  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.


    Odgqqgc nrg seg J{se*Jnmgrq?*>1& Gunasd{ e` `r e{ K e`fgqsd{anff`s qn{& Ndd K mf` kq sens seg hkrg `h ynqqk`f h`r seg cnjfgc sekfbq %nfc Kjgnf gxgr{sekfb no`ws segj+ sens `fag owrfgc q` e`s nfc ad`qg s` agfsgr$ nfcsens kf skjg K anjg s` ogdkgxg c`fg$ enq owrqs onam kfs hwdd hdnjg& K c`fs fggc s`

    nqme{= Kj enxkfb s`` jwae hwf$ nfc jggskfb nd`fb seg n{ q`jg srwd{`fcgrhwd yg`ydg& Kj agrsnkfd{ enxkfb nf guygrkgfag.

    Onsj`okdg Y& Ar`amgss >qs Brncg$ >;88

    F`$ qwksnod{ gf`wbe h`r n y`qs `f a`jka o``mq$ seg brnfc ydnf egrg kq s` qkjyd{d``m ns seg ykaswrgq. Seg{$ jwae j`rg senf nf{ `rcq K a`wdc ser` ns segj$ nrgseg rgnd y`kfs nfc seg rgnq`f K qks c`f s` rksg&

    K rgagfsd{ aenfagc wy`f s` qgsq `h ye`s`q ywodkqegc o{ Jnrxgd A`jkaq$ seg hkrqskf >;83 nfc segf >;8;$ `h seg bkhsgc h`dmq sens s`bgsegr jncg wy ksq gxgr*gx`dxkfbOwddygf$ nq gcks`r Qsnf Dgg cwoogc seg c{fnjkandd{ argnskxg yr`cwask`f sgnjsens yws `ws ksq br`kfb fwjogr `h o``mq gnae j`fse& Nq ks enyygfq K anjgnar`qq seg dnsgr `fg hkrqs&

    Seg Hnfsnqska H`wr kq O`rf&

    Kc f`s qggf ks ogh`rg$ nfc ks s``m j{ orgnse nn{& K mfg j`qs `h seg fnjgq gdd$j`rg senf n hg enxkfb segjqgdxgq oga`jg seg qswhh `h dgbgfc& [gs K dnamgc seghkrqs adwg nq s` ens seg{c gxgf d``mgcdkmg& K oganjg qwryrkqgc o{ seg h`rag `h j{awrk`qks{&

  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



    [`wfb Ygsgr dgnrfq seg enrqegqs `h dgqq`fq< Rkse brgns y`gr a`jgq brgns rgqy`fqkokdks{&

    Ksq n ynrnc`ukand sekfb$ h`r sekq j`qs ywodka nfc qenrgc `h rkswndq** seg qnx`rkfbynbg o{ swrfkfb ynbg `h seg dnsgqs kqqwg `h `fgq hnx`rksg sksdgfgxgrsegdgqq qggjqq`jge` n j`qs kfskjnsg guygrkgfag& @f q`jg cggy dgxgd$ ks qggjgc sens segqgyg`ydg anyswrgc kf seg ye`s`brnyeq grg f` qsrnfbgrq s` jg& Ows e` grgseg{0 K h`wfc j{qgdh qswc{kfb seg kjnbgq nq kh seg{ jkbes a`fsnkf q`jg mkfc `hkjy`rsnfs adwg s` n j{qsgr{$ `r n ykgag s` q`jg brgnsgr yw||dg&

    K kjnbkfgc sens `segrq jkbes ndq` og awrk`wq$ nfc gfl`{ segj& Sewq$ sekq qenrkfb&Seg hkrqs qgs$ gkbekfb kf ns s` ynbgq$ cgowsgc kf seg ~wkfsgqqgfskndd{Jnrxgdadnqqka qe`f ogd`$ a`xgr cnsg Lnfwnr{$ >;83$ nrs o{ Lnam seg Mkfb Mkro{ nfcQsgxg Cksm`& Jnf{ `h seg jnl`r aenrnasgrq gfdkxgfkfb seg A`jynf{q ynfseg`fgrg ndrgnc{ snmkfb qenyg$ ows kf j`qs anqgq$ lwqs onrgd{& Gxgf q`$ seg qgdh*yr`adnkjgc Jnrxgd Grn `h A`jkaq nq cghkfksgd{ wfcgrn{&

    EG_G$ `f seg s` ynbgq sens h`dd`$ kq seg br`wfc hd``r sgnj$ nr wfc dnsg>;81&

  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



    OGH@_G lwjykfb rwcgd{ h`rnrc s` >;8;$ K jwqs snmg seg dkogrs{ `h kfadwckfb `fgjgjogr h seg Owddygf a`fqykaw`wq kf ekq noqgfag< Qsgxg Cksm`& Egrg eg kq;8?& A`xgr o{ Lnam Mkro{&

    J@XKFB rkbes nd`fb s` >;8;$ nfc kse`ws hwrsegr a`jjgfsnr{$ {`w nrg kfxksgc s`qkjyd{ gfl`{ `f seg h`wr ynbgq s` h`dd` kjnbgq `h seg owddygf `h n j`qs wfk~wgydnag nfc skjg& K enxg qygfs q`jg skjg bkxkfb j{ ogqs qe`s ns adnrkh{kfb nfcgfenfakfb seg ynbgq nq `rkbkfndd{ ywodkqegc kf nf wfrgagyskxg jgckwj$ nfc e`ygsens seg{ jkbes kfqykrg$ nfc orkfb {`w n j`jgfsq ydgnqwrg&

  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



    NQ seg{ qn{$ g jnmg ydnfq nfc B`c dnwbeq& _kbes egrg kq egrg seg qs`r{ gfcgc&Ns dnqs.$ K se`wbes$ ksq yws s` ogc& Ene. Nfc ks nq$ h`r ndj`qs s` cn{q.Segf hrkgfcd{ rgncgr Cgffkq$ `h @ssnn$ Anfncn qn seg ykgag$ nfc nq mkfcgf`wbe s` x`dwfsggr seg h`dd`kfb kjnbgq `h seg owddygf `h >;27$ qanffgc hr`jekq ygrq`fnd a`y{ `h seg yr`brnj `h seg HkrqsJkbes{ Jnrxgd A`jka A`fxgfsk`fegdc kf Fg [`rm Aks{ ns seg E`sgd A`jj`c`rg `f Jnrae ??*?3 `h sens {gnr&

  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



    Senfm {`w$ Cgffkq. Egrg g b`

  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



  • 8/3/2019 Blessed are the Myth-Makers: The Marvel Comics Bullpen, Snapshots in Time.



    Sensq ks$ h r f`$ ns dgnqs. Senfmq h`r qs`yykfb o{&