Page 1: Caring Science and the Art of Self Care

Kaiser Permanente, Northern California

Caritas in ActionHow Caring Science informs and inspires KP caregivers and affirms our commitment to provide our

patients and their families exceptional care

Caritas Consortium 2014

Caring Science and the Art of Self Care

Honoring Health, Healing & Wholeness

Page 2: Caring Science and the Art of Self Care

Caring Science and the Art of Self Care

Intent to Contribute Statement:

Nurses within MCH department are taking turns in sharing caring inspiration for staff to encourage self-care and

to strengthen relationships.

This year the nurses have divided the months of the year by 3 and they are taking turns showing how they care

by treating each other to 'special things'. We started off the year with Evening shift who wrote notes to

everyone in the department saying something special about them, and posted them on our 'caritas' board. They

also provided tea service to the night shift during report and provided candles, therapy rocks and a nice poem for

everyone to read. The poster will reflect these events.

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Inspired Contributor(s) : Sara Lewis


Service Area: Santa Clara

Medical Center: SCL

Affiliation: MCH


Year Shared: 2014

Venue: Caritas Consortium

Format: Poster

ID #: W03

Keyword TAGs: Identifier

Consortium2014-June, Santa Clara, Poster, Patient Care Services


Descriptor Authentic Relationship, Self-Care

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Caring Science and the Art of Self Care

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Caring Science and the Art of Self Care
