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  • Chapter 7 Issues of the Gilded Age 1877-1900
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  • Section 1: Segregation and Social Tensions
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  • African Americans Lose Freedoms Jim Crow Laws kept blacks and whites segregated, or apart Southern states circumvented the 15 th Amendment by passing restrictive measures such as; Poll Tax required voters to pay a tax to vote Literacy Test understanding tests, reading and writing tests, helped limit African Americans from voting How and Why???
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  • Cont. Grandfather Clauses allowed persons to vote as long as their ancestors had voted prior to 1866 Why 1866??? .and why not after???
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  • New Laws Force Segregation Jim Crow laws filtered into all aspects of Southern society, including: railroad cars, jury boxes, Bibles, cemeteries, restaurants, parks, beaches, and hospitals Plessy v. Ferguson 1896, pg. 192 of text
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  • African Americans Oppose Injustices During the darkest times of Jim Crow segregation blacks refused to accept their status. They founded black newspapers, clubs, schools, colleges, and political groups.
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  • Booker T. Washington Urges Economic Advancement Booker T. Washington most famous black leader during the late nineteenth century (pg. 186)
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  • W.E.B. Du Bois W.E.B. Du Bois native of Massachusetts, earned his Ph.D from Harvard in 1896. (video)
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  • Washington VS. Du Bois Similarities Differences
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  • Ida Wells Crusades Against Lynching Ida B. Wells African American women who fought for justice. Born into slavery in 1862, she later founded Free Speech, a newspaper, and wrote about the practice of lynching in the south, persecuted she became an outspoken critic, writing several pamphlets aimed at awakening the nation.
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  • Chinese Immigrants Face Discrimination Chinese immigrants faced many of the same discriminatory laws as blacks during this time. Several Supreme Court decisions ruled in favor of the Chinese including citizenship and business ownership, but not the Chinese Exclusion Act.
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  • Mexican Americans Struggle in the West Land rights and seizer of Mexican Americans lands was the root cause of discontent in the southwest. Las Gorras Blancas this group targeted large ranch owners by cutting holes in fences and burning houses.
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  • Women Make Gain and Suffer Setbacks Fighting for a Constitutional Amendment, the National Woman Suffrage Association led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton led the charge albeit slow. Upon Anthonys death only four states granted the right to vote, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho.
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  • Section 3: Farmers and Populism
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  • Terms and People Oliver H. Kelley Minnesota farmer, businessman, journalist, and government clerk, organized the Grange in 1867 Grange organization that provided education on farming and called for regulation of railroads and grain elevator rates
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  • Terms and People William Jennings Bryan Democratic presidential candidate who supported free silver William McKinley Republican winner of the 1896 presidential election
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  • Farmers Face Many Problems Falling Prices and Rising Debt; the price of selling corn did not warrant growing it, much was burned for fuel by farmers Big Business Practices Hurt farmers; railroads had monopolies and could charge what they wanted. Banks set high interest rates
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  • Farmers Organize and Seek Change The Grange Tries Several Strategies; organize and pass Grange Laws, and push for the ICC interstate Commerce Commission Farmers Alliances Lead the Protest; formed cooperatives to sell crops, and push low interest loans
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  • The Populist Party Demands Reforms Populists State Their Goals; fight low prices with the coinage of silver, free silver, and the government ownership of railroads Populists Achieve Some Successes; three governors, five senators, and ten congressmen
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  • Economic Crisis and Populisms Decline Bryan and the Election of 1896; pushed for free silver and the coinage of silver and gold coins, first presidential candidate to tour the nation and spoke directly to the people
