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Vitiligo Research Foundation

VRF Bioinformatics platform

enabling discoveries for Vitiligo via cloud

based Medical Records Management

and genetic analysis

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About Cyscom


• Technology software vendor, UK based with offices in Europe and Asia

• Specializes in cloud (internet based) software delivered as a service model

• Range of business applications for industry (finance, health care, retail…)

• Unique in data analytics and interactive visualisation, using only browser

• First in market with cloud based BioInformatics platform and applications

• Developed VRF Bioinformatics platform with MRM

• Launching with Oxford University, cloud based biomarker platform

enabling targeted clinical trials for new generation of personalized cancer

drugs (600 currently in pipeline) – expected 30-40% trial cost savings

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World map of Vitiligo presence across countries


New innovative cloud based technologies and research tools positively

impact for finding discoveries for orphan diseases such as Vitiligo

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Combining science & cutting edge computing technology


The challenge: the role of various genetic and

lifestyle factors are complex and make the

current simple genetic testing of limited use.

VRF approach: dramatically increase the

quantity of research data including patient

profile, medical records, SNPs tested and

environmental factors

the goal is to be develop objective and reproducible tests that diagnose

susceptibility to Vitiligo.

More research can identify genetic and

lifestyle factors that contribute to Vitiligo

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• available research data sets are largely

unstructured with inconsistent methodologies,

reporting methods and measurements

• size and breadth of evidence is insufficient to

draw definitive conclusions (e.g China as

population is typically not factored in any data


• priceless genetic research data is often locked

in ‘information silos, namely in research


• lack of available tools to structure and analyze

the increasing volume of research data being


Current limitations for genetic analysis becoming a diagnostic tool

current tools are not collaborative

Combining science & cutting edge computing technology

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2 new advancements introduce possibilities for a breakthrough

Bioinformatics platform

Cloud Medical Records Management (MRM) + more efficient genetic analysis

dramatically increases the quantity of data than can be collected, analyzed

Patient data collection Patient genotyping

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Introducing the VRF Bioinformatics platform for Vitiligo

Bioinformatics platform

Platform Highlights

• Cloud based innovation – no software to install

• Database of Genes, SNPs associated to Vitiligo

• Medical Records Management

• Bio-repository for unified data sets, knowledgebase

• Tools for cross-analysis of phenotype, genotype & blood tests

• Private research workspaces for collaboration & data sharing

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VRF Development Road Map and Deployment Plans

Bioinformatics platform

Cloud Medical Records Management (MRM) + more efficient genetic analysis

dramatically increases the quantity of data than can be collected, analyzed

Phase 2 (Q3 2011) Phase 1 (completed)

Platform Tools for Researchers

- Extensive Database of Genes, SNPs

- Repository of 125 + blood properties

with norms, calculation rules

- MRM: Patients records with diseases,

examinations, analysis, treatments

- Statistical analysis tools: cross-analysis of

phenotype, genotype and blood test results

- Private Researcher Workspaces

- Collaboration tools to share research data

with other researchers

Platform Tools for Doctors, Patients. Labs

- User self registration and provisioning of

Workspaces for managing health records

- Collaboration tools to manage interactions

between for doctors, patients and labs

- Lab order management system Gene

analysis and Blood exam

- Knowledgebase for Vitiligo research,

treatments, clinics, physicians

- Vitiligo community site, clinical trials, support

groups, new treatment approaches

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Bioinformatics platform for collaboration and sharing data

Bioinformatics platform

Platform components and tools provide ready R&D environment, genetic

analysis services and patient medical histories

• Secure, private R&D workspaces with testing records and genotype analytical tools

• Patient workspaces to order gene analysis, medical history and treatment records

• Physician workspaces to order gene analysis, patient records and treatment info

• Community for professionals to track patients post-testing and treatment + support groups

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Bioinformatics data collection and aggregation

Bioinformatics platform

Gene Data Bank: central global repository for quantifiable and verifiable

statistics on genetic research for Vitiligo

• R&D institutions: free access to repository to

upload test data with analytical tools

• NCBI: meta analysis of published research

papers and articles

• Physicians: voluntarily provide anonymous

patient data e.g. gene analysis services

• Consumers: opt-in to disclose anonymous

medical history and gene analysis results

Data collection is key for generating discoveries

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Database compiled, normalized and structured for fast analysis and comparison of test

results across multiple genetic and patient related factors

Extensive database aggregated and verified

Bio-repository empowers researchers and physicians to obtain the most

accurate and recent genetic links to melanoma/vitiligo

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Cloud computational tools analyze large data sets

Technology powered analytics

Cutting edge Bioinfomatics tools analyze gene carrier risk to Vitiligo

• access and analyze data

via internet, any browser,

device or O/S

• data visualisation tools

with real time data

• interactive, visual controls

with drill downs

• browser based with no

software downloads

• analyze/query millions of

records in 1-2 seconds

• share & collaborate on

discoveries with

researchers, doctors

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Advanced graphical interface enables users to analyze patient profiles

and genotypes to discover relationships and patterns

Technology powered analytics

Interactive data visualisation

software enables analysis over any

number of complex dependencies

• Find active genes that contribute to

increase/decrease in de-pigmentation

• Co-relate Vitiligo to Sex, Age, Weight,

Skin Type, Hair Color….

• Track and measure Vitiligo progress

with examination records and


Stratify patients by blood test results

that co-relate to disease progress

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Advanced graphical interface enables users to analyze patient profiles

and genotypes to discover relationships and patterns

Technology powered analytics

Stratify patients, by genotype results that co-relate to disease progress

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Deep Zoom Imagery analyzes and compares progression of disease by

patient, genotype, treatment, stages and other criteria

Technology powered analytics

High Resolution (100 MB+/image) images converted to Deep Zoom format for fast

vizualisation and analysis of 10,000 + images in 1-2 seconds

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Post-analysis, web application enables doctors and patient to analyse

& interpret results based on patient profile & medical history

Technology powered diagnostics

Patient Records Management + Interactive analytics enables discovering correlations

between genotype, blood tests, patient profile and medical history

- Patient statistics

- Examinations

- Symptoms

- Analyses results

- Diseases

- Treatments

- Disease progression

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The cloud is the perfect environment to share and exchange data that

can produce breakthroughs in medical science

Advancements in developing treatment

The power of social media to share information with family, relations, health care professionals

Share the melanoma/vitiligo treatments that worked for you

• Share your genetic profile: look for

similar conditions in other people,

especially family members

• Let doctors and research scientists

view your profile to identify links with

other patients that share the same


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VRF Bioinformatics delivers benefits across health care consumers,

professional communities and businesses


For Individuals & Families

become aware of health risk factors and manage risks across a lifetime with a

preventive treatment approach

For Health Care Professionals

utilize genetic analysis as an important diagnostic tool for understanding patient

health risks and find extensive research studies with recommended treatment

For Researchers & Scientists

deep analysis of large patient population’s genetic profiles, lifestyle factors,

diseases and treatment results provides important data on what drugs can be

effective in treating specific genetic related diseases

For Businesses

manage key employee health risks including health insurance and medical care


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Contact Information


Thanks for watching!

Prem Couture, Cyscom [email protected]

Yan Valle, VRF Foundation [email protected]