-huh, but you kn ow, Doctor goes out there, he get’s talked into buying the latest, greatest advertising fad touted in the industry trade publication. Um, let’s call it, you know, Colossal Ads, alright.

0:03:51.4 And, so he gets Colossal Ads, and boy oh boy, this

thing is going to get him, like 24 patients every week, like, like manna, dropping from heaven. Doct or gets charged up, runs the ad. He’s not doing anyth ing else that month marketing related, because after al l the one magic ad, aka the magic, uh pill, is going to save his practice remember, so… But then, he discovers the results are, uh, a little shy of expected, that were advertised.

0:04:18.4 So, he assumed good results, which is wha t they teach

in all the positive thinking books. But, I actuall y think that my approach is more positive, because I assume the worst result, because if it doesn’t pan out, then we’re assured of that marketing a new patient consistency.

0:04:31.3 So we say that hey, let’s not even call t his a

campaign. Let’s call this a marketing pole. And h ow many marketing poles do we have to dangle into the, you know, into Lake Ontario, to generate desired number of patients, if we wire each pole assuming, like, bad results?

So what if we all generally agreed that one patien t is

worth 1,000 and one marketing pole will only genera te, very conservatively speaking, one to three new patients?

0:05:00.1 Well, then you can reverse engineer the w hole

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Matt Prados/Ben Cummings Interview © 2010 Chiropr

marketing uh, uh process. And this is how we have clients bring in 40 / 50 new patients monthly. ‘Ca use we are not seeking the “home run”. You know what I ’m saying? We’re seeking the “base hits”. It’s wired assuming almost bad results. Um, like Donald Trump said, uh, I think it, it was in the book called the Art of the Deal. He said, “If you take care of the downside the upside will take care of itself.”

0:05:22.4 So we sort of tackle the chiropractic mar keting in the

same way. We assume not great results, so we wire it on that assumption and then we, um, of course we’ll have home runs within that, that marketing mix. But um, that’s been real successful for us.

0:05:39.9 MATT PRADOS: Great, well that’s definitely a, a

fresh philosophy and uh, not one that uh, I’ve hear d anybody else really talking about. So, uh, if you’ re putting all these different poles out there, if a p ole gets one to three new patients, you’re talking abou t, you know, really having 20 or, or 30 different pole s out there, it sounds like.

0:05:58.4 BEN CUMMINGS: That, you know what, yeah, and that

scares a lot of people, right, when they hear that. But you don’t have to do, you know 1 dozen, 2 dozen poles, like, tomorrow. This is something that you develop over the course of, of a year. Um, and the n what’s really cool, uh, do, do you have a question, or can I keep going here?

MATT PRADOS: Go ahead.

0:06:19.0 Okay, um, you know I’m like a wind up dol l, you know

just press “on” and I’ll just keep going and going. Uh, what, uh, uh, what, what get’s really, really

successful is if you do this for a year and we’re b ig into tracking, so we sort of have this whole proces s that we teach the doctors, called um, “strategic upgrading”.

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0:06:38.6 At the end of every single calendar year um, see we want them all working from a marketing system, rath er than duct taping together, random acts of marketing that never result in any consistency.

0:06:54.4 I’ll, I’ll take consistency over marketin g brilliance

any day of the week. MATT PRADOS: Sure. BENN CUMMING: Um, you know, even a guy who is a

straight “D” student in chiropractic college and wa s like you know that movie Animal House where, you kn ow, he’s doing funnels of beer every weekend? I’ll tak e that guy if he’s doing the marketing consistently over the most brilliant brainiac guy, who can only get himself to do 3 things a year, you know?


0:07:19.4 BEN CUMMING: Um, so, okay, so, so our “D” student,

let’s go back to him, um, trust me, I have a lot of friends like him.

Uh, so he has been doing the marketing. Uh, he ha s

focused on high ROI, um, only, marketing poles. Ea ch pole is wired to generate an abysmal 1 to 3 new patients. Of course he’s having home runs with a n et mix but not always, we don’t wire it assuming a hom e run.

0:07:43.9 After a year of tracking, um we can see w hat the dogs

are and what the champions are, and we do a process called, “end of year strategic upgrading”. So we k ick out the dogs. Or we analyze, hey, how can we, uh, you know, you know, increase the ROI and we have a whol e, sort of checklist on how to do that.

0:08:03.4 But then, so our year two plan, right out of the gate,

is, is even more profitable. Now, at the end of ye ar two tracking, we do another strategic upgrade thing . Well now year three, I mean, you’re like unstoppabl e.

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And it’s really not hard to succeed, at, at least i n my view, with a good chiropractic marketing plan. Because, like you don’t have any competition, becau se no one’s doing anything!

0:08:26.4 I mean, I’m not kidding. Uh, I, uh, relea sed a course

um, on how to dominate, you know, Google. Because, ‘cause our clients just kept slamming into me everywhere for all these search terms. And um, you can’t do a, do a related search in, in the world of chiropractic market without ramming into me in some , in some way.

0:08:44.7 So they started saying, “Ben, you know, c an you teach

us how to do this?” So I, started uh, um a website called And we always laughed, because, you know, I teach this system tha t we know works and, like, I can’t get anybody to do it!

0:09:02.4 I mean, it is, it’s not rocket science! There’s a,

there’s a specific series of strategies. And I’ve replicated this in multiple markets, you know, I ow n, um, I own a bunch of other little businesses as wel l, but, like we know it works. Um, I even use my fath er as a case study. I threw up just a butt ugly site, got him ranked No. 1 in a very competitive um, nich e market, we’re we are trying to rank, um, like, agai nst attorneys. And any keyword related to attorney, ha s, has some of the highest “cost per click”, CPC rates out there.

0:09:33.9 Got him No. 1 in literally a week, so, an d that true,

that was on a local basis, but you know a pretty bi g market locally.

And truly, you guys don’t have any competition. S o

if, if, if you even have a plan, trust me, no one e ven has a frickin’ plan! So, if you just do a plan, yo u track it, you wire it assuming worst possible resul ts and, and, and then we can you know, operate from a realistic, practical standpoint like that.

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0:10:04.5 Then we do strategic upgrading, you’re ju st going to blow everybody else out of the water. ‘Cause you h ave no competition. I’ve been doing this long enough t o tell you, you probably really don’t have competitio n, because no one is doing anything out there.

0:10:13.0 MATT PRADOS: Such a great point this is definitely

an area that uh, most doctors don’t want to confron t, or they have a lot of confusion, they feel like they’re “a doctor, not a marketer”. Uh, so having a plan is absolutely crucial.

Now what, what would be some example points? Uh, you

mentioned you know, getting some search engine optimization going. That’s a pole, that’s great. What other uh, what other type of strategies do you like to have, your, your guys start out with?

0:10:38.1 BEN CUMMING: Well, you know what’s really fun about

the chiropractic industry, you know, there’s so man y different types of clinics. You know, there are people that are associate doctors, there are people that, that are buying a clinic, there are people th at are straights, mixers and everything in between.

Um, so it’s hard for me to say where do I start th em

with, because usually people are, you know, enterin g our funnel at, at, at a different point. But, uh, here let me, let me kinda go a little bit bigger picture. I think this will be, maybe, more helpful …


BEN CUMMING: …for some of the listeners.

Um, uh, okay. You know, I guess w e need to address this issue. You know, why the marketing, frankly, never gets done. Um, you know, stop thinking in te rms of, of a marketing campaign, because this is overwhelming.

And, and again, I have been using this term “marke ting

pole”, just, just pretend it’s a marketing pole, an d

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I’m serious about that. And, and draw out, I’m a b ig believer and user of mind maps, and just draw out, like a dozen poles and then rather than like a fish hanging onto it, just draw a little box and just wr ite in what can you do, you know, 12 things that you ca n do right now, um, that, that can generate patients.

0:11:50.6 And so, what we actually call this are mi ni nets, um,

and so, the um, metaphor that I would equate this t o is, you know, Harvey the guy at the end of the, of, of, of a Lake Ontario Peer, he had 12 poles in the water and it just generated this incredible like feeding frenzy. That attracted other fish and thos e fish attracted more fish. So the guy had 12 market ing poles in the water. But because of the, you know, they actually call this, the, the um, “snowball effect”, it’s like the tide that rises all ships, y ou know. It’s his 12 poles had the quote, unquote, catching power of 24 poles, because of this feeding frenzy momentum.

0:12:36.5 And that, I really apply this metaphor di rectly to a,

a chiropractic practice. Now we actually call this a, a, a “mini net” and we call this the “mini net formula”. So, do you mind if I teach that real qui ck?

0:12:49.8 MATT PRADOS: No let’s go into it.

BEN CUMMINGS: So you know a commercial fishing boat,

right? They don’t bother even with a fishing rod, they just cast a giant net out to sea and they can reel in, like, hundreds of fish at once.

So they say you know, screw the pole, we’re going t o go for the net. So what exactly is a “chiro bully mini net”? A, a mini net is, um comprised of clust ers of poles, organized into tightly focused groups.

0:13:17.9 So the intention of a mini net is so, so, so it’s a

bunch of marketing poles, clustered together to dominate certain local segments and to go after wha t we call micro niches.

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0:13:27.4 So let’s just bring this into the real wo rld. Uh, I

have a client doing big numbers, um, in the persona l injury market okay. So um, uh, what got him there is we created for him a “personal injury mini net”. W hat the heck is that?

0:13:43.2 Well, it’s basically just a mini net made up of, in

his case, about, I, I can’t remember like, about 12 or 14 different marketing poles. So we’re having him send out a newsletter monthly to attorneys. Uh, we ’re having him, um do a certain direct mail campaign th at I’m not at liberty, to, to say in this recording, ‘cause its, its unique to him, but it involves lump email pieces and stuff that can’t be ignored, right ? You know, very unconventional stuff. It involves uh, networking, meet and greet events that he does. It involves, you know, and, and these are each separate poles.

0:14:19.9 Um, he’s big into feeding um, the office staff at

these, at, at these legal offices. Because, as, Ma tt as you and I know, it’s not often the attorney who actually chooses who they are going to refer to, it ’s the paralegal. You know? He’s just a puppet regim e you know. Uh…


BEN CUMMINGS: So, right? So, he’s got 8 or 10 of

these, you know, personal injury uh, poles tightly concentrated into a mini net. And again we go back to the commercial fishing boat, you know, when you hav e, see it’s a confluence of all these different things , it actually, where like, like, like the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It’s, it’s sort of hard for me to explain.

0:15:04.3 But um, so, now if you have a mini net, u m, that’s

only one mini net. And, and remember a mini net is comprised of multiple marketing poles. Well why ca n’t you have 4, 5, 6 mini nets? One go after PI, that’ s

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one mini net. Then one going after, let’s say chro nic back pain for spinal decompression. Another going after, let’s say, pediatric chiropractic, another going after carpal tunnel, I don’t know. You know, whatever your markets that you want to go after.

0:15:27.0 So, uh, I guess, I mean, you can tell I g et pumped up

when I talk about this, ‘cause, it, it really is, I think a practical approach. More practical approac h than what most doctors do, which is, they buy a course, they think it’s a magic pill. Frankly, a l ot of them are just looking for like a life preserver, because they don’t want to deal with the marketing, let’s be frank.

0:15:48.7 And it doesn’t work. Shock, shock, shock . 0:15:53.7 MATT PRADOS: So, uh, it, it’s such a great point.

They, they don’t want to deal with marketing and it sounds like with these mini poles and, and clusters of poles, mini nets, excuse me, that, uh, that there’s a good about marketing that they need to do.

Now is this something that you typically get the

doctor, your, your clients to do or is it something that they pass onto their CA’s? Or, so is this typically poled out for you and your clients?

0:16:17.8 BEN CUMMINGS: Uh, you know it really does vary, um, I

get real nervous when a doctor right away, you know , before he’s even cracked the, the cover on one of m y courses, starts to asking me who he can, you know, dump this quote, marketing stuff, close quote, on.

‘Cause, that, that’s like, “Ben, I don’t want to d eal

with it, you know, who can I hire to uh, deal with it?”

Um, I’m a huge outsourcer. I, uh, I have, uh, 7 f ull

time people that are outsourcers. Um, I mean that are uh, you, you know, that are my outsourcers. But ev ery single task that I have them do, I have done it mys elf

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at least twice. So I learned, I made myself learn like Vinyl Cut Pro, which is frankly moronic, becau se I could hire somebody, but I, I have to have a cert ain understanding of the skills, before I feel comforta ble outsourcing.

0:17:06.1 So, I would strongly encourage even our s easoned

veterans out there, that have really been around th e block, um, take back ownership of the marketing whe n you see your numbers go down. ‘Cause no one really cares ultimately about your numbers like you do.

I mean you can’t expect the staff person who, whos e,

whose entire entrepreneurial experience is basicall y just watching the Donald Trump TV Show. Right, they’re not going to get you rich, you know. If th ey could they’re not going to be working for you right ?

0:17:39.5 Um, so we say, you know, take, take back ownership.

Especially if you, you are seeing a gradual decline in those numbers. Um, work the system yourself. And then you can start, you know, then talk to me about outsourcing.

0:17:53.3 Um, now in reality, you know, we have a l ot of clients

now that have been with me for like a decade. It’s scary when I think about it. And of course, they h ave like a full time marketing CA. They outsource stuf f to elance and odesk and all this kind of stuff, because, we’re, we’re big believers in what we call the “set it and forget it” approach, if possible. Not everything’s, you know, that, that you know, “outsourcable”, if that’s a word.

0:18:17.4 MATT PRADOS: Sure. Great and so, um, all incredible

points and, and delegation is, is obviously crucial once you, you can really do it, so that you know th at the person you give it to is doing it right.

What uh, what do you see as uh, the biggest change s

that have happened over the last couple of years in chiropractic marketing, and, and where do you see i t

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going in the next couple of years? 0:18:39.4 BEN CUMMINGS: Definitely um, you know I hate the term

“social media”. But there is clear evidence um, if um, if you guys want to check out my blog, um, I, I kind of threw up a website that, that’s actually go t pretty popular. It’s, it’s at, whic h I think is the greatest domain name I’ve ever come up with. But it’s, there’s a $1.3 mill ion case study, that we give you free there, and there’ s a little tab that says blog, and I just wrote somethi ng recently about this.

0:19:12.3 Um, at the time, when this recording will be released,

you might have to um, search for it a little bit. But it’s, basically, um, I am seeing online reviews as being weighted more and more in the search engines.

Search engine meaning Google, Yahoo, Bing. And I see

more and more of the algorithm being used by the search engines, turning towards the social media li ke vote system. Where, see, guys like me and Matt, we can game the search engines. Right, I mean if you, if you know what you’re doing, you can get things to rank.

0:19:54.7 Um, what I’ve learned um, is that, you kn ow, only

legitimate sites will stay ranked high. Um, you kn ow, you can only game Google so long. But you know, social media you can’t really cheat the system. I mean if you have one doctor who has zero reviews on Yelp or City Search, versus, Doctor B. who has 23 f ive star reviews. There’s clear evidence, and Google doesn’t tell you, what they’re doing, but I have se en clear evidence, that they are all of a sudden ranki ng all the related properties that are linked to that business listing, higher in Google.

0:20:31.0 So what does that tell us? Well, if we t ake a look at

Google’s own search engine, there’s now a little arrow, next to every single listing. That lets you vote up or down, in the user’s eyes, the relevancy of

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that site. Well, if that’s not them saying, advertising, “Hey , we

are putting more and more weight into the hands of the users”, I don’t know what is.

0:20:56.4 So you ask me what are the biggest change s? Well,

you’ve got to be mastering how to dominate. In my opinion, you know, how to dominate local search. Because when people keep slamming into you, they se e, you know your ranking in Google maps high, uh, and you got 23 five star reviews, right. And then, then yo u got the number 1, number 2 position um, for your ke y phrase. You know, your city plus “chiropractor” an d your YouTube video’s on the first page of, of that. And you’re, you’re using articles on the first page and your, your Yelp reviews are showing up.

0:21:31.6 At a certain point, the internet searcher , has to

think, “Huh, um, he must be the player in town. So it’s, it’s risky for me not to pick him.” We call this “social proof dominance”.

So, that’s the future, and um, there’s, you know, I, I

think it’s going to move more and more that way. I f you look at Google maps, you know, whatever you, um , here’s a big tip, you know, not all key words, a ke y word is just uh, uh, uh, a search phrase that peopl e type in, when they’re looking say for chiropractic services.

0:22:08.4 So, what do people type in? Well, if they’re just a

browser, they might just type in, “back pain”. If they’re more of a buyer, they’re going to type in like, “Rochester chiropractor”. So that’s a very valuable search term. So, you’ll find that Google is wise to this and they will trigger the Google map f or certain search terms, uh, almost across the board. And when we’ve tested this and we’ve gotten feedbac k on this, um, pretty much across the board, at least in the USA, I don’t know about Canada and the UK and Australia, where we have clients.

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0:22:38.6 But I know, in the US, if you type in yo ur city, plus

the word “chiropractor” or “chiropractic”, and ofte n your city, plus “back pain”, it will trigger the chiropractic um, Google 7 box. It used to be calle d the 10 box, now they limit it to 7.

0:22:54.3 So, how do you dominate that? Well revie ws, if you

look. Pretty much user content, user generated reviews.

Um, you know, so anyway, that’s, that’s where we h ave

to be moving in our marketing in my opinion. And we’re seeing like, the Yellow Pages, getting skinni er and skinnier. We’re seeing newspapers get skinnier and skinnier. I mean they’ll all going bankrupt, because everything is moving online.

0:23:21.9 MATT PRADOS: Sure. Now in your um, in your mini net

formula, um, you know, getting reviews, would that be one pole? Would each of the sites be multiple pole s? How, how would you view these?

0:23:33.5 BEN CUMMINGS: Um, well it would really depend, and I

don’t mean to be vague on that answer, but, um, lik e we have a whole strategy on how to dominate Google maps.

So in my opinion that’s not even like a pole. I m ean,

I guess it is, you’re right, um, but it’s, it’s, it ’s, um, I guess I would look at it like a, as a way to get 1 to 3 new patients mostly, I guess I’m stupid, I should because, ‘cause if um, we’ve gotten clients from not showing up in the Google maps to, to the number 1 spot.

0:24:03.3 By the way, I, uh, I just want to mention 2 things,

um, about Google maps. What’s great about Google m ap, is, is, it’s Google basically giving kind of an equ al playing field to all chiropractors out there.

0:24:15.7 Because, you, your website, I’m talking y our actual

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website, can be ranked, either, you know, can be li ke on page 14 of a Google search. But, but you can circumvent all of that and get right into the top o f page one, by showing up in the Google map box.

Um, and so uh, if you haven’t emailed your patient s,

and, and said, “Here’s the link to my Google map business listing. If you write a review, I will gi ve you a free visit.” Or “If you write a review, I hav e this great, you, you know, PDF that I wrote called blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…”

0:24:51.4 You really need to do that, because we’re seeing that

a lot of the weight to get in that, you know, Googl e 7 box is based on the sheer number of reviews.

0:25:00.0 Um, but anyway, going back to what you we re saying.

Yeah, I guess that could be viewed as a, as a, uh, you know, as a pole.

Um, you know, the whole um, internet, kinda you kn ow,

domination thing on local search though, I view mor e in totality, um, uh, meaning like, I, uh, you, you know, we call it the “triple threat”. I don’t thin k you just want to get in Google map, that would be lazy. You want to get in Google map and you want t o be like number 1, number 2 position. And you want to actually have multiple properties showing up on pag e one, page two, page three, if possible.

0:25:31.1 And, but, what, you know, local search is very easy

for me to dominate you know, with a client. I mean , it’s, it’s, you, look, uh, most of the, most of the local small businesses, uh, people are like stuck i n the 90’s and like 80’s with their, like, internet knowledge. So it’s very easy just to completely ow n local search for a number of key phrases.

0:25:52.4 And I’m talking like, do it, do it relati vely quickly.

And in the world of Google, nothing happens fast. It’s not like a, like a gum ball machine, you know, where you drop in a quarter and “boop” there’s the gum

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ball. Sometimes Google will take like four months, I don ’t

know why. And then all of a sudden “boop” there’s your like number 1 listing.

0:26:15.7 Um, again, I’ve done it faster, but not a lways, you

know, it just sort of depends. MATT PRADOS: Sure, and I love…

BEN CUMMINGS: I totally didn’t answer your question,

but… 0:26:18.5 MATT PRADOS: No, I, I get what you’re saying. It’s

uh, uh, you know, definitely does count for new patients. I can see that. One, one thing I liked t hat you pointed out, Google maps does level the playing field, because truth is, you don’t even actually ha ve to have a website, to be in the top 7 in the Google local map.

0:26:35.4 BEN CUMMINGS: Yeah, that’s a great point.

0:26:39.7 MATT PRADOS: So uh, so if, if you’re on a budget, you

know, you’re hurting, that is one thing that you ca n actually dig in and, and do get to do the reviews a nd fill out your profile, and it’s 100% free.

You know, obviously better if you do have a websit e to

send them to, but at least, you know, you’re gettin g some presence. Maybe you can get some phone calls by just being in the Google map listing. So, uh, definitely a very key uh, part of anybody’s long te rm plan, should be getting in Google maps and then spreading out to the other search engines, Java ma ps, that you know everything that they can do, obviousl y, to, to get more exposure.

0:29:10.0 So, um, you know, you, you said that you hate the, the

term social media and you kind of rolled social med ia right into Google maps. Now Google maps, is, is

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obviously giving social proof, but um, what would y ou say of the other things, that people think more of social media, as, you know, as far as the Facebook, the Twitter and, and blogging and these other thing s. What’s, what’s your take on all that?

0:27:30.5 BEN CUMMINGS: You, know, I love them, um, and uh,

yeah, you’re right I sort of jumped from, from the term like social media, right into that. Um, and, so thank you for, for uh reminding me that, because I want to mention this. You know, social media, in m y mind really now equals social voting, which is wher e I was sort of going with that.

0:27:52.2 Um, just like there is a voting mechan ism, aka these

review sites, like Yelp, City Search, and so on, an d um, if you don’t mind, remind me to mention somethi ng very intriguing about Yelp and City Search that’s u h, related to Google maps, um, ‘cause I forget, ‘cause it’s, it’s a huge tip for people but…


BEN CUMMINGS: Really social media, I now call it

“social voting” because, because it, uh, you know, I am talking about the 1980’s like, like everyone dro ve a horse and buggy, but as far as like the internet, you know the 80’s were kind of like the horse and buggy era.

0:28:27.0 And word of mouth in the 1980’s, literally was word of

mouth. You know, you like a restaurant, you tell y our buddy. From my mouth, to his ear. He likes it, he tells his buddy. His mouth, to their ear. Now, se e social media, you know, social voting is the ultima te equalizer. I think there’s never been more opportunity for a chiropractor to expand his practi ce than right now today.

0:29:03.1 Because now um, you post somethi ng on Facebook and

you, you have, you, you know, there’s, there’s no longer this drip torture, person to person word of

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mouth. Instantly like 300 people can be watching y our YouTube video, that has been key word optimized wit h a certain title, and, and you know, your city name, s o you’re showing up on local search, people can vote on it, rank it and, and uh, you know, by the way, with You Tube we found out that the more active that YouTube video appears, aka views, plus rating stars , plus comments, that’ll move up organically in the search engine, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

0:29:30.6 But it’s all kind of the social vot ing, social media

mechanism. So we look at Facebook, and Facebook fa n pages and Twitter. Um, I have ignored LinkedIn not ‘cause I don’t think it’s valuable, I don’t have enough hours in the day to master that.

0:29:45.2 Uh, so, we, we sort of limited our social media

primarily to the, you know, to the big two. Which by the way, at the time of this recording it might um, now be a big 3 with Google Buzz, they just released . But, uh, Facebook, Facebook fan page and Twitter um , is basically list building, right?

0:30:07.2 So, I’m a huge believer in list bu ilding. So, boy

what a wonderful opportunity. I mean heck, what yo u could do if you’re a chiropractor, because Twitter is an open source basically, you know, everybody’s lis t of followers you can view.

0:30:19.5 Well, what if you went to the largest m assage uh, uh,

practice in town, on Twitter? And the largest you know, podiatrist practice in town, their Twitter followers. Um the largest, I don’t know, PI attorn ey, I’m just making that one up. But, and you know, wh at if you all of a sudden try to follow all of their u m, you know, list of followers?

0:30:40.5 You know we call it, call that, you k now, “Twitter

sniping”. And it’s completely um, you know, ethica l, it’s, it’s completely like you know, I mean followi ng on Twitter is a standard practice.

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0:30:58.2 I don’t know of any other business model, where you can be a massage therapist, you can spend 20 years of your life carefully building a list of patients who then join that person on twitter that you can have complete access to.

0:31:04.7 It’s, it’s just such a big opportun ity. And um, you

know, once you have these lists that you are buildi ng, uh, Twitter, Facebook, well then you have a, a promotional media channel basically that you own an d control.

So every time you release a video , boom, you can drive

traffic to it and get reactivations. You know, whe n you get an article posted, you know, drive traffic to it, get reactivations, it just pluses everything so I love it.

0:31:30.5 MATT PRADOS: Great, yeah, great point Twitter can be

very powerful like that. You uh, you said that you had something interesting about Yelp and City Searc h. Why don’t we dive into that.

0:31:38.5 BEN CUMMINGS: Sure. Okay. Big tip here, huge

tip. Um, what I want you guys to d o when you’re done listening to me babble, I wan t you to go into Google and type in whatever your city is plus the word “chiropractic”. If you’ re not in

the Google 10, boy I keep saying that, if you’re not in the Google 7 box now, um, click on uh, those doctors that are, that have um, certain reviews and you know, my voice will come back haunting back in your brain, because you might find most of them might have hardly any reviews. And you will here me say, “You have no competition.”

0:32:12.6 But, so, you might have to look up, I do n’t know like,

local pizza shops and your city name, you know. I don’t care what you look up. Find something that triggers a Google map and click on whatever listing has a bunch of reviews. There’s a little button th at

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pops out and says like 23 reviews and you click on that.

0:32:27.8 And, I just want you to spend 5 mi nutes looking at

those reviews and you’ll see they don’t all come fr om Google maps. They, they are drawn from a number of review sources. Yelp, Y E L P .com, being a hugely popular one, not in my neck of the woods, it’s kind of interesting but like West Coast, they’re based in S an Fran. Um and more and more Yelp.

0:32:49.7 which is a traditi onal business listing

but more and more getting reviews. And actually there’s a whole bunch of them out there. And you’l l see that Google maps, they’re picking up these reviews, from a number of different review sites.

0:33:05.7 So here’s the huge tip. You have to, like have to,

like in all caps, however you set up your business name, address, zip code, phone number, in your Goog le maps listing, you have to replicate that exactly wh en you set up your Yelp account, your City Search account, you know, your, your Insider Pages account . Because that is how Google locates your other revie ws and has them appear in your Google maps listing.

0:33:40.5 Um and boy, Google is masterful at , at, at this, um

how they sync those up. Um, just like I said that you should engage in a proactive, proactive um, pursuit of, of having patients, write your reviews for Goog le maps. Also segment out like maybe 50 and have them write you a Yelp review. Another 50 will write you like an Insider Pages review, another 50 you know, City Search.

0:34:12.8 Um, this will uh, do more for your u m, search results

than really you can imagine. And it, it becomes a cascading effect because it, it, it all of a sudden , boop, showing up very aggressively in, in Google ma ps. But keep in mind you basically have what’s called a back link or, or a link in your Google maps listing to your website.

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0:34:36.4 So think about how Google thinks. R ight, let’s just

think about how Google thinks. Um, if we just give them what they want, um, you will get business from it. Well, we know that they are leaning towards social voting and they see that your Google maps account has all of this diversity of reviews, all positive, it will, it will elevate your Google maps listing. And that link juice or I guess, I guess a better way to put it, that review juice, cascades d own into your, your website itself, that was linked in your Google maps listing and we’re seeing that star t to elevate naturally up the search engines.

0:35:15.6 It’s, it’s really uh, you know, pretty fun to see that

happen. So anyway, that’s my tip. MATT PRADOS: That’s a, that’s a great tip, very huge.

Now here’s a, here’s a question for ya. I have fou nd and uh, I am not sure if this has happened with you and any of your clients, that sometimes people aren ’t listed in Yelp or City Search. And it seems uh, th at they have to basically pay to do advertising in the re to get in there instantly. Otherwise they have to go through a, a, a waiting period of maybe you know, submitting their info to different sites and having it all pulled into there.

0: 35:45.0 Have you uh, have you seen somethin g like that or been

able to solve any of those problems? BEN CUMMINGS: Um, I don’t think Yelp does that, do

they? 0:35:55.8 MATT PRADOS: Uh, uh, I believe both those you have to

actually pay if you want to get listed instant if you’re not already on there. They, they pull their data from info USA, which is free. But uh, when I talked to their reps last it was up to 3 months to, to refresh the information.

0:36:11.6 BEN CUMMINGS: Uh, well, that’s kinda lame. No, I

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didn’t realize that. Um, so no, I mean, I don’t um , have any specific tricks for that uh…

MATT PRADOS: No problem.

BEN CUMMINGS: What are they charging?

0:36:25.0 MATT PRADOS: Uh, they vary from, you know uh, I think

it’s like a couple hundred bucks to set it up and t hen a certain amount per month. You have to commit to like 3 months, to view their, you know their versio n of uh, Google Adwords, basically is what it seemed like.

0:36:36.1 BEN CUMMINGS: Oh, okay, I gotchya. Well, um, I’m

more talking about the free business listing only that, that you can get from like, u m, like um, you know,

0:36:51.8 MATT PRADOS: Yeah, those guys, a lot of them have

free ones. But uh, City Search and Yelp seem to ha ve uh, have moved to force you to pay from, from my recent observation, so uh…

0:36:59.2 BEN CUMMINGS: They’ve finally monetized huh?

MATT PRADOS: Oh yeah, they want their money, $750…

BEN CUMMIGS: How dare they?

MATT PRADOS: That’s right! So uh, alright, great

tips, love those. Uh, speaking of uh, Google Adwor ds uh, what, any take or opinion on uh, on that strate gy?

0:37:15.4 BEN CUMMINGS: You know, I love the pay per click but,

I’m, I’m you know, I’m loving Facebook more, you kn ow. Facebook has a pay per click thing.


0:37:23.6 BEN CUMMINGS: And uh, boy, it doesn’t get more

targeted than Facebook. Um, I, I, I wanna say, 5

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months ago and I don’t know when this is being released but so, it will probably be like a year ag o, by the time you listen to this, uh, but like 5 mont hs ago I released um, uh, at my website at um, here, I’m gonna give you my shameless plug if you don’t mind…

MATT PRADOS: Absolutely.

BEN CUMMINGS: If, if, if, if you guys um, are at all

interested uh, part of my flagship site, we have a $1.00 trial an d there’s a ton of um, what I think are some of the b est special reports out there.

0:37:59.0 And I call them “special reports”. But they are

basically like video trainings, and like PDF’s and stuff like that, on various topics, um, that’s for members only. And one of them is a whole Facebook advertising campaign. Now it’s getting hot. I jus t saw some marketer uh, release a whole course on it. But um, you know, some of my earlier doctors, we’ve been getting really good results, because you can’t get much more targeted than internal data that Facebook has on their users.

0:38:27.2 The only limitation I found with Faceboo k currently,

I, I guarantee this is gonna change very quickly is um, uh, you know, some of the uh, uh, categories th at were like at that time available for us to target weren’t real friendly to health care in general. A nd I just mean like there weren’t a lot of options. B ut um, our clients um, who tested it, they’re loving t he results, because the cost per click, I’m getting re al geaky here, like whenever somebody clicks on like o ne of your ads, you get wacked let’s say 10 cents or a quarter, whatever.

0:39:03.5 Um, which by the way, I think, I think t he whole cost

per click model is the best model ever. ‘Cause you know, I’m a direct marketer, I’m a, I’m an, an old school direct response guy, and boy, I don’t mind

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paying for results. What I hate paying is for lack of results.

0:39:18.2 I mean, you know, which is what traditio nal media is

about. Boy all this cost per click stuff um, you k now uh is, is, is really exciting. But anyway, so Facebook, um, paid ads I love, uh, Google Adwords w e definitely like. Um, you know the triple threat th at I mentioned earlier from uh, massivetrafficcourse.c om.

0:39:41.5 Okay, so the triple threat is what? Th at’s Google

maps listing, that’s, that’s getting your site numb er one and number two and then other web 2.0 propertie s listed. But there’s like a fourth leg to the tripl e threat. And that would be also, they see, your, yo u know pay per click listing showing up above that, o r to the right of that.

0:40:01.5 Um, Matt are you finding that the pay pe r click

locally tends to be a little more affordable as wel l? 0:40:08.2 MATT PRADOS: Uh, really just depends on the area.

Uh, you know, there’s obviously cities are gonna be harder than some areas, and you know, back and fort h, but typically uh, you know, it is definitely cheape r local um, targeted than the obviously national, because you’re going to have less competitors overa ll.

0:40:26.0 BEN CUMMINGS: Yeah, I have, I have, yeah, yeah I

found that too. That the rates at least, that um, you know comparatively. You know, they always want it, it seems like every industry wants to kinda, you know, nail the doctors. So rates for advertising and uh, insurance and everything tends to you know, trend upwards, you know, when you are, when you’re you kn ow, allowing doctors to advertise.

0:40:51.3 But, I have actually found that the chiro practic

keywords tend to be pretty darned affordable. Um, I mean, you know, if I was an attorney oh, you’re talking, I just saw a list of the top 100 most expensive keywords to bid on and anything related t o

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DUI, an attorney or “personal injury” and “attorney ”, we are talking like, $12 a click. I saw one for $2 6 a click. I mean, can you imagine? So, uh, you know the cost per click you know, can, can uh, get up there but uh…

0:41:24.3 Matt should we get into, some of the peop le that might

not have a lot of experience, should we get into ho w those, those prices are determined? Those click prices?

0:41:33.6 MATT PRADOS: Yeah, absolutely why don’t you shed

some light on that. BEN CUMMINGS: Well uh, I will shed as much light as I

can, because, you know Google is like Mr. X. You kn ow the mystery man, right? They don’t actually reveal their perfect bidding algorithm. But, there you ju st heard me use the term “bid” and it’s, its some combination of the number of people, you know, that quote, bid on that keyword and, but ultimately Goog le is out for its own self interests. So they want ad s that are getting clicked.

0:42:07.6 So they will reward your click price. Th ey will

actually um, give you slightly lower prices if your ad is getting more clicks. ‘Cause, the more clicks equals more money for them, and theoretically more business for you.

Right, I mean is that…? 0:42:24.5 MATT PRADOS: Absolutely, so the guy No. 1 position

could be paying less than the guy in the No. 4 position.

BEN CUMMINGS: Right, exactly. So I hope that was

clear to everybody. But, uh, anyway. MATT PRADOS: Yeah. And that’s definitely a bonus

with the Facebook ads, ‘cause the Facebook ads are about 25% the cost of Google.

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0:42:41.5 BEN CUMMINGS: Oh yeah, they are so, I mean Google, I

do not know about, about you Matt, but I mean Googl e just seems to be starting to get out of control wit h some of the pricing.

0:42:51.3 MATT PRADOS: It, it can get pretty pricey, there’s no

doubt about it. But you, you, they definitely hav e a, a better system uh, you know, as far as geograph ic targeting and now you can map out zip codes and you know. There’s definitely some bugs in the Faceboo k ads that you have got to watch for where they don’t find the right town or that they skew it by 20 mile s so the leads that you get are, are too far away.

43:09.0 So whatever you’re doing, either o ne of the strategies,

I definitely recommend to the listeners to make sur e that they’re, you know, following up the leads and making sure it’s targeted and, and don’t uh, throw a bunch of money away if, if it’s not running the rig ht way.

So you definitely want to make sure, you know, wha t

you are doing before you dive into those too much. 0:43:27.5 BEN CUMMINGS: Yeah, uh, but you know as a whole I

absolutely love, you know, pay per click. Um, you know, uh, one area that a lot of um, you know docto rs have never considered uh is, well, not only Faceboo k you know pay per click, um, a lot of them haven’t e ven tried the Google pay per click, which you definitel y, I mean, listen to Matt and, and, and try it out.

But the other thing is, is YouTube has a pay per

click. And um, I don’t want people to get confused , ‘cause YouTube has a number of ways that they are trying to monetize.

0:43:59.4 One is like a little banner ad that they’ re now

placing sometimes to the right of your video. I am not talking about that. I am not talking about the , the pre-roll commercial or the little uh, like, kin d

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of pop-up ad that is now running, you know, underne ath certain things.

I am talking about when somebody does a search for Ben

Cummings, you see what looks like a YouTube search listing coming back. But it’s actually my paid ad. And I have noticed that the people are now bidding on my name left and right. So, yeah, yeah, good for them. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s business, I love it.

0:44:36.9 But um, that is a huge opportunity, um, t hat uh, I

don’t see a lot of doctors doing. But, I mean thin k about it, if, if people are using Twitter and YouTu be as if they’re search engines. Um, and so, they mig ht type in “back pain” or “Rochester back pain” and um , you know, they’re gonna see your ad and you know, b oy, talk about cheap cost per click.

Uh, it’s, it’s very affordable. I am not saying

you’re gonna get like 20 patients a month from it. You know, this is, that’s a good example Matt of, like, another pole in the water. You know 1 patien t a month, maybe 1 you know, maybe a couple.

0:45:1428 But with an integrated cohesive marketing plan that,

where that’s part of the mini net, um, it, you know , it, it can be like, quite um, you know, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, like a feeling that for the searcher at least that boy, this guy is a dominant player. He’s show ing up in YouTube. Uh, he’s showing up in, in all the organic searches. He’s showing up in Facebook. Uh , he’s got a huge, you know, Twitter presence. Um, s o you become the de facto expert kind of, so.

0:45:47.5 Uh, let’s see, what other pay per click? Well, did we

mention, uh, like, Yahoo and uh, some of the second ary networks?

MATT PRADOS: Uh, no not directly. There’s, there’s

definitely there’s Yahoo and we did slightly mentio n Yelp and City Search and doing some stuff like that . So…

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0:46:03.3 BEN CUMMINGS: Yeah, now, now uh Yelp um, you, you

mentioned Yelp. Does Yelp, like have a pay per cli ck kind of thing?

MATT PRADOS: Uh, yeah it’s uh, I think you’re paying

a monthly amount for a certain estimated amount of clicks, so I don’t know how refined it is to exactl y per click, but, some, some type of model like that, yeah.

0:46:18.2 BEN CUMMINGS: Oh Okay. Cool, I’ll have to check that

out, yeah, I did not realize they were doing that. Um, yeah, just, just huge opportunity out there. And

I mean basically what, what Twitter does, what, wha t even pay per click does, is there’s conversations happening right now. It’s just they’re not talking about you. And, and they have allowed us to jump i n the middle of that traffic current and you know, engage the potential patient.

0:46:51.7 Um, we’re, we’re uh, teaching a, a techni que that’s

working really well to monetize Twitter. You know Twitter’s free and um, I don’t think I invented thi s term, um, “search and response”, but uh, if you go to uh, I think it is they have all these advanced search functions that are unbelievab le.

And they have this little button where you, where uh,

you, you check it off and you enter a keyword. Let ’s say it’s “health”. And you can check off this butt on that will target anyone talking about health in Rochester, New York and who asked a question.

0:47:26.9 And so um, uh, you know, there can be som e amazing

results, very targeted where, I mean if somebody ty ped in um, uh, “where can I…”, you know, “where can I find a Chiropractor in Rochester?” or even “where can I find a Chiropractor” you know, if that was your keyword. Uh, it’ll bring that back and that might have been, like, yesterday.

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And so you can do something called an @reply. Jus t

means like, like you know, you’re, you’re just responding, and you can get really personal and hel p people and they might migrate over as a patient.

0:48:02.3 Well, just the other day I had somebody o n my forum,

who said that he did, I think “accidents” or someth ing like this and he used that search function and he i s engaging somebody right now. I think he became a patient of his. You know, a very valuable PI patie nt, um, by that search and response uh, function on Twitter.

0:48:20.1 So, you know, what is pay per click? Wel l it’s, it’s,

it’s a conversation stream happening in somebody’s mind if they’re on Google searching for something.

It’s like you’re a mind reader, right? You’re typ ing

in “back pain” boom, there’s your ad! You just ente red that conversation stream.

0:48:37.4 Um, you know, this is sort of going back and I don’t

mean to uh, belabor this point Matt, but I just thi nk, right now is the greatest opportunity for you know, chiropractic marketing in my lifetime certainly. I mean the, the playing field has been leveled. All the power is in your hands. There are communication li st building, you know conversation engaging tools that are free.

0:48:58.9 There’s this whole, there’s this whole cu lture free

that has been developed thanks to the open internet . It’s absolutely, just, just pumps me up when I thin k about it.

0:49:07.9 MATT PRADOS: Exciting. So, so in the beginning you

said you were an old school direct marketer. Uh, n ow you are definitely talking about the, the internet and, and that being the future. So do you see, you know, the majority of, of doctors’ attention needs to be put on the internet? Do you feel it’s half and

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half at this point? What, what’s your, your typica l client uh, doing these days?

0:49:29.9 BEN CUMMINGS: Um, well I’m definitely, definitely a

sharp proponent of a blended uh, marketing mix uh, that’s more and more being biased towards uh, searc h engines and social media. Um, so uh, here I am goi ng to give my, my, my second shameless plug here. Uh, is sort of my offline marketing cour se. It’s currently sold out, you can’t get it right now . We release that usually once a year, twice a year maybe. then is the online, kind of

domination course. And then for the ongoing kind o f dialogue with me, and access to me on the forum and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that’s

0:50:14.7 Uh, so, I try to cover both bases. But y ou’re right,

you’re right, I mean I got my fame by, by doing all the offline stuff. I mean, hell 15 years ago there was no online anything, you know? It was uh, I mea n I guess there was, if you’re really a geek, but I mea n in Rochester, New York in 1994, how many people are you know, doing targeted searches for “Rochester chiropractor”, you know?

0:50:36.7 But boy have things changed now. MATT PRADOS: Absolutely.

BEN CUMMINGS: Uh, so, yeah, I, I definitely think,

think they should be doing both. In particular a l ot of ongoing reactivation strategies, which a lot is offline.

MATT PRADOS: Good, and have you brought, have you

tried to bring any of the online or any of the reactivation uh, strategies online?

0:51:02.0 BEN CUMMINGS: Yeah, yup, you know, through things

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like, like a weekly spine tip of the week sort of email, we’re trying to get them to use Aweber. Um, I, yeah, I am finding, I do not know about you Matt, b ut one of the big stumbling blocks to this is sometime s the dumbest things.

0:51:20.2 Uh, like, “Ben how do I send out an email to, like,

200 people?” You know it’s like that kinda stuff. MATT PRADOS: Sure.

BEN CUMMINGS: They sort of get the idea and um,

and, and um, you know, because they’re sort of not living and breathing in this marketing world like w e are, they don’t realize that it’s very easy to get like an Aweber account and how cheap it is. And it manages all that stuff for you.

0:51:42.2 Um, so, yeah, I think it’s awesome. Um, what we

actually do, well shall I tell you what ruins my sleeping patterns? Is when a doctor who’s um, mayb e 50, 60, in that range, he’s has got literally 6,000 patient files, very successful practice and I say, “What are you doing with, you know, email marketing right now?”

0:52:05.4 And I hear like, you know, crickets. I, I go like,

“Uh-oh, let me guess, you’ve never collected email addresses?”

“Uh, well you know, I was thi nking about it.” “Alright, here’s what you’re gonna do…” And, and we

just have them set up a laptop literally right at t he check in counter, with the opt in page open and we say, “Hey” um, and it’s…

0:52:27.8 Okay, let me back track. Opt in means li ke, enter

your name and you email and you click submit and it adds that person to Aweber and it shoots out a secondary message called an “opt in email” that kee ps you out of trouble. So they just have to click it to say “yeah, you, you know, Dr. Joe Blow can send me

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emails.” 0:52:45.0 So that’s job number 1. Get them from al l the active

patients. Let’s at least start somewhere. So, we just throw up a laptop we have an opt, opt in form right there, and we have the staff ask every patien t, “Hey, can you um, add your name and email and we’re going to be confirming appointments and all sorts o f stuff with email”.

0:53:04.8 So that’ll get them um, you know, you kno w, finally

building his list. Every incoming call, um, here’s a great excuse to get an email address. Um, every incoming call that is booking an appointment, you should train your staff to say um, “Now, may I have your email address, to save you time we like to ema il over the patient forms, so you do not have to sit there and fill them out.”

“Sure.” It has over 90% acceptance rate. I guess the, the other 10% probably aren’t real

serious about even coming in. You know? ‘Cause th ey were planning on blowing off the appointment anyway . But, but a serious uh, prospect, if they have an em ail address will just give it to you right then and the re.

And then the staff just you know, pops it into Awe ber

and boom the whole process is automated. 0:53:49.7 MATT PRADOS: Great, great points. Very interesting

uh, take on some of these strategies. I really uh, I really think everybody can benefit from this concep t of, of putting these poles out on, on a gradient ba sis getting more and more things going on. Because, th ere is no doubt in the marketing world that if you have enough going on, you can overcome anything by sheer numbers.

0:54:11.8 BEN CUMMINGS: Yes.

MATT PRADOS: Great! Well, this has been an exciting

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interview. Before, we close out here Ben, any last words of wisdom or recommendations, uh, predication s that you would like to give to our listeners?

0:54:25.0 BEN CUMMINGS: Well, uh, you heard it here first

about, about Google you know, biasing more and more towards the, the social voting system. Um, you kno w, we’re, we’re starting to use that term with all of our members. And so, um, you know, I’ll just write a s tat again, some of this stuff is hard to measure but, b ut a pretty big, big research company uh, is finding t hat over 80% of people are now finding their, the, thei r health care providers using the internet. So that should just tell you where the giant tsunami sized wave of trend is, is occurring.

0:56:06.0 And don’t think, “Well gee, you know, I’m not a tech

guy or I’m not a computer guy”, or, you know, if yo ur, if your comfort level isn’t with the computer, that ’s not abnormal, that’s normal um, in the profession. But, you know, that’s more of like a confidence cha sm uh, not a capability chasm. You know, so just, jus t give yourself a little bit of training on some of these cutting edge marketing things and you’ll do j ust fine.

0:55:28.6 But, start now! Um, Google rewards um, a nd this is

definitely baked into their formula of how they, th ey spit out results that the player who has been there longer, gets more quote, authority. So you cannot wait, “Eh, when I get around to it.” Now, time is your enemy, not your friend with all of these thing s. Um, so, um, and I guess final plugs, you’ve got check it out, you know $ 1. We got there is a $1.3 million case study there. And get on the wait list over at And uh, I wish everybody much success.

0:56:09.3 MATT PRADOS: Awesome, well Ben thanks for joining us

on the call. Everybody should definitely visit his links get some more information and see what uh, po les

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he can help you put in the water out there to get u h, a constant stream of new patients.

So uh, once again Ben thanks for joining us. It w as a

pleasure talking to you and uh, hopefully some of o ur listeners will be able to take that information and convert it into new patients.

0:56:29.7 BEN CUMMINGS: Matt hey thanks a lot and, and I wish

you, you know, a lot of success with your project here, it sounds very interesting.

0:56:34.7 ***END OF AUDIO***
