



Table of contents


Painless home canning……………………………....4 Cherry mango chilli…………………29

Canning cherries……………………………………...5 Cherry onion relish …………………31

Canned pie filling……………………………………..8 Roast duck with cherries…………...32

Easy brandied cherries……………………………....9 Cold cherry soup……………………34

Freezer jam ……………………………………….....10 Alsatian cherry soup……………….35

No recipe jam ………………………………………..12 Cherry cola congealed salad……...36

Sweet cherry jam ………………………………........15 Fresh fruit salad…………………….37

Cherry upside down cake…………………………...16

Chocolate chip cherry cobbler (gluten free)……....18

Double chocolate cherry muffins…………………...19

No bake individual cherry cheese cakes………......20

Baked individual cherry cheese cakes……………..21

Cherries jubilee……………………………………....22

Chocolate cherry frozen pie…………………….…...23

Cherry sauce……………………………………….....24

Cherry cream cheese brownies………………..…...25

Turkey tenderloin with whiskey cherry cause….….26

Grilled chicken with cherry chipotle BBQ sauce…..27

Cherry glazed salmon ……………………………….28


Many of the members walk

away with 40 pounds of

cherries or more and have no

idea what to do with them, so

Cherrybrook Farms decided to

put together a cook book to

give everyone some ideas of

what you can do with cherries.

We have put a few canning

recipes together with

instructions for those who do

not know how (it’s really easy)

and the truth is once you do it

you’ll remember next time.


Painless Home Canning for when you arrive home with

your cherries

Canning is a simple, safe and effective way to preserve food. Today most home cooks shy away

from canning out of fear of doing something wrong. Learn the right way here.

Canning is an easy way to preserve fruit and vegetables, allowing you to use the best of

summer's bounty to enjoy food all year long

The first step is to buy jars, which can often be found at Cherrybrook Farms, supermarkets and

Wal-Mart. Any brand will do. Bernardin is a popular brand that's widely available. Often an

assortment of small preserves can be a nice gift, so if you start your canning early you can take

care of some holiday shopping. Cherrybrook Farms carry beautiful jars from Germany that

would be great for gifts.

Depending on what products you will be making, you might want to buy several different sized

jars to have on hand. Large jars are good for holding pickles, tomato sauce, or poached pears or

peaches. Four or eight ounce jars are better for jams, if you are apt to use them infrequently.

Today, most jar lids are lined with a light coating of wax. This helps the sealing process by

creating a natural vacuum seal as your product cools down. Properly canned goods will keep on

your pantry shelf for years, but once they are opened, use your common sense. Jams, chutneys or

pickles can keep refrigerated for weeks, but you would want to use leftover sauce within a few


Foods to Can:

By learning to can you can make

preserves and jams



tomato sauces


brandied cherries


Canning Cherries

Canning cherries give you convenient jars of cherries to have on hand for cherry pie, pouring over ice cream or in a cherry cobbler. Cherries are an acid food and can be safely canned in a water bath. These direction are for either sweet cherries like lapin cherries or sour cherries that you use for pies. Canning cherries in light syrup make it easy to create desserts of your choice later on.

Prepare Gather your canning supplies

water bath canner

canning jars

canning seals and rings

jar lifter

canning funnel

large pot or blancher


large spoons

sharp knife

towels and dish cloths

cherry pitter – optional

Ingredients Cherries -as many as you can stand to pit! Or you can pit them at Cherrybrook Farms, or can whole.

sugar - for the syrup (optional)

Syrup for Packing

Prepare light or medium syrup. I prefer light syrup. Simply heat water and sugar in a sauce pan until sugar dissolves.

Light – 2 cups sugar to 1-quart water

Medium -3 cups sugar to 1-quart water You can also make syrup with honey if you don't want to use processed sugar.

light - 1 1/2 cups honey to 4 cups water medium - 2 cups honey to 4 cups water



Wash and pit cherries. Pitting is the most challenging part. :0) But if you just sit down and DO IT, you can make some delicious dishes. Have a friend come over and visit while you pit.

They make a mess but it’s all part of the fun. Actually canning cherries with the pits is perfectly acceptable. It just makes them quicker and easier to use if you go ahead and pit them now. If you want to can them with the pits just prick each cherry with a sterilized needle to prevent it from bursting. We also suggest marking the jars with pits so you don’t forget.

Make syrup of your choice to pour over cherries. If you are doing sour cherries you may want medium or heavy syrup. I prefer extra light syrup. You could use just water if you don't want to add any sweetness.

extra light - 1 cup sugar to 4 1/2 cups water

light - 2 cups sugar to 5 cups water

medium - 3 cups sugar to 5 1/2 cups water

heavy - 4 3/4 cups sugar to 6 1/2 cups water Place cherries in jar. I have found it works to add 1/2 cup or so of syrup to the jar, then fill half way with cherries.


Tap the bottom of the jar on a pot holder laid on the counter to settle contents. Fill the rest of the way tapping to settle without smashing. Cover cherries in jar with syrup leaving 1/2 inch head space. Remove air bubbles and clean rim of jar. Wipe the rims clean, remove any air bubbles and place your lids. For more details follow water bath canning instructions.


Pints or quarts for 25 minutes.

Altitude Adjustments for Boiling Water Bath Canner

Altitude in Feet Increase processing time

1001-3000 5 minutes

3001-6000 10 minutes

6001-8000 15 minutes

8001-10,000 20 minutes



4 quarts chopped fruit 10 c. water 4 c. sugar 1 c. cornstarch or Clear Jello (recommended) 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. almond or cherry liqueur (if canning cherries) Combine ingredients in a stainless steel or enamel lined pot. Bring to a boil and boil 10 minutes; pack hot into hot jars. Leave 1/2-inch headspace. Adjust 2 piece lids.

Process pints 15 minutes, quarts 20 minutes in a boiling water bath canner.

Note: Cherries may be packed cold into jars and covered with water or liqueur or a combination of the two; process both pints and quarts in a boiling water bath for 25 minutes.

Makes 3-5 quarts, depending upon fruit used.



Easy Brandied Cherries:

Makes approx. 1 qt.


2 cups water 2 cups sugar 1cup brandy 2 cups fresh cherries, pitted and stemmed


1. Combine sugar and water and bring to boil. 2. Once boiling, turn off pot and add brandy. 3. Bring a large pot of water to boil. This will be used to sterilize jars. 4. Wash all jars and lids. 5. To sterilize jars, place them in the boiling water and rotate, making sure all sides are covered, 1-2 minutes. 6. Remove jars and lids from water bath and place on clean towel. 7. Fill jars with pitted cherries. 8. Pour brandy syrup over pitted cherries, leaving 1/4 inch at top. 9. Seal jars. 10. Place upside down to cool overnight or for several hours. 11. Before storing, test jars to ensure a proper seal.

How Can You Tell if Your Jar is Sealed?

If your jar does not seal properly, you can repeat the canning process to reseal it. Take care to wash and re-sterilize the jar should you choose to re-can. You can also safely refrigerate the product and use shortly. To tell if a jar is properly canned, lightly press the center of the lid. The lid should be sealed tightly and not yield to pressure. If the lid is flexible and you hear a popping sound when you press it, the jar is not properly sealed.

These steps should set you on the way to use your imagination to easily, safely can and store food.


Freezer Jam

Freezer jam is easy to make. And because freezer jam isn't cooked, it tastes remarkably like fresh fruit. There are just a few ingredients:

Fruit Use perfectly ripe fruit. Since you won't be cooking it, the flavour of the jam is going to be much like the

flavor of the fruit. If it's over- or under ripe, you'll be able to taste it. Jam made with under ripe fruit, besides being sour, might jell too much, while jam made with overripe fruit--besides having an off-flavour--might not jell enough.

Pectin Most recipes call for additional pectin to thicken the jam, giving it that familiar jammy consistency. Commercially produced pectin is derived from fruit--usually apples or citrus. Store-bought pectin comes in two forms: powder and liquid. Most recipes call for powdered pectin, but these are not interchangeable--use whichever form your recipe calls for.

The basic ratios for each packet of powdered pectin are:

3 cups mashed fruit 5 cups sugar, and 1 cup water in which to dissolve and boil the pectin.

This formula can vary a little depending on the brand of pectin, so follow the instructions on the package.

Sugar Sugar inhibits the growth of bacteria, keeping your jam fresh, fruity, and safe to eat. Jam recipes are

formulated to call for a certain ratio of pectin to sugar, and they will not jell properly if you don't use the correct amount of sugar. If you'd like to make less-sweet jam, you'll need to buy a special kind of pectin that's formulated to work with less sugar.


Before you begin making the jam, have all your jam jars ready and waiting. Use either sturdy plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, or short, wide-mouthed glass jars made especially for the freezer. It's best to choose containers that are no bigger than pint-size; the jam will not set up as well in larger containers. Wash them as you would any other dishes; there's no need to boil them like with traditional jam-making


Making Jam

The process itself is simple: Wash and stem the fruit (and peel it, if applicable).

Place it in a wide-bottomed pan and crush with a potato masher to a smooth consistency, leaving some chunks of fruit if you like.

Stir in the sugar and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, mix together the pectin and water in a small saucepan until the powder is dissolved; bring it to a boil over high heat, and let it boil for a full minute.

Pour it into the fruit and stir for a couple of minutes.

Pour the jam into your containers, leaving a half-inch of "headspace" at the top.

Cover the containers and let them sit at room temperature for 24 hours.

The jam should thicken significantly overnight, but the jelling process can take up to two weeks to complete. If it's too thick, stirring it will soften it up. If it's still too runny after two weeks, pour it into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. It will get thicker as it cools, and you can re-bottle as before.

Storing Your Jam

As the name implies, freezer jam is meant to be stored in the freezer. In fact, it will keep beautifully in the freezer for up to a year. You can also keep freezer jam in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Once you open a container of jam, you should use it within three weeks as well. Just remember never to keep freezer jam at room temperature, or it will spoil.


No-Recipe Cherry Jam

You’ll notice a difference in the cherries and the jams shown in the post. The lighter one is made from sour cherries

and the darker is made from sweet cherries. The recipe will work well with either.

1. Buy as many cherries as you feel like pitting, or buy pitted cherries at Cherrybrook Farms.

Usually I have the patience for about 3 pounds, but it’s up to you. Figure one pound of cherries will make one good-

sized jar of jam. Plump, dark Bing cherries work really well, although Burlats are good, and if you can find sour

cherries, your jam will rock.

2. Wear something red. Rinse the cherries and remove the stems. Using the handy cherry pitter that you can

purchase at Cherrybrook Farms, pit the cherries. Make sure to remove all the pits. Chop about 3/4ths of them into

smaller pieces, but not too small. Leave some cherries whole so people can see later on how hard you worked pitting

real cherries. If you leave too many whole ones, they’ll tumble off your toast.

3. Cook the cherries in a large non-reactive stockpot. It should be pretty big since the juices bubble up. Add the zest

and juice of one or two fresh lemons. Lemon juice adds pectin as well as acidity, and will help the jam gel later on.

4. Cook the cherries, stirring once in a while with a heatproof spatula , (available at Cherrybrook Farms) until they’re

wilted and completely soft, which may take about 20 minutes, depending on how much heat you give them. Aren’t

they beautiful, all juicy and red?



5. Once they’re cooked, measure out how many cherries you have (including the juice.) Use 3/4 of the amount of

sugar. For example if you have 4 cups of cooked cherry matter, add 3 cups of sugar. It may seem like a lot, but that

amount of sugar is necessary to keep the jam from spoilage.

6. Stir the sugar and the cherries in the pot and cook over moderate-to-high heat. The best jam is cooked quickly.

While it’s cooking, put a small white plate in the freezer. Remain vigilant and stir the fruit often with a heatproof

utensil. (Wouldn’t it be a shame to burn it at this point?) Scrape the bottom of the pot as you stir as well.

7. Once the bubbles subside and the jam appears a bit thick and looks like it is beginning to gel, (it will coat the

spatula in a clear, thick-ish, jelly-like layer, but not too thick) turn off the heat and put a small amount of jam on the

frozen plate and return to the freezer. After a few minutes, when you nudge it if it wrinkles, it’s done


If not, cook it some more, turn off the heat, and test it again. If you overcook your jam, the sugar will caramelize and it

won’t taste good and there’s nothing you can do. Better to undercook it, test it, then cook it some more.

Once it’s done and gelled, add a bit of kirsch if you have it, clear cherry eau-de-vie which will highlight the flavour. Or

add a few drops of almond extract, but not too much, or it will taste like a cheap Italian cake. Ladle the warm jam into

clean jars and cover. Cool at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator where it will keep for several months.


Sweet cherry jam

Makes about 6 x 250 ml jars.

4 cups (1000 ml) pitted sweet red cherries, cut in half or leave whole as desired

5 cups (1250 ml) granulated sugar

1/2 cup (125 ml) dry red wine

3 inches (8 cm) stick cinnamon

1/4 cup (50 ml) lemon juice

1 pkg (57 g) BERNARDIN® Original Fruit Pectin

1 cup (250 ml) unsweetened pomegranate, cherry, grape or other “red” juice

• Place 6 clean 250 ml mason jars on a rack in a boiling water canner; cover jars with water and heat to a simmer (180°F/82°C). Set screw bands aside. Heat SNAP LID® sealing discs in hot water, not boiling (180°F/82°C). Keep jars and sealing discs hot until ready to use.

• In a large deep stainless steel saucepan, combine cherries, sugar, red wine and cinnamon stick. Let stand at room temperature 3 to 6 hours.

Add lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. (2 ml) butter or margarine to marinated cherries. Over medium high heat, stirring frequently bring cherry mixture to a boil. Simultaneously, in a separate small saucepan, whisk pectin into unsweetened juice. Stirring constantly bring pectin mixture to a boil and then add to the cherry mixture. Over high heat, return the combined mixture to a full rolling boils that cannot be stirred down; boil hard 2 minutes. Remove from heat; discard cinnamon stick and skim off any foam.

• Ladle hot preserves into a hot jar to within 1/4 inch (0.5 cm) of top of jar (headspace). Using non-metallic utensil, remove air bubbles and adjust headspace, if required, by adding more jam. Wipe jar rim removing any food residue. Centre hot sealing disc on clean jar rim. Screw band down until resistance is met, then increase to fingertip tight. Return filled jar to rack in canner. Repeat for remaining preserves.

• When canner is filled, ensure that all jars are covered by at least one inch (2.5 cm) of water. Cover canner and bring water to full rolling boil before starting to count processing time. At altitudes up to 1000 ft. (305 m), process – boil filled jars – 10 minutes.

When processing time is complete, turn stove off, remove canner lid, wait 5 minutes, then remove jars without tilting and place them upright on a protected work surface. Cool upright, undisturbed 24 hours; DO NOT RETIGHTEN screw bands.


Cherry upside down cake


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter 3/4 cup (packed) golden brown sugar 14 ounces cherries, halved, pitted


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature 2 large eggs, separated 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup whole milk 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup chilled whipping cream 1 1/2 tablespoons powdered sugar


For topping: Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter sides of 9-inch-diameter cake pan with 2-inch-high sides. Melt 1/4 cup butter in same pan set over low heat. Add brown sugar; whisk until well blended, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Spread mixture over bottom of pan. Arrange cherries, cut side down, in single layer in bottom of pan and press lightly to adhere. Set aside.

For cake: Mix flour, baking powder and salt in medium bowl. Using electric mixer, beat 1 cup sugar and butter in large bowl until creamy. Mix in egg yolks 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix in dry ingredients alternately with milk.

Using electric mixer fitted with clean dry beaters, beat egg whites and cream of tartar in another large bowl until stiff but not dry. Stir 1/4 of whites into cake batter to lighten. Using rubber spatula, gently fold remaining whites into batter. Spoon batter atop cherries in pan. Bake cake until deep golden on top and tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 55 minutes. Cool cake in pan on rack 15 minutes.


Whip cream, powdered sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla in bowl to soft peaks.

Run small knife around edges of pan to loosen cake. Place platter over cake and invert onto platter. Let stand 5 minutes. Remove pan. Serve cake warm or at room temperature with whipped cream. (Cake and whipped cream can be made 6 hours ahead. Cover cake and let stand at room temperature. Cover and chill whipped cream.)


Chocolate chip cherry cobbler (gluten free)

Fruit Mixture

1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling (hopefully your own!)

2 tablespoons orange juice

½ teaspoon almond extract Topping

1 cup Gluten Free mix

1 cup whipping cream

2 tablespoons sugar

2 tablespoons butter, softened

¼ cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips

½ teaspoon sugar

1. Heat oven to 350°F. In ungreased 1 1/2-quart casserole, mix fruit mixture ingredients. Microwave uncovered on High about 4 minutes or until bubbly around edge; stir.

2. In medium bowl, mix all topping ingredients except 1/2 teaspoon sugar with spoon until stiff dough forms. Drop dough by 6 spoonful’s (about 1/4 cup each) onto warm fruit mixture. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon sugar over dough.

3. Bake 35 to 40 minutes or until topping is golden brown. Serve warm.



Double Chocolate Cherry Muffins

Makes 12


2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 1 1/4 cups white sugar 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup milk 1/3 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 1/2 cups fresh dark sweet cherries, pitted and chopped 1 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips


1. Preheat an oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease 12 jumbo (3 1/2-inch) muffin cups or line with paper baking cups.

2. Stir together the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a separate large bowl, and make a well in the center; set aside. Whisk together the sour cream, milk, vegetable oil, eggs, and almond extract in a bowl until evenly blended. Pour the sour cream mixture into the well, and then stir in the flour mixture until just combined. Fold in the cherries and chocolate chips. Spoon into prepared muffin cups, filling half full.

3. Bake until a toothpick inserted into centers comes out clean, about 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in pan on wire rack 5 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely on wire rack. Store tightly covered at room temperature.



No bake Individual cheese cake cups


12 Vanilla Wafers 1 pkg. (250 g) Brick Cream Cheese, softened 1/3 cup sugar 2 cups thawed Cool Whip Whipped Topping Cherries


PLACE 1 wafer on bottom of each of 12 paper-lined muffin cups; set aside. Beat cream cheese and sugar in

large bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add whipped topping; mix well. Spoon evenly into muffin cups.

COVER; refrigerate 3 hours or overnight. Top with fresh or canned cherries. Store left overs in refrigerator.


Individual cheese cake cups

Makes 12


12 paper baking cups (2-1/2-inch) 12 vanilla wafers 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon Corn Starch 1 egg 1/3 cup Light Corn Syrup 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract Fresh or canned cherries


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line muffin pan with 12 paper baking cups. Place 1 vanilla wafer in each. 2. Beat cream cheese, sugar and corn starch with an electric mixer until well mixed. Add egg and blend well. Add

corn syrup, lemon juice and vanilla. Beat 1 minute. 3. Pour filling into paper baking cups, dividing evenly. Bake for 20 minutes, until just set. 4. Chill for 1 hour. Top with fresh fruit, jam, pie filling OR chocolate curls as desired.


Cherries Jubilee


1lb (500g) dark cherries ½ cup sugar 3 tbsp orange liquier such as Cointreau or triple sec ¼ cup brandy or kirsch


Pit the cherries, being sure to save any juice. Cook the cherries and sugar in their juice.

Remove from heat and stir in the orange liqueur. To serve spoon vanilla ice cream into 4

serving bowlsheat the cherries and warm ¼ cup of brandy in separate saucepans.

Pour the brandy over the cherries and ignite immediately, preferably with the long

bbq lighter for safety. Spoon the cherries still flaming if possible over the ice cream and serve.




Chocolate graham pie crust or regular graham crust

4 cups chopped cherries (frozen works well) 3. 2-3 cups Cool whip

1/2 tsp. almond extract

1/2 tsp. vanilla extracts or substitute cherry kirsch

Mix together all the above ingredients and put into pie crust, freeze. Thaw a little (about 20 min) before serving.


Cherry Sauce

Makes 2 cups


½ cup sugar

½ cup water

3 tbsp. orange juice

1tbsp grated orange rind

1 tbsp. lemon juice

4 tsp. cornstarch

2 cups sweet black cherries pitted


In a saucepan combine sugar, water, orange juice and rind, and lemon juice.

Bring to a boil stirring to dissolve sugar. Blend cornstarch with 1 tbsp. of water,

Stir into sugar mixture along with the cherries, cook over med heat stirring until

Thickened (about 2 min). Serve warm or chilled. Can be stored in fridge for 3 days.


Cherry Cream Cheese Brownies

9x13 pan of brownies


1 1/2 cups halved, pitted cherries 2 tablespoons Kirsch 6 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate 4 ounces dark sweet chocolate 1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature 1 cup sugar 4 large eggs 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Cream cheese swirl 8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon almond extract

Heat the oven to 375ºF and grease a 9x13 pan. Prepare the cherries and stir in Kirsch. Let sit for at least an hour.

Melt the chocolate, butter and sugar until liquid in a saucepan over low heat. Set aside to cool slightly. Beat the eggs until lightened - at least six minutes in a stand mixer - and slowly mix in chocolate. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt and add to the mixture with the vanilla. Stir in half the cherries.

Whip the cream cheese with the butter, sugar, and almond extract until light and fluffy. Stir in the other half of the cherries and any syrup.

Put the brownie mix in the pan and smooth out. Drop the cream cheese on top in six evenly spaced spoonful’s, then take a thin knife and swirl it through the batter. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until just set.


Turkey tenderloin with whiskey cherry sauce

Prep time total time servings

40 min 40 min 6


3 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

1 1/2 pounds turkey tenderloin

1/2 teaspoon salt, divided

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

1/2 cup chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup pitted and chopped fresh or frozen cherries

1 cup cranberry juice, divided

1/4 cup whiskey

2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme, or 1/2 teaspoon dried

1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

2 teaspoons cornstarch


1. Preheat oven to 450°F. 2. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large ovenproof skillet over high heat. Season turkey with 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper and cook until

golden brown on one side, about 3 minutes. Turn it over and transfer the pan to the oven. Roast until the turkey is no longer pink in the middle and registers 165°F on an instant-read thermometer, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer the turkey to a clean cutting board and tent with foil to keep warm.

3. Heat the remaining 1 teaspoon oil in the pan over medium-high heat. (Be careful, the handle will still be hot.) Add onion and cook, stirring, until starting to soften, 2 to 3 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for 30 seconds. Add cherries, 3/4 cup cranberry juice, whiskey, thyme, mustard and the remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring occasionally and scraping up any browned bits, until reduced, about 4 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, stir together the remaining 1/4 cup juice and cornstarch in a small bowl. Add to the pan and cook, stirring, until thickened, about 30 seconds. Slice the turkey and serve with the sauce.


Grilled chicken with cherry chipotle BBQ sauce

Cook time: 2 hours 45 min Servings: 8


1 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) dark sweet cherries, pitted and chopped 1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth 1/3 cup cherry preserves 1/3 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 1/2 teaspoons minced canned chipotle chills in adobo sauce, or more to taste 1 1/4 teaspoons dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed


1. Stir cherries, broth, preserves, ketchup, vinegar, chipotle peppers, thyme and allspice in a small deep bowl. Transfer to a shallow nonreactive dish large enough to hold chicken. Add chicken and turn to coat well. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.

2. Preheat grill to high. Oil the grill rack . Remove the chicken from the marinade. Transfer the marinade to a medium skillet.

3. Bring the marinade to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the sauce is reduced by about half, 12 to 15 minutes.

4. Meanwhile, reduce the grill heat to medium and grill the chicken until cooked through and no longer pink in the middle, 7 to 9 minutes per side. Let the chicken cool slightly; serve with the sauce.



Cherry Glazed Salmon


2 1/2 cups fresh cherries, pitted and quartered 1/4 cup unsalted butter 1/3 cup red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/3 cup cold water 4 (5 ounce) salmon fillets, about 1 inch thick salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Place cherries, butter, red wine vinegar, and honey in a saucepan over medium heat, and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer, and cook until cherries are softened and the mixture has reduced, about 10 minutes. While the sauce is simmering, whisk the cornstarch and cold water together in a small bowl, and stir into the cherry mixture. Bring back to a simmer, stirring constantly until thickened, about 5 minutes. Remove sauce from heat.

2. Preheat the oven's broiler and set the oven rack about 6 inches from the heat source. Sprinkle salmon with salt and black pepper, and place them skin sides down on a broiling pan.

3. Broil the salmon for 30 seconds, and then remove from broiler and spoon the cherry glaze generously over the fillets. Place back under broiler, and broil until salmon is opaque and the glaze has baked onto the fish, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove salmon and reglaze with cherry sauce once or twice more during cooking. For slightly rare salmon that's still barely pink in the middle, check after about 5 minutes. Let salmon stand 1 minute before serving with extra cherry sauce.



Cherry mango chilli


2 pounds of any ground meat

1 pack of beacon

1 pack spicy sausage

1 onion

1 pack mixed mushrooms or any mushrooms you like

A bag of mixed baby sweet peppers

5-10 cups of pitted cherries

2 cans of mango

2 cans bean medley

2 cans white kidney beans

2 cans of red kidney beans

2 cans of pork and beans in molasses

2 cans of pork and beans in tomatoes

2 med size cans of chopped tomatoes

1 can of chickpeas

1 jar of red chilli paste

Chilli spice

Cayenne spice



Brown the ground meat cut the bacon into cubes and add it to the ground meat. Slice sausage and add it as well.

Dice onion and add to meat. Once everything is cooked and the onion is soft add a tiny bit of seasoning (chilli powder

and cayenne powder) remember not to add too much the flavour will intensify after cooking for a bit, and it’s always

better to add more toward the end rather than have it to strong of a flavor. After you are sure all the meat is cooked

fully you can start adding your canned stuff, jar of chilli paste and mushrooms. Let it simmer on low for an hour or so

taste it and adjust the spices to your liking. About half an hour to an hour before serving add cherries; if you are using

frozen cherries add them a little later they only need to be heated through, if you simmer them for a long time they

just turn to mush.


Cherry onion relish


1 tbsp. olive oil

1 onion

3 tbsp. cherry juice

3tbsp apple cider vinegar

Pinch of salt

1 ½ cups pitted and chopped cherries


Heat a medium saucepan over medium low. Add oil then onion, stirring occasionally until the onion is dark golden,

about 8 to 10 minutes. Add cherry juice. Continue cooking stirring often until onion is very soft. Add vinegar and salt.

Remove from heat and stir in cherries. Serve with juicy burgers.


Roast duck with cherries


5 ½ pound duck

½ tsp. salt

Pinch of pepper

Pinch of thyme or sage

1 small onion

Directions for duck

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Dry the duck and season the inside with the salt, pepper, herbs and sliced onion. Truss the duck by tying the legs and wing to the body with cotton string or with long metal skewers. Prick the duck skin so it will release more fat while coking. Place it breast side up in a roasting pan, and roast for 15 min. reduce the oven to 350 and turn the duck on its side. After 30 min, turn the duck on its other side. 15 minutes prior to the end of the roasting time (approximately an hour and 20-40 min) turn the duck breast side up. The duck is done when its juices run clear when the duck is pricked in the thickest part. Remove the trussing and place the duck on and oven proof serving platter keep it war in the turned off oven.

The sauce

3 tbsp. sugar

¼ cup red wine vinegar

2 cups of duck stock or chicken stock

2/3 cup of port

2 tbsp. arrowroot powder (you can use cornstarch for substitute)

Directions for sauce

While the duck is roasting make the cause. Caramelize the sugar by boiling it in the vinegar for several minutes until it forms brown syrup. Remove from the heat immediately. Add ½ of the stock and simmer to dissolve the caramel syrup. Dissolve the arrowroot in 3 tbsp. of the port. Add the rest of the stock, arrowroot


mixture and simmer for several minutes until clear and thickened. Pour off the fat from the roasting pan. Deglaze the pan by adding the rest of the port and boiling rapidly, scraping up any of the solidified roasting juice. Then add this mixture to the sauce and simmer to reduce and thicken it.


3 to 4 dozen pitted red or black cherries (fresh or frozen, defrosted)

1 tbsp. lemon juice

3 tbsp. port or cognac (may omit)

2 to 3 tbsp. sugar

Directions for cherries

Also prepare while duck is roasting. In a non-reactive sauce pan (clay, enamel, glass, or stainless steel) toss them with the lemon juice, port or cognac, and sugar. Let the soak for 30 minutes. Heat the cherries in some of the sauce to cool them gently for about 3 minutes.

To serve

Remove the cherries with a slotted spoon, and arrange them around the duck. Pass the sauce in a sauceboat. You may want to spoon some over the duck before serving.


Cold cherry soup


4 cups fresh cherries, pitted

1 ½ lemon

1 cinnamon stick

¼ cup sugar

2 tbsp. corn starch

Optional: white wine or cherry juice.


Seed and thinly slice the half lemon. Squeeze the juice from the whole lemon. Break the cinnamon stick into a few large pieces. Simmer the cherries on the stove with the lemon slices, cinnamon and 1 cup water, for about 15 minutes. Drain the cherries, reserving the liquid. Discard the lemon slices and cinnamon. Run the cherries through a food processer and puree to a smooth consistency. Combine the cherry cooking liquid sugar, and pureed cherries. Add enough water, white wine or cherry juice to make 1 quart (1 liter). Reheat slightly to dissolve the sugar. Blend the cornstarch with ¼ cup cold water or cherry juice, and stir it into the simmer soup. When the soup has thickened, remove it from the heat and chill thoroughly. Serve in chilled plates.


Alsatian cherry soup


6 slices of firm French style bread

2 tbsp. (or more) of butter

1 3/4 lb. fresh or frozen dark cherries or one quart of canned dark cherries pitted

3 tbsp. sugar

2 tbsp. kirsch or cherry brandy (optional)

Water, red wine, or cherry juice to cover

1 tbsp. cornstarch


Cut bread into slices and butter both sides, fry gently in a frying pan until golden brown. Put one slice in each of the 6

bowls. Meanwhile, cook fresh or frozen cherries with the sugar and kirsch in a little water red wine, or heat the

canned cherries in their own juice. Add more water, wine or cherry juice if needed to cover the fruit. Blend the

cornstarch with a spoonful of cold water, and then blend the cornstarch into the pot to thicken the soup. Ladle the hot

cherry soup over the bread slices.


Cherry-cola congealed salad


1 package (85g) cherry gelatin mix ( black cherry if you can find it )

1 pint (500g) of canned dark cherries with their juice

1 small can crushed pineapple (not fresh)

1 small (3 oz. or 85g) package of cold cream cheese diced

¾ cup cola

½ to 1 cup of miniature marshmallows

Optional: ½ cup chopped pecans


Drain and reserve the juice from the cherries and pineapple. Heat the juice to the boiling point, together with any water need to make up the required amount liquid required by Jell-O pack instructions. Pour over the Jell-O to dissolve. Add the cola. Refrigerate in a bowl until it is soft set. Stir in the cherries, pineapple, diced cream cheese, marshmallows, and optional nuts. Chill until firm



Fresh Fruit Salad


1/2 cup water 2/3 cup sugar 3 cups thinly sliced rhubarb 15 seedless grapes, halved 1/2 orange, sectioned 10 fresh strawberries, hulled and halved 1 apple, cored and diced 1 peach, sliced 1 plum, pitted and sliced 15 pitted Lapin cherries 1/4 cup fresh blueberries


1. Bring water and sugar to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the rhubarb, turn heat to low, cover, and simmer until rhubarb is soft, 10 to 15 minutes. Mash and chill in the refrigerator, about one hour.

2. To serve, mix the grapes, orange, strawberries, apple, peach, plum, cherries, and blueberries with 2/3 cup of the rhubarb sauce. Stir gently, but thoroughly to coat. Refrigerate for at least two hours to allow the flavors to blend.