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  • 1. 24 March Beroepspraatj eHenk Roelofs32% INCREASE Three kids Married with Kirsten Next Entrepreneur More SOLUTIONS 60

2. Henk Roelofs Educational entrepreneur 3. 4 basic principles for education Challenge / Uitdaging difficult is teasing, moeilijk is spannend, Self guiding / Zelfsturing doing yourself is the best motivation, zelf doen is de beste motivatie Relevance / Relevantie authentic content, authentieke inhoud en werkvormen Passion / Passie seek core elements , zoek de kern 4. Young people learn on a different way... New teaching twitch speed multi tasking non linear approaches connected collaborative active learning by playing instant payoff fantasy technology as friend Old teaching conventional speed mono tasking linear approaches stand alone competitive passive separating learning and playing patience in payoff reality as context technology as foe 5. Lecture 5% Reading 10% AV Presentation 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion Group 50% Practice by Doing 75% Teaching Others 90% David Sousa, How the Brain Lea 6. Young people learn on a different way... New teaching twitch speed multi tasking non linear approaches connected collaborative active learning by playing instant payoff fantasy technology as friend Old teaching conventional speed mono tasking linear approaches stand alone competitive passive separating learning and playing patience in payoff reality as context technology as foe 7. My passion is "edu-preneurial", a focus on the synergy of education & entrepreneurship. As a founder and co-owner of an edupreneurial company, my passion for entrepreneurial education is realized within a business context. In authentic learning environments like my LE-Games, formerly in International Learning Companies (MBO, HBO) organizing a Micro projects system in Malawi & Burundi, finding new recreation markets (f.e. Bourtanger Moor project), ...always using my Learning Entrepreneurship Network (LE-Network).