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  Moral Values

*The values in the story include the following*

• The importance of maintaining family ties

• The importance of looking afterthe old, sickly and helpless in


• The importance of paying attention to and listening to the young

more and not think that only adults and those in authority know


• The importance of helping others when they are in trouble as

shown in the story in which various individuals, many of them

strangers, stepped in to help Rory and granda

• The young can be more mature (Rory) than the adult (Rory’s


• One should forget the past and forgive and forget and begin anew.

This was what happened in the case of granda and Rory’s father.

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Rory also had no hard feelings towards his father who abandoned

him at a young age.


*This novel is actually about Rory’s journey to freedom.

Journeys have been used time and again as a symbol. It hasoften be used to depict the following*

• coming of age or crossing the threshold from being child to

becoming a young man

• awakening of an awareness, i.e a sudden realisation of one’s

ignorance or mistake and awakening a desire to change for the


Journeys pose a test and a trial and Rory’s journey was surely difficult to

undertake, having to dodge people out to catch them and facing betrayal

of people you trust. Indeed life in general is something like that. It’s

difficult; there are a lot of tests and trials; people are out to get you and

friends betray you when you least expect it.

Rory was lucky as he emerged from the journey stronger than ever with

heightened awareness and experience of life and people. He certainlyemerged wiser Than when the story started. People journey to find

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happiness and a safe haven. In the end Rory achieved that, in addition to

which he found his fam


*Choose and write the names of two characters from the story Describe

their close relationship

*Explain why you would consider them to be very close

In the novel “Catch Us I !ou Can" by Catherine MacPhail# Rory

McIntosh an$ his %ran$ather share an inse&arable bon$'

Accor$in% to Rory# they are “li(e a $ouble act"' )is ather

aban$one$ his mother an$ him# so *hen his mother $ie$# he

*as ta(en care o by his %ran$&arents' +he $eath o his

%ran$mother ha$ let him *ith his %ran$ather' )e calle$ him

,-ran$a. an$ -ran$a ha$ loo(e$ ater him all his lie an$ no* it

*as his turn to loo( ater -ran$a' )o*ever both o 

them *ere inca&able o loo(in% ater themselves because

-ran$a *as too ol$ an$ sic( *hile his %ran$son *as too youn%

to shoul$er the res&onsibility o loo(in% ater himsel an$ his

or%etul an$ sometimes $isorientate$ %ran$ather' Whatever

the $i/culties# Rory an$ -ran$a reuse$ to be se&arate$' Rory

ar%ue$ that sen$in% -ran$a to a home *oul$ (ill his

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%ran$ather an$ orcin% him to stay in a chil$ren.s home *oul$

be unbearable' +hat sho*e$ ho* close they *ere an$ ho*

emotionally $e&en$ent they *ere on each other'

Rory love$ -ran$a so much that he *as &re&are$ to ma(e a lot

o sacri0ces or the ol$ man' )e let %o the chance to be in the

school ootball team because he nee$e$ to loo( ater -ran$a'

)e ha$ to run home rom school $urin% lunch brea( to brin%

-ran$a lunch' 1n several occasions# -ran$a ha$ un*ittin%ly

,lost. or ,mis&lace$. Rory.s home*or( an$ that ha$ EARNE2  

him the *rath o his teacher# Mrs 3oley' 4esi$es all these# he

ha$ to thin( o the little &recautions to ta(e to (ee& -ran$a out

o harm' Still# he $i$ not *ant to &art *ith his -ran$a *ho

*oul$ have been better o5 in an ol$ ol(s. home' -ran$a elt

the same also' +he bon$ bet*een the t*o *as a s&ecial one'

)o*ever# events too( a $ecisive turn *hen -ran$a acci$entally

cause$ a 0re in the (itchen o their 6at' -ran$a *as ta(en to

hos&ital an$ then to Rachna$ar# a home or the el$erly' Rory

en$e$ u& in Castle Street *here he met the trouble$ +ess an$

ou%ht *ith her'

)e *as miserable there' -ran$a are$ no better at the home'

Rory elt that they ha$ been cheate$ by his social *or(er# Val

 7essu&' )e &lotte$ on the run *hile the &olice launche$ a hunt

or them' +he ne*s o the run*ay &air *as every*here on

television but they MANA-E2  to eva$e the &olice *ith the hel&

rom sym&athi8ers alon% the *ay' +hey su5ere$ a lot o

$iscomort *hile on the run an$ the ol$ man.s con$ition

*orsene$ but they seeme$ ha&&y' 4ein% to%ether has become

a source o stren%th to them' +hey *ere 0nally &ersua$e$ to %o

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an$ see Rory.s lon%9lost ather# 7e5 McIntosh# *ho ha$ been

trace$ to Liver&ool as a result o the &ublicity' 4ut beore they

coul$ $o this# 7e5 came or them' +hey en$e$ u& to%ether

a%ain# an$ this time in a 6at near *here 7e5 an$ his ne* amily

live$' 7e5 *as 0nally rea$y to assume res&onsibility or his

ather an$ his son'

Rory an$ -ran$a *ere inse&arable' It loo(e$ as i only $eath

coul$ se&arate them' Nothin% mattere$ as lon% as they *ere




It is story of a devoted grandson and loving grandfather. There is adventure and

thrilling chase and escape which bring about many interesting moments for both

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Rory and grandfather. We feel as we read of a grandfather who is sent to the old

people’s home and his grandson to the children’s home, a separation that is extremely 

difficult for both of them. Rory and his grandfather, Granda, have looed after each

other since Rory’s dad waled out on them. Granda is given to lapses in memory

!putting Rory’s homewor down the rubbish chute and the rubbish in Rory’s school

 bag" and completely irresponsible behaviour !setting fire to his coat at a #arents’

$vening", but he has a generous heart. Rory acts as his carer until there is a fire in the

flat and the authorities decide to separate them. Rory comes up with an escape plan.

%ut their path of escape is not easy as their pictures are in the newspapers and on

every television screen. Their &ourney is full of unexpected moments when it loos

lie they will be caught by the authorities.

'is Granda however is very frail and needs a lot of medication. (n the way they meeta lot of people who have recognised them from the news. These people have actually

helped them in their venture. Rory and his Granda travelled by train, boat,

caravan, )*R+  and most of the time with their feet. In the end, sadly, Rory has to

end the venture, but not by being caught, he actually had to go to the police to find

help for his Granda, whose heart had stopped. Rory had been hoping that his father

 who had abandoned the family and whom he has no seen for the last ten years would

reach out and help. The story ends on a happy note when Rory’s dad gets in touch

 with him due to the publicity.



Major characters


Rory’s grandfather. 'e is also nown as ister cIntosh. 'e is elderly and partially

senile with a tendency to forget what he is doing !never puts off his pipe properly till

it smoulders into flames". 'e loves his grandson dearly and cannot bear the thoughtof being separated from him. *lthough he is hurt by his son’s departure from the

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family and after his daughter-in-law’s death, is dedicated to taing care of Rory. 'e is

delightfully funny. 'e is often repeating phrases and is able to surprise the reader in

some instances as for example the incidence when he hit the bully unconscious

in#erthrailway station and stole a car



'e is a young boy, still in school who is dedicated to taing care of his aging

grandfather. +hows determination and courage even in desperate situations !when

the grandfather is admitted in Rachnadar". ature, he understands why his

grandfather refuses to meet his own father. 'e has a rich inner life and capable of

growing and changing. 'e has managed by adapting to every new situation with hope

and optimism.

Minor Characters

 Val Jessup

+he is a young and eager social worer who is responsible for Rory’s well being. +he is

also very responsible, she is anxious that Granda receives his full pension benefits

and arranges for Rory to stay at the children’s home in)astle +treet.


Mrs Foley 

+he is Rory’s teacher who is eenly aware of his inability to pass up his homewor

 because of his duty to care for his grandfather. +he is very concerned when Granda is

admitted into the hospital and realises that Rory should not be in the children’s




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arren is Rory’s best friend in school who helps him to stay in the mother’s caravan

 when Granda is taen away from Rachnadar.


Jeff Mcntosh / 'e is Rory’s father. 'e comes bac home to be with his father and

son when he sees them on television.

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The novel is seen through the eyes of Rory. We as the readers get access to his young

mind / how he thins, feels and reacts and at the same time we can appreciate Rory’s

growth and maturation because the first person narration has made it possible for an

inside view of Rory’s mind.

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&rid'in' the 'eneration 'ap


There is a young boy’s love for his aging grandfather. The novel explores ey issues

that young boys of this age may confront as their characters are shaped by

relationships around them. There are challenges of growing up and learning about

responsibility shown in the life of Rory. Rory is eleven years old and he should be

playing football and en&oying being a boy but he has the big responsibility of eepingGranda safe and away from Rachnadar. Granda looed after him in those days and

now he nows it is his duty to loo after him now. Rory accepts that responsibility

 with a great attitude and does not hesitate to do his duty. %ut from being &ust a

student, Rory grows up within a short frame of time to mae decisions and to act with

great responsibility.

Fa(ily and relationships


There is a &ourney of love and protection between a grandfather and his grandson.

0ove, compression and family relationships are portrayed through their actions.

Granda and Rory love each other and that guides all their actions. Granda loves his

son, 1eff but feels let down by what happened years ago. 'e loves Rory’s mother

dearly too. Granda looed after Rory before and now Rory wants to loo after his

Granda. That is family love.


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Social and ci)ic responsi*ilities


'ow society tries to intervene and help those who they thin are unfairly treated or who they

thin deserve a better treatment. The novel emphasi2es the importance of social

responsibility. octor 3icol, the teacher, rs. 4oley, arren’s mum and 5al 1essup feel that

Rory need help at home and that he should be en&oying his boyhood and not be burdened

 with the responsibility of looing after an ageing and ailing grandfather. The police officials

and the nurses are seen as ind and compassionate. The inmates at the children’s home too

care about what is happening to Rory and want to help him. embers of the public believe

strongly that the two should not be separated and voice their opinion on television. The great

escape would not be possible without the support and help of the public. Thus society has a

great role to play in molding people to be what they are.

Social *ias


'ow society is 6uic to decide what the aged and ailing as well as the young should be

treated.The social welfare service sees to the very young and the very old. The

decision of the authorities is not always right and should be 6uestioned. Ruby the

traveler complain that social worers chec on Tyrone to see if he is getting his

education and is not being abused in any way . The authorities can be nasty to thegypsies and people on the fringes of society. The police bring fear and anxiety but

they are also seen as being compassionate in their dealings with Rory. The authorities

chase after Rory and Granda but the public is mainly on their side and people help

them all the way.

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Moral Values%


4amily relationships and bonds must be appreciated and maintained. There must be

compassion and indness.

)ommunication is an important feature among fri

ends and family members. It results in the loving and caring attitude generally.

Trust is a vital component in bridging generations. We must not be &udgmental as

appearances may not be what they seem.



The novel is a sort of love story, about the love between generations7 it shows a young

 boy realising that someone he loves deeply may die. It also challenges assumptions

and stereotypes7 those we should trust sometimes let us down8 those we might not

trust sometimes prove to be our friends.

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What is one life lesson that you have learnt from the main character in

the novel that you have studied? Support your answer with close

reference to the text.

I have studied the novel 'Catch Us If You Can' by Catherine ac!hail. "he story is

narrated by #ory$ a youn% boy who lived alone with his %randfather$ r. cIntosh

whom he lovin%ly calls '&randa'. #ory's father had left him when he was still small

and his mother had died of a broen heart.

(ne life lesson that I have learnt from #ory is that one should be a responsible family

member. #ory was a very responsible boy even thou%h he was still a youn% id. )e

realised that &randa had looed after him all his life and now that &randa needed

him$ he would tae care of him. )e did the shoppin% and cooin%. )e cleaned

the )(US* .#ory also %ave up football for &randa. r )ood$ his football coach had ased him to

 +oin the football team but he lied that he did not lie football anymore. "he truth was$

he needed to loo after &randa. &randa relied on him to %et his lunch and he also

had to mae sure &randa too his pills. Sometimes$ he rushed home durin%

lunchtime to buy two hot pies for their lunch.

When &randa was hospitalised at #achnadar$ #ory realised that if he left &randa

there$ he would be very miserable and sic. )e was very fri%htened when he visited

&randa and he did not respond to him. )e was afraid that he would 'be dead inside'.

)e decided to run away with &randa in order to S,-*  him.arren's mother was concerned for #ory. She felt that #ory should not have to bear

this ind of responsibility. )owever$ #ory felt that it was his responsibility since there

was nobody else. /inally$ when he found out about his father$ he felt that it was hi%h

time he lived up to his responsibility as a son and father.

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Your school is having a month-long ‘A Healthy Body Campaign’. As Presidentof the Health

Club of your school you decide to give a speech on the ‘!a" na" Campaign’ recently

launched by the government.

Tak Nak Campaign

  A very good morning to our dear Principal #r. Hasnan bin $aafar

teachers and students.

  %ecently our former Prime #inister !un Abdullah Ahmad Bada&i

launched an anti-smo"ing campaign called '!a" (a"). You can no& see

this short and rhyming catch phrase '!a" (a") every&here * on

billboards posters !+ ads and sometimes , even hear it on the radio.!hough some people have criticised our government for setting aside a

staggering sum of %# million over / years for the campaign it is

nothing compared to the huge amounts that tobacco companies spend to

promote smo"ing.

  But in this &ar against smo"ing money definitely tal"s0 it is

necessary for the !a" (a" Campaign to constanly remind us of the ha1ard

of smo"ing because about 2 #alaysian teenagers light up for the first

time every day. ,n fact some of these youth progress steadily from this toregular use &ith addiction ra"ing hold &ithin a fe& years. And this is

despite the &arning on every pac" of cigarettes that states une3uivocally

 '4mo"ing is dangerous to your health).

  5hat can the !a" (a" Campaign do to combat this6 !heir

aggressive advertising creates media a&areness among the public

especially among the fashionable young cro&d that smo"ers have

yello&ed teeth and suffer from shortness of breath and tells them that it is

not cool to smo"e. ,t is also not responsible of them to affect non-smo"ers

&ith second-hand smo"e.

  Also there is a succession of infomercials on !+ and in the papers

sho&ing the debilitating effects of tobacco addiction on the body and

gruesome statistics of smo"e-related deaths. 5e are no& familiar &ith the

graphic pictures of damaged lungs on billboards &hich should scare people

into not smo"ing. !his &or"s as , "no& some of my friends are 3uitting

no& or trying to reduce the number of cigarettes they smo"e per &ee".

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  Ho&ever , feel any anti-smo"ing campaign is more effective if

other people and organisations are actively involved too. Yes the first step

has been ta"en by the top but sad to say many of our politicians smo"e

themselves. (earer to home so do some of our parents and teachers.

  !hese adults have to be good role models by not smo"ing

themselves. ,f they do smo"e they should tell their children and students

that they regret that they ever started and then ta"e steps to 3uit

smo"ing as soon as possible. !hey must practise &hat they preach.

7n a more positive note , commend the #alaysia Amateur Athletic 8nion

for its 1ero-tolerance of smo"ing because they "no& that smo"ing and

health 9ust do not mi:. Ho& can our sportsmen e:cel if they cannot stop


;ear teachers and students than" you for your attention. <et me end my

speech by reiterating that smo"ing is a bad habit so ma"e !a" (a" your

mantra. ,f you have started smo"ing say !a" (a" and 3uit= And if you

haven’t started smo"ing say "no& that smo"ing not only damages your

health but you are also literally burning your money.

2> &ords