
The Reliquary-------------Follow the golden trail down the steps until you reach the flip switch. Go back to the Sanctuary and into the armory. Equip either the sword (fast) or the hammer (slow). Go back to the Reliquary and hit the switch with your sword to extend the path.Across the bridge, you will encounter your first enemy, the Hollow Man. I suggest staying back and picking them off with the fire spell. After two waves of two enemies, they will start matriculating by four. After killing them, follow the golden trail until your dog barks.Follow the dog to the dig spot to get some gold. Back on the path, soon you encounter another flip switch. Use magic this time to flip it. Run over the lighten arrow to make another path. Now take the left arrow and more Hollow Men appear.After disposing of them, go left again to reach a chest. Open it for a potion. Go back a tile and go up on the tile now. More Hollow Men appear. After killing them, go right on the tile to reach another chest. Now go up two tiles and open the last chest.Go through the linear tile arrows, kill the hollow men, and follow the path to the ledge. Press A while pushing the joystick forward to jump down. Follow the road to the broken bridge. Dive down into the water and go forward a bit to reach a dive spot.After diving down for the gem, swim to the steps and run up them. Go over the Guild Seal and press B while pointing toward the door to open it. Inside, follow the linear path until you reach Hollow Men. I recommend staying back and throwing fireballs at them. A little further, you encounter more 'Men.Follow the golden trail up the hill until you encounter more Hollow Men. Kill them then dig at the dig spot to get another gem. Follow the trail, killing the Hollow Men along the way, until you reach another flip switch. Go back to the Sanctuary and into the armory. Equip the gun of your choice.After flipping the switch with a pop of your gun, Hollow Men appear at the other end of the bridge. This is a great time to use your newly equipped gun or your tried-and-true magic spell. Follow the golden trail, killing the Hollow Men along the way, when you reach a platform with a ton of Hollow Men.I suggest staying back and using your firespell yet again. It truly *is* the easiest way to beat enemies, especially when you consider that you do not have a magic meter or anything. After killing them, open the chest to get the Hollow Men on the bridge hung up.Slowly walk back and make the Hollow Men come one by one. Once that's done, follow the golden trail until you reach another platform. Tons of Hollow Men appear here. I recommend swiping with your sword, then rolling away, and finally using your magic. Go up the bridge and follow the golden trail to the music box. Grab it.Step into the portal to reach the road to rule. After the conversation/cutscene, open the chests of your choice. Back at the library, exit to Brightwall Village.Brightwall Village------------------Follow the golden trail to the pub to meet Walter. After the conversation, meet Walter up the steps to the sleeping bandit. You need more money, so go to the gem store and sell all your gems. You should have about 800 gold now. Do the job minigames around town to earn the extra money.Once you have the money, follow the golden trail to the chop shop. Buy the beard and tattoo, then go to your dressing room and equip the mercenary suit, the beard, and the tattoo. Go to the map room and fast travel to the bandit camp.Bandit Camp-----------The man at the gate opens it. Inside, follow the golden trails until a dig spot. After digging, follow the golden trail to a second gate. The gatekeeper open it, allowing you further into the camp. At the next gate, they recognize you as an imposter.Fight the two guards off, then reinforcements arrive. Destroy the barrel next to them to blow them all up. Further in the camp, keep killing bandits and moving along until you reach cages. They release wolves. Kill them first and then the bandits.Follow the golden trail further. At the next batch of enemies, shoot at the barrels to kill them quickly. Follow the trail more. At the last batch of enemies, you find a treasure chest containing three slow time potions and a dig spot.Go into the arena to fight Saker. This is a pretty tough fight. I recommend using a slow time potion if things get rough. For the fight, Saker punches/uses an area of attack when close and throws molotov cocktails from afar. I recommend fighting from afar with magic.Every two fireballs, roll away as he throws a molotov cocktail. Keep repeating this until men come out. This is where things get dicey. I recommend killing the men first. Repeatedly tap A with joystick direction to get out of hard situations and if you get low on health as they cannot hit you while you are rolling.