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Bicycle Parking105th ACCU meetingC. Decosse for J. Salicio, CERN Physics Dpt.

9 September 2014Places for bicycle parkingA survey made during July and August 2014 looking for areas at CERN where bicycles were not correctly parked, confirmed that some 200-250 places at CERN are missing during Summer time.

The procedure was a simple counting of the number bikes left outside parking racks. This has an obvious bias depending on the time of the day when the counting was made and also depending on the number of bikes left abandoned in the racks.

Two locations were identified that had the biggest lack of parking places:

- The area around B40 and the hostels B38, B39 and B41- The area around Restaurant 1.105th ACCU meeting 9 September 2014 C. Decosse/PH 2Missing bicycle parking places during Summer105th ACCU meeting 9 September 2014 C. Decosse/PH 3

-100-50-10-10-15-10-15-20-20Total number of bicyclesvs missing bicycles parking places105th ACCU meeting 9 September 2014 C. Decosse/PH 4
