
Cold WarCh 32

I. IntroductionCold War- No Fighting

Soviet Union continued to expand after being given territory during and after WWII

United States tried to go back to isolationism but felt they could not with the Soviet Union causing problems

Berlin was divided up among the WWII VictorsBoils down to West (Democratic) and East (Communist)

Berlin Wall (Nov 9, 1989)

Berlin Airlift

II. Cold War

Western European colonies started to break free from their western bonds

Soviet Union stepped into this power vacuumInstalled Communist Regimes in Eastern Bloc (Eastern Europe)

US steps up to stop Soviet unionTruman Doctrine- “the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.”

Marshall Plan- US loaned money to help Western nations to rebuild

II. Cold WarNATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization

US, Canada and Western Europe

Warsaw PactSoviet Union and its Eastern Europe satellites

Soviet Union and US were on the verge of a nuclear war

MAD- Mutually Assured Destruction

II. Cold War

Increase in formal espionageUS- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Soviet-  Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (KGB)- State Security Committee

UK- MI-5 and MI-6

Corona and Hexagon Programs

II. Cold WarAreas of Conflict

Resulted as a part of Containment Policy

KoreaAlready divided as a result of post WWII treaty

Communist North attacks South Korea

US gets involved and pushes into North Korea

China backs up North Korea

General MacArthur relieved of duty for trying to invade China

Ends back at the 38th N. Parallel

II. Cold WarAreas of Conflict Continued

VietnamUS got involved as a result of France asking for help

Communist North was trying to take over Democratic South

Up until that point- Most ordinance ever dropped

Up to 550,000 American troops

US pulls out as a result of extreme anti-war pressure at home

South Vietnam later falls

II. Cold War

Areas of Conflict ContinuedCuba

Communist Fidel Castro took over

Bay of Pigs- Failed rebellion

Soviet Union planned on building a military base and missile base on Cuba (October 14-28, 1962)

Almost brought about an armed conflict

Soviet Union eventually backs off on the missiles but keeps the military base

II. Cold WarSpace Race

Sputnik- 1st man-made satellite October 4, 1957

Soviets first man in space on April 12, 1961

US- 1st men on the moon July 20, 1969

PurposePlan was to gain surveillance advantages

1st goal was manned surveillance

2nd goal was satellite surveillance

Concern was a nuclear missile satellite

III. Changes in Society

United States and most of Western Europe went through an economic boom

Europe formed the European Union- made trade easier-eventually brings about Euro

Increase in materialism and consumer goods

Welfare State- Started with Great Britain as a result of the hardships of the war

Government became more involved in economic planning

Tried to even out social inequalities for poorUnemployment, medical care, family assistance and public housing

Does improve overall life of poor but at a cost to taxpayers

III. Changes in Society

Women Revolution and Sexual RevolutionIncrease in Leisure activities- women have more time with use of appliances

Peers become more important

Women enter into workforce and more goods are marketed to them

Women gain the right to vote

Easy access to divorce

Birth Control

III. Changes in Society

Pop CultureCoca-cola-nization/ Americanization Spread of US goods to Europe

The Beatles

US TV- Bonanza & Dallas

IV. Downfall

Soviet Union was very repressiveLimited Orthodox Church

Most of power held under StalinPurges and excesses

Stagnant Economy- but boasted greatness

Nikita Khrushchev- gained power after Stalin- DeStalinization

Allowed a little more freedom

Major economic “Economic Contest” with US

Cuban Missile Crisis


Space Race (part)

IV. Downfall

Invasion of Afghanistan under BrezhnevUS and Allies got involved

Funded mujahideen

Brought to light the problems of Soviet Union

Economic downfallAlcoholism

Unrealistic economic plans

Quantity vs. Quality

CIA missed this?

V. Conclusion

Cold War brought about some of the problems with Afghanistan and under terroristic organizations

Soviet Union eventually collapses
