  • 日本 家禽学会 誌

    第 46巻 第 Jl 号 (2009年 4月)

    目 次


    ニワト リ卵胞頼粒膜におけるプラスミノ ーゲン ・アクチベーター活性と小卵胞の急速成長相への転移との関係

    …・・武石 勝 ・安住水穂 ・西田沙世・山村奈美子・ 後藤尚也・渋弁仁志 ・土井守 ・上吉道治 J l


    …...・H ・-…中村明弘 ・小林正直 ・野田賢治 ・近藤 ー ・神作宜男 J 9

    乾燥酵母細胞壁 (バイオモス〉によるブロイラ一生産成績改善および排池物中へのサルモネラ排出抑制

    …・・鈴木敏明・ 菊浦裕二 ・高知由紀 ・伊藤美雪 J 16


    ニワトリおよびウズラにおける遺伝育種学的研究の 100年....・H ・.....・H ・.....・H ・--……・・都築政起 ・後藤直樹 J 23

    lT1T,』回音S団~jfJJll,!品店r..a …・ J 30 総説


    Y.H. Huang, N. Li, D.W. Burt and F. Wu -……………・・…・・・・…・・W.P.S.J.64 (3) 329 341. 2008.


    Z.D. Shi, Y.B. Tian, W. Wu and Z.Y. Wang・・・・・…・-一-・…・・・・・H ・H ・-…W.P.S.よ64 (3) : 343-355. 2008.


    E.F. Kaleta and T. Redmann -…・・・・・…・・・・….....・...…....・H ・........・・・・W.P.S.よ64(3) : 391 399. 2008.


    J.E. De Oliveira, Z. Uni and P.R. Ferket ・ ・・・・H ・--….....・H ・....・a・--…W.P.S.J.64 (4) : 488-499. 2008.


    R. Molenaar, I.A.M. Reijrink, R. Meりerhofand H. Van Den Brand

    リ H ・H ・-…・・…・・…W.P.S.J.64 (4): 599 603. 2008.


    F. Hab巴rmann,D. Feske and H. Tonhardt …--….......・H ・....・H ・・・ ・ W.P.S.J. 64 (4) : 605-610. 2008.


    2007年における遺伝子組換え作物の栽培状況 米持千里……....・H ・---・・H ・H ・...・H ・--……H ・H ・...・H ・.....・H ・...J 37


    主にウイルス遺伝子の RNAポリメラーゼ複合体に起因する 小山卓美・佐藤国雄….........…....・ H ・・ J 39

    2009年度春季大会演題 ・…....・H ・--…・・……....・H ・....・H ・....・H ・- -………・・・H ・H ・-…-…....・H ・-……….....・H ・..J 41

    学会記事....・H ・-…......................................................................................................................• ・ J 44

  • Japanese Journal of Poultry Science

    Vol. 46 No. Jl, April, 2009


    Full Papers

    Relationship between Plasminogen Activator Activity in Granulosa and Follicular Transformation

    to the Rapid Growth Phase of Small Follicles

    ・ Masaru Takeishi, Mizuho Azumi, Sayo Nishida, Namiko Yamamura,

    Hisaya Goto, Hitoshi Shibui, Osamu Doi and Michiharu Kamiyoshi J 1

    Determination of Late Feathering Genotype in Nagoya Breed Males Using PCR-RFLP Method

    .. Akihiro Nakamura, Masanao Kobayashi Kenji Noda, Hajime Kondo and Norio Kansaku J 9

    Improved Productivity and Reduced Salmonella Shedding by a Dried Yeast Cell Wall Product

    (Bio-Mos) in Commercial Broiler Production

    .. Toshiaki Suzuki, Yuji Kiku-ura, Tomoyuki Taka and Miyuki Ito J 16

    Commentary and Views

    One Hundred Y巴arsof Breeding and Genetic Research in Domestic Fowls and Japanese Quail

    ...・H ・--…・MasaokiTsudzuki and Naoki Goto J 23

    Japanese Abstracts of World’s Poultry Science Journal Papers ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・口・・・・・・・・・・・ー・・・・・・・ J 30

    News of Poultry Diseases, Eggs and Meats, Economics …・…・・・…・…...・H ・.....・ H ・.....・H ・--…...・ H ・-……・・ J 37

    Paper Titles of 2009 JPSA Spring Meeting ・ .. ・………- ...・H ・.....・ H ・.....・H ・...・H ・H ・H ・-・……・…・・・・…・・H ・H ・ J 41

    Official Information of JPSA・H ・--………...・ H ・.....・ H ・H ・H ・.....・H ・.....・H ・--………・・・・…・・・…......・H ・.....・ H ・-.., J 44

  • JPSAI, Japan Poultry Science Association

    -=- r; t- 1) Q�§miJif.ll§it.:: to t:r � 7° 5 .7. � J - 1i' '/ · 7 7 -J- � - Y -ft5it!t c


    1 a,ls:1£-@;-WJFf1*:rt�t±rf:l:9

    �tt� ;/1, -C, 1 tH 'o -c- i:. 1:, ,$:�!Re' !iJJlfJI/jiffiff§--C-@;-ijx � n 7., PA tJ1�,Jfil4X�ffi"'-O)fi;ftt:!ffl-g-T 7.i tJ,i§tJ,Hitt L t::o ;;;fs.:��c:/i, �::kN�ff§ (Fl) O)�j:?� 18 �Fs�M1;:ffi�-t 7.i �JlJJ(;:, B§. v 1;··;1;- '/fffi;£N�¥.�iJ, G, ::k� � t;1 9 :ffi:§ 0P"�ff?J

    (F9) t;,i::, Fl ic:O)N�ff§'a:''!*l&Lt:: a P"�ff§0!1:!iiillJJJi'1&, N�ff?Jlltcffil1Jlt:a:-�llilL, N�fffilllt!.:::iolt7.i E2i/l0C'a:'7 :/�-1 £.. / 7 •:, -l?-1 c', ffifj):Jlt/;::io IH, PA f.s'tt�§.*;!l!;'It� ffl \i' 7.,:;fjf!c:, DNA�:/ 7 c,:. =-lv7 � :,,O)W2f!c:i![IJ;'E L. t: 0 � G

    1;:, g1J0@{,t;:t;, GlaltfH.::'f*I& L t::N�ff§t;, G*fl*1lx-!JJJc,�fl:4X L. N�ff?J*fl*1lx1:-W� L t:a ?�fffil!l!:S:ii F6 t;, G F5 r;:iJ, 1:t-cff�t.:�1JD L. 'f:-01&1i 1i1l'[i1H,,s1 t.:�1JD L t:: a N�ff?J!J!ii±�1JDIH·N�fffil�jfil;ffi1:� L -c

    �I±\ Lt::/jo/J'If;ftt/J$.(i, F6 t;, G F5 /;:tJ,if-C'ff�t.:�1JD L, F5 t;, G F4 1.::tJ,1:t-c 1::·-1; �* Ltd&. -c-O)'j&/iP"�ff?JO)��

    /;:it£H�1>Lt::o PA f.s'tic E2 iilOCii. �/;: F8 iJ,G F7 KtJ>WCfJ21d�1JDL. F7 t.:::io,1-C�t>�Hl:a:-�Lt::f&, g�

    ij§O)��/;:it£H�1> Lt.::o ffitj):JltO) DNA '@;';!i(i F9 t;, G F5 /;:tJ, ,:t-c1;?iJ-?1;:�1JD Ltd&. t O)'j&1i !ill'-Ji'--Ctltft Lt::o ffif1/ili*@fffil/j Ii F9 tJ, G F7 i c' (i 3-4 /eii c '&ic' JS -:o t::tJ:(, F6 --C fi 2�3 � c fJ. I') F5 /J, G Fl /;: :lo l 1 -C (i�/iic' as -:o t:a

    L ;/1, G (i')*5�t;, G, *�-�--C(it1'l?J�ff2JO)�,)filijx�ffi"'-O)fi;ft(i F6 C:�L -:J t:: cm�� n, f'Eft�jjijO) F7 r.:::io1i 1 -c PA $fie E2 �Jj'.t;t;!:\;1.:::J:�;/JD L, LtJ, t,� t, �Hl�� Lt: i:: ct;, G, 1]\?�/l?JO)�,Jfilijx�ffi"'-O)fi;ftt;: E2 O):IJ. tJ. G f', ffit1 Jlt/.:::io l;t 7., PA $''ti t,jffl-g-L -C,' 7., c �P� � ht.:: o


    日本家禽学会誌, 46:Jl-JB, 2009

    武石 勝1・安住水穂2・西田沙世2・山村奈美子2・後藤尚也1.


    キーワード :プラスミノ ーゲン ・アクチベーター, 穎粒膜,エストラジオール 17,β,卵胞急速成長相,ニワトリ



  • 日 本家禽学会誌 46巻 Jl号(2009)

    Relationship between Plasminogen Activator Activity in Granulosa

    and Follicular Transformation to the Rapid Growth

    Phase of Small Follicles

    Masaru Takeishi1, Mizuho Azumi2, Sayo Nishida2, Namiko Yamamura2, Hisaya Goto1,

    Hitoshi Shibui1, Osamu Doi3 and Michiharu Kamiyoshi2

    1 Laboratory of Nippon Formula Feed Mfg. Co., Ltd. Tochigi 321-3621

    2 Faculty of Agriculture, Gif University, Gif 501-1193

    3 Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Gif University, Gif 501 1193

    In domestic fowl, estradiol-17β (E2) is reported in relation to the follicular transformation to the rapid

    growth phase of small follicles. However, the pa此icipationof the plasminogen activator (PA)加gran叫osa,which

    is known to be involved in cell proliferation and extra-cellular matrix remodeling, is not su血cientlyclear. To

    confirm its participation, follicle喧fromthe largest follicle (Fl) to the ninth largest follicle (F9) were collected at

    18 hours before ovulation of the Fl and weighed. In the follicles, the activity of PA in granulosa was m巴asured

    using plasminogen extracted from rooster’s plasma and chromogenic substrate. DNA content of granulosa was

    determined by the diphenylamine method. Also, E2 in theca was determined by radioimmunoassay. Morpholog-

    ical investigation of ovarian follicles was implemented by the usual method.

    Follicular weight increased significantly from F6 to F5, and thereafter in a straight manner until Fl. The

    material transfer rate of follicles increased significantly from F6 to F5, and the peak was from F5 to F4, and then

    decreased according to the growth of follicles. Both the PA activity of granulosa and the E2 concentration of

    theca increased significantly from F8 to F7, showed a peak in F7 and decreased according to the growth of

    follicles. The granulosa layer changed from multilayer into monolayer in the developmental stage from F7 to F

    5. DNA content of granulosa increased from F9 to F5, and thereafter remained constant. In the present

    experiment, follicular transformation of the rapid growth pha総 ofsmall follicles was found to occur in F6, and

    both E2 and PA activity increased before the follicular transformation. This suggests that not only E2 of theca

    but also PA activity of granulosa participate in the transformation to the rapid growth phase of small follicles.

    (Japanese Journal of Poultry Science, 46: Jl-J8, 2009)

    Key words ; chicken, estradiol-17.β,glanulosa layer, plasminogen activatore activity, rapid growth phase


  • JPSA� Japan Poultry Science Association

    cpf1BJ:l5.l1 • iNiiE[�:2 · f:fEBiUt

    1 • :ililii -1 • t$ff1r�2

    1 �;J;O�!ll!�tl.g-�!���/!i'{luf'J'E��. �ffi��;J;Dfll:I�:� cf.UIT '.fif'F 480-1193 2 Jf',fffi1':$l!ix�$J'.IB. t$�/ 11 !J¥J:ffltl/JRrniJH!!riZ2 229-8501

    .:::...r; r IJ t3Jfiljjij9,( ;1,;;q=l3*Q)r"Jt£tt01 ;L,,;, 1-r:i][£1lcJIJi:tk:� U.:o -'c

  • 中村ら:名古屋種雄の遅羽性遺伝子型判定

    Determination of Late Feathering Genotype in Nagoya Breed

    Males Using PCR-RFLP Method

    Akihiro Nakamura1, Masanao Kobayashi2, Kenji Noda1,

    H吋imeKondo1 and Norio Kansaku2

    1 Animal Husbandry Research Division, Aichi-ken Agricultural Research Center, Yazako, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1193, Japan

    2 Laboratory of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Azabu University, Fuchinobe, Sagamihara 229 8501, Japan

    The avian endogenous virus gene (ev-21) is closely associated on the dominant sex-linked late feathering (LF)

    gene, K, on the Z chromosome of chickens. The LF and early feathering (EF) phenotypes are widely used for sex

    identi宣cation; when k+ /k+ sires are mated with Kl -hens, male chicks are LF and females ar巴EF.To introduce

    the feather sexing, two lines (EF male line and LF female line) are m田 ssary.However, homozygous (K/K)卸d

    heterozygous (Kンk+)late feathering genotypes exist泊 LFmales and separating K/K and K/k + by phenotypic

    differences at hatch is not possible. Consequently, labor-intensive progeny testing has been required in order to

    巴:stablishLF female line. In White Leghorn, determination of the genotype can be conducted by using restriction

    fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of the Kor k+ gene fiat虫ingregion segments amplified by出e

    polymeras巴 chainreaction (PCR). The present study was conducted to establish a specific PCR assay that

    distinguishes Nagoya breed K/K males from K/k+ males.

    To investigate the differences of DNA sequence between Kand k+ genes in Nagoya breed, a total of 1456bp

    of the flanking regions in K and k + was sequenced. Comparison between K and k+ in Nagoya breed, indicated that

    differences were detected at 7 positions. Transition was detected at position 213, 294 and 616. Transversion was

    detected at position 333, 694 and 794. Deletion was detected at position 189-193 in K. At position 292-295, k+

    contains a Mbo I site (GATC), whereas K did not contain the recognition site. Thus, these results indicate that

    the Mbo I RFLP can be used in Nagoya breed to differentiate the Kand k+ alleles.

    (Japanese Journal of Poultry Science, 46 : J9 JI 5, 2009)

    Key words: feather sexing, Nagoya breed, polymeras巴 chainreaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism


  • JPSA#, Japan Poultry Science Association

    �1*M£HB3��m: C/"'-1' ;.t- -c 7-) t=ct. {) 7··0 -1' 5 -��nx*l��

    S ct L}�Fi'lli:!W cp "'- 0) -tJ- J v -c -* 5 �F tf:H[p ftlj

    1 !Jo/J@:/', 1 ::t -y- ·:1 J �A�H, *Ei:llB/il!IRz 105-0014 2 �A4H± � "'/�:;; 7 r - .b., Jffi!i2.���M-ffll::kilffli1HJ!f:i5 899-8313

    3 ��JH�t±lli'ilw� ::1 o 1 '7 -, f.'i'ilwb!/t�EBffll&.tl!flHJT/ill 708-0341

    ::k��i1Ei · -iJ- Jv-t: .t '7�0) :·:; .b.�ttlii-ooUIH,, ��i-ffiitf.51" ·HJ:J:l:JO)� 7->�1*M£HIB�� (r{1 :t -t: .:z., Alltech 1± �) O)�.g-1.:: J:. 7., ::to 1 :; -O)�@'.tt&�w1,"=i-.=-::i0) ::to 1 :; -�@:lE�-n;i:� Lt::a :iffi1/tO)lft'.��Mi-ffl �,-c-�O) ::to1 :;-i-�:@'.1"7.> Jt±t!i, 148�ll$309Jj':i.J;Ji-xi®U: Lt::o 33�ll$Hil:�1Rc: L, WJAAffl�*4 (5�14 Bffi(l) 1ue1 ;t 'E- 7. i- 0.3%, 0f&*"l 47 Bliff;tf:l?i/fi "'t:' 0.1% O)m1JDi-fr� \ fflliff,;1J[]�*4�.!,j.O){fullf c:.l:tfx Lt:: o fflli�O)l!ic�iii.1*'1-i-ffl, 1--C tMJIJ���i-�@:-t 7., 0 Htii 24 �'/l$15 ]J;J;Ji-t.t�,.::, fiJHt�M (0-10 Bliff;) · MAAmaiiJM (11�24 Blil\i) O)lj./(1{,( ;t'E-.7. 0.2% i-m1JDL-C 6l�ll$1.::*�.g.l.,, ffuO) 18�'/l$i-ffl!im1JDIRc: L-c.tttx'.Lt::o it::, Ot±tli-1J-1v-t:i:-70).1l!tj:IO) t=J�tllt!lltiJi-lJ. 7., t::10. {fuO) 12 l�M 12 n�i- 3 mi.:5ht, 1 UHttm1m!Rc: L, {-fuO) 2 m,t,{ 1 :ct 'E-.:z. i- 0.1 it:: tiD.2% i- 24 B8iU tm1JD Lt::a i±l?i/f*"l 1 �rs,iJIJO)��Pl��1l!i-�7" t- ;,;7.1

  • 日本家禽学会誌 46巻 Jl号(2009)

    Improved Productivity and Reduced Salmonella Shedding by a

    Dried Yeast Cell Wall Product (Bio四 Mos)in

    Commercial Broiler Production

    Toshiaki Suzuki1,・Yuji Kiku唱ura2,Tomoyuki Taka3 and Miyuki Ito3

    1 Bussan Biotech Co.,Ltd., Shiba 2屯homeDaimon building, 3-3, Shiba 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105 0014

    2 Japan Farm Co., Ltd., 3887 Nogata, Oosaki-cho, Soh-gun, Kagosima”ken, 899-8313

    3 Okayama-ken Broiler Co., Ltd., 1647-1 Simohara, Kagam泊o-machi,Tomada-gun, Okayama-ken, 708-0341

    A dried yeast cell wall product (Bio-Mos, Alltech Inc.), which agglutinates gram-negative bacteria such as

    coliforms and Salmonella and activates immunity, was tested on two broiler companies for its effectiveness on

    productivity. At Company J, which utilizes ordina:τy commercial feeds, 148 flocks (3.09 million birds) were us巴d.

    33 flocks were giv巴nBio

    shipment. Other flocks were control birds without Bio-Mos. At Company 0, which uses AGP free commercial

    feeds, of 24 flocks (150,000 birds), 6 flocks w巴r巴given0.2% Bio-Mos in both starter (0-10 day) and grower (11-

    24 day), and the other 18 flocks were control birds without Bio-Mos. To旬stSalmonella shedding, another

    120,000 birds, 12 flocks, were allocated to three groups: one control and two with Bio-Mos added at 0.1 or 0.2%

    up to 24 days of age. Cecal droppings collected也 thehouses around one week before shipping w巴reincubated in

    peptone solution, Hajna tetrathionate broth and then on MLCB medium. Bacterial numbers were counted by the

    MPN method. Results showed that, at Company J, Bio-Mos improved the commercialized rate during the three

    months of th巴巴xperimentby 2.1%. At Company 0, the out grade rate was reduced by approximately 50% and

    the commercialized rate was improved by 2.5%. Salmonella numbers in excre.ta was reduced in the Bio-Mos

    叩 pplementedgroups, whereas high Salmonella shedding was observed in the unsupplemented group. After 0.2%

    。fBio-Mos were fed to all flocks up to 24 days of age, Salmonella numbers during the next six months became lower than the detection limit in all flocks, which strongly suggested that effect of Bio-Mos remains even after its

    withdrawal. Bio-Mos is considered to be effective for broiler production and Salmonella control, regardless of

    AGP usage.

    (Japanese Journal of Poult.砂 Science,46: J16-J22, 2009)

    Key words: Bio-Mos, broiler, commercialized rate, productivity, Salmonella
