Page 1: CHURCH OF S BERNARD · Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone:



One block west of Rice Street on Geranium Avenue



One block west of Rice Street on Geranium Avenue

JULY 5, 2020

Anointing of the Sick & Communion for the Sick & Homebound

Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements

with Fr. Ivan

Baptism of Infants

Marriage Preparation

Couples anticipating Christian Marriage need to contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding

date they desire. After a pre-nuptial interview with a priest, a specific date will be set. Marriage preparation classes

are required.

Parish Staff Pastor

Reverend Ivan Sant

Associate Priest

Reverend Joseph Kureh

Accountant Jim Rice Secretary Gloria Nava

RCIA and Missionary/

Internship Program David Neira

Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay

Music Director Mary Beth Redmond

Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton

Parish Office Phone: (651) 488-6733

Fax: (651) 489-9203


Facebook Page:

Page 2: CHURCH OF S BERNARD · Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone:

Page 2 St. Bernard

A Word from Fr. Ivan

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28).

The Lord does not reserve this phrase for certain friends of his, no; he addresses it to “all” those who are weary and

overwhelmed by life. And who could feel excluded from this invitation? The Lord knows how arduous life can be.

He knows that many things weary the heart: disappointments and wounds of the past, burdens to carry and wrongs to

bear in the present, uncertainties and worries about the future.

In the face of all this, Jesus’ first word is an invitation, a call to move and respond: “Come”. The mistake, when things

go wrong, is to stay where we are, lying there. It seems obvious, but how difficult it is to respond and open ourselves!

It is not easy. In dark times it feels natural to keep to ourselves, to ruminate over how unfair life is, over how ungrate-

ful others are, how mean the world is, and so on. We all know it. We have had this awful experience a few times. But

in this way, locked up inside ourselves, we see everything as grim. Then we even grow accustomed to sadness, which

becomes like home: that sadness overcomes us; this sadness is a terrible thing. Jesus, however, wants to pull us out of

this “quicksand” and thus says to each one: “Come! — Who? — You, you, you”. The way out is in connecting, in

extending a hand and lifting our gaze to those who truly love us.

In fact it is not enough to come out of ourselves; it is important to know where to go. Because many aims are illusory:

they promise comfort and distract just a little; they guarantee peace and offer amusement, then leave us with the lone-

liness there was before; they are “fireworks”. Therefore Jesus indicates where to go: “Come to me”. And many times,

in the face of a burden of life or a situation that saddens us, we try to talk about it with someone who listens to us,

with a friend, with an expert.... This is a great thing to do, but let us not forget Jesus. Let us not forget to open our-

selves to him and to recount our life to him, to entrust people and situations to him. Perhaps there are “areas” of our

life that we have never opened up to him and which have remained dark, because they have never seen the Lord’s

light. Each of us has our own story. And if someone has this dark area, seek out Jesus; go to a missionary of mercy;

go to a priest; go.... But go to Jesus, and tell Jesus about this. Today he says to each one: “Take courage; do not give

in to life’s burdens; do not close yourself off in the face of fears and sins. Come to me!”.

He waits for us, he always waits for us. Not to magically resolve problems, but to strengthen us amid our problems.

Jesus does not lift the burdens from our life, but the anguish from our heart; he does not take away our cross, but

carries it with us. And with him every burden becomes light (cf. v. 30), because he is the comfort we seek.

When Jesus enters life, peace arrives, the kind that remains even in trials, in suffering. Let us go to Jesus; let us give

him our time; let us encounter him each day in prayer, in a trusting and personal dialogue; let us become familiar

with his Word; let us fearlessly rediscover his forgiveness; let us eat of his Bread of Life: we will feel loved; we will

feel comforted by him.

It is he himself who asks it of us, almost insists on it. He repeats it again at the end of today’s Gospel: “learn from me,

and you will find rest for your life” (cf. v. 29). And thus, let us learn to go to Jesus and, in the summer months, as we

seek a little rest from what wearies the body, let us not forget to find true comfort in the Lord. May the Virgin Mary

our mother, who always takes care of us when we are weary and overwhelmed, help us and accompany us to Jesus.

Page 3: CHURCH OF S BERNARD · Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone:

Prayer Line Please call

Shirley Collett at (651) 488-6330

Mass Readings for the

Week of July 5th

Sunday: Zec 9:-10/Rm 8:9,11-13/Mt 11:25-30

Monday: Hos 2:16,-17b-18,21-22/Mt 9:18-26

Tuesday Hos 8-4-7,11-13/Mt 9:32-38

Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3,7-8,12/Mt 10:1-7

Thursday: Hos 11:1-4,8e-9/Mt 10:7-15

Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Mt 10:16-23

Saturday: Is 6:1-8/Mt 10:24-33 Sunday: Is 55:10-11/Rom 8:18-23/Mt 13:1-23

Page 3 St. Bernard

Please pray for the sick and homebound

Mary Nordine Margaret Datko

Lloyd Anderson Lorraine Eheim

Theresa Griffith Bernice Labarre

Devra Shepherd Yur Reh

J. Harringer Delores Schloesser

† Mass Intentions †

Saturday July 4 Independence Day

8:30am Richard Stadler

4:00 pm † Edward Gunter

Sunday July 5 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am † Lucille Lutz

10:30 am † Judy Barta

2:00 pm Parish

Monday July 6 St. Maria Goretti

8:30am † Bria Leier

Tuesday July 7

8:30am † Marcella & Henry Tschida

6:30pm (Spanish)

Wednesday July 8

8:30am † Jean Tschida

Thursday July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong

and Companions

8:30am † Larry Kitto

Friday July 10

8:30am † Dorothy Zschokke

6:30pm (Spanish)

Saturday July 11 St. Benedict, Abbot

8:30am † Dorothy Zschokke

4:00 pm † Edward Kneissel

Sunday July 12 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am † Dorothy Zschokke

10:30 am † Dorothy Zschokke



We have implemented an new way giving to our parish through

online, on our website,

with a credit or debit card, you can make a donation on the

window on our parish website entitled “Donation to our Par-

ish”. At this window there is also an option to set up recurring

direct deposits on a weekly or monthly basis.

If you would like to make a donation by check, you can mail to

the address of the Parish Office:

1160 Woodbridge St, St. Paul, MN 55117



Weekly-Sunday 6/28/2020

Actual Budget

Envelope Income $3,229 $4,807

Plate 368 725

Gas/Lights 35 125

Campus Repair 116 70

Year to Date:

Envelope Income $232,797 $249,964

Plate 37,181 37,700

Gas/Lights 6,496 6,500

Campus Repair 5,339 3,640

Capital Campaign Update Total Pledges: $920,298

Payments to date: $836,502

Amount Remaining: $ 83,796

Boiler repair funds collected: $17,952

Page 4: CHURCH OF S BERNARD · Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone:

St. Paul, Minnesota Page 4

Parish News & Events

Apply for Marie Tschida Pranke Scholarship

Funds St. Bernard’s invites all parishioners with children attend-

ing Catholic high schools to apply for a scholarship from

the Marie Tschida Pranke Scholarship Fund. This fund

was initially established when Marie Tschida Pranke

died. The funds were originally distributed to students at

St. Bernard High School until the school closed in 2010.

The amount of each award will be based on the number

of applicants. The funds are sent directly to the Catholic

high school that your child will be attending. Please send a request to the parish office at 1160 Wood-

bridge St. or to the administrator at

[email protected]. Include the stu-

dent’s name, parents’ name(s), Catholic high school

name, grade your child will be in for the 2020-21 school

year. Requests should be submitted by May 13, 2020.

Funds will be sent to the high school when attendance is

verified by the school in the fall. However, we will notify

you of the amount of the award by June 17.

Projects Approved by our Finance Council

Grade School Brick work: As many of you know, the Grade

School building brick desperately needs a tuck pointing. Our

maintenance team has been looking into this to determine the

most economical way we can do this work. They reached out to

various local tuck pointing companies. They found a construc-

tion company called Quality Restoration. The price of this

work will be as follows: $38K for the tuck pointing and all brick

and mortar material, approximately $10-15K for the high-lift

renting, and approximately $20K for the sheet metal capstone.

Boiler #1 leak Repair. Last winter we had Boiler #2 repaired

from the same cause. We have to do the same repair to the

other boiler, boiler #1. The cost of this repair is about $25,000.

All the finance for the work will come from our savings, which

we have mainly saved from the school rental income.

If anyone is willing to give a donation toward these projects you

can do so by addressing your donation to Building Repairs.

If you have any question about these project please do not hesi-

tate to contact Fr. Ivan or Tim Struntz (President of the Fi-

nance Council) or John VanCura our maintenance manager.

Dates for Pre-Sacrament Prep Classes

If permitted by State Authorities and the Archdiocese, we hope to have

three meetings on Sundays July 12th and one meeting on the July 19th after

the Spanish Mass at 2:00pm to prepare for the Sacraments. On July 12th,

we will meet with the parents in two separate groups for English and

Spanish, either after the 10:30am English Mass or after the 2:00pm Span-

ish Mass in the Church, respectively. On July 19th, we will practice with

the children, all in one group, after the 2:00pm Spanish Mass ends.

Thursday, July 23rd at 7:00pm in the Church we will have a parents’ meet-

ing, followed with Confessions for the Confirmation high school stu-

dents. Both parents, candidates, and their sponsors for Confirmation

should be present.

Dates for Sacraments

Sunday, July 26th: First Reconciliation and Communion-

English Group

Jason Hernandez, Steve Polson, and Elizabeth Doherty’s Eng-

lish-speaking students

Reconciliation: 9:00am in the Church

First Communion Mass: 10:30am English Mass in the Church

Includes Karenni Baptisms and Confirmations from RCIA

Sunday, July 26th: First Reconciliation and Communion-

Spanish Group 1

Patricia, Angel, Jason Hernandez, Steve Polson, and Elizabeth

Doherty’s Spanish-speaking students

First Reconciliation: 12:30pm in the Church

First Communion Mass: 2:00pm Spanish Mass in the Church

Sunday, August 2nd Baptisms, First Confession and Com-

munion-Spanish Group 2

Miriam Omana’s Spanish-speaking students

First Reconciliation: 12:30pm in the Church

First Communion Mass: 2:00pm Spanish Mass in the Church

Includes Baptisms of Spanish-speaking children & also youth

from Fr. Ivan’s class

Includes the Spanish-speaking First Communicants from Fr.

Ivan’s class

Friday, July 31st Confirmations of High School Students

Ms. Diana Orellana’s High School Confirmation group

Confirmation Mass: 6:30pm in the Church

Page 5: CHURCH OF S BERNARD · Internship Program David Neira Refugee Liaison Hsawreh Sharpoehtay Music Director Mary Beth Redmond Parish Administrator Ryan Thornton Parish Office Phone:

St. Paul, Minnesota Page 5




For more information call: (551) 221-7847

Neocatechumenal Way

Dates: Sunday, June 28

& All Sundays in July

(5th, 12th, 19th, 26th)