Page 1: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

ChristianityBy: Ethan Sands

Page 2: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Where did it come from(Origin)

• Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E.

• It was started by Jesus, the believed messiah of the Christian faith

Page 3: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Where Christianity is Practiced

• Christianity has 203,900,000,0 followers taking up 32% of the worlds population

Page 4: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Important people in their faith

• Jesus Christ originally a teacher of the jewish faith he became the founder of the Christian religion and thought to be the son of “God”.

• Jesus's 12 disciples who helped him spread the word of “God” those disciples were Peter, James the Elder, John, Andrew, Philip, Tomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Simon the Zealot, Thaddeus, and Judas.

Page 5: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Important People continued…

• The Pope is now one of the large figures for this religion though mainly focusing on Catholicism which is very strongly influenced by the Christian religion.

Page 6: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Holidays and Observances

• Christmas is one of the primary Christian holidays though throughout the years it has branched off from its Christian roots becoming something much more. Though Christians believed it was the day The Virgin Marry gave birth to “Jesus Christ”.

Page 7: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Holidays continued…

• Easter (Easter Sunday and Good Friday) is not the belief in a magical bunny as most people think but its believed by the Christian religion as the day “Jesus” was resurrected 3 days after his death by crucifixion.

Page 8: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Sacred Texts

• The primary text of the Christian religion is the bible but there are others such as the Old Testament which is almost identical to the Jewish bible and the New Testament which focuses on biography's about “Jesus” and the apostles.

Page 9: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Place of Worship

• The church is the primary place of worship for Christians, but it can also spread to their own home with prayer at meal times and before sleep or just clasping their hands together at any point of day and “talking to “god””.

Page 10: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Important Dates

• The crucifixion and death of Jesus, Jesus was crucified for claiming to be the son of god and was then nailed to a cross with a crown of the thorns placed on his head left to die (good Friday).

• The resurrection of Jesus, Jesus was supposedly resurrected 3 days after Good Friday the day of his death this is called Easter Sunday

Page 11: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Important Dates continued…

• Birth of Jesus was supposedly born on December the 25th which has become the loved holiday Christmas

• Last Supper, the final Supper before Jesus’s death where Jesus confesses that he knows one of his disciples will betray him.

• Christianity becomes a large religion in Rome around 306-337 A.D.

Page 12: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Basic Beliefs

• Christians believe in the trinity a belief that “God” is split into 3 persons “God” the Son, “God” the father, and “God” the Holly Spirit.

• Christians believe in an afterlife where you will either be sent to heaven or hell depending on your sins.

• Christians also believe in the 7 deadly sins which consist of Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, and Pride if broken you will lower your personal relations with “God”.

Page 13: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Basic Beliefs continued…

• Christians also belief in Satin an angel fallen from heaven who rose against “God” testing the faith of Humans.

• Christians believe in the “end times” the day where all Christians will rise to Heaven with “God” and the dead ones will rise from their graves and follow along. All non- Christians will be left on earth under the rule of satin. This will also be the day that Christ returns.

Page 14: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Basic Beliefs continued

• Christians believe in angels who are spiritual beings who serve “god” and were made by “god”

• Christians believe that “god” can communicate with each individual person.

• Christians also believe Jesus was “God’s” son sent to die for all of mans sins.

Page 15: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Important Places

• Palestine, where the Christian Religion begain made by Jesus.

• Jerusalem, believed to be where Jesus taught Christianity many other important events happened there such as The Last Supper.

• Bethlehem, was the supposed birth place of Jesus

• Qana, Where Jesus turned water into wine

Page 16: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Why is it important to learn about this Religion?

• It’s important to learn about Christianity because it is currently one of the world’s largest religions with over 2 billion followers. It is important to understand their beliefs when talking to them and getting into debates with them in almost every day of your life. Not only that, but by understanding any religion you become less ignorant to peoples thoughts around you. You can understand more and be capable of making your own personal choices instead of being blindly lead like a flock of sheep. Learning about religions can also help you become an individual and see the people around you differently. (93 words)

Page 17: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by


• Jesus the Founder of the Christian religion supposed son of “god”

Page 18: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by


• Jesus’s crucifixion nailed to the cross with a crown of thorns on his head

Page 19: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by


• The Christian Bible considered their primary “holy book”

Page 20: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by


• Angels “gods” helpers created by “god”.

Page 21: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by


• Jesus and his 12 deciples

Page 22: Christianity By: Ethan Sands. Where did it come from (Origin) Christianity started in Palestine, Eastern Mediterranean around 33 C.E. It was started by

Notes/Sources• • Christianity started around 33 C.E.• Started in Palestine •• Christmas was the day believed to be Jesus birth •• Easter Sunday and good Friday day of Jesus resurrection •• Christian texts new testament, old testament, bible•• Christianity becomes a large religion in Rome•• Satin is a fallen angel who defied “god”•

• Important places, Jerusalem and where “Jesus” did his teachings• Qana where Jesus made his first miracle • • Christians belief in angels