Page 1: Chapter Objectives - East Lynne Elementary School - Chapter … · Chapter Objectives Understand Columbus’s plan for sailing to Asia Evaluate the decline of the Aztec and Inca Empires

Chapter Objectives

Classify the explorers and their areas of exploration

Evaluate the impact of European exploration on Native American culture

Examine how technology made long sea voyages possible

Explore the factors that allowed great civilizations in Africa to flourish

Explain Portugal’s leadership roles in exploration

Page 2: Chapter Objectives - East Lynne Elementary School - Chapter … · Chapter Objectives Understand Columbus’s plan for sailing to Asia Evaluate the decline of the Aztec and Inca Empires

Chapter Objectives

Understand Columbus’s plan for sailing to Asia

Evaluate the decline of the Aztec and Inca Empires in the Americas

Explore how Spain governed its empire in the Americas

Explain how the Protestant Reformation affected North America

Evaluate why the activities of early traders encouraged exploration

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Chapter 2 Test - Vocabulary

Hernan Cortes


Mansa Musa



Askiya Muhammad


Leif Eriksson

Gold Coast

New York City

Page 4: Chapter Objectives - East Lynne Elementary School - Chapter … · Chapter Objectives Understand Columbus’s plan for sailing to Asia Evaluate the decline of the Aztec and Inca Empires

Chapter 2 - Test

Who was Marco Polo and where did he travel?

What was the Renaissance?

Why did England, France, and the Netherlands send

explorers to the Americas?

What did the French hope to establish in America?

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Chapter 2 - Test

Understand how to read a timeline.

Identify important inventions during this time period.

What is an encomienda?

What was the Columbian Exchange?

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Who are these people and what did they do?

Bartholomeu Dias

Henry the Navigator

Vasco da Gama

Juan Ponce de Leon

Christopher Columbus

Francisco Pizarro

Ferdinand Magellan

Robert de La Salle

Amerigo Vespucci

Bartolome de las Casas

Hernando de Soto

Martin Luther

John Cabot

Henry Hudson

Francisco de Coronado

Jacques Cartier

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What were the effects of the Spanish conquistadors

on the peoples of South America?

How did religion develop in the Americas?

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Ch. 2, Sec. 1 – Europe & Technology

The emergence of powerful centralized governments in Europe. Strong monarchs come to power in Spain, Portugal, England, and France.

What resulted from the emergence of large nation-states?

New technologies.

Better maps

Astrolabe – an instrument to measure the positions of the stars.

Magnetic compass

The stern rudder and triangular sail

Caravel – a three-masted ship

How did the caravel affect overseas exploration in the 15th and 16th


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Ch. 2, Sec. 1 – The Renaissance

The fall of the Roman Empire led to the isolation of western Europe from the rest of the world.

The rise of Islam in the Middle East.

The Crusades begin. What effect did the Crusades have on Europeans and on people of the Middle East?

The journeys of Marco Polo.

Growth of trade and ideas.

The Renaissance. What cultures influenced the Renaissance?

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Ch. 2, Sec. 1- African Empires

Powerful African kingdoms are also flourishing at this time because of the natural resources in Africa.

The vast trading empire of Ghana was located in western Africa (A.D. 400 – 1100)

Caravans would cross the Sahara desert to North Africa carrying gold, ivory, and slaves.

When Ghana begin to decline new empires emerged such as Mali.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 1 - African Empires

Mali’s greatest king was Mansa Musa. Musa was a Muslim and he made a great pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). What is Makkah (Mecca) and where is it located?

Mecca is the holiest site in Islam. It is located in Saudi Arabia.

During his rule he had several large mosques built.

Later the Songhai people overcame Mali rule. In the late 1400’s Askiya Muhammad led the Songhai nation to its greatest power. He used the Islamic religion as the foundation of his government.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 1 - Wrap-up

Name three technological advances the furthered European exploration.

How did these advances help explorers?

How did the Islamic religion spread to the early kingdoms of Africa?

Why do you think the Renaissance began in Italy and not in another part of Europe?

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Ch. 2, Sec. 2 – Early Exploration

What were the causes of European Exploration?

Desire for new trade routes

Growing power and wealth of European nations

Competition for trade

Missionaries’ desire to convert others to Christianity

Portugal lead the early efforts at exploration. Why do you think this small country led the way?

What leader of Portugal laid the groundwork for a new era of exploration?

Henry the Navigator

Because of the riches found there, the west coast of Africa became known as the _______________.

Gold Coast

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Ch. 2, Sec. 2 – Early Exploration

Which explorer was the first to “accidently” find his way around the tip of Africa. What did he name that area?

Bartholomeu Dias

Cape of Storms, later renamed the Cape of Good Hope

Which Asian country did Vasco da Gama become the first to explore?


These early explorers opened the floodgates on exploration. Why do you think the age of explorations exploded?

Which explorer was the first to think that you could sail west to get to Asia?

Christopher Columbus

What group of northern Europeans where probably the first to reach North America? Who was the first of their sailors to accomplish this feat?

Leif Eriksson

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Ch. 2, Sec. 2 - Columbus

The Italian born Columbus was able to get money for his explorations from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. What country were they from? Why did they give him their support?


He promised to spread Christianity and they thought he would find great riches.

What were the names of Columbus’s ships on his first voyage? Where did he make it to?

Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria

Present day San Salvador and other Caribbean Islands.

Columbus made three more voyages. Columbus thought he had reached Asia but he had discovered several islands in the Caribbean and the coasts of Central and South America.

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Ch, 2, Sec. 2 – Dividing the World

With the discovery of the Gold Coast of Africa by Portugal and the Americas by Spain some conflicts over territories begin to arise. Pope Alexander VI help the two country negotiate the Treaty of Tordesillas which created the line of demarcation. What did this line establish?

An imaginary line from the North Pole to the South Pole that divide the unexplored world into east and west. Spain was allow to claim all lands to the west and Portugal all to the east.

The Spanish explorer Amerigo Vespucci was the first to map the coast of South American. He established that South American was not part of Asia but instead a whole new continent.

The Spanish were still trying to find a route to Asia around South American. They hired Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sailor. He was able to find a passage around the southern tip of South America and entered the Pacific. What did Magellan’s crew become the first to do? What happened to Magellan?

Circumnavigate the world

He was killed in the Philippines.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 3 – Spain in America

Who were the conquistadores?

Spanish explorers given the rights to explore and establish settlements in the Americas.

An early conquistador named Hernan Cortes landed on the east coast of present day Mexico in 1510 looking for gold and glory. He soon learned about the Aztec empire and its capital city of ________________?


Cortes became friends with some of the Native Americans he first met. Together they and his army marched to Tenochtitlan. What Aztec ruler first greeted Cortes as a friend?


What ended up happening to the Aztec?

Why were the great Aztec warriors unable to defeat a smaller Spanish army?

The Spanish had superior weapons.

The Spanish were able to get tribes that had been oppressed by the Aztec to join them in the attack.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 3 – Spain in America

Which conquistador was able to defeat the Incas with a small army?

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistadors found large quantities of silver and gold in Mexico and Peru. They now turned their attention to the southeastern and southwestern parts of North American.

Juan Ponce de Leon made the first Spanish landing in North America. He explored the east coast of present-day Florida looking for gold and what legendary spring? What modern city is the location the first Spanish fort in North America?

The Fountain of Youth

Jacksonville, Florida

Stories of the seven cities of gold two Spanish explorers to explore further into North American. Who were these explorers and where did they explore (Page 54)?

Hernando de Soto – Entered through Florida and explored the Southeast and west into AR & OK. Came down the Mississippi and was buried in its waters.

Francisco de Coronado – Up through Mexico into present day AZ and NM.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 3 – Spanish Rule

The Spanish establish three types of settlements in the Americas.

Pueblos – Towns that became centers of trade.

Missions – Religious communities that usually included a small town, farmland, and a church.

Presidio – Military forts that were usually built near a mission.

The Spanish also established a social class system.

Peninsulares – People born in Spain who owned land, served in the Catholic Church, and ran the local government.

Creoles – People born to Spanish parents in the Americas.

Mextizos – People with Spanish and Native American parents.

Native Americans

Enslaved Africans

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Ch. 2, Sec. 3 – Spanish Rule

In the 1500s the Spanish government granted each conquistador who settled in the Americans the right to demand taxes or labor from Native Americans living on the land. This was called?


The system of encomienda led to most Native Americans being turned into slaves. Many died from malnutrition and disease.

A Spanish priest condemned the cruel treatment of the Native Americans. He fought for laws to protect them and was able to get the Spanish government to pass new laws that forbade making slaves of Native Americans. Who was this Spanish priest?

Bartolome de Las Casas

Large estates on which Spanish settlers grew crops and sent materials back to Spain were called plantations. Many of these plantations used Native Americans as slave labor. Las Casas suggested the enslaved Africans be used instead. He would later regret this as it led to the importation of slaves from Africa.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 4 – Exploring North America

In Europe during the early 1500s religious changes were taking place. Martin Luther, a German priest, rejected many of the Church’s practices. His nailing of a list of complaints to the door of the local church led to radical changes.

Within a few years many of Luther’s followers broke away from the Catholic church and formed their own religions. This was called what?

Protestant Reformation

In England, King Henry VIII also left the Catholic Church and created the Church of England. Why did King Henry VIII do this?

The Pope would not declare his first marriage to be invalid.

The creation of many Protestant churches in Europe led to the desire to establish Protestant colonies in North America. This led to the English, Dutch, and French to begin exploring North America.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 4 – Exploring North America

Religion was one factor that led to more exploration. During this time the idea of mercantilism also came into favor.

Mercantilism is the believe that a nation’s power was based upon its wealth. The desire to find gold and silver also led to the development of trade with colonies being established in North America.

The voyages of the early explorers had introduced Europe to new plants, animals, and diseases. The same was true of the newly discovered areas. This exchange of plants, animals, disease, and even people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas is called ______________?

The Columbian Exchange

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Ch. 2, Sec. 4 – Exploring North America

Although the Treaty of Tordesillas had divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands ignored the treaty. These countries wanted their share of the action. They also begin searching for a Northwest Passage to Asia through or around North America.

John Cabot was sent to by England to North America to find a northern route to Asia. He explored much of the Northeastern coast of North America. England used his explorations to lay claim to those areas of North America.

The French sent Jacques Cartier up the St. Lawrence River in an attempt to find a passage to Asia. He made it as far as the present-day city of Montreal.

The Netherlands hired an English Sailor named Henry Hudson to explore in North America. On Hudson’s first trip he sailed up the Hudson River as far as present-day Albany, N.Y. Later, working for the English, he sailed further North and went into Hudson Bay. It was here that is crew rebelled and sent Hudson adrift in a small boat.

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Ch. 2, Sec. 4 – Exploring North America

France was too busy fighting political and religious conflicts at home to bother trying to establish colonies in North America. However, they saw North America as an opportunity to make profits from fishing and fur trading. The French worked on establishing fur trading centers. French trappers were called coureurs de bois and establish an network of trading post throughout the area around the Great Lakes and central North America.

The Netherlands were also eager to claim part of North America. The first voyage of Henry Hudson led the Dutch to claim the areas the Hudson had explored. They established colonies in the Hudson River valley. Their most important settlement was on the tip of Manhattan Island and was named New Amsterdam. This settlement was later to become New York City.

Why were these countries looking so hard for a Northwest Passage?

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Chapter 2 - Review

