Page 1: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from

Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter

Page 2: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.

Page 3: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


*Back pain, located where ribs and spine meet

*Bloody urine

*Burning, pain, or discomfort with urination

*Dark, rust-colored, or brown urine

*Fatigue & Flank pain

*Need to urinate frequently at night

*Unintentional weight loss

*Urinary frequency or urgency

*Urinary hesitancy

Page 4: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


The goal of treatment is to eliminate the cancer. Surgery to remove all or part of the kidney (nephrectomy) is usually recommended. This may include removing part of the bladder and tissues around it, or the lymph nodes. If the tumor is in the ureter, it may be possible to remove it while preserving the kidney. When the cancer has spread outside of the kidney or ureter, chemotherapy is often used. Because these tumors are similar to a form of bladder cancer, they are treated with a similar type of chemotherapy.

Page 5: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


*Analgesic nephropathy

*Exposure to certain dyes and chemicals used to manufacture leather goods, textiles, plastics, and rubber

*SmokingCancer can grow in the urine collection system, but is uncommon. As a group, renal pelvis and ureter cancers account for no more than 5% of all cancers of the kidney and upper urinary tract. They affect men more often than women and are more common in people older than 65.Tumors of the renal pelvis and ureter are usually transitional cell cancers. Approximately 10% are squamous cell carcinomas. Thecauses of this cancer are not completely known. Long-term (chronic) irritation of the kidney from harmful substances removed in the urine may be a factor. This irritation may be caused by:

Page 6: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from

Tests & diagnosis

*Urine cytology (microscopic examination of cells) taken during a cystoscopy

*Urine cytology taken from a urine sample

*Abdominal CT scan & Renal scan

*Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

*Kidney ultrasound

*MRI of abdomen

A physician will examine the abdomen by touch.Rarely is there a lump (mass) or enlarged kidney. The patient may have blood in the urine. A complete blood count (CBC) may show anemia. Cancer cells may appear on the following tests:

Page 7: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


The outcome varies depending on the location of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread. Cancer that is only in the kidney or ureter can be cured with surgery. Cancer that has spread to other organs is usually not curable. However, there are exceptions.

Page 8: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


*Follow your health care provider's advice regarding medications, including over-the-counter pain medicine

*Stop smoking

*Wear protective equipment if you may be exposed to substances that are toxic to the kidneys

Page 9: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from


*Kidney failure

*Local spread of the tumor with increasing pain

*Spread of the cancer

Page 10: Cancer - renal pelvis or ureter. Overview Cancer of the renal pelvis or ureter is cancer that forms in the pelvis or the tube that carries urine from

When to contact a doctor

Call your health care provider if you have the symptoms listed above.
