PowerPoint-Präsentation3. File IO
int main() {
C c;
The GO programming language does not support inheritance
[Figure taken from]
Templates vs Inheritance
Example: Shape, triangle, right angle triangle
Runtime abstraction
Dynamic polymorphism
Example sorting: integers, doubles, …, can all be sorted
Code generation tool
Happens implicitly for most primitive types
Be careful using explicit casting
The type system is your friend
Example: C-style using (new type) expression
Please do not use the C-style cast, use C++’s version!
C’s rules for casting are a nightmare, C++ is explicit about casting
int main() {
// cuts off after decimal point (usually use floor and ceil from <cmath>)
int i = (int) 12.1234;
double d = (double) 14; // okay
// computation is casted to the most precise representation involved (double)
double p = 12.5 * i;
A& a = d;
// sidecast
return 0;
#include <iostream>
struct A {
// use a dynamic_cast
std::cout << "downcast from b1 to d
std::cout << "downcast from b2 to d
int main() {
D d;
cout << "d is an A\n";
} catch (const bad_cast &e) {
cout << "cast failed\n";
} else {
Const cast #include <iostream>
int i = 3;
const_cast<int&>(cref_i) = 4;
cout << "i = " << i << '\n';
type is not const!
This is bad style
Only use a const cast in rare / extreme
Returns a different interpretation of bits
#include <iostream>
cout << bits << '\n';
cout << d << '\n';
Or fiddle with shared object libraries
Static cast
Performing an explicit cast
Casting in hierarchies with non-virtual member functions / or use on primitive types
Old C-style
C++ style
Implicit conversion
An evil mechanism
When to use GOTO?
If you’d like to make maintenance impossible
If you’d like to make a program unreadable
Better than encryption
Limited useful applications
#include <iostream>
if (x + y >= 3)
An evil mechanism
When to use GOTO?
If you’d like to make maintenance impossible
If you’d like to make a program unreadable
Better than encryption
Limited useful applications
[Image taken from]
File input and output operations
How to get huge data into and out of your program?
Use files
Text files
Binary files
Most expensive operation
[Figure taken from]
Write formatted data to file stream
Closes the output file stream
open() might be used instead of constructor
ofstream ofs;
File streams are closed when destructor is
You cannot forget to close
But use close if you have a very “long”
ofs << "Hello World!\n";
ofs << str << integer << '\n';
return 0;
Writing text files using ofstream A new text file is created
Usually existing files are overwritten
But different modes are possible
Provided as optional second argument #include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
ofs << "Hello World!\n";
ofs << str << integer << "\n";
return 0;
app append
All output
Reads a text file line by line
Until the end of the file is reached
getline() might be the most used
function for reading text
a break line '\n'
Closes input file stream
For each line an input string stream is created
istringstream can be read formatted data
Nice way of reading formatted data
But caution
Very fragile if file is ill-formatted
Additional error handling is needed
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
istringstream iss(line);
cout << a + b + c << '\n';
return 0;
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
ifstream is(argv[1], ifstream::binary);
Not suited for large files (MB, GB, …)
Files can be read and written in one or more
blocks (raw bytes)
Manipulate buffer (and write it back to file)
Example: read file as a single block
smart memory buffer!
Still, IO operations on disk are slow
Reading huge files is expensive and slow
There is another approach
Map a file or portions of a file into much faster main memory (RAM)
In C use mmap() from <sys/mman.h>
In C++ use BOOST mapped file
BOOST is a large C++ library
Useful when file size > ~100 x X MB / GB / TB
Memory mapped files
Configure memory mapping
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
params.flags =
cout << bytes << '\n';
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
params.flags =
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
bytes[i] = 'A';
cout << bytes << ‘\n';
Files up to several MB can be read / written
Line based
Use operator<<, operator>>, getline() , …
Files up to several hundred MB / GB can be read / written
Block based
Allocate buffers and read / write whole blocks
Files with sizes of several GB or TB can be read / written
Memory mapped
Use serialization
Next slides
Translating data structures or object state into format that can be persistently stored
Transform objects / data into one dimensional bit-string
Usually stored …
On same computer
On other computer
Tremendously useful (image you have to store intermediate results)
Simple for POD data, arbitrary complex when dealing with pointers / references
Text serialization using BOOST
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Vec3 v){
return os << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z; }
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Vec3 v){
return os << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z; }
E.g.: g++ –std=c++14 myprogram.cpp –o myprogram –lboost_serialization
Lets you ignore serration between adjacent
values (since most values have fixed length)
Can produce smaller results when most
numbers are large or when you do not need
to textually encode binary results
Depended of computer architecture!
Text (plain, XML, JSON, …)
Independent of computer architecture
Can produce smaller results when most
numbers are small and textually encoding
binary results
Notes on serialization
See our Vec3 class
Serialization gets more complex when dealing with more complex types
Serializing derived classes
E.g. lists, graphs, …
STL containers
All perfectly explained:
Memory mapped files